NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors. This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs – Concerts – Workshops

1 Invoking Sacred Space
Co-creating a Nature Sphere around the room with the Nature Spirits, the Intelligence of Nature and the Pure Energy of Nature. All vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Then welcoming a magnified conscious connection to Archangel Michael.

2 Clearing and Releasing energies from your body, chakras and larger aura.

3 SONG: Recharing your body and energy field

4 Releasing Sacred Space

Excerpted from the Practitioner Training Workshop 2016.

This meditation includes a channeled healing song. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon or Norma's website,

Direct download: QuickTimelyHealing.mp3
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