NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors. This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs – Concerts – Workshops

This month's healing song ties directly into the energies of change we are experiencing. Just as we often find comfort in the known, we often project a sense of impending discomfort around the unknown. Certainly we are all traipsing into a new field of consciousness now. Whether it expresses itself as one of politics, health, finances or intimate relationships, our new consciousness is revealing changes in our world.

No matter the area of our life in which issues related to intense change appear, we can make the impending transition smoother and arrive more easily by gracefully relinquishing our conscious (and unconscious) hold on what must now pass away.  Here are some additional insights and a healing song to help you do just that.


A song for dealing with change and making choices
Sacred Passing from the Earth

from Norma's album
Songs of Spirit: live sound healings


For those of you interested in listening to the Meditation I gave on Choices and Change (during the Full Moon/Solstice) it is now online as a free streaming video at the Healing Chants FaceBook page. It includes two spontaneous sound healings and lots of healing energy.


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