NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors. This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs – Concerts – Workshops

Insights from Archangel Michael, Blessings from Mary, and four new healing songs from Atamira, Norma’s Hathor guide.


Creating Sacred Space
  Welcoming those Nature Spirits vibrating at their level of unconditional love.

Identifying and Releasing Old Emotions Held in Your Low Body
 Our personal energetic emotional packets attract energies to attach like Velcro to us

You Can Help Energies Go Home
All that is happening in the world is actually of service to each person.

How We Pray Matters
What is the next step for the patterns that are playing out in our world right now? 

4 Songs from Spirit
Norma’s Hathor guide Atamira lays her energies into these songs, improvised in the moment to reflect the energetic context and healing possibilities of those listening.

Resolving Restlessness 

Clearing Pain 

Lavame Wash Me 
Lavame dentro del mar  Wash me in the sea (of tranquility)
Lavame en la miro  wash me in her gaze
Entero, lavame  I am made whole, wash me

Kyrie Eleison  Creator Compassion  
Kyrie, Creator  a word that existed before the Greek language
Eleison, from Latin, meaning compassion

A Blessing from Mary

Meditation to Release Emotions and Beliefs 
Emotional energy packets held within our aura and body ultimately deepen our connection to our Soul and Spirit. Our job as humans is to identify them, especially the painful and emotional ones, allowing them to move to wherever they need to go to now to be of service.  

Releasing Sacred Space

A Benediction from Mary
May you go in grace.
  May you see beauty
  May you hear with a heart full of compassion

If you have any comments, I am glad to receive them.  The best email is

Donations can be made to this same email, or through the website. Your financial and energetic support is deeply appreciated.

My music is available on Apple Music and Amazon. CDs are available at

This is #66 of a series of freely offered Meditations from sound shaman Norma Gentile




Direct download: EnteringPeaceFINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EDT

Create Ease, not Effort
Resting into Healing

A deeply restful healing meditation from Archangel Michael and Mary, speaking through Norma Gentile. Let yourself lie down, close your eyes, and come to rest into those natural processes that surround and support you. 

Energies may assist to release pain and discomfort in the legs and lower body. The soft tender tissue behind the knees, the spherical chakras at the ankles and the chakras on the bottom of the feet are included in this healing meditation.

Opening the lower portion of the body allows congested stuck energies to flow more easily throughout the body. This may also help with headaches and sinus issues.


Falling asleep is a known side-effect of listening to this meditation.  Be in a quiet place where you can listen and not be disturbed.

Norma Gentile
sound shaman

Direct download: CreateEaseNotEffort.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:31pm EDT

A Meditation for Renewal

Four new songs

Thoughts on the Healing Process
Opening Your Energy Body to Deeper Healing
Cycles of Creation
Our Lower Chakras Follow Larger Creative Cycles
Clearing Your Pelvis

Releasing Tension by Clearing Other People’s Guides (Top of Neck – Inside Head – Third Eye)
Updating Your Life Plans (and the guides / angels to help you)

Grounding into Your Own Energies within the Earth
Illusionary goals vs Achievable Goals
Resetting Third Eye for Clear Psychic Vision


Within each cycles of creation there is a period of Renewal.  During this time we acknowledge all the cycles initiated in the past, and know that we carry with us all that is coming from our past. In this meditation you have the opportunity to identify and release what you do not need from the past to carry into the future.

Nothing is stagnant; not even things or ideas that appear to us as being permanent.  Our consciousness is changing rapidly, and the forms around us in the world must also adapt and change each day. We can no longer find stability in the sameness of things.  We can only find stability inside of ourselves.
-Norma Gentile, sound shaman

for more information and music see


Direct download: RENEWAL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:26am EDT

Insights and Healing Meditation

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








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is available at





to Norma's Newsletter

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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more

Seeing the Other Side



Spiritual Truth, Survivor Guides, Entities and Compassion

PDF essay only


Dear Friends,

Sometimes the world stage puts Spiritual Truths and issues front and center. Today is one such moment.

The term Brainwashing is much better understood than Gaslighting. But being Brainwashed implies that there is some weakness or infirmity that allows someone to become a victim. Hence, I and others have been using the less well-known term Gaslighting. At this point in time I feel that using the more obscure term of Gaslighting has kept many people from quickly grasping what is happening. People are being Brainwashed through the tools associated with Gaslighting.

Therefore, I believe that Brainwashing is a good popular term to utilize when talking about Trump's followers. They have been gaslighted to the point where their reality is the reality that he is projecting to them and there is no other way for them to perceive reality. Energetic cords from their low bodies hook into low-level entities residing with Trump. When the cords are activated the follower's bodies have a deep fear response. It is as if their lives are at stake.

Controlling this fear response are the psychic energy pictures that we all 'see' when listening to someone talk. These pictures are often accompanied by body sensations. In normal life these psychic energy pictures let us 'see' and 'feel' what someone is describing; a lively dance party or quiet sunset, or the emotional pain of loss.

The speaker can also use false images, conveying to listeners Bright Shiny psychic pictures of being skinny or rich. (TV ads and politicians are great examples).

Trump and the entities are experts at sending people pictures that they not only WANT to believe but (due to the low body energy cords being pulled) MUST believe. It is not fantasy. It is survival.

His entities pull the body cords and the only option they believe they have to save themselves is to do what Trump tells them to do.

Their Third eye is full of psychic pictures sent by Trump and the entities. They cannot see the outer world.

Is there a Spiritual Solution?

These entities cannot tolerate being seen. They are not in tune with his Soul. They are not in tune with his body. They are not in tune with the Souls and bodies of his followers.

If you can, during meditation, come to a place of stillness. Maintain that stillness while turning your Spiritual gaze towards his followers. Let their rageful fear be a curiosity to your spiritual and psychic vision. Try asking:

- Are these emotional outbursts really arising from their Soul's expression through their body?
- How do the Souls involved want to connect to their own bodies now?

We need not fix the entities or Trump or those responding to it. Know that the entities are themselves in profound fear. They have been caught up in Earth's timeline for several generations. Here is the scenario my guides shared with me:

Entering into the Drumpf family in Europe, a group of guides helped a young, quiet scared man find his voice and the emotional strength to survive. As a result, these Survivor Guides kept him alive and he eventually had children who in turn had children and those children had Donald Trump. What are now entities of destruction began as strength providing Survivor Guides.

With this awareness, we can thank them for keeping the vibration of the original Drumpf family present here on Earth. This vibration was deemed essential for the Earth's spiritual evolution. That is why they came to help the original ancestor, named Drumpf. This DNA lineage has not only survived, but flourished. From a state of neutrality and compassion, we ask the entities to 'feel' that linear time has now moved far beyond their entrance point. And we acknowledge that they have done what they came to do. They have succeeded in completing their task. Many generations of healthy Drumpf family members are vibrating within the Earth. So their task is complete. It is time to go. The Survivor Guides can go home.

Gratitude releases all Beings, including Survivor Guides that are so old they have become out-of-tune entities. My sense is to offer thanks for their saving the scared young man named Drumpf centuries ago in Europe. This lets anyone currently alive that they are inhabiting release the entities gently and easily when their own Soul and body deem the time is right.

This is not a forced healing. This is an offering for Survivor Guides, long lost, to return home.

Many people have old Survivor Guides that have jumped from one generation to the next. The farther away from their original linear time they get, the less Survivor Guides understand the current situation. Survivor Guides that helped parents save and be thrifty during the Depression now magnify hoarding tendencies and the fear of releasing (things, emotions, beliefs) as well as promoting difficulty in deeply relaxing and sleeping in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Spiritual Truth and Survivor Guides

Ideally, Survivor Guides are acknowledged and released as soon as danger has passed. Making a religious trip or committing to some service in Faith are good examples of how people released them in the past. During this time the person consciously acknowledges and thanks those Spiritual Beings who supported them, and this naturally lets the Survivor Guides know their work is complete, and that they can leave. This can also happen in a ceremony towards the end of someone's life.

If that doesn't happen, the Survivor Guides jump out of people as they are dying and into another (usually) DNA related family member. They tend to choose someone with a similar gender and emotional/mental makeup. For this reason I often see old Survivor Guides magnifying chronic habits in those living now. Now, we can't blame Survivor Guides from our grandparents for our behavior or chosen experiences, but they don't' help us make better choices either. And as long as they are connected to living people here in current time, they are unable to return to the Spiritual dimension where they can update themselves. Yes, even Survivor Guides learn and grow!

The Drumpf family, now known as Trump, is doing a Spiritual service to let us all see so many things that American society needs to address. Just as I offer the idea of entities being previously supportive Survivor Guides, I hope that we can each see the healing aspect of the various issues now before us.

May we lean our attention towards those guides and angels in human and energetic forms who bring us into deeper states of compassion and understanding.

-Norma, with a little help from Archangel Michael
January 7, 2021

PS - the audio recording of the New Year Meditation, RENEWAL will be available in the next day. Watch for it in another newsletter. My album of healing music, Songs of Spirit, is also a good option to help Survivor Guides release.

Here are a few songs from the audio mediation "Calming Chaos", available as a free podcast here.

HINT: if you want to hear all the notes, LISTEN WITH HEADPHONES / EARBUDS)



(voice / piano)
The Challenge:Growing Beyond Who We Were

Who we are now and how we each express ourselves into the world is changing. The obstacles to doing things as we did them in the past can be guideposts for developing new talents and freeing our Soul to express itself in previously unimaginable ways. Let yourself wander through the notes of this song, and see how you feel when you emerge on the other side.


(voice / piano)
New Wonder: Beholding Opportunities

Where are these opportunities for change? When we see only mountainous obstacles engulfing us, it is impossible to imagine each as opportunities. Letting ourselves come first into a place of feeling vulnerable towards what we feel is overwhelming, allows us to recognize the possibility for change that already exists within the obstacles themselves. This change exists only when we ourselves are ready to step into a transformative stance. Here is a song to help you access your inner transformational ability. You can see the world anew.



(voice / singing bowls)
All is Sacred
Created by Humans and God, All is Sacred

Stillness is Sacred. Changing directions, whether it is while driving a car or in living our lives, is easy to do after coming to a full and complete stop. When life seems to come to a stop moment, it is not the end, it is a sharp turn. Where you have been and where you are going are part of the same path. You could not have gotten here unless you traveled the path you did up until this very moment. Judging the past, present or potential future as being 'wrong' is a very human way of measuring life by a yardstick built by western society. Who you are is always Sacred, Who you are now is Sacred. How you choose to move forward on your path is your Soul's Sacred Choice.


(solo piano)

A moment of Reflection to clear the palate

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered by phone or Skype or Zoom) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here

If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Tender Strength
a song and insight to empower the Sacred Masculine within each of us
(from a previous December Solstice Concert)

Empowering our Expression of the Sacred Masculine

Much has been spoken in the last few decades about the rising of the Divine Feminine, and now it is time for the Sacred Masculine to be afoot. It is available to each of us through the choices we express in daily life and living. Here we honor the empowerment within that allows us to be present as a tender expression of the Sacred Masculine.



Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info





​December 31

Online / Phone Meditation


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone / Zoom / Skype





Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!


sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)



Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.
Subscribe today!

Meditation #61 from January 10, 2020

Is it an Obstacle or a
Spiritual Redirection?
Includes the healing song Remembering Home

LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home

Norma's music is available on 
Apple MusicCDbabyAmazon and most streaming services.




Apple Music

Listen to mp3



Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive and be constricting to our lives, we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. (Especially our Navel Chakra and First Chakra)

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies that we pick up from others as if they were our own.

Here is an audio meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.




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Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EDT

Insights and  Meditations include:

- Creating Sacred Space (how and why)
- Choosing Your Path (through saying 'no' and listening to your inner High Heart, which is not the same as the Traditional Heart Chakra)
- Coming to terms with peer pressure to 'fix, fight or flee' external events
- Turning your own passion into power and acting accordingly
- Releasing Sacred Space and returning to the world.

Category:blog -- posted at: 5:30am EDT

From sound shaman Norma Gentile and her guides Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathors, an hour long meditation to assist you with chaotic energies. Singing Bowls, voice and piano interspersed with ideas to help cope with energetic currents in this time of transition.

more at:


Direct download: sh.2020_06_20.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:31pm EDT

Insights and Healing Meditation

sound shaman



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Video Courses








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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more





Will we shift our focus from adoring authority figures (profane masculine) to honoring the Sacredness in our World?

Dear Friends,
In meditation my guides are sharing insights about current world issues. I found these ideas helpful, and share them here with you. I offer a Healing Meditation this Thursday, March 19 at 10pm EDT / 7pm PDT by phone and online video. See my Calendar or the Healing Chants Facebook Page.

Sometimes Spirit hides clues in obvious places. Consider this:


Corona means Crown: a Symbol of Authority
Corona: A Luminous Discharge of particles (the Sun's corona)

What if the Corona Virus is a representation of a radical shift in human consciousness? What if its appearance is an opportunity to remove our worship of a crown sitting upon the head of any single human leader, and place our attention upon the Spiritual Crown that encircles all of humanity? 


This comment attributed to Albert Einstein (from a book by Ram Dass and often referred to by Marianne Williamson) directly addresses to our situation. We are attempting to solve, out of panic, a situation brought about by decades of decisions made themselves out of fear and panic.

What is the larger issue? Environmental destruction, potential cataclysmic societal upheaval, emotional turmoil? No. These are all results. The larger issue is lodged deep within our (potentially transforming) human consciousness.

The solution is not found in external 'fixes' but in our internal reconnection. This is a process of transformation, not resolution.

As a child I was rewarded for solving problems quickly, and according to society's expectations. As an adult, I see our society's pattern to emphasize quick solutions. It is explained away as being human nature to choose to relieve pain with a instant albeit short term solution rather than to make a considered decision that brings about slow but sure transformation.

A considered decision arises from a combination of four elements; body intelligence, heart or emotional intelligence, mental perception, and what we know as our spiritual support system. When we make a decision with all four of these elements interlaced together, we may move in a direction that doesn't immediately seem to resolve the situation.

But upon stepping back and seeing a larger world view, our chosen movement will make sense in terms of the movements of other people in the world. Now, more than ever, we move as a group consciousness upon this Earth. And we have the power to transmute issues within this shared group consciousness.

Few of you reading this would argue that humans have been responsible for the growing toxicity in our physical world. My guides point out the relationship between our decision making process and the toxic environment we are growing accustomed to living in. Toxicities come in all forms; physical, mental and emotional. When we take an action towards a short term solution to any problem we don't really resolve the larger underlying fundamental issues that are causing the problem. We merely create a situation where the problem pours itself out as a different type of toxicity into our world.

As a result we have corporations (i.e. medical practices) to alleviate the symptoms of mental, emotional and physical imbalances caused by living in this toxic stew. There is nothing wrong with having mental, emotional and physical illness. They are a sign that our world is toxic. Our hearts, minds and bodies are responding appropriately!

As we listen to our world, and our own personal piece of the Earth, (our bodies), we recognize that the quick solutions we are accustomed to applying are causing more and more pain. Few of us understand the undertaking that true healing and transmutation of any illness or imbalance is. The healing process of transmutation isn't linear. It isn't (usually) quick. And yet it happensÅcusually when you least expect it. For myself, it is more like a journey than a place to arrive at.

One of my spiritual mentors wrote about journeying along the path of spiritual enlightenment. Walking upon this path, one could explore many different temples, and even build one's own. Many people find that they are content to settle down in a temple and cease traveling along the spiritual path. There is nothing wrong in that. The error comes in not recognizing that the path continues past each temple, and has endless potential. It is only when we forget that there are Spiritual potentials all around us that we loose sight of our transformational power.

When we make a decision or change out of panic or ungrounded unrealistic fear we crave an instant solution. Our medical system (and most of our systems) are geared towards rewarding instant progress or instant relief from some sort of pain or issue. We simply don't have systems that identify the larger picture surrounding an issue, and then examine what is causing that larger picture. By not addressing the fundamental cause of this larger picture within which this one issue thrives, we are unable to step into the transformational process.




Problems rise up into our awareness. They are always rooted in much deeper issues.


Each time we settle for a quick solution that addresses only the visible painful issue, we also create multiple toxicities in our world. For example, I love my iPhone, but the radiation it emits damages my body. I prefer to pay less for food, but chemicals in non-organic food damage the environment and my body. I enjoy being able to drive my car but the gasoline pollutes the air. Electric cars have electromagnetic fields that are harmful to living tissue. Their batteries and our computers rely on scarce and precious minerals that destroy the Earth when mined incorrectly.

Now, I don't mean to make it seem like there is no solution! There are solutions, but they are not simple and linear. Remember, we are in an age of transformation of human consciousness. This transformation will be reflected in our outer world. And the rules of resonance apply.

Transformation - Resonance and Healing
In physical terms our gut bacteria comprises much of our immune system. In energetic terms our immune system is largely based in our thymus gland. This is an unheralded gland that sits in the center of the chest, beneath a bump in the sternum. It is slightly above the physical heart and a few inches below where the neck and shoulders meet. This gland can be larger than the physical heart at birth, but it slowly shrinks throughout childhood until it becomes (physically) a walnut sized fatty tissue that is dormant in adults.

However, I recognize it as the true energetic core of our immune system. It is also where all the energies from our Traditional Heart Chakra are sorted out and assigned individual tasks. Each of these energetic tasks held within the thymus gland to us whatever it is that our Soul has designed for us to do now in life. When it is closed or clogged, we lose our gusto and are uninterested in focusing and working towards goals.

What helps keep the thymus energetically active is joy. Joy in the expression of who we are while doing what we love to do. As we express our passion, energies move through our body that also keep the liver in good health. The liver cleanses our lungs, blood, and part of our lymphatic system - thus eliminating toxins from our body, The liver's process supports our immune system so it can rev up when it needs to.

All this is to say that doing what you love to do and taking care of yourselves is the greatest thing you can do right now to keep your own immune system healthy and vibrant. In this way we each can continue to function well in this world. And as we each continue to function well in the world, our presence encourages others to express who they are and what they are here to do in this world.

Just as viruses can be transmitted from person to person almost through thin air. so too can an appropriate response to the situation be transferred via spiritual energetic resonance to other people. Since those of you reading this are most likely intuitive and in touch with your body, you already have recognized that you need to prioritize your own self-care. Continue your meditation practice, get outside into Nature, enjoy yourself and have fun! All of these activities opens your thymus gland chakra (the High Heart Chakra) and stimulates your immune system energetically.

As we each do this, there will be a natural tone, or energetic packet of information, available to the rest of the population. This information says "Yes, you know you could panic! Or you can just take a breath, find your body, feel your feet, and tune into what you need to do and what you don't need to do right now."

When we are in a state of panic or ungrounded fear our energy field contracts. So does our body. It is more difficult to 'hear' our guides and angels. Our aura has literally pulled away from the space they reside in around us. When we take a moment to breath and remember our roles as spiritual co-creators in this process of transforming human consciousness...well, it sort of puts things in perspective. When we move out of panic and fear, our aura expands, and our guides and angels can again easily communicate with us.

When we take an action based on this unified consensus of our spiritual support guides, our mind, our heart and our body's intelligence, we are taking an action that leads to expansion, not contraction, of our energy field and our life force. This decision leads to a sense of being fully present in our bodies and that presence resonates and is available for other people to remind them that they too can be fully present in their bodies. They need not focus on and react to external panic stimuli.

Join me for a meditation (this Thursday March 19 at 10pm EDT / 7pm PDT) to look at the underlying issues behind the current wave of fear and panic, while appreciating that this may be a part of how we transform human consciousness. For phone numbers see the Calendar Page of my website and I expect to stream it live on the Healing Chants Facebook Page.

Thank you for reading this little missive, and I look forward to connecting with you all soon.

(with ideas from Archangel Michael and Mary)



A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Tender Strength
a song and insight to empower the Sacred Masculine within each of us
(from the December Solstice Concert)

Empowering our Expression of the Sacred Masculine

Much has been spoken in the last few decades about the rising of the Divine Feminine, and now it is time for the Sacred Masculine to be afoot. It is available to each of us through the choices we express in daily life and living. Here we honor the empowerment within that allows us to be present as a tender expression of the Sacred Masculine.



Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info








Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


March 19​
10pm​ EDT

Healing Meditation with Norma and her guides (Archangel Michael, Mary, and the Hathors)


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.
Subscribe today!

Meditation #61 from January 10, 2020

Is it an Obstacle or a
Spiritual Redirection?
Includes the healing song Remembering Home


LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music,CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.




Apple Music

Listen to mp3




Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive and be constricting to our lives, we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. (Especially our Navel Chakra and First Chakra)

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies that we pick up from others as if they were our own.

Here is an audio meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.




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Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



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Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:general -- posted at: 4:31am EDT

Insights and Healing Meditation

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online


Explore Norma's Online Classes







Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more





and healing song
Remembering Home

Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive (and be constricting to our lives), we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.



Dear Friends,
I can't help but be aware of the rising tide of tension and conflict in the world. it surrounds but does not need to engulf our lives. Taking time each day to remind ourselves of our own priorities and our own inner stillness allows us to feel what we are in tune with, and what we need not give our deep attention to.

I offer an audio meditation and new healing song below, as well as information about a Gathering of Healing Music and Meditation in Ann Arbor. Please join me!

Is it an Obstacle or Spiritual Redirection?
Healing the Lower Body and Finding Your New Direction in Life
listen to audio meditation now

As a psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. Especially into our first, second and navel chakra.

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies from the world. We pick up energies from places we have walked through (like a shopping mall) and people we email with, talk about, and have been around. Unlike energies that interact with our upper chakras, these energies come into our low body and lower chakras in a way that we can't really make sense of them.

As our brain receives neurological input from our low body and lower chakras that 'something' is happening, it has no context to process the information. Nothing is actually happening to you in the physical world. So the mind draws from our past. We are reminded of similar experiences we have gone through, and beliefs related to those experiences.

The emotional and mental energies around our own experiences envelope the energies entering into our low body and low chakras. When we feel into our low body, we believe that this newly acquired energy must be our own energy (and experience) because it is encased within our own energies. In order to fully take it into ourselves, we append it to a story we have written about ourselves.




'Because I was never seen as valuable'

'Because I was never pretty enough'

'Because I always piss people off in a certain way when I am who I am'

In this way we take into our bodies energies that don't belong to us, we wrap our own energies around them, and then we feel responsible to somehow heal or fix them.

Here is a meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.

LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home


Please join me in an afternoon of chant, toming and healing meditations in Ann Arbor


------ Saturday, March 7 from 2-5pm- - - Ann Arbor




Full Moon
Healing Music
and Meditation Gathering

Wipe away the winter grey with an afternoon of healing music and participatory chant. Come experience singing, toning and meditation with sound shaman Norma Gentile, while bathing in healing energies from her guides (usually Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira).

This is a relaxed informal gathering. Feel free to bring your meditation cushion and a blanket if you like. Regular comfy padded chairs are available too.

NORMA GENTILE has 30 years of experience as a conscious channel for healing music, Spiritual Beings and healing energies. She has written for The Sedona Journal of Emergence, is the sound shaman for Drunvalo's Spirit of Maat online magazine, and has been cited by Yoga Journal for evoking "intimacy, trust, and abandonment in God" through her singing.

Sugested Donation
$35-$45 at door (cash/check)
or online now.






Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth
704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


Here are some topics we may include in our time together.


Conveying Healing Energies when you Speak and Sing
Applying Music/Toning to Reiki and Energy Healing

Connect more Clearly to Your Guides & Angels

Tapping into your own Pranic energy for physical regeneration

Improve Your Voice
Deepen your Breathing and Quality of Sound

Grounding & Centering in Difficult Circumstnces
Welcoming Nature & Earth Energies in Meditation





Tender Strength
a song and insight to empower the Sacred Masculine within each of us
(from the December Solstice Concert)

Empowering our Expression of the Sacred Masculine

Much has been spoken in the last few decades about the rising of the Divine Feminine, and now it is time for the Sacred Masculine to be afoot. It is available to each of us through the choices we express in daily life and living. Here we honor the empowerment within that allows us to be present as a tender expression of the Sacred Masculine.



Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info









Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


March 7​

a day of Healing Music and Meditation

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.
Subscribe today!

Meditation #61 from January 10, 2020

Is it an Obstacle or a
Spiritual Redirection?
Includes the healing song Remembering Home


LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music,CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.




Apple Music

Listen to mp3




Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive and be constricting to our lives, we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. (Especially our Navel Chakra and First Chakra)

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies that we pick up from others as if they were our own.

Here is an audio meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.




Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 9:28am EDT

Insights and Healing Meditation

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online


Explore Norma's Online Classes







Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more




Opportunities in life appear when we are ready to acknowledge them. But the changes that allow us to see major opportunities in our life must come first.


Dear Friends,

I am always in awe of how we make profound and lasting changes in our lives. Making any fundamental change within ourself offers the opportunity for those in our life to consider similar changes in their lives. This happens not through force, but through the resonance of Spirit. If you wish to explore this a bit more, keep reading, and consider joining me this Saturday, March 7 for a Workshop/Gathering - Learn to Interprete the Energies of Spirit into Healing Tones & Songs - (Listen to a song created in this manner by a group of women here)
- -

Creating Change in our World through Spiritual Grace
The most potent changes we make in life are those that we don't realize we have made. Usually these happen out of Spiritual Grace. They happen quietly while we sleep, and bit by bit when we aren't 'trying' to change ourselves. They happen when our mind releases its need to control our thoughts, our body and emotions. These shifts happen when we enjoy someone's company, a good movie, or let ourselves be carried away by beautiful music. Profound changes happen when our hearts are open, our mind is quiet, and Spirit is allowed easy access to our life. These shifts move the potential that our Soul has for us into our conscious awareness. This conscious awareness is the view we have of the world through our mind.

I was taught that the role of a teacher is to imagine the potential of a student, and help the student take small steps in the direction of that potential. For example, as a vocal coach I have a sense of what someone's voice might sound like with less tension and easier air flow. I don't expect them to realize that potential in a single lesson! It is a journey, and a potential to work towards.

Likewise, as an energy healer and channeler, I see the potential for clients to have greater personal clarity about choices they are making, and easier engagements with their physical world. Especially their physical bodies. I see the disconnect between our minds and our bodies as the primary cause of difficulty in expressing our Spiritual nature out into our world.

Because of this disconnect between mind and body, there are potentials in our lives that we don't even let ourselves think or imagine are possible. When I mention such a potential to someone they simply don't hear it or completely misunderstand what I am saying. The real healing work isn't to convince them to understand or acknowledge the potential I am pointing out. Rather, my job is to remember the potential for them, and help them identify and clear the obstacles they see and feel in their lives today. Over time, usually months and sometimes years, the potential slowly comes into their view.

These potentials appear when we are ready to acknowledge them. The changes that allow us to see major potentials in our life must come first.

These changes happen because we are not trying to mentally impose change. They happen when we cease trying to bend the world to reflect our personal will. The changes that precede our seeing potentials our Soul has for us in life happen naturally. They travel along a consonant sympathetic resonance between our body and our mind, which flows through our open heart.

"No changes happen other than those your Soul and body are ready to make."

This is the promise that the guides who work through me have given me. And it applies in my energy work with others. I am drawn lately to pondering how I might be forcing changes in my life to take the form and shape that my mind believes is best, therefore missing those changes that my Soul has already placed before me.

The mind is viewed in the Western culture living alone in the head of the body, and it is the ruler of our life. But what if the mind is meant to be the great listener to the wisdom of the body and the passion of the heart? What if thinking were a process undertaken by the entire body and the Spiritual energies that surround and support us? What if thinking was not meant to be our mind telling Spirit (or our body) what to do? Perhaps true thinking is a process of taping into our ability to find silence within our mind, and then allow ourselves to listen to our body's wisdom and heart's compassion. This is how we enter into a state of active listening.

For myself, that is what happens in the deeply quiet moments during meditation. And these quiet moments happen when I sing and chant as well. And while sharing energy healing with others.

May we each embrace the possibilities that are offered from Spirit, and find the courage to look beyond the desires of our mundane mind.

(with a little help from Mary)

Here is an audio meditation to help identify and release obstacles to change, and help you connect your mind and body through your heart. Listen Now (Is it an Obstacle or Spiritual Redirection?)

Please join me this Saturday in Ann Arbor





Interpreting the Energies of Spirit
into Healing Tones & Songs

Spiritual energies interact with us as intuitive knowing, physical sensations, visual images and sacred guidance. We can also learn to interpret Spiritual Energies and let them flow through us as toning, chanting and improvisatory singing.

Below is an example of a song where Spirit sang through those singing together. If you feel drawn, please join me to explore how Spirit can move through your voice, whether in speaking or singing or toning. You need not be a musician &endash; although that can be helpful. This is open to all who want to open more deeply to expressing who they are more fully and offer healing to their world.




How the Soul Speaks to God
- - - (a Song from Spirit, improvised and recorded at a live event)


Lord, you are my lover,
My longing,
My flowing stream,
My sun,
And I am your reflection.


- poetry by Mechtild of Magdeburg


Women's Ensemble Members:
Norma Gentile, Lindsay Passmore, Tammy Renner. Laura Hitt


Come experience singing, toning and meditation with sound shaman Norma Gentile, while bathing in healing energies from her guides (usually Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira).

This is a relaxed informal gathering. Feel free to bring your meditation cushion and a blanket if you like. Regular comfy padded chairs are available too.

NORMA GENTILE has 30 years of experience as a conscious channel for healing music, Spiritual Beings and healing energies. She has written for The Sedona Journal of Emergence, is the sound shaman for Drunvalo's Spirit of Maat online magazine, and has been cited by Yoga Journal for evoking "intimacy, trust, and abandonment in God" through her singing.

Sugested Donation
$35-$45 at door (cash/check)
or online now.
















Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth
704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


Here are some topics we may include in our time together.


Conveying Healing Energies when you Speak and Sing
Applying Music/Toning to Reiki and Energy Healing

Connect more Clearly to Your Guides & Angels

Tapping into your own Pranic energy for physical regeneration

Improve Your Voice
Deepen your Breathing and Quality of Sound

Grounding & Centering in Difficult Circumstnces
Welcoming Nature & Earth Energies in Meditation




Tender Strength
a song and insight to empower the Sacred Masculine within each of us
(from the December Solstice Concert)

Empowering our Expression of the Sacred Masculine

Much has been spoken in the last few decades about the rising of the Divine Feminine, and now it is time for the Sacred Masculine to be afoot. It is available to each of us through the choices we express in daily life and living. Here we honor the empowerment within that allows us to be present as a tender expression of the Sacred Masculine.



Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info









Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


March 7​

a day of Healing Music and Meditation

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at Apple and Spotify and wheverever you get your podcasts.
Subscribe today!

Meditation #61 from January 10, 2020

Is it an Obstacle or a
Spiritual Redirection?
Includes the healing song Remembering Home


LISTEN TO THE SONG: Remembering Home

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music,CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.




Apple Music

Listen to mp3




Healing the Lower body helps us Find Our New Direction in Life.

While both an Obstacle and a Spiritual Redirection can feel restrictive and be constricting to our lives, we can better feel the difference between them when our lower body is freed from the energies of others.

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But very often we don't recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. (Especially our Navel Chakra and First Chakra)

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies that we pick up from others as if they were our own.

Here is an audio meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on. As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.




Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 9:22am EDT

As I psychic, I am aware that the low chakras of our bodies are just as sensitive and empathic as our head and heart chakras. But we don’t recognize when information is coming into our bodies through these low chakras. Especially into our first, second and navel chakra.

Because of this, we end up trying to process energies from the world. We pick up energies from places we have walked through (like a shopping mall) and people we email with, talk about, and have been around. Unlike energies that interact with our upper chakras, these energies come into our low body and lower chakras in a way that we can’t really make sense of them. 

As our brain receives neurological input from our low body and lower chakras that ‘something’ is happening, it has no context to process the information. Nothing is actually happening to you in the physical world.  So the mind draws from our past. We are reminded of similar experiences we have gone through, and beliefs related to those experiences.

The emotional and mental energies around our own experiences envelope the energies entering into our low body and low chakras. When we feel into our low body, we believe that this newly acquired energy must be our own energy (and experience) because it is encased within our own energies.  In order to fully take it into ourselves, we append it to a story we have written about ourselves. 

     ‘Because I was never seen as valuable’
     ‘Because I was never pretty enough’
     ‘Because I always piss people off in a certain way when I am who I am’

In this way we take into our bodies energies that don’t belong to us, we wrap our own energies around them, and then we feel responsible to somehow heal or fix them.

Here is a meditation to clear energies, especially from your low body and lower chakras, that you have taken on.  As they leave, the issues that are truly yours to address and heal will be revealed.

Direct download: ObstacleSpiritualRedirection.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:42pm EDT

Dear Friends,
I share with you a brief message that came through just now. It seems timely...perhaps it will speak to you as it did to me.

from Mary:
Wounding of the Heart is a common theme. Whether it is from life circumstances, or long-ago acquired habits, a closed heart is seldom by design of the Soul. Rather, the human heart seeks to breathe with life and expand to love all that the human who serves as its host encounters.

What is it you most seek? It is what you most desire. Only when the heart is closed (even a little) do you seek for that which you do not truly desire. Seeking after what another finds pleasurable leads you not upon your own journey, but into a stray wilderness.

Even your spiritual or psychic visions in this wilderness reflect what is not truly within your heart. Gazing outside of yourself, you see only the goals and destinations that another's world seeks. This world would have you seek these goals only, as that is its purpose; to be in service to the Heart's journey (and human) who created it.

The heart, Your Heart, is the dissolver of other's images. The heart, Your Heart, is the bearer of Truth, and the See-er of Dreams. You Heart alone embraces your dreams. The heart of another sees only the other's dreams.

Be not swayed by the dreams of others. These are for you but fallacies. Allow them to pass by you like whispers on the wind.

Why are you, any of you, here now?

Not to dance within the wilderness or dreams of another. But to dance with ecstatic beauty within you to your own Heart's Creation.

Mary, through Norma
January 7, 2020



Category:blog -- posted at: 11:31pm EDT

Insights and a New Healing Song

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes







Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more




A thought and a song for this Solstice Season

I love how at the end of a healing experience, such as listening to music, watching a great orator or immersing oneself into art, our body responds to the shift in consciousness that arises from within us.

God abides within and all around us. This is the remembrance that the pagan holy days around Winter Solstice, now celebrated as Christmas, seek to draw out of us. At this time of year the dimming outer light allows our inner light to be more visible.

We often begin our spiritual journey seeking God external to ourselves, and ultimately find this consciousness of love already nestled inside of ourselves. Music reminds us to look within our hearts, for God resides there already.

May each of you find your unique inner world and reside within it during all the seasons of the year.



Here is a song, offered as a preview to my Winter Solstice Concert in Ann Arbor on Saturday, Dec 21 at 8pm. More concert info after the song.



Ubi Caritas et Amor
Deus ibi Est

Where Compassion and Love are,
God Abides there also

Listen Here Now (mp3)

The music is an improvisation from a live healing concert, edited into 4 part harmony. The original Latin text dates from the 10th century.


This digital photo captured energies in the room as I sang in candlelight.





If you feel moved to, please join me on December 21 for another time of Sacred Songs, Candlelight, and Healing Energies.

And bring friends!


------ Saturday, December 21 at 8pm - - - Ann Arbor


Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the Winter Solstice

Plan Ahead and Reserve Your Tickets Now
$20 Suggested Donation (cash/checks at door)

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth
704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, Michigan
(just south of the I-94/State Street exit)

Tibetan Singing Bowls


Harmonic Droning

and lots of wonderful
deeply healing energies.


Come, bathe yourself in Sacred Sound and Healing Chants.

You are welcome to bring your meditation cushions and blankets, if you prefer not to sit in traditional chairs. You may also contribute, if you like, a scent-free natural bees wax candle (in a holder) to place on the altar. Flowers, crystals or personal items can also be left on the altar. All of these can then be taken home with you freshly cleared and charged after the meditation concert.

Doors open for seating at 7:30pm.

P.S. - Impress your friends by letting them know that Norma's singing is described as "devotional ecstasy" by Yoga Journal.


If you have attended one of my events then you know that there is a point where the atmosphere in the room is rich and Spirit is tangibly present. When this moment occurs in a concert, I invite all those present to add their voices and move with me as I sing. Here is that moment, unedited, unscripted, from a recent Meditation Concert, where Spirit sang through all of us.

ANOTHER SONG: Mother of Eternity (close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen now)


Yes, my music is on most streaming services.

Best Way to Purchase a CD or Download is through

Not sure? Click here for more info







Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)



Full Moon Meditation (phone/online)

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

Meditation #60 from October 13, 2019

Your Wellspring of Being
Includes video excerpts and a healing song





Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present

Healing Through our Imperfections

Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life





Apple Music

Listen to mp3

& more information



Great to induce a good night's sleep!

This meditation includes an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

During this meditaiton each person's body is encouraged to tap into its own innate Wellspring of Life.

- Recognizing how you are already connected to Archangel Michael
- Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present
- Meditation (you can repeat) to Thoroughly Clear your Body and Aura (2-4-6 Meditation)
- Healing Through our Imperfections
- Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life
- Your second chakra determines the level of comfort that your Soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime.
- Releasing connections to Other People and Guides and Angels who have completed their task during this meditation

Norma's music is available on 
Apple MusicCDbabyAmazon and most streaming services.




sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio



& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 5:42pm EDT

Dear Friends,
I am convinced that as part of our spiritual journey, our Soul offers us a certain amount of difficulty in life… but most of us create difficulty at a level that is far beyond what our Soul really wants our body to exp
erience. Especially when we are in situations where old patterns arise, what is emerging from within us can feel less potent and powerful than what it truly is.

Here is a healing song and short meditation to remind yourself and your body of the quality of energy that your Soul truly wants you to experience and interact with now in Life.

As you watch this, keep in mind that a group of people moving in sync can impact the energy of a room and of a space. Not by inflicting this quality of energy upon others, but by making it more visible. A group of people moving in sync can demonstrate a means by which humanity can begin to make choices where we flow together.

There is a wonderfully nourishing quality of energy that we forget when we are interacting with the mundane world and not taking time for ourselves. I believe this quality of energy may not only nourish our bodies, but may also provide a sort of connective energetic fabric between all beings.

What if this thick, rich smooth energy actually reflected the shared unconscious of all those (not just humanity) in form? What if it were shared by all Beings of conscious and all things in form? How does your body want to remember that this energy is already within you?

Watch the short video
Tapping Into Your Wellspring of Life. or listen now to the Healing Song: Resolved to help you remember and tap into this rich energy within you.

Please feel free to let me know what you notice happening as you watch or listen to the video or healing song. You can listen to the full audio meditation the song and video come from,
Your Wellspring of Being.

If you are in the Ann Arbor area, please join me for my
Solstice Meditation Concert on Saturday, December 21. Candlelight, chanting, singing bowls, and lots of wonderful warm healing energies. Please let folks living in the area know about it!

My blessings to each of you,

Direct download: TappingInto_Wellspring_Video_Audio.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:59am EDT

Insights and a New Healing Song

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes







Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more




Remembering Who You Are

a short video meditation
and healing song


Dear Friends,
I am convinced that as part of our spiritual journey, our Soul offers us a certain amount of difficulty in life… but most of us create difficulty at a level that is far beyond what our Soul really wants our body to experience. Especially when we are in situations where old patterns arise, what is emerging from within us can feel less potent and powerful than what it truly is.

Here is a healing song and short meditation to remind yourself and your body of the quality of energy that your Soul truly wants you to experience and interact with now in Life.

As you watch this, keep in mind that a group of people moving in sync can impact the energy of a room and of a space. Not by inflicting this quality of energy upon others, but by making it more visible. A group of people moving in sync can demonstrate a means by which humanity can begin to make choices where we flow together.

There is a wonderfully nourishing quality of energy that we forget when we are interacting with the mundane world and not taking time for ourselves. I believe this quality of energy may not only nourish our bodies, but may also provide a sort of connective energetic fabric between all beings.

What if this thick, rich smooth energy actually reflected the shared unconscious of all those (not just humanity) in form? What if it were shared by all Beings of conscious and all things in form? How does your body want to remember that this energy is already within you?

Watch the short video Tapping Into Your Wellspring of Life. or listen now to the Healing Song: Resolved to help you remember and tap into this rich energy within you.

Please feel free to let me know what you notice happening as you watch or listen to the video or healing song. You can listen to the full audio meditation the song and video come from, Your Wellspring of Being.

If you are in the Ann Arbor area, please join me for my Solstice Meditation Concert on Saturday, December 21. Candlelight, chanting, singing bowls, and lots of wonderful warm healing energies. Please let folks living in the area know about it!

My blessings to each of you,


 SOLSTICE MEDITATION CONCERT - - - Saturday, December 21 at 8pm - - - Ann Arbor


Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the Winter Solstice & Full Moon

Plan Ahead and Reserve Your Tickets Now

Buy Online

Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chanting, Harmonic Droning and lots of wonderful deeply healing energies.

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth -- 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, Michigan (just south of the I-94/State Street exit)







Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)




A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!




Insights on welcoming the role of Unconditional Love, as defined by Nature, into our healing process. And two healing songs to demonstrate this.



Sound Shaman Norma Gentile share insights on welcoming the role of Nature's definition of Unconditional Love into healing practices and demonstrates with a spontaneous channeled healing song and a medieval chant (O rubor sanguinis) by St. Hildegard of Beingen.

O rubor sanguinis
(O Ruby-red Blood)
is available on Norma's albums

Meditation Chants of Hildegard von Bingen
Unfurling Love's Creation



Meditation #60 from October 13, 2019

Your Wellspring of Being
Includes video excerpts and a healing song





Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present

Healing Through our Imperfections

Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life





Apple Music

Listen to mp3

& more information



Great to induce a good night's sleep!

This meditation includes an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

During this meditaiton each person's body is encouraged to tap into its own innate Wellspring of Life.

- Recognizing how you are already connected to Archangel Michael
- Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present
- Meditation (you can repeat) to Thoroughly Clear your Body and Aura (2-4-6 Meditation)
- Healing Through our Imperfections
- Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life
- Your second chakra determines the level of comfort that your Soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime.
- Releasing connections to Other People and Guides and Angels who have completed their task during this meditation

Norma's music is available on
Apple Music, CDbaby, Amazon and most streaming services.




sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness





created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio



& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 2:53am EDT

Insights and a New Healing Song

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more




Did you ever notice how a belief or chronic life issue is so ingrained into life that you don't notice it anymore? We don't even consider there may be a causal energy behind it that we can change.

Here's a new in-depth audio meditation for that. And a short video too!


Dear Friends,

In the past few weeks I have been asking myself what is most fitting to be doing (or not doing) right now. The time change plunged part of the active day into darkness, and as I write this the snow is glistening outside here in Michigan long before Christmas Carols are being sung by any choir not associated with a major retail store. This has made the change of seasons even more obvious, and a bit abrupt! But it has gotten me in the mood for my Winter Solstice Meditation Concert on Dec 21 in Ann Arbor. (Please share with friends)

I know that with each external shift there is naturally an internal shift that has been quietly underway for awhile. So now comes the season of listening to what our internal guidance is already shifting us towards, and being in that state of deep patience where we can allow the shift to fully complete before we attempt to translate it into external form. Patience is the hardest part of this process for most people.

I offer below a link to my most recent audio meditation, Your Wellspring of Being, offered on the last Full Moon. The meditation includes an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

I am also including below a short video excerpted from the meditation. It's pretty packed full of information you can use in both energy healing and day to day living so you may want to watch it a few times.  

I continue to be amazed at how a belief or chronic issue can be so ingrained into our life that we don't notice it anymore. Maybe you recognize some of these beliefs/assumptions?


- I have always had a bad knee
- My mind is always busy and full of chatty thoughts
- I am just not good at...
- I just don't sleep well

At some point in our life we made a choice to own these patterns as a part of who we are. But these are merely our experience. We have become so accustomed to assuming this is just the way things are that we don't even consider there may be a causal energy behind these patterns. And the causal energy is almost always connected to an old guide or angel.

Check out the Video Excerpt Here:


audio only / video

Full Audio Meditation Here
Your Wellspring of Being


How often do you find yourself having worries that distract you from focusing on daily life?

Or perhaps you constantly pickup emotions from others? Did you know your body can even have sensations, aches, pains and illness related to old energies?

Old energetic patterns are often held in place by Guides and Angels from the past.

Watch the video and see what you notice happening...

Text of Video -
Guides and Angles from the Past cause Issues in the Present

If something doesn't feel quite right in the physical body, if it feels a little heavy or stagnant or even painful), or if you are noticing something like a looping thought, or a series of chatty thoughts in your head; that can be one or more guides constantly pushing at your brain, and as a result creating these loopy thoughts. Emotions can also arise, without seeming to have a reason, and they are often connected to a loopy thought - like a worry.

Here are some examples

Oh my God what if..
Oh that's going to happen…
Oh I have to do…

Again, these worries and thoughts reflect something that is not really you and that is not really yours. They are being triggered, (the thought, the emotion, the physical sensation), by guides and angels that simply aren't in tune with you anymore.

So notice whatever you are noticing happening around you. Focus in on whatever you are noticing, and ask it: Is it really You? Is it really Yours?

No matter what it looks like, no matter how much you feel like you should fix it…give it permission to simply move to wherever it needs to go now. It may be on its way home.

So often we forget that there is a consciousness within everything we perceive as energy. If random energies organize into any sort of pattern, be they thoughts, emotions, physical sensations…there is a conscious within them. That consciousness knows what to do and where it can go to.

When you ask 'is it really me? Is it really mine?' you are giving the conscious within the emotion you are feeling, the thought you are thinking, and the physical sensation you are experiencing permission to be active, and to take action and to leave.

If there is something you need to know about the emotion, thought or physical issue, chances are you will know it as it pops out. If you are not getting anything, you probably have already figured out what you needed to know, and you just didn't let the pattern go all the way out of your energy field. If you feel like you can't let it go because (it's bad and you have to fix it), or because (it might hurt someone) or because…even ask that sensation if it is really you and really your desire to not release it?

The desire to know everything about a pattern causing looping thoughts, a lack of emotional boundaries and physical 'owies' is almost always linked to holding onto old guides and angels.

So if you feel like you can't let go because you've got to know all about it, or you've got to understand…ask if that need to understand is even yours. I trust that if there is something you need to know about a pattern the information will come to you through a comment, something you see online, a book you happen across…you will get the information.

When your current time guides and angels have more space to operate in your body and aura, information flows much easier from them to you. The quality of energies generated by your body is more in tune with your body. Your life choices improve as your spiritual vision is clearer as well.

Many blessings to each of you,



 SOLSTICE MEDITATION CONCERT - - - Saturday, December 21 at 8pm - - - Ann Arbor


Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the Winter Solstice & Full Moon

Plan Ahead and Reserve Your Tickets Now

Buy Online

Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chanting, Harmonic Droning and lots of wonderful deeply healing energies.

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth -- 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, Michigan (just south of the I-94/State Street exit)





Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)


A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!




Insights on welcoming the role of Unconditional Love, as defined by Nature, into our healing process. And two healing songs to demonstrate this.


Sound Shaman Norma Gentile share insights on welcoming the role of Nature's definition of Unconditional Love into healing practices and demonstrates with a spontaneous channeled healing song and a medieval chant (O rubor sanguinis) by St. Hildegard of Beingen.

O rubor sanguinis
(O Ruby-red Blood)
is available on Norma's albums

Meditation Chants of Hildegard von Bingen
Unfurling Love's Creation


Meditation #60 from October 13, 2019

Your Wellspring of Being
Includes video excerpts and a healing song





Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present

Healing Through our Imperfections

Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life





Apple Music

Listen to mp3

& more information



Great to induce a good night's sleep!

This meditation includes an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

During this meditaiton each person's body is encouraged to tap into its own innate Wellspring of Life.

- Recognizing how you are already connected to Archangel Michael
- Guides and Angels from the Past cause Issues in the Present
- Meditation (you can repeat) to Thoroughly Clear your Body and Aura (2-4-6 Meditation)
- Healing Through our Imperfections
- Meditation and Sound Healing: Tapping into Your Wellspring of Life
- Your second chakra determines the level of comfort that your Soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime.
- Releasing connections to Other People and Guides and Angels who have completed their task during this meditation

Norma's music is available on 
Apple MusicCDbabyAmazon and most streaming services.




sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 6:28am EDT

Enjoy an extended clearing that you can repeat on your own, followed by a nourishing healing that is both spoken and sung.

During this meditation each person’s body is encouraged to tap into it’s own innate Wellspring of Life within each chakra, cell and atom. 

Best enjoyed with your eyes closed, resting deeply.  Great to help induce a good night's sleep!

Direct download: YourWellspring.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:49am EDT

Insights and a New Healing Song

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.

Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment

How Healing Happens
and how to let it happen more



What if...

Health is the result of living according to our Soul's Path.

Our health may not always appear to be perfect. We are not meant to be Plastically Perfect. Our health (emotionally, physically and mentally) is meant to reflect those issues (challenges) that our Soul desires to experience in our lifetime.

Healing is the process by which we maintain ourselves upon our Soul's Path.

It is an ongoing process. There is no ultimate resolution. We never stop healing because our Soul never ceases in its quest for new experiences. Our Soul continues to learn throughout our lifetime and after our death while between lifetimes. This learning process is what we experience as healing.

How and Why we Confuse Health with Healing
Insights from Mary, through Norma

Dear Friends,
Many of you know me as an energy healer and channeler, others know me as a singer. This weekend I bring these two aspects together as I (and my guides, usually Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathor known as Atamira) lead a workshop and Equinox healing gathering. For those not in the Ann Arbor area, I am offering a group healing meditation by phone/online during the Full Moon on Oct 13.

The following insights are from Mary, who speaks alone through me at some points, as well as a blended or combination of Mary and my own energies, working through me to clarify common human life experiences. I decided to indicate the change back and forth as the energies are palpably different. And this way you get a sense that 'channeling' isn't necessarily a big deal - guides and angels surround us and interact with us all day long.

from Mary:
Health is the result of living according to our Soul's Path.
Our health may not always appear to be perfect. We are not meant to be Plastically Perfect. Our health (emotionally, physically and mentally) is meant to reflect those issues (challenges) that our Soul desires to experience in our lifetime.

Healing is the process by which we maintain ourselves upon our Soul's Path.
It is an ongoing process. There is no ultimate resolution. We never stop healing because our Soul never ceases in its quest for new experiences. Our Soul continues to learn throughout our lifetime and after our death while between lifetimes. This learning process is what we experience as healing.

from Norma:
Maybe it's the time of year. Here in the US there is a flurry of activity around 'getting back into a routine' after a 'summer vacation break'. Just the idea of separating out activities related to relaxation and enjoying oneself from the daily routine of living makes me very uncomfortable. How can anyone live a daily life that they don't like and therefore feel a need to escape from? And while most of you reading this probably agree, I suspect there are still small things and smallish choices we make out of obligation or unconscious emotions like guilt (I have to do it) and fear (If I don't they won't love me), or shame (If I don't do it they will see me as not good enough).

from Mary, blended with Norma:
All the choices we make, every single one of them, will ultimately impact our mental, emotional and physical health.

Our unconscious fear/shame/guilt is what often drives our focus to something that we believe will heal us. We are confusing the distinction between being on our Soul's Path (Mary refers to this as our 'being whole') and being Plastically Perfect. Advertisements to lose weight, to do something that has always eluded our skillset, or to suddenly be free of worry….all this targets our desire to be free of the unconscious pangs of fear/guilt/shame.

And society chimes in and says that as long as we appear to be healthy externally everyone will like us, accept us, and money will come to us.

Of course, our Soul may have other plans!


Over and over Mary and other guides remind me that the Soul's Path isn't one of perfect perfection. It is one of exploration.

- What has your Soul not yet experienced?
- How much more deeply does your Soul desire to learn about compassion, empathy, and tenderness?

These are qualities found within the great healers and change-makers in our world, and seldom come about by living a life with no challenges.

Whatever your perception is of what is slowing you down, holding you back, or causing pain in your life…turn towards it and recognize that it is a creation of your personality at the behest of your Soul. Your personality creates challenges in this world based on the path your Soul wants to travel.

from Norma:
Now many of you know I constantly ask uncomfortable patterns if they are really in tune with our body and Soul. That is because frequently we draw to ourselves similarly challenging patterns from people around us. This makes the piece of the pattern that is ours to experience much larger than what our Soul meant for us to have. When we tag the physical sensations, emotions and repetitive mind chatter and ask it questions like:

Are you really mine?'

Are you really mine right now?'

Are you really ALL mine?'

what isn't completely ours dissolves. What remains is a bite-sized piece of uncomfortable energies that will continue to create odd physical sensations, emotions and mind chatter in order to remind us that we have an issue. But these symptoms no longer feel overwhelming.

from Mary, blended with Norma:
As we approach any time of quiet in our lives, be it daily meditation, or an Equinox, Solstice, or New Moon, we have an opportunity to turn and address what we find uncomfortable. In the silence of reflection what we are ready to change reveals itself. In this silence we can each ask if all of our experiences now, especially the painful ones, are really a part of our body now, and a part of our Soul's Path.

I find that the urge to reach out towards things that promise to 'fix' something that I find uncomfortable don't work. But we are drawn to them because we prefer to appear healthy on the outside, so that our unconscious fear/shame/guilt will not be triggered or perceived by others. Yet the small seedlings within our unconscious fear/shame/guilt are most often the basis of the uncomfortable patterns that we seek to release from our lives.

from Norma:
Asking 'is this really mine, now?' allows you to clear the excess energies that have been attracted to your unconscious fear/shame/guilt. Your seedling need not have a small forest of trees around it! This process isn't initially easy to do by your self and that is why I offer healing meditations and music, in addition to Private Sessions. And group meditations by phone/online, such as this one coming up soon.

Please join me Sunday, October 13 for a Full Moon Meditation

Sunday, October 13at 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT

Full Moon Meditation

with Norma and her guides (usually Archangel Michael, Mary and the Hathor Atamira)

To Participate:

ONLINE: will be live streamed (audio and video) at the HealingChants facebook page

PHONE: Access Code 654222#
United States (712) 775-7031

View Numbers for other countries

from Mary, blended with Norma:
We each are meant to live a life that is as enjoyable in the autumn and winter as it is in the summer. Daily life is full of spiritual expression and creativity. The flowing of Spirit isn't meant for moments here and there between 'real work' hours. Your unique expression of Spirit is meant to flow through you at all times in all ways and in all places. Your Soul has come to engage with this outer world of our joint creation. Please bring all that you are to our shared process of creation.

Our shared blessings to each of you.
- Norma, with Mary


a healing meditation song
Resolving the Unresolved Issues in Your Life


 Unsticking the Stuck Stuff


I offer this healing meditation song to help you find your own inner knowing that guides you in your journey to resolve whatever issues are ready to be seen, understood and transformed now.






print flyer here



A Sound Healing Practicum Workshop
Experiential Meditations & Practical Insights on using Music for Healing

Sunday September 22 from 2pm-5pm
Ann Arbor, MI

If you feel yourself responding to music or energy healing, and are drawn to explore new ways to create physical health, strengthen emotional responses, and deepen your meditation practice, please come!

$55 registration
Sign Up Now Online (cash/checks best at door

Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard, Ste 280, Ann Arbor



I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


 SOLSTICE MEDITATION CONCERT - - - Saturday, December 21 at 8pm - - - Ann Arbor


Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the Winter Solstice & Full Moon

Plan Ahead and Reserve Your Tickets Now

Buy Online

Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chanting, Harmonic Droning and lots of wonderful deeply healing energies.

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth -- 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, Michigan (just south of the I-94/State Street exit)




Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Sept 22 ​

Sound Healing Practicum Workshop Experiential Meditations & Practical Insights on using Music for Healing from Norma and her guides lInterfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


Oct 13 ​

Meditation (by phone or online) for the Full Moon


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!






Bringing Wholeness to Your Body - Meeting Adversity with Compassion

Opening Your Feet to Grounding




sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunesand at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 2:42am EDT

Insights and a New Healing Song

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment




In these next few weeks the cosmos is aligning so that the uncompromising clarity of light provided by the Sacred Masculine shines into otherwise darkened aspects of our life. Rather than waiting for the energetic phase to pass, we are called to use this time to address what is being illuminated by this spiritual energy.

A Doorway to Resolve the Unresolved Issues in Your Life
Insights and a new healing song from Spirit

Dear Friends,
This time of year is particularly good for seeing and resolving those issues in our lives that keep coming back over and over and over again.

Especially this year! In part that is due to an astrological alignment between our Sun and a star in Sirius. This alignment allows for a stream of energy, best described as Sacred Masculine, to enter into our solar system through Central Sun. If that is all gibberish to you, have no fear! You know how the past couple of weeks have felt? That's what is happening...and in my experience this stream of energy continues into at least mid-September. Meaning we have a few more weeks of intensity to either avoid our issues, or use the intensity to move through an issue.

If you are still reading, you are probably opting to use this energy in a constructive way to clear out or remove obstacles from your life. Here are some ideas, and a healing song to provide you with some support for this process.

During August and much of September, a unique quality of Sacred Masculine energies is available to us. This year the energy is focused upon aspects of our lives that may seem chronically stuck. Oftentimes these are lifelong issues whose chief traits appeared to be dormant until recently.  Something (it could be physical, emotional, or a relationship) that you have always had but assumed it was not worsening or improving. You would describe it as 'just the way it is'.

When the Sacred Masculine energies entering now strike or alight upon this dormant issue in our life, one or more of the traits that this issue presents to us will awaken.  Usually these are irritating and of a chronic, not acute nature. Arthritis, allergies, sleep disturbances, emotional reengagement with uncomfortable situations or people, relationship entanglements and a resurgence in making poor choices - all these are common symptoms of a longstanding life issue asking for our spiritual attention.

Getting unstuck
Resolving unresolved issues that have lingered for years (and perhaps decades) isn't easy. There can be complicated intertwining beliefs that we don't believe are changeable. Again, 'that's just the way it is' is the mantra you are apt to find yourself reciting when considering the underlying beliefs. They will feel insurmountable, as if your entire world lives according to the beliefs. (Because, at the moment, you can't see an alternative.)

What is apt to drive you forward is an inner sense that some part of you is very uncomfortable. This is the part urging action. This part of you knows some change is indeed possible. This part of you knows there is something more.

Don't Guilt Yourself
Oftentimes when we notice what isn't comfortable in our lives we feel ashamed. 'How could I put up with this for so long?' "How stupid that I didn't know better or see this sooner.' Remember, creating a perfect life is what your Soul has already done in other dimensions. This life is for creating issues, and embarking on an exploration of what happens as a result of these issues.

That is why your Soul has chosen to embark in this human exploration. Having a variety of experiences allows your Soul to bring these experiences into the larger shared consciousness of All That Is. When that happens, we each learn from each other's experiences.

In these next few weeks the cosmos is aligning so that the uncompromising clarity of light provided by the Sacred Masculine shines into otherwise darkened aspects of our life. Rather than waiting for the energetic phase to pass, we are called to use this time to address what is being illuminated by this spiritual energy.


What are you ready to unstick?
What is ready and wants to evolve in your life?

Here is an opportunity for fundamental change. Come. Step into your new life.

If this feels right and resonates with you I am available to work one in one in Private Sessions during this time (phone/Skype). I am also offering a Sound Healing workshop in Ann Arbor on Sun Sept 22 focused on adding sound to energy and alternative Healing modalities. All are welcome - you can come just to enjoy the meditations and healing music!

My blessing to each of you,




a healing meditation song
Resolving the Unresolved Issues in Your Life


 Unsticking the Stuck Stuff


I offer this healing meditation song to help you find your own inner knowing that guides you in your journey to resolve whatever issues are ready to be seen, understood and transformed now.







print flyer here



A Sound Healing Practicum Workshop
Experiential Meditations & Practical Insights on using Music for Healing

Sunday September 22 from 2pm-5pm
Ann Arbor, MI

If you feel yourself responding to music or energy healing, and aredrawn to explore new ways to create physical health, strengthen emotional responses, and deepen your meditation practice, please come!

$55 registration
Sign Up Now Online (cash/checks best at door

Enlightened Soul Center
3820 Packard, Ste 280, Ann Arbor



I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


 SOLSTICE MEDITATION CONCERT - - - Saturday, December 21 at 8pm - - - Ann Arbor


Candlelight Meditation Concert
for the Winter Solstice & Full Moon

Plan Ahead and Reserve Your Tickets Now

Buy Online

Tibetan Singing Bowls, Chanting, Harmonic Droning and lots of wonderful deeply healing energies.

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth -- 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, Michigan (just south of the I-94/State Street exit)





Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Sept 22 ​

Sound Healing Practicum Workshop Experiential Meditations & Practical Insights on using Music for Healing from Norma and her guides lInterfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other people. My healings assist in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening the innate creativity and healing potential within each person. I use my intuition, insights from your guides and angels, healing energies and music in this process. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themselves.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!






Bringing Wholeness to Your Body - Meeting Adversity with Compassion

Opening Your Feet to Grounding




sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:general -- posted at: 9:20pm EDT

Two New Videos on Sound Healing

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment



Listening to our Highest Heart
plus new videos with healing songs 

Dear Friends,

There are times where it is easier than other times to find a sense of quiet stability within ourselves, and then see and feel it reflected back to us in our world and day-to-day life. The last few weeks have been like being in a small sail boat trying valiantly to use its own sails to arrive on shore by using the first gusts of an oncoming storm to power it into port. Using the power of the storm can tear the sails, but it is also the quickest means to reach a point of seemingly assured safety. Which has led me to wonder….

By what means do we reach a point of safety in our lives?
I often see people believe that they have reached a safe point by 'playing it safe'. Doing what the world they perceive around them tells them to do and shutting off their own passions and talents is usually the result. This is a choice. Better to be safe than sorry, as the saying goes.

And then there are those choices that we make in direct opposition to what we perceive the world around us is telling us to do. And yet these choices do not lead us into expressing our talents. Choosing something that is simply the reverse of what surrounds us is no less contrary to our Soul's journey than choosing something that fits in with what is around us.

Whenever we are making choices (big and small) based on what is around us, our attention (and energy) is responding to how we perceive our outer world. In order to choose to express who we are (our unique talents and gifts that our Soul desires for us to bring to this physical world) we must listen internally.

If you have worked in private sessions with me, or attended a workshop, you probably know that I find two heart chakras active in most people. The Traditional Heart Chakra (about where the nipples are) and the Thymus gland or High Heart Chakra. The Traditional Heart Chakra is meant to be tuned to the unconditional love that our Soul expresses at all times in all ways. It is a love that comes from our Soul, not our personality. As this unconditional love moves through our body it is retuned by each chakra to fit the immediate connection of our Soul into our body.

When this unconditional love moves up through the Thymus gland or High Heart Chakra, it is transformed into a series of colors or beams of light. Each colored beam (or energy) emitted from the High Heart Chakra reflects something that our Soul wants to explore in life right now. Over time, these colors change, as our Soul takes advantage of opportunities for us to experience, sometimes dramatically, how we are living life.

Whether it is marriage or divorce or job loss or moving or graduating from school, there are points in our lives where what served us in the past (including guides and angels) won't serve us in the next phase of our life. Forcing (usually mentally) ourselves to continue in a routine of behaving as if nothing has changed does not allow us to release old energies, guides and patterns in order to make room for new guides, thoughts, and passions. These old guides most often sit behind the High Heart Chakra, and cause discomfort between our shoulder blades. Releasing them not only frees up our body, but also frees up our mind to think new thoughts and see new opportunities.

We are creator beings, meant to create anew with each moment. What is it that you are ready to create now?


Here are two videos to help you do this. One is a half-hour of gentle healing songs that were drawn through me from my Hathor guide Atamira. It is like a little mini healing concert. As you listen, just relax, lie down, and let yourself enter into the music. The second video is an animated series of insights about using sound in combination with energy healing. Both come from the workshop I co-taught with the Elitom El-Amin (who has lived on pranic energy instead of eating food) for nearly twenty years.os from my workshop with the breatharian Elitom in June 2019


Watch Video or Listen to Audio Only

A mini-concert of Sound Healings

Relax and allow the healing energies that travel upon Norma's voice connect with your own guides and angels. How does your body want to be more fully supported by your Soul? Whatever is impeding this connection can come into your awareness and be released.

Elitom speaks and shares some of his experiences as a Breatharian towards the end of this video clip, which was recorded live during a joint workshop with Norma in June 2019.


Watch Video or Listen to Audio Only

Insights on using Sound with Energy Healing from a Sound Shaman

I address the top questions people have around how to do it and why this works.

Recorded during a joint workshop with the breatharian Elitom El-Amin on Cultivating Pranic Energy in June 2019. This is similar to what we will share in the Ann Arbor workshops Aug 9 & 10, 2019





Before he leaves the US, Elitom will make one last visit to Ann Arbor!


For those who are interested, Elitom will be making one last stop in Ann Arbor (Aug 9 &10) before he leaves the country. He is one of the few full-time Breatharians in the world, and has a truly remarkable ability to cultivate a quality of pranic energy that sustains and regenerates the physical body. Clearly I believe that this quality of energy is important, as I have agreed to teach with him twice this summer while he is in the USA.

Together, we are offering a Friday evening gathering (Aug 9) and Saturday (Aug 10) workshop. These are both experiential. You will have a chance to see and do what Elitom does as part of his daily practice to nourish himself from the Qi or prana all around us. Ideally plan on attending both events if you can. I will be adding my own energy insights and music to assist you in tapping into this nourishing and regenerative pranic energy. The full information is here:




Eating Energy Instead of Food
A sneak peek at how Elitom nourishes himself from energy
Watch Video

Elitom's Daily QiGong Practice

Follow along with Elitom and feel how your own body responds to this pranic energy cultivation technique. This is an informal video, and a good warm-up for the workshops in Ann Arbor on Aug 9 & 10 that he and I will lead.





Elitom El-Amin, breatharian of 19 years
Elitom, a Breatharian for 19 years, has been living on energy, instead of food/water, and invites you to join him in his daily practices to cultivate the prana that sustains him.

Norma Gentile, sound shaman, uses music and spiritual guidance that will amplify your ability to connect with and use the type of pranic energy Elitom demonstrates easily and quickly.




Cultivating Pranic Nourishment
two events in Ann Arbor

Friday, August 9​
7:30pm​ - 9:30pm​
Enlighted Soul Center
3820 Packard Rd, Ste 280


Saturday, August 10​
10am​ - 5pm​
Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth
704 Airport Blvd

Register Now: $20


Register Now: $99
($111 at door)

There are only a handful of true Breatharians (someone who meditates instead of eating) in the world. He invites workshop participants to join him in the daily practices that allow him to energetically connect so fully to Spirit that he no longer needs to eat or drink. He is able to share his process so that those present may begin to sense similar connections awaken within their bodies. These connections are initially used for healing and rejuvenating the physical body.

Elitom is joined by Sound Shaman Norma Gentile, whose training allows her to magnify the energies that Elitom is nourished by, so that all those present can sense how their own bodies want to connect to these same energies.

Experience Elitom's exuberant life force for yourself and join him in his daily practice of cultivating energies. This offers your body easy access to the energies Elitom uses to nourish his body by letting you be with him live, while Norma's music heightens your ability to tap into these same energies. Elitom is returning to Asia, so consider taking advantage of his presence now while you can. Norma will be adding her own energetic insights and musical healing. Please join us!








Bringing Wholeness to Your Body - Meeting Adversity with Compassion

Opening Your Feet to Grounding





voice & singing bowl

Nathan Correll
voice & singing bowl

video or audio
(live concert recording)

A Song from Spirit:
A musical improvisation based on the Spiritual Energies present in the room.


Love Finds a Way
from Heart to Heart
and Hand to Hand

Love finds a Door
that opens through our Hearts

Love finds the Space Within

Love Finds a Way



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


 Aug 9 ​

Pranic Nourishment Workshop Meditations and Music with Elitom (Breatharian) and Norma. $20
Enlightened Soul Center, 3820 Packard, Ann Arbor


 Aug 10​
10am​- 5pm​

Pranic Nourishment Workshop with Elitom, a breatharian of 19 years based in India, and Norma $99 advance/ $111 door
Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


 Dec 21​

Solstice Meditation Concert (Ann Arbor)

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
(pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 4:03am EDT

Bringing Wholeness to Your Body
Meeting Adversity with Compassion

 from sound shaman Norma Gentile

I am considering the need to meet violent adversity in our outer world not with more adversity, but rather with a sense of warm heartedness. 


Not the kind of warm heartedness that allows us to be stabbed by the violent adversity, but rather a warm heartedness that allows us to see beyond the violence, see beyond the adversity, and come to a point of compassion in understanding the pain that another might be feeling.


I find this is really only possible when I feel whole and content within myself.   The less balanced I feel, the more I am apt to meet someone else’s adversity and violent temper with a pushback energetically of my own.


As we move into summer the longer time of daylight is reminding me of how outbound our culture tends to be.  As long as there is light and sun, US culture has a sense of go-go-go-go-go throughout the day.


And that to me is a big piece of why we are having so much violence in our society. I am speaking here as a US citizen.  There is such a great amount of short temperedness because we simply have lost the ability to nourish ourselves in a way that helps us find our own center.


Here is a meditation, with a healing song, to do just that.

Direct download: BringingWholenessToBody.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:30am EDT


Energetic Opportunities of the SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at





to Norma's Newsletter

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print PDF


Explore Norma's Online Classes




Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment


Unique Energetic Opportunities
of the SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse

Dear Friends,

Are events making you feel as if you are being squeezed and challenged then suddenly released and relieved? You are not alone! This weekend's Full SuperMoon, the Blood Wolf Moon, is bringing its unique energies into our world. This first of a series of three SuperMoons is nearly upon us. I am using the term 'Squeeze and Release' to define the energies associated with it and the Total Lunar Eclipse that comes with this Full SuperMoon. Here are a few ideas of what to expect, so you can take advantage of the energetic opportunities this next week offers.

The 'Squeeze and Release' Effect is Happening Now
Unique Energetic Opportunities of the SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse

Popular media will most likely give much more attention to February's Full SuperMoon, which will officially be the largest visually of the year. I am feeling that the March SuperMoon will potentially occur during a time of much upheaval, while this weekend's SuperMoon and eclipse are already bringing an energy that has us experiencing the extremes of polarization in our world in personal ways.

I am calling this weekend's SuperMoon/Eclipse combo the 'Squeeze and Release', because it invokes energies that alternately help us feel those constrictive beliefs that our life-force has been functioning through, then shows us a glimpse of the extreme expansion possible when we transmute these beliefs. Our energetic and emotional pendulum is swinging to both extremes while we are within the energies of this SuperMoon/Eclipse. Ultimately, neither extreme is sustainable. It is the middle point that each of us seeks; living neither in the constriction of beliefs that no longer serve to guide us, nor in the euphoria of possibilities that have no deep energetic basis, and therefore no means of growing in the reality of our life as we are now.

Details on this and other upcoming SuperMoons and eclipses are


Dealing with Extreme Expansion (ungrounded euphoria)

Knowing what it is that we are being called to do by Spirit is not always easy. Sometimes ideas pop into our head, and because they seem 'spiritual' or 'helpful' we assume that is what our Soul wants us to do. Over many decades of channeling information and energy healing, I can say that when ideas pop into our heads they are almost always limited and colored by our own beliefs.

During times of extreme energetic expansion, such as what is happening right now, you may have moments of Spiritual clarity as well as times of deep confusion. The trick is to recognize that the images or ideas that occur to you during the times of expansion are not exact and perfect interpretations of what your Soul (or guides and angels) are conveying to you.

Here's why:
When spiritual energies, such as your Soul/Guides/Angels communicate with you, they resonate up into your awareness whatever idea/image/experience you have in your mind that is closest to what they are trying to tell you. If something new is happening, you may not yet have had a similar experience they can bring into your mind. Likewise, you may not have the exact context for the knowledge that they are trying to convey. For example, if you do not know that chocolate exists as a type of pudding, you may 'see' an image of a melting chocolate bar. As you sit with the image, an additional sensation may come to you that 'there is more to this' and that you need to simply be open to receiving more information and allowing a deeper understanding to occur at some later point in time.

Dealing with Constriction and Squeezing

Additionally, when you consider an issue/challenge/opportunity that you are facing in life, you most likely have a series of thoughts that you are accustomed to thinking. This series of thoughts relate to learned beliefs and reflect what is ready to clear. Many people don't allow themselves to think these thoughts because they feel negative. Which means that the thoughts cannot be adequately tagged, evaluated, and changed. Instead, they substitute thoughts that they have decided to think about instead. 'I feel overwhelmed' might be overwritten by 'my body feels great' even though your body doesn't feel remotely decent.

When we have ideas/images/information pop into our head, it is useful to consider if this is the start of a process that our guides/angels/Soul wants to investigate and learn more about. If so, this is going to be a step-by-step process. What seems to be negative thinking may be the action of our Soul, bringing into our awareness a starting point of change.

Whenever large cosmic events occur, their energies amplify those issues that our Soul wants to explore. This series of three SuperMoons opens possibilities and energetic doorways for us to step through and make new choices.

My guides suggest these two questions are good to hold in meditation, as they promote grounding your body into your spiritual path. Do them in this order:

How does my Body want to be supported by my Soul?
What is mine to do now?

My blessing to each of you,
-Norma (with a little help from Mary)

PS I do have some
Private Session times available this weekend and early next week. If you feel called, you can email me to setup an appointment ( You may also scroll down for more info on the sessions.


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Sound Healing Event TBA


 June 27 -30​

Pranic Nourishment Retreat with Elitom, a breatharian of 19 years
(Michigan, Song of the Morning)
Enrollment open - limit 50 participants

A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:

I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe yourself here



a meditation for

with Norma and her guides
Archangel Michael and Thoth

An exceptionally soothing meditation focusing on drawing healing energies to you so your body can feel safe, whole and grounded. Archangel Michael and Thoth join me, sharing energies and insights. Of course there is a spontaneous healing song that came through me as well.




In this time we are called to:


- Stand into our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Reveal our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sense our inner power, and use it to empower others.

- Recognize anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.



If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.

Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .

Watch Video


Listen to Audio


This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my developing online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)



Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon


Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.

Category:blog -- posted at: 2:41am EDT

Inspirational Insights from Archangel Michael

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment




The veils or boundaries between worlds are thinning. And not just between what we think of as Earth and Heaven, but also between the spiritual energies that we perceive of as residing within the Earth, and the emotional and mental boundaries we each have with the larger collective consciousness of humanity.

That's a whole lot of thinning veils!

Here are some insights from Mary and Archangel Michael on why this is important to acknowledge, and what we can each do.



Thinning Veils Create New Opportunities
(insights from Norma, with Mary and Archangel Michael)

A little background:
Our town, our country, our social friends, and our family each have a separate group consciousness. We are all subject to, and able to somewhat impact, each of these groups of consciousness. We are actively exchanging information with everyone and everything (Earth energies, for example) related to each group consciousness. We establish boundaries not with energetic walls or by cutting cords, but by intensifying the unique vibration of who we are. Each choice we make, especially in regards to interactions with uncomfortable situations, generates a quality of energy in our aura that is 'heard' by others in the group consciousness.

As as much as we might try to deny it or clear it, we are subject to feeling issues the groups are dealing with. When more than the Golden Mean (5/8ths) of a group is expressing anger, fear or depression, (as is currently happening) our own related issues come into our awareness.

Clearly there is much anger being expressed that individuals are not able to process. This particular type of anger isn't just anger. It covers over suppressed fear. When the individual cannot move into the anger and recognize it as fear, people around the individual, as well as within the group consciousness, feel it more intensely. But they do not always experience it as anger, or the suppressed fear. Rather, others around the individual experience the anger as being a sense of physical heaviness, emotional dullness and depression of their own life-force. Ignoring these symptoms or trying to change the symptoms themselves gives only temporary relief.

Now, a part of me wishes it were possible to simply make everyone look at their own spiritual, mental and emotional 'stuff'. But of course that is the whole point of incarnating into a free-will zone, where we learn, through our own choices, how to be divine creators.

So what does one do when (it seems) that 5/8ths of the various group consciousness' to which we belong are busy being angry in order to avoid feeling their fear and other feelings?

We learn to allow any bits of our own anger to arise. And feel what we fear arising alongside the anger. Knowing what you fear the most brings that vibration into your awareness. This isn't about dwelling in the vibration. It is simply about naming it, identifying it, and releasing or transforming it.

Let's look at the most common fear; losing one's lifestyle. Perhaps due to illness, a spouse's death, or money or a natural disaster. What if the form of your lifestyle were swept away? What things that you view as lynchpins would be taken from you? Are these lynchpins truly and completely irreplaceable? For example, losing a computer is an opportunity to find newer more efficient technology. Having to move to a new city means meeting new people, and potentially re-prioritizing what you do each day. What difficult issues would also be swept away in the process of major change?

Now that you have opened into extreme aspects of the fear, feel your feet on the ground in this present moment. Feel the walls around you and the roof over your head. In this moment you are safe. And you just learned to psychically 'you're your greatest fear, and then place it in the context of the vibration of safety. You are right here, right now, reading this. There is no need to take the fear into your aura or body. You can see it. But it isn't you. You are the one observing it. The fear is outside of your current vibration. Your current vibration is one of steadiness. Your current vibration is a reflection of your conscious presence in the room where you are, at the time of day, breathing into your own feet and body and noticing the Earth where you are.

Diving Deeper
I have spent time psychically or intuitively 'looking' into the reason we are experiencing, and so needing to address anger, its underlying fear, and the resulting group depression. I'm recognizing that we have come to the point where we think we've done a deep dive around clearing emotional issues and becoming spiritual. Many people feel like they have taken a deep dive, done their work and have come up and out the other side. But there is much more to do.

When coming out the other side, we've opened our collective eyes, looked around and have seen the sun shining. There were crystals and sandy beaches and soothing sounds…but now, our eyes are open far enough to see that there are also alligators…right in front of us! We can't avoid them. And although the beach is beautiful, the waves soothing and the sun warming, we can't stay here. For a moment we might try to focus on these wonderful elements…but then there are these alligators.

In a decision made by the collective consciousness of humanity, we realized that we must return to the ocean, even though it contains the discomforts and emotions of our collective unconsciousness. And being there now, we allow ourselves to sense the discomforts within our own lives. We dive down even deeper than before. This time we connect to the heavenly energy that we already know, and open into dimensions of consciousness that appear to reside within the Earth. These spiritual energies anoint us in ways that open hidden energy channels within our physical body.

So while we believe we have already done 'the deep dive' toward self-awareness and awakening, (and we did do a good dive), we have to go back in and go even deeper. And this time, especially at this time of year, we are able to access spiritual dimensions within the Earth that bring a sense of profound stability to our life and physical body. As each of us learns to tune to these newly available energies, and therefore vibrate within this stability, our stability can be a resident and resonant factor in our world.

Opening ourselves to these newly available spiritual energies within what we perceive of as the Earth allows for what we think of as miraculous healings and amazing events. Of course what appears to be miraculous or amazing is simply allowing pranic or energetic wirings that are pre-existing within our bodies to function as they are meant to function. As you do something as simple as feel your feet now, your new wiring can more fully open and plug into the energies your body is meant to plug into within the spiritual dimensions of the Earth.

In time, perhaps days or weeks or months, your body will recharge itself. Then, how you organize your physical form changes. Sensing anger, fear and depression is a doorway into this stability. And reminders to practice accessing it frequently. As your ability to tap into the deeper stability of your own body and aura grows, your ability to see, but not need to fix, those emotions around you grows. It begins by letting yourself feel your own fear, and contrasting it with your own safety.

Current events are not random. Humanity has chosen to awaken at this time. While the awakening appears as a moment in spiritual time, it is a process of many hundreds of years in linear human time. Do not be discouraged. This new even deeper dive you are taking through emotions allows you to access remarkable new qualities of spiritual energies that lead you through the veils and into new frontiers.

Your bodies are not just solid forms; as you well know the space between your molecules is the largest percentage of your form. And what lies in this space? The potential that spiritual energies bring. And how does this happen? With your conscious attention and awareness.

May each being be blessed, may each being be joyful, may each being know home as residing already within them.
-Norma (with help from Mary and others in spirit)

PS (a little addendum from Mary and Thoth)
This even deeper dive allows you to access new qualities of energy within the lower dimensions that nourish your bodies and open new energetic wirings including your ability to nourish yourselves with prana. Stay tuned for more…


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Sun Oct 21​

Interfaith Sunday Celebration - Ann Arbor (The Thinning Veil - a musical meditation with insights from Norma and her guides)


 Sat, Dec 22​

Winter Solstice - Candlelight Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor


 June 20 -23​

Pranic Nourishment Retreat (Michigan, more TBA)

More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe yourself here



a meditation for

with Norma and her guides
Archangel Michael and Thoth

An exceptionally soothing meditation focusing on drawing healing energies to you so your body can feel safe, whole and grounded. Archangel Michael and Thoth join me, sharing energies and insights. Of course there is a spontaneous healing song that came through me as well.


a healing song invoking the Pure Energy of Nature

from Norma's video
Magnifying Your Body's Connection with the Pure Energy of Nature

in the NEW online course:
The MerKaBa Meditation
& Pranic Nourishment



A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here



a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.
Read more about this video and related spiritual energies




In this time we are called to:


- Stand into our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Reveal our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sense our inner power, and use it to empower others.

- Recognize anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.




If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.
Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .




Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:


pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Balance: A soothing meditation focusing on healing energies so your body can feel safe, whole and ground more easily.  Archangel Michael and Thoth join me, sharing energies and insights, and of course there is a gentle spontaneous healing song that came through me as well.  This meditation is offered freely. If you enjoy it, please consider supporting what I do by purchasing my music on iTunes or amazon, or enrolling in one of my online courses where I share more insights, music and meditations.  All of this is at 

And now, as we begin the meditation, find a quiet place where you can lie down or sit and meditate. Plan to be undisturbed for an hour, and give yourself another 10 minutes or so afterwards to gently return and integrate all the changes that have occurred.


Direct download: Balance.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:37am EDT

Inspirational Insights from Archangel Michael

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment
(free with Private Session)




Dear Friends,
Here is a sneak peek for you of some of what I am working on. As you read this, remember that the words are meant to keep your brain busy while the energies embedded within the words interact with and awaken new parts of your consciousness.

If you feel drawn to do so, add this Friday's (Sept 21) Free Phone Meditation to your calendar. If all the spiritual beings involved and FaceBook sprits align, it may also stream on the Healing Chants facebook page.



You Are an Unimaginably Magical Human
Inspirational insights from Archangel Michael through Norma Gentile

You are not just human. You are magically human. It is not just your spiritual side that makes you immortal. It is your ability to balance within Polarity; especially the polarity of human physicality, subject to mortality, and the timeless divinity of your being or spirit.

As the outer world becomes deeply chaotic, the refuge is within. The less you can depend on what is around you to be stabile, the more strongly you are drawn to relay on your inner stability.

In your current world-reality, built upon the foundation of Polarity, you have learned that what you give your energy to grows. But what you ignore also grows! This is the cardinal law of polarity; as you create one aspect of anything, the reverse aspect is created equally.

Notice in the coming year that which you love and that which you fear or hate. Attempting to cultivate only that which you like will naturally also cultivate what you dislike. One solution is to honor the polarized or dual reality in which you reside. You do this by recognizing that when you yourself create out of wanting to avoid fear, anger, hatred or similarly uncomfortable emotions, you are creating out of the negative. You are creating out of not wanting something. When you do this, you automatically give unconscious attention (and energy) to that which you are avoiding.

In this coming year more and more humans will realize that they are not moving forward because of this pattern of attempted manifestation. When one believes that they have manifested something good and desired, almost immediately something they consider bad and undesirable appears to have been created also. Notice this pattern in your life.

The magical element of humanity is this: once you realize the futility of throwing your time, attention and energy into creating what your personality wants, your energy is freed out of polarity to truly create. This is done by honoring the intelligence within every physical aspect of the world.

It is not just those of us you deem to be spiritual beings who offer you guidance and insights. An aspect of wise intelligence resides within everything in form; from your table and chairs to rocks and trees and the light of the sun. Chaos in the outer world occurs when the human personality forces manifestation to occur, rather than allowing all the divine beings to work together with you. As a human, you have at your disposal the means to invite any of us, including those beings you define as pertaining to Nature and the Earth, to consul you, steady you in times of tumult, and ultimately bless the physical world with gifts through you.

Let's talk clearly about the upcoming phase of humanity's growth.

In order to lead humanity inward, deep changes in your outer world will occur. These changes need not always be storms or earthquakes. For most of you reading this, the outer world will seem less and less connected to you. Thoughts, dreams and ideas will seldom involve your outer world. Your personal energy will cease to interact or form cohesive bonds with what you perceive as the outer world. Dissatisfaction, an inability to continue to do 'the same old things' and an inner urge to 'let something out' are good ways of describing the sensations you may experience as you move toward a disconnect with the old physical world.

"This is not to say that anyone should quit their day job" adds Norma. And this is wise advice. Allowing yourself to feel discontent nudges you to look at what does make you content. Feeling that you are stuck in 'the same old thing' helps you recognize you are ready to move on. Sensing that your heart wants to open and sing itself awake each morning (but can't) helps you find what is causing restriction in your love of self and others.

This year will see a rise in what appears to be magical events. Your human body has abilities that surpass your understanding. As you move beyond polarity, even for an instant, the rules of physicality cease to apply. Outside of polarity your bodies are magical. They obey only the limits of your imagination. This will become apparent, as more and more humans demonstrate extraordinary abilities.

When any one of you steps out of forcing what you want upon others, what your Soul wants for you is easily drawn into your body. The pendulum of your reality will continue to swing widely in the next 5 years. Learning to feel and see each swing as an expression of one aspect of polarity allows you to find the place outside of polarity that is not subject to the rules of polarity. Manifesting becomes an act of stillness, drawing your body into this vibrational space outside of polarity. When this happens non-dual thought; that is thought without designated purpose, not driven by the personality, becomes possible.

What is it you most want to know? If how to stay safe is your answer, or how to make money…these are aspects of your polarized reality. If you can be safe then you can be in harm's path. If you feel a need for money because of a lack of money then you can feel a wealth of support. The true questions lie within your self. What does your Soul desire to experience? How will you enter into a consciousness that lies outside of polarity, and outside of judgment?

Observe external events. They will continue to be highly polarized. Learn from what you observe. Does judgment serve anyone? Does what you see please you or bring you fear, or is it simply information?

It is not just you humans who are in a quickening spiral of awakening. Gaia, the soul whose clothing is your Earth, is on this journey and walks alongside you. Perhaps not in this year, but very soon, the link between her consciousness (held in your current dimension as electromagnetic fields around and interpenetrating the Earth) and the electromagnetic fields related to your own bodies will become clearer. This is a resonance that will at first appear to be troubled by your technology, but ultimately made stronger by bringing greater awareness to your interconnection with not just the Earth but all matter everywhere. Here there is magic that you cannot yet imagine - that your pure science validates what your spiritual teachers already know &endash; that rules within polarity are meant to be broken!

Take a moment now, and feel inside your body. Where is a still space? Bring your attention here for a moment, and allow yourself to come to rest. The spiral of spiritual evolution happens in moments of stillness. Listen to the related healing song if you like, or sit in quiet meditation. Let yourself partake of this now.

And as always, if you feel called to do so, please be in touch to explore and shift these or other issues in a Private Healing Session.

My best to each of you,




a healing song invoking the Pure Energy of Nature

from Norma's video
Magnifying Your Body's Connection with the Pure Energy of Nature

in the online course:
The MerKaBa Meditation
& Pranic Nourishment




A tiny bio for those who do not yet know me:


I have always seen auras. As a psychic I 'see' how people connect to their guides, angels, and other poeple. Through channeled insights, intuitive ideas, energy healing and music I assist others in clearing accumulated cobwebs and awakening their innate creativity and healing potential. I believe that our world is healed as each person heals themself.


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Fri Sept 21 ​

Meditation by Phone/Online


Sun Oct 21​

Interfaith Sunday Celebration - Ann Arbor (The Thinning Veil - a musical meditation with insights from Norma and her guides)


 Sat, Dec 22​

Winter Solstice - Candlelight Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor


 June 18 -23​

Pranic Nourishment Retreat

More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe yourself here


a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.
Read more about this video and related spiritual energies




In this time we are called to:


- Stand into our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Reveal our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sense our inner power, and use it to empower others.

- Recognize anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.




If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.
Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .




Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:


pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Insights and Video Meditation. Choosing to create in reaction to what we find wrong deepens polarity's hold over us.

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit 
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






to Norma's Newsletter

read online
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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.

MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment
(emerging now)




The Divine Feminine serves as a chalice; containing, supporting and providing nourishment to newly emerging Sacred aspects of masculine energies. Now is the time of year when the chalice of the Divine Feminine begins to overflow…


A New Light upon the Chalice
How the Divine Feminine receives the Sacred Masculine
(and a new healing song)

Dear Friends,

I am noticing a trend to feeling that there is just 'too much' all around us. Too much to process, to deal with…but not enough of what is easily supportive and useful. This translates into overwhelm, and in some cases, connecting (usually unconsciously) with guides that keep us from resting fully or sleeping well.

My own guides remind me that if I don't feel a warm flow of energy through my feet, I am not engaged within my body to the level my body desires. And if I am not fully embodied, the energies my guides share with me can turn into random ideas, running in circles in thought loops. Interpreting spiritual energies requires our entire human form &endash; mind heart and body.

I find that at this time of year, an unbalanced prioritization of the mind (over heart and body) becomes more evident. I feel this in us as individuals as well as in the larger world in general. When we relay relie??? too much with any one part of who we are, (in this case the mind), the intuitive, psychic and telepathic information received by other parts of ourselves (our heart and body) are not considered fully. Sometimes we simply disregard what our body is telling us, or hide our own emotional urges from even our own knowing.

During August and September of each year, I find myself feeling the chalice of the Divine Feminine receiving the subtle cosmic energies of Sirius, which we tend to interprete as being an aspect of the Sacred Masculine. All is well, as we have spent many decades building a large chalice from the Divine Feminine we have learned to honor . We can use these energies of Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine together to create easily and abundantly.

However, the chalice is now full and is beginning to overflow.  When this happens the Sacred Masculine energy is no longer held within the context of the Divine Feminine. It spills out into the profane world where it is misinterpreted as merely potent energy. Energy that urges us to do and be active. But has no sacred or divine direction.

This energy continues to enter into the Earth until later in September, Between now and then the energy is abundant, but not contained to a divine purpose. Because we have free will, each of us can use it as we deem appropriate. For many people, this energy feels like the day-to-day masculine energy that often is careless, in-charge, brusk, and wielded with judgment. We are accustomed to interacting with it; usually when we are hurt by it. 

Thus those who habitually wield profane masculine energies attempt to use it, and those who are habitually wounded withdraw from it.  As a result, there is often a flurry of non-sacred world events that stimulate personal inner emotions and internal thoughts/beliefs to come into our awareness.  Of course, what arises within us is ready to change. This time frame (now until late September) can be excellent for examining the edge where our spiritual being meets our worldly human.  How comfortable is this edge? What in our personal world is throbbing with discomfort? That issue (or issues) are the vibisble tip of the iceberg our Soul wants to see more clearly, understand, and change.

As the Earth reaches its saturation level of cosmic subtle energies coming in from its alignment with Sirius, the energies spill out of the containment of the Divine Feminine chalice and flow into the world. As this happens, we expose beliefs, assumptions, fears and even hopes regarding our relationship to the profane, day-to-day masculine as well as the Sacred Masculine. Cultivating our personal internal Divine Feminine (our reflective or being aspect) lets us interpret these energies as Sacred Masculine, rather than haphazard, profane or day-to-day masculine.

And yes, this year is especially chaotic! It feels like we humans have agreed to remind ourselves of shared unresolved issues (power imbalances between races, cultures, genders) and impatiences (why aren't I fully enlightened yet?) This is an opportunity to see more clearly what we are holding onto that isn't serving us.

Here is a sneak peak at a healing song from my new online course, 
The MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment. This song cultivates a quality of Divine Feminine energy in your body that can help you utilize the present abundance of masculine energies in a Sacred manner.

And as always, if you feel called to do so, please be in touch to explore and shift these or other issues in a 
Private Healing Session.

My best to each of you,




a healing song invoking the Pure Energy of Nature

from Norma's video
Magnifying Your Body's Connection with the Pure Energy of Nature

in the online course:
The MerKaBa Meditation
& Pranic Nourishment




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Fri Sept 21 ​

Meditation by Phone/Online


Sun Oct 21​

Interfaith Sunday Celebration - Ann Arbor (The Thinning Veil - a musical meditation with insights from Norma and her guides)


 Sat, Dec 22​

Winter Solstice - Candlelight Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor

More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe yourself 


a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.
Read more about this video and related spiritual energies



PS This cycle continues through mid-September, as we have the annual Sirian Portal bringing us accelerated energies until then. And I do have Private Healing Sessions available for you during this time.(



In this time we are called to:


- Stand into our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Reveal our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sense our inner power, and use it to empower others.

- Recognize anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.




If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.

Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:


pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course, 
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 10:00am EDT

In these most interesting of times, I offer these insights from Archangel Michael. Some of this appears in the video, along with songs from my Hathor guide Atamira.

sound shaman


Music CDs


Video Courses

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on



Norma's music
is available at





Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


online video course with Norma

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(intro price of $49 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)



Healing the Profane Power
of the Masculine
Insights from Archangel Michael
(with audio / video Healing Songs from the Hathor Atamira)

Dear Friends,

In these most interesting of times, I offer these insights from Archangel Michael. Some of this appears in the
video, along with songs from my Hathor guide Atamira.

Archangel Michael
The profane non-sacred masculine stands momentarily triumphant, inviting you to rise into a newly emerging expression of your Sacred Masculine nature.

In order to successfully move through this phase of releasing polarity (lasting until about 2036)*, you need to fully engage with all that surrounds you. This is a time of exploration. You, and all of humanity, have chosen to physically experience the Sacred face of the Masculine, in order to more fully comprehend how your reality's polarity is meant to function.

The initial part of this process is uncomfortable. First you have chosen to define the profane, or non-sacred masculine that already exists in your world. As these profane aspects are revealed within yourself, they are visible in your world. And vise-versa. You are clearly in this phase of the process now. As you engage and comprehend how the non-sacred masculine has served you, those energies, including old guides and angels, will be free to depart. And you will naturally turn your attention to gaze upon your own emerging qualities of the Sacred Masculine.

For nearly a millennium you have been inviting the Divine Feminine to awaken and create a chalice into which the Sacred Masculine can be poured. Although external events may seem to indicate otherwise, you have now entered the time of receiving the true Sacred Masculine.

And what better way to understand the Sacred Masculine than to first recognize the profane, non-sacred masculine?

Behold how your world has gloriously put this upon a pedestal, just so you can gaze upon it in all of its incredible glory! That which you in your world has worshipped for so long is clearly evident. Not just in the US, but in many societies and religions, the power-based domination of the profane masculine reigns.

Despite the pain, as you gaze upon the deeds of the non-sacred masculine, that gaze allows your own wounded beliefs and behaviors around power and victimhood (the two principle aspects of the old non-sacred masculine) to rise up from your deep memories and be drawn into your awareness. As you recognize the many ways in which you have been taught to believe in and use the power/victimhood of the profane masculine, you free yourselves of any need to engage with it.

Instead you can choose to express yourself using the qualities of the newly emerging Sacred Masculine, whose power lays within active compassion. And as you generate within yourself energies of this new Sacred Masculine, those portions of the old profane masculine within your life and your body change. And so too your world changes.

A Note from Norma:
I don't know in detail what all of this will look like. I can tell you all about the profane masculine. Its competition, greed and thirst for power, its urging us towards fear of all that is different from yourselves, its whispering to close your hearts and distrust what surrounds us, and of course its need to see its own glory reflected back to itself…all these qualities of the profane masculine we know well!

But I am not sure what the Sacred Masculine will ultimately look like. And neither does Archangel Michael, nor any of the guides, angels or Ascended Masters. Ultimately we have free will, and according to them, with even the smallest of choices we make, we do indeed create the reality in which we reside.

Archangel Michael:
The Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine are both contained within each of you, no matter the sex of your physical body. Each of you has a unique expression of the Sacred Masculine. You have each incarnated at this time in order to experience the process of birthing the Sacred Masculine into your physical world. That is an agreement your soul made with all the other souls now incarnating.

In the chaos of your world all that is transpiring sets up the greatest number of opportunities for each of you to transform the learned patterns, behaviors and emotions of the non-sacred masculine, and begin to express your true Sacred Masculine.


-Archangel Michael, through Norma

*In past channelings I have given from Thoth, he explained that this transition period may well last until 2045. We have free-will, and our choices determine the length of time it takes us to transition.


Here is a series of three healing songs (from my Hathor guide Atamira) and a brief talk (based on the written channeling from Archangel Michael). Here you will find a portal for calmly turning inwards, and recognizing the newly emerging aspect of your own Sacred Masculine.




The Heart
opening itself to Love
was the song
that brought forth humanity

audio only


Three Healing Songs, invoking the qualities of the

- Divine Feminine within the Earth
- Emerging Sacred Masculine within you
- StillPoint of Transmutation



Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Download PDF


Private Healing Sessions
by phone or in person in SE Michigan



pecial gathering via live strea 


New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Sample Free Video Here

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Pay no attention to the fireworks
Deepening our psychic and spiritual connections


The Transformational Power of Grief
Grief is a powerful tool for transformation. Especially when it is shared by millions of souls interconnected by spiritual agreements. Grief, when fully embraced, leads to a deep sense of individual empowerment. The last SuperFullMoon of this size occurred in 1948, just five days before the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. His example of peaceful protest was the model for the civil rights movement here in the US.

I feel a similarity in the waves of grief, disbelief and fear that citizen's of India and many world leaders experienced back then with his assassination, and the same waves of emotional shock that millions in the US, along with other world leaders, are processing now. There are no coincidences. This particular US election and the SuperFullMoon are inexorably linked together.



A song from St. Hildegard, which seems appropriate to this moment in time, is streaming freely on my
website,. It is from my album Unfurling Love's Creation, dedicated to the Divine Feminine. For mobile devices click here to listen


Ave Generosa
A song dedicated to Mary, a living representation of the Divine Feminine
iTunes link

I behold you, noble and glorious woman...
You are the sacred matrix in which God takes great pleasure.
The essences of Heaven flooded into you,
and the Great Word of God dressed itself in flesh.

Your flesh held joy, like grass upon whic dew falls,
pouring its life-green into it,
and so it is true in you also,
Mother of all delight.




Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.


sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

Norma's Audio Meditations (available as free podcasts)

Feeling Safe in a Turbulent World
Resetting the Spiritual pattern of our lower body chakras

Listen to excerpts now:

1. When the Body's Rivers of Energy Open
Engaging with Comfort


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


This meditation includes Ave Generosa, a song written in the 12 century by St. Hildegard of Bingen. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available oniTunes and at Amazon.

Meditation #50 from September 16, 2016
Our lower chakras are underdeveloped and so not able to convey to us the psychic information that our body naturally receives. We have lost our ability to correctly interpret what our body is actually experiencing. In order to feel safe, we fall into habits that limit our expression out into our world. Fear, distrust, and not being able to make decisions are some ways that this manifests. This meditation offers you an opportunity to clear and reset your lower chakras, allowing your body to more easily connect into the nourishing energies and loving experiences that are possible in your life.

This meditation is about letting go of our brain's need to control, and learning to trust that what is around us supports us. Even when it feels uncomfortable to us, whatever engages with us in some way serves the journey of our body and soul. Our personality's insistence that something is wrong (or right) and must (or must not) happen is what moves us into polarity.

When we are functioning in this polarized state, it is very difficult to see options besides doing something, or doing its opposite.

There is an intelligence deep within our lower body's chakras that does not function in a polarized manner. I see it as a unique quality of psychic perception lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra, and enteric nervous system.

When we are able to engage with it, information received by this psychic (or Spiritual) intelligence is able to move out of our lower body and reach our heart and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about deep-seated issues when the information that has been received by our lower chakras is able to be transmitted to our heart and mind. For example, we can see options that were hidden from us when our only view was through the polarized lens of our overly busy brain. And because we perceive more options in a situation, we are able to address life issues in a very different manner.

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.


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Category:blog -- posted at: 5:30am EDT


Letting Our Wall Fall - Compassion as a response to fear

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








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& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at





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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.




a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear



with special guiest

MYSTERY: a healing song with voices, overtone chant, Tibetan singing bowls

The 3 New SuperMoons and 3 Eclipses we are experiencing this Summer work together, reminding us to cultivate much needed Spiritual Principles

COMPASSION in response to Fear
Total Lunar Eclipse July 27
(Africa/Asia) Full Moon

Fear builds Walls -- Compassion melts them
s healing music video from a spiritual energy perspective

Dear Friends,
There are moments when we are called to rest into the deepest space within our heart. This space opens to us through grace, and allows us to experience compassion towards people and situations generating fear. As we enter into the next months, we will continue to experience astrological events that heighten both the Sacred Masculine and the profane, power-hungry energies that have been tagged as mascuine in our western society. We shall yet learn the difference!.

Water has long been associated with the Divine Feminine. The gentle persistent action of waves wears down stones, and when driven by a storm's fury can tear down the mightiest of sea walls. Before we leave our polarized consciousness (assigning good/bad or right/wrong to our experiences) we must fully understand it. And so we nowembrace the potential changes offered to us by the grace and mystery of the Divine Feminine during tthis week of energies surrounding the longest Luncar Eclipse of the century. And this prepars us for the influx of Sacred Masculine energies (from Sirius) that tend to speed up our daily lives, and help us bring ideas into form very quickly.

You can read more about these current energies in the previous newsletter. And if you would like support in healing an issue or lining up your life to receive clearer insights and bring spiritual energies into form,please be in touch. A Private Healing Session may be very useful..( This is a good time to work on ourselves, so that we are ready to be launched forward by these incoming energies.

May we each remember our place as spiritual beings capable of choosing compassion, and seeing new possibilities in others and our world.
Many blessing to each of you,


(texts from the video below)




Some issues and beliefs that are being acted upon energetically now:


- Our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Revealing our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sensing our inner power, and using it to empower others.

- Recognizing anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.






The wall we have built around ourselves, whether to keep something out or to keep us safe, is cracking. These cracks represent the issues that we need to address in our lives.

The wall represents beliefs and behaviors that inhibit us from expressing and doing that which we are meant to do now.

As we allow the wall to be broken down, we allow the related beliefs and behaviors to come into our awareness.

When we seek to maintain the wall, we are unable to look beyond our fear. We attempt to hold back what is behind the wall.

But at some point the amount of energy we expend trying to patch even one crack in the wall will overwhelm us.

Giving into change is our only choice.

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.

Read more about this video and related spiritual energies

(texts from sound healing video)



PS This cycle continues through mid-September, as we have another eclipse, SuperMoon and the annual Sirian Portal bringing us accelerated energies until then. And I do have Private Healing Sessions available for you during this time.(


If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


I offer a song, Inner Truth, to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here


Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Winter Solstice​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor



Sound and Healing Workshop - Ann Arbor



Meditation by Phone/Online


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I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.



Category:blog -- posted at: 6:30am EDT

Responding to Intensity - Sacred Masculine energies, a New SuperMoon Eclipse and more happening...insights on creating gracefully and not adding to the chaos in life.

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








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Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at






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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses



Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.





Responding to Intensity

Sacred Masculine energies, a New SuperMoon Eclipse and more happening...insights on creating gracefully and not adding to the chaos in life.

Dear Friends,

Perhaps you are aware of a growing insistent intensity in the world…it feels as if there is 'something' afoot. I am noticing this insistent intensity happening all around me energetically, and have come to believe we can utilize this intensity either for greater acts of spiritual creation, or non-sacred chaos. Clearly I am on the side of creation! Let me share with you what I have figured out so far…

As Sacred Masculine energies (from Sirius) bathe our world throughout August, we may experience time as being more and more accelerated; as if it isn't already moving along pretty fast! My guides suggest taking extra care each day to include meditation or a spiritual check-in of some sort for yourself. Energetic patterns related to the New SuperMoon Solar Eclipse (Aug 11) are very strong and already at play.

The eclipse energies promise to interact with the Sacred Masculine energies, magnifying the impact of both. Learning to create out of our hearts rather than in reaction to what our personality sees others doing is a principle pattern of early August. What are you doing now? How aligned is it with expressing your Soul? What we are doing could be thoughts you are thinking or emotions or tears you are is not just doing something like a physical job or task. What is yours to do now? If you would like some assistance answering this question or freeing yourself up to respond to an inner urge a Private Healing Session during this time can be most useful.

Here is more background, and some ideas on how to utilize intense situations and energies:
Our solar system is in the midst of a 7-week astrological cycle during which we receive mature sacred energies from one of the stars of Sirius. Because we are still defining our reality through polarity, I refer to this energy as Sacred Masculine. We use this energy, in combination with the Divine Feminine, to bring ideas into form here in our reality.

Each year we are challenged to utilize the energies of the Sacred Masculine to create out of our inner connection with Spirit, rather than to react to something in the outer world. When we enter into an act of creation because we are stimulated by something external to ourselves, we are limited in all aspects of our actions, and we limit the results of our actions (what we create or manifest) to something that reflects the reverse of what we are seeing externally. It is as if our creative juices can only replicate what we are reacting against, but in the reverse. As a result, we end up creating more, rather than less, of a polarized situation in our life. And greater tension ensues between these oppositional polarities.


When we react to something, what we create is inexorably linked to what we reacted against. What we like and dislike are tied together, and our energies are bound up as long as they both continue to exist. That being said, we can choose to release what we have created at any time. And then our energies will be freed up to create something else. What we dislike will continue to exist, but as long as we do not create in reaction against it, we are freed from having to respond to it.

I share this because part of stepping away from polarity is learning to listen deeply to the 'why' behind all of our actions. We cannot always understand fully the timing of certain opportunities, nor through whom or with whom opportunities for co-creative actions might be possible. But we can consider why we would engage and take an action.

We can step out of believing that we must do something because:

1. they won't do it,
2. it's a family tradition,
3. they are doing this other thing,
4. If I don't do it, someone will get angry
5. If I don't do it, someone will get hurt
6. If I don't do it,…..


Notice in these examples how there is the belief that you must respond to external stimuli. This response to external stimuli isn't a unique impulse of creation originating from within you. It's a reaction to external events. And so it is limited to being a reflection of that external event.

When you catch yourself in this reactive mode, take a moment, and consider what might be an accurate reflection of your thought process now. Why is the external event important? After answering this question, you can eliminate those reasons that are reactions to what you are observing externally. Then, you can more easily step into the power of choosing for yourself the actions that serve as expressions of your Soul and your own Spiritual journey. You can create something that does not fight against an external event, but rather draws energetic attention to what you choose to manifest.

Balancing who we are and how we reflect ourselves into the physical world isn't hard. It is simply the journey each of our Souls has chosen.

Blessings to all who walk upon this journey,





The wall we have built around ourselves, whether to keep something out or to keep us safe, is cracking. These cracks represent the issues that we need to address in our lives.

The wall represents beliefs and behaviors that inhibit us from expressing and doing that which we are meant to do now.

As we allow the wall to be broken down, we allow the related beliefs and behaviors to come into our awareness.

When we seek to maintain the wall, we are unable to look beyond our fear. We attempt to hold back what is behind the wall.

But at some point the amount of energy we expend trying to patch even one crack in the wall will overwhelm us.

Giving into change is our only choice.

Change opens deep places within our hearts where Compassion abides.

Read more about this video and related spiritual energies

a healing video song to
Cultivate Compassion in response to Fear



PS This cycle continues through mid-September, as we have another eclipse, SuperMoon and the annual Sirian Portal bringing us accelerated energies until then. And I do have Private Healing Sessions available for you during this time.(



In this time we are called to:


- Our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Revealing our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sensing our inner power, and using it to empower others.

- Recognizing anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.




If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here.


I offer a song, Inner Truth, to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .




Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Winter Solstice​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor



Sound and Healing Workshop - Ann Arbor



Meditation by Phone/Online


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!


This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

My financial guides counsel that because money is merely a symbol for the flow of Spiritual energies between people, it is always available. And its lack or constriction tends to occur for one of three principle reasons. Lack of money never occurs, they point out, due to spiritual failing.  If this makes sense to you, have a look at my ONLINE COURSE "Resetting Your Financial Guides"  

sound shaman


Music CDs


Video Courses

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on



Norma's music
is available at





Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

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online video course with Norma

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
LAST CHANCE to get early price - ENDS FEB 28
(intro price of $49 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)



Transforming Foundations
What your Finances, Pluto, Barack Obama and Alexander Hamilton all have in common

(hint: a one-dollar bill issued in 1896)

Dear Friends,
The past few months I have been considering money. My financial guides counsel that because money is merely a symbol for the flow of Spiritual energies between people, it is always available. And its lack or constriction tends to occur for one of three principle reasons. Lack of money never occurs, they point out, due to spiritual failing.

Rather, one reason people feel a lack of abundance at this point in time is precisely because of an astrological configuration that humanity is choosing to use to undo and recreate structures of government, business and finances. (I have included notes from astrologer Mark Dodich on these planetary alignments at the end)

This time period challenges our abilities to sense and dance with the polarized aspects of our reality. For example, the exchange of money for a service from someone means we value what someone is offering us. The service has, ideally, helped us to serve Spirit. A warm meal with friends or a massage; both of these can nourish us and remind us of our Spiritual roots. The fact that we pay for them indicates we place a value on the experience. Money, and the service we receive, are both a means for the flowing of Spiritual energy between ourselves and the person offering us the service. This is a simple version of how money symbolizes the Spiritual flow of energies.

Where we tend to get tied up with Spiritual flow and money is when we look at larger financial institutions and businesses. I bet your feet just froze and your knees locked up when you read that last sentence! It's easy to feel the difference between paying a therapist/friend for a massage, meeting a friend and paying for coffee, or paying a credit card or student loan bill.

When we receive a service directly, we psychically feel the energy exchange between our self and the other person. We feel the quality of the massage, and know that the money goes towards furthering the massage therapist's work. We imagine that our money goes towards their life needs like food and housing, a new massage table, maybe a nice vacation for them…all things that help them to continue to offer their service at a high quality. The money we pay them remains in the larger Spiritual flow. Therefore we feel confident that our money is legitimately moving along the same lines as the intended energy exchange. Our psychic or intuitive abilities tell us that there is harmony in our financial and energy flows.

The same is seldom true of paying for larger services, such as mortgages, car loans, etc. The non-sacred energies that most financial companies are built upon interact with us. Whether you regard yourself as intuitive or not, we often close down our finances, rather than give our money to an energetic flow that is non-sacred in nature.

Much can be said (and has been) about our system of lending. My focus, being a channel and psychic, is on my tiny piece of this picture…that corporations and financial institutions built upon non-sacred energies are about to move into a state of chaos and come out the other side transformed.

My own guides began the process of looking at money and how we psychically 'listen' to our financial guides many years ago. This past summer they suggested that I share what I had figured out. And so I began to develop my online course 'Re-Setting Your Financial Guides". They pointed out to me this morning that the title was purposefully not 'How to get rich' and there is no promise of perfect and instant abundance. Rather, they have shared that this is an opportunity for all of us to dance gracefully with the emerging Sacred Masculine's influence upon our financial system. The financial guides that served us in the past to navigate the non-sacred corporations in the past may not be the most up-to-date versions for us now. By re-setting and checking that we are hearing our guides clearly, we are more apt to follow the journey of our soul through these next decades of financial transmutation.

In the past few years social media has given us a platform to share information about 'green companies'. These are becoming more numerous, and are usually built upon a structure that honors the sacred aspects of both male and female energies. These companies demonstrate the qualities towards which we are moving as a world society.

My guides have shared with me that we are many, many years away from the unity of consciousness that many people seek. They suggest that what we must first do is enter into the sacred versions of male and female within our polarized reality. Then we will take some time to understand the full spectrum of expressive energies that exist between them as well. The Divine Feminine has been awakening throughout our world for many centuries, and it is only now joined by a consciousness awakening of the Sacred Masculine. Spirit can now begin to flow through all aspects of our world that lie within polarity.

The first motion of this Spiritual flow is to reveal the non-sacred versions of masculine and feminine energies in our world to which we have become accustomed. Then as we sense and see the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine, we choose which to interact with. This choice is made by each of us as individuals, and our choices influence the percentage of sacred and non-sacred energies continue to express out into our shared world.

And, as we are learning, a simple majority does not make the choice go one way or the other. Only when a Golden Mean (3/5ths) of our world's population chooses the sacred over the profane version of something can we as a planet move fully past that particular choice point. And so it seems we are in the process of endlessly taking a step forward, and then back. Repeating it over and over again until 3/5ths of all the souls within our world agree on that step forward. Then we begin to tackle the next step.

While so many people were expecting a grand harmonious perfection to occur at some point in the past (2012), my guides suggest that we are going to be in this process of learning and choosing for many decades; 2036 or 2045 or possibly even 2067 are years they frequently cite. The bottom line seems to be this; don't anticipate what is not yet fully embodied into our world. For example, to the extent that women's freedom and empowerment of the feminine is constricted anywhere in the world, it can be constricted where you live. Any pattern which arose out of the non-sacred use of polarity must be unwound and recreated as a sacred version of itself.

We (i.e. all the souls in this region of space) decided long ago to try creating apart from the God-head, using our own free-will. We are not quite done. After eons of creating out of profane or non-sacred polarity (which came about as a decision we made long ago with our free-will) we now have the opportunity to create out of sacred polarity. We have honed our tools of creating with polarity well. Now, can we use these tools in a new manner as we mold ourselves and our world with the energies of the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine?


(keep reading - there is more below after the workshop announcement)

Sacred Sound, Chant and Healing
an experiential workshop
offered by Norma Gentile, sound shaman

Saturday, Feb 18 from 10am - 1pm

Unity Church of Lake Orion
3070 S. Baldwin Rd, MI 48359
$35 at door or online in advance

There is an energetic 'void' zone in the two weeks between the lunar and solar eclipses (Feb 11 and 26). During these two weeks we have a unique freedom to create (and re-create) major life choices. And yes, this will also impact world events. So here is a special gathering in the midst of this opportunity with chant, sacred sound and silent meditation.

Why is this happening now? (Pluto in Capricorn)

Until we are able to simply wave our hands and transfer spiritual energy to another person as payment for a service, we will be handing them cash or swiping a card to bring about payment to them…so our world is very much built upon financial institutions and the non-sacred masculine these institutions have been built upon. But, we are in a time of transforming our money and financial institutions into structures based on the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine.

When Barak Obama was first elected president in 2008, much was made of him being a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln. At the time that didn't feel right to me. When I asked my guides, they said that yes, he has been in politics before, and that this lifetime was about 'setting right' something he had done in a previous political life, as it had become something that it was not intended to be. In the fall of 2008 it was very unfashionable for me to write that Alexander Hamilton had reincarnated in order to adjust the financial infrastructure of our country. But nowadays, I suspect more than a few people will agree with me that something is indeed happening related to that lifetime.

The transformation in our financial and governmental structures is made possible, in part, by an astrological configuration referred to as Pluto in Capricorn. It lasts about 16 years, and happens every 246 years. Throughout history, when Pluto goes into Capricorn there has been transformation of large political structures. The last time it happened (1762-1778) was during the late colonial period and formation of the USA. Hence the link between Hamilton/Obama and the current transformation of our financial and political systems.

From astrologer Mark Dodich (
Pluto is in Capricorn from autumn of 2008 into 2023. It started with the bridge in Minnesota falling down, and Don Imus getting in trouble on his radio show for prejudice remarks. Capricorn rules infrastructure, prejudice, commercial agriculture, contractors and especially those who create foundations.

The USA has its Pluto in Capricorn at about 27 degrees, meaning the USA will have a Pluto return in 2022. All of this that is going on with taxes, infrastructure, borders, boundaries, prejudice, universal health care…is part of Pluto coming home. With countries, a process that takes 14 years is actually pretty short when you think about it.

Uranus has been squaring Pluto since 2012, and they are starting to separate now. We saw the progressive side through Uranus and Obama, and we are now seeing the conservative side through the Republican party. The Federal Reserve has lots of changes coming up from Pluto in the next several years, and Janet Yellen's chart is activated in a way that I think she will be looking for a new job.

In the short term, the Divine Feminine will soon be active around finances and the Thymus gland (High Heart chakra) energies. This lesser known and newly emerging High Heart chakra is where we hear and sense the promptings to follow our unique soul's journey. As Mark points out, the upcoming movement of Venus into retrograde provides us with an opportunity to identify and release what we no longer find useful. From my perspective that includes identifying and releasing energies, guides and angels that have helped us in the past but don't reflect our world and who we are now. This includes well-meaning guides or energetic connections that our families, mentors or friends may have given us as well.

Venus will be retrograde March 4-April 15. The goddess represents love and money; but at her core, she helps you look at what you value. During her retrograde cycle, review what you value and what no longer holds value for you. A spring yard sale to help you release that which you no longer value is a simple example of how to use this less common retrograde cycle. Going over your 401K with your financial planner and making adjustments is another way to use this energy. Of course, the same goes for relationships, but that is another topic!

The next few months will be a particularly busy season for change and regrowth. Rather than emphasize just the change or deconstruction aspect of what is coming, I want to leave you with a reminder that what is coming is already budding into view. Just as our gardens appear dormant under the snow or fallen leaves, roots are using their energies to grow a little deeper and wider, while new growth is beginning to bud underground. The massive rallies, social engagement and general discussion of what we as a nation (and world) value started visibly emerging this past fall and shows no sign of letting up. As we each feel a greater impetus to 'choose what we value' and give our attention to those things, we inspire others to do the same. Thus, new growth already visible. As we turn into the season of Spring, I wonder how these emerging buds will bloom?

- Norma, with help from Archangel Michael and Mary

Mark Dodich offers free monthly newsletters with lots of interesting insights that you might find useful. And yes, he does private appointments!

For More Information
- For those who want to know more about events that have occurred when Pluto was in Capricorn in the past see:


- The one-dollar bill featured at the start of the article was issued in 1896, and shows Martha and George Washington on the front. More images of the USA's historical currency (including the 1886 dollar bill with Martha Washington alone on on the front) are available online here. They originate from the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution.

 A New Interview......

I share my first experiences with giving concerts and seeing spiritual energies and beings reacting to my music in a new online interview. It was given as part of being chosen as the featured musician this month by Early Music America.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Download PDF


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pecial gathering via live stream on January 21 from 1-4pm EST 



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Sample Free Video Here

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




The Heart
opening itself to Love
was the song
that brought forth humanity

audio only


Three Healing Songs, invoking the qualities of the

- Divine Feminine within the Earth
- Emerging Sacred Masculine within you
- StillPoint of Transmutation



a song of reflection - sound healing

O Factura Dei - O Creation of God
based on the poetry of
St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179),
music by Norma Gentile

O creation of God which is human,
in the greatest of sacredness you were brought forth
when in humility, sacred divinity penetrated the heavens.

O what great compassion
allows divine brilliance in earthly mire

So that those angels ministering with God
might see God in humanity.


Please join me for a s


Pay no attention to the fireworks
Deepening our psychic and spiritual connections


The Transformational Power of Grief
Grief is a powerful tool for transformation. Especially when it is shared by millions of souls interconnected by spiritual agreements. Grief, when fully embraced, leads to a deep sense of individual empowerment. The last SuperFullMoon of this size occurred in 1948, just five days before the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. His example of peaceful protest was the model for the civil rights movement here in the US.

I feel a similarity in the waves of grief, disbelief and fear that citizen's of India and many world leaders experienced back then with his assassination, and the same waves of emotional shock that millions in the US, along with other world leaders, are processing now. There are no coincidences. This particular US election and the SuperFullMoon are inexorably linked together.



A song from St. Hildegard, which seems appropriate to this moment in time, is streaming freely on my
website,. It is from my album Unfurling Love's Creation, dedicated to the Divine Feminine. For mobile devices click here to listen


Ave Generosa
A song dedicated to Mary, a living representation of the Divine Feminine
iTunes link

I behold you, noble and glorious woman...
You are the sacred matrix in which God takes great pleasure.
The essences of Heaven flooded into you,
and the Great Word of God dressed itself in flesh.

Your flesh held joy, like grass upon whic dew falls,
pouring its life-green into it,
and so it is true in you also,
Mother of all delight.




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sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

Norma's Audio Meditations (available as free podcasts)

Feeling Safe in a Turbulent World
Resetting the Spiritual pattern of our lower body chakras

Listen to excerpts now:

1. When the Body's Rivers of Energy Open
Engaging with Comfort


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


This meditation includes Ave Generosa, a song written in the 12 century by St. Hildegard of Bingen. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available oniTunes and at Amazon.

Meditation #50 from September 16, 2016
Our lower chakras are underdeveloped and so not able to convey to us the psychic information that our body naturally receives. We have lost our ability to correctly interpret what our body is actually experiencing. In order to feel safe, we fall into habits that limit our expression out into our world. Fear, distrust, and not being able to make decisions are some ways that this manifests. This meditation offers you an opportunity to clear and reset your lower chakras, allowing your body to more easily connect into the nourishing energies and loving experiences that are possible in your life.

This meditation is about letting go of our brain's need to control, and learning to trust that what is around us supports us. Even when it feels uncomfortable to us, whatever engages with us in some way serves the journey of our body and soul. Our personality's insistence that something is wrong (or right) and must (or must not) happen is what moves us into polarity.

When we are functioning in this polarized state, it is very difficult to see options besides doing something, or doing its opposite.

There is an intelligence deep within our lower body's chakras that does not function in a polarized manner. I see it as a unique quality of psychic perception lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra, and enteric nervous system.

When we are able to engage with it, information received by this psychic (or Spiritual) intelligence is able to move out of our lower body and reach our heart and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about deep-seated issues when the information that has been received by our lower chakras is able to be transmitted to our heart and mind. For example, we can see options that were hidden from us when our only view was through the polarized lens of our overly busy brain. And because we perceive more options in a situation, we are able to address life issues in a very different manner.

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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Category:blog -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Letting Our Wall Fall - Compassion as a response to fear

sound shaman



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Video Courses








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Download Now

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is available at





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Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.




The 3 New SuperMoons and 3 Eclipses we are experiencing this Summer work together, reminding us to cultivate much needed Spiritual Principles

COMPASSION in response to Fear
Total Lunar Eclipse July 27
(Africa/Asia) Full Moon

PEACE in response to Anger
Partial Solar Eclipse July 13
(water/SE Australia) New SuperMoon

Partial Solar Eclipse Aug 11
(Northern Europe/SE Asia) New SuperMoon

Letting the Wall Fall
Fear builds Walls -- Compassion melts them
Insights from a spiritual energy perspective

Dear Friends,
Too often society teaches us to address issues by patching them over. We can no longer do that.

The wall we have built around ourselves, whether to keep something out or to keep us safe, are cracking. These cracks represent the issues that we need to address in our lives. We have the opportunity to understand why something makes us feel unsafe or unstable. We are learning to define boundaries, rather than build walls. When we recognize how we create boundaries with our own Spiritual energy, we won't need these now crumbling artificial walls built from our fears to keep us safe.

The wall represents beliefs and behaviors that inhibit us from expressing and doing that which we are meant to do now. As we allow the wall to be broken down, we allow the related beliefs and behaviors to come into our awareness. Once in our awareness, we can question and change these beliefs and behaviors.


Some issues and beliefs that are being acted upon energetically now:


- Our ability to honor ourselves and others; finding our self-worth internally, no matter the external setting of family / work.

- Revealing our uniqueness, no matter the pressure to conform.

- Sensing our inner power, and using it to empower others.

- Recognizing anger as a call for inner action before taking outer action.




The 'tiny and mighty' New SuperMoon eclipse of July 13 honed the tip of the Spiritual needle so that the life-issues each of us most needs to address right now are being pinpointed. These issues, like the cracks in our wall, are visible to us, but we may not yet understand them fully. These issues are now being worked upon by the past eclipse and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon (July 27). We are in that mid-point, where both eclipses are acting upon us!

The past Solar Eclipse (July 13) brought events into our lives so that we would notice that there are many cracks in our wall of beliefs. Some people will try valiantly to cover over the cracks, but not address why the wall is cracking. Some people will think to look behind the wall, to see what is causing it to crack, and recognize that the wall will eventually give way.

Those who seek to maintain the wall are unable to look beyond their fear. They will repeatedly attempt to hold back what is behind the wall. Each of us may have one or two issues that we will try to patch, hoping that we won't have to deal with whatever it is quit yet. But at some point the amount of energy we expend trying to patch even one crack in the wall will overwhelm us. Giving into change will be our only choice.

As a practical observation, I note that when I am trying to patch a crack, meaning hold onto a behavior or belief about myself and my world, I do so because I am convinced that it is imperative to keep the behavior or belief. I expend more and more of my life force, time, and money trying to maintain something because I fear what might happen. My attention (and life force) is on the wall; I am trying to keep myself and my world safe. From experience, I realize more and more quickly the quality of my mindset when I am doing this, and recognize that the task is impossible. I must turn around. And when I do, I see what other options are right there, waiting for me to see them.

We all do this! Patching those issues in our lives we know need to change keeps our attention on the wall. We are giving our energy to the past; to the wall built by fear from old beliefs and our old ways of being. We are missing what it is that is coming over the top of the wall and will (potentially) engulf us. Or heal us.


Fear built and maintains the wall, which symbolizes the old profane masculine beliefs that western society is changing. The water represents the unceasing flow of spiritual potential through the expression of compassion, especially from our Divine Feminine. Whether the wall comes down easily, or whether the waves must become quite large in our lives, is up to each of us.

The group of energies relating to the Lunar Eclipse (July 27) are like waves coming over the top of the wall. These energies allow us to bathe within a quality of compassion that opens deep places within our hearts. We can't hold these energies back. They symbolize our spiritual movement out of polarity.


Our response to the energies of these next few weeks will set the tone for how we are either engulfed by new life options or embrace these new opportunities. To the extent we fear anything, we unground ourselves, and block ourselves from change. That can be very uncomfortable! As we allow ourselves to take actions toward new ways of being, we have access to all those sacred energies in the Earth that nourish our bodies and make change an enjoyable adventure.

My gratitude extends to all of you who read these little musing on our shared world,




PS This cycle continues through mid-September, as we have another eclipse, SuperMoon and the annual Sirian Portal bringing us accelerated energies until then. And I do have Private Healing Sessions available for you during this time.(



I am preparing a sound healing meditation video around these topics to be released via this newsletter in a few days. If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters


I offer a song, Inner Truth, to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here


Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Winter Solstice​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor



Sound and Healing Workshop - Ann Arbor



Meditation by Phone/Online


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sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
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Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 2:22am EDT


sound shaman


Music CDs


Video Courses

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos








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Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at





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online video course with Norma

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(intro price of $49 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)

Penetrating the Blindness
Healing the Reverse Face of Narcissism
with a new sound healing video O Creation of God
and two Meditations concurrent with the inauguration

Dear Friends,

Clearly we are living in times of chaos and healing. The behaviors of D.T. are reminding us all of less than loving encounters we have had with people. Each time we feel strong emotions arise, there is probably an underlying experience from the past that is being pressed up into our awareness. This is an excellent opportunity, even though uncomfortable, to notice what is coming up. Every time we turn towards a wound, we have a chance to understand what our soul desires to learn from it.

Our emotions are helping us notice those aspects of narcissism that we are ready to grow out of expressing. Narcissism has a reverse face, which often feels like victimhood, or worrying what other's think about you, or people-pleasing, or having no boundaries, or not feeling safe, or self imposed get the idea. These are all behaviors learned when we, usually as children, had to deal regularly with a parent or authority figure who is a narcissist. And most of us have had this sort of exposure! With each wave of emotion that arises around political figures and events, we are reminded that we can either behave as we learned to behave as children, or we can try something new. We might cease to chose these learned behaviors that belittle us and instead turn our focus, passion and life energies towards that which enriches us and our world. We do this individually, and as a nation.

The narcissist pattern within D.T. is one that is prevalent in US society, and has been for more than 75 years. Probably longer. There are so many behaviors and beliefs related to narcissism woven into our culture that we don't even see them as being inappropriate. How many times have women and children been scolded for speaking up? How often does someone assume that the loudest voice in an argument is the 'right' one?

In fact, US society learned to 'normalize' narcissism in the 1980's, then embraced it, and now many citizens worship it. This worshipful stance has led to a deepening of our national blindness towards it. And as an example of the perfect polarity in which we live, it is now only the searing light of D.T.'s extreme narcissism that might penetrate this blindness.

As many have pointed out, we can each take advantage of this moment in time to focus on what we want to release in ourselves and our own lives, rebuilding what we love and cherish along the way. In each moment, loving act by loving act, and kindness by kindness, the fabric of our world is re-woven.

In addition to the events and healing music, I am offering
Private Sessions as well. Because…now is the time.

Please scroll down to see all that is possible, and join me as you wish.

My blessings to each of you, and to all of us, who travel upon this shared path.
-Norma, (with Mary)

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Download PDF


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.


Jan 12 - Feb 10 ​

Private Healing Sessions
by phone or in person in SE Michigan


Jan 19 ​

A Meditation for Transformation (phone and LiveStream online)
a meditation gathering supporting the March on Washington


Jan 21 ​

Entering the Sacred Heart (in person in Ann Arbor and online live stream)
a meditation gathering supporting the March on Washington


a song of reflection - sound healing

O Factura Dei - O Creation of God
based on the poetry of
St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179),
music by Norma Gentile

O creation of God which is human,
in the greatest of sacredness you were brought forth
when in humility, sacred divinity penetrated the heavens.

O what great compassion
allows divine brilliance in earthly mire

So that those angels ministering with God
might see God in humanity.

Please join me Thursday, Jan 19
by phone or online

A Meditation for Transmutation
on the eve of the inaugural

Please join me for a s

pecial gathering via live stream on January 21 from 1-4pm EST


New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Sample Free Video Here

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)



Pay no attention to the fireworks
Deepening our psychic and spiritual connections

The Transformational Power of Grief
Grief is a powerful tool for transformation. Especially when it is shared by millions of souls interconnected by spiritual agreements. Grief, when fully embraced, leads to a deep sense of individual empowerment. The last SuperFullMoon of this size occurred in 1948, just five days before the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. His example of peaceful protest was the model for the civil rights movement here in the US.

I feel a similarity in the waves of grief, disbelief and fear that citizen's of India and many world leaders experienced back then with his assassination, and the same waves of emotional shock that millions in the US, along with other world leaders, are processing now. There are no coincidences. This particular US election and the SuperFullMoon are inexorably linked together.

A song from St. Hildegard, which seems appropriate to this moment in time, is streaming freely on my
website,. It is from my album Unfurling Love's Creation, dedicated to the Divine Feminine. For mobile devices click here to listen


Ave Generosa
A song dedicated to Mary, a living representation of the Divine Feminine
iTunes link

I behold you, noble and glorious woman...
You are the sacred matrix in which God takes great pleasure.
The essences of Heaven flooded into you,
and the Great Word of God dressed itself in flesh.

Your flesh held joy, like grass upon whic dew falls,
pouring its life-green into it,
and so it is true in you also,
Mother of all delight.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

Norma's Audio Meditations (available as free podcasts)

Feeling Safe in a Turbulent World
Resetting the Spiritual pattern of our lower body chakras

Listen to excerpts now:

1. When the Body's Rivers of Energy Open
Engaging with Comfort


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


This meditation includes Ave Generosa, a song written in the 12 century by St. Hildegard of Bingen. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon.

Meditation #50 from September 16, 2016
Our lower chakras are underdeveloped and so not able to convey to us the psychic information that our body naturally receives. We have lost our ability to correctly interpret what our body is actually experiencing. In order to feel safe, we fall into habits that limit our expression out into our world. Fear, distrust, and not being able to make decisions are some ways that this manifests. This meditation offers you an opportunity to clear and reset your lower chakras, allowing your body to more easily connect into the nourishing energies and loving experiences that are possible in your life.

This meditation is about letting go of our brain's need to control, and learning to trust that what is around us supports us. Even when it feels uncomfortable to us, whatever engages with us in some way serves the journey of our body and soul. Our personality's insistence that something is wrong (or right) and must (or must not) happen is what moves us into polarity.

When we are functioning in this polarized state, it is very difficult to see options besides doing something, or doing its opposite.

There is an intelligence deep within our lower body's chakras that does not function in a polarized manner. I see it as a unique quality of psychic perception lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra, and enteric nervous system.

When we are able to engage with it, information received by this psychic (or Spiritual) intelligence is able to move out of our lower body and reach our heart and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about deep-seated issues when the information that has been received by our lower chakras is able to be transmitted to our heart and mind. For example, we can see options that were hidden from us when our only view was through the polarized lens of our overly busy brain. And because we perceive more options in a situation, we are able to address life issues in a very different manner.

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Cultivating Peace as a response to Anger

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

read online
print PDF


Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.





The 3 New SuperMoons and 3 Eclipses we are experiencing this Summer work together, reminding us to cultivate much needed Spiritual Principles

Partial Solar Eclipse July 13 (water/SE Australia) New SuperMoon

Total Lunar Eclipse July 27 (Africa/Asia) Full Moon

Partial Solar Eclipse Aug 11 (Northern Europe/SE Asia) New SuperMoon

Dear Friends,

As I write this, the 'Tiny but Mighty' July 13 eclipse is sharpening the tip of the needle so that Spirit can prick the life-issue each of us most needs to address right now. Energies related to this eclipse started a few days ago, and will continue to build into next week. Whatever you notice happening in your life during this time is ready to change, and you are being urged to change it. Addressing whatever is arising now, allows for an easier transition as we begin to receive Sacred Masculine energies along with energies related to the next eclipse doorway on July 27. As my guides remind me, it is very hard to fill a glass that is already full…we must release before we can receive what is about to be offered to us.

Yes, I have
Private Session spaces open this weekend and next week…

Here are some additional ideas about what is happening right now and in the near future that you may find useful:

Eclipses usually offer us doorways into ourselves. When we are within the arc of their energies (usually a week before and after) we can more easily feel issues in our lives related to the eclipse. Ideally, whatever we notice that is arising, we can change. And when we change, there may be a pulse of resonant healing offered out into our world.

July 13 is a partial Solar eclipse, tiny but potent, visible in the Southern Hemisphere. It occurs primarily over the Antarctic Ocean and a bit of Australia. It coincides with a New SuperMoon.

There are several factors that intrigue me about this eclipse, and have made me psychically look at it, and wonder about it even more!

It is not being paid attention to. We are being distracted, and hence our attention energy is being misdirected, to the Total Lunar Eclipse of July 27. Yes, this next eclipse is the longest of this century. But only by a few minutes. The July 27 eclipse will open a doorway into a new consciousness. But it is this first July 13 eclipse that determines where the doorway of consciousness will lead us to.

The blueprint for the doorway of July 27 is being constructed right now and during the next two weeks leading up to the July 27 eclipse. What is constructing this blueprint? Our responses (or reactions) to our external world. These are already building the doorway of consciousness we will step through on July 27.

I am also noticing that this first eclipse of July 13 is primarily happening over a vast expanse of water; the Antarctic Ocean, in the southern hemisphere. Every area of the Earth, whether it is covered by land or water, contains unique qualities. Every eclipse (or astrological configuration) interacts with that quality.


When an eclipse occurs largely over unpopulated expanses of land or water, what is drawn up out of the land or water reflects larger shifts in consciousness that humanity is ready to make. This July 13 eclipse is one such offering.


Water symbolizes the unconscious, the dream state, and a place beyond our mind's ability to extend it's intention. And our emotions. And the Divine Feminine.

What, I wonder, is held within this water in the Southern Hemisphere and is being brought into our awareness by this eclipse? Notice now what is arising in your life that is comfortable and less comfortable. These factors will lead you in the direction of recognizing what you are ready to change, so that you might be ready to receive the next wave of spiritual energies in the coming weeks.

My blessings to each of you who read this. Please know that your guides, your angels, your attention and time are all a part of the process of writing and drawing through information in these newsletters. Thank you!

I am offering extra times for
Private Healing Sessions this weekend and into next week..

For those of you who want to read more about this (and upcoming) eclipses from an astronomical perspective,
start here.




I offer a song, Inner Truth, from this month's live Meditation Concert to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here


Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


Winter Solstice​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor



Sound and Healing Workshop - Ann Arbor



Meditation by Phone/Online


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Dear Friends,

Yes, we are in an incredibly dense set of energies, between the 'almost' eclipsed full moon, the influx of energies from our alignment with Sirius, and of course the revealing shadow-work of "The Donald". Below are some insights on navigating these muddy waters, as well as a healing song and new video. Plus, I invite you to join me in a new online adventure!  Check out my new online video courses here:

Navigating the Muddy Muck of Chaotic Energies
(insights from Mary on our current events)

What happens when our personality disagrees with our Soul's choice?

There are times when our personality finds the choices made by our individual soul or the group of souls we are connected with very uncomfortable. For example, we might lose a job, or depart from a marriage, which forces us to move to a new town. This is very stressful, and we are apt to avoid this experience. However, it can eventually lead to opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. But initially it feels wrong to our personality.

And, at least initially, when our soul starts to create a chaotic pattern, our personality reacts by attempting to control it. Usually by coming up with what appear to be great ideas to stop the job loss or marriage from dissolving!

In the attempt to control difficult experiences, we often take what should have been a spiritual moment of chaos and turned it into a year or even a decade of chaos.

In our attempt to avoid discomfort, we've accidentally frozen ourselves at that very point of chaos our personality is seeking to avoid, rather than simply experiencing the discomfort and moving through it.

This is true for us as individuals, as well as nations and cultures. I share this because as we move through August and into early September patterns of chaos will most likely heighten.

An astrological alignment, which I call the Sirian Portal, brings a flow of Sacred Masculine energies into us from Sirius at this time each year. With each passing year the intensity and quantity of these Sacred Masculine energies has increased, just as our collective human ability to receive them has increased.

It is the generation and veneration of the Divine Feminine that creates the Grail or energetic container into which these Sacred Masculine energies come to rest. However, when the Sacred Masculine is present without the Divine Feminine, humans can easily misinterpret this cosmic masculine energy as profane, or non-sacred masculine energies. This results in actions that arise out of the bitter aspects of the profane masculine, such as violence and abuse of authority, while seeking power in isolation and control.

You probably recognize that this mis-handling and misinterpretation of what is meant to be Sacred Masculine energies is already underway. What is built using these cosmic energies in a non-sacred manner will not endure. But as we each recognize our own Divine Feminine essence as an integral aspect of our soul, we can harnass this Sacred Masculine energy and use it towards manifesting what our soul desires for us to experience in this life.

I believe that our souls are collectively choosing to use this influx of Sacred Masculine energies to break apart what no longer serves humanity. This includes old structures of government and finance built by utilizing these cosmic masculine energies in a non-sacred manner. As old structures dissolve, there are attempts to hold onto it. Our personalities can feel how uncomfortable we are when faced with unknown chaos. Because we are connected to each other as well as to the Earth, any practice of kindness, generosity and compassion offers a reminder to all of humanity that we need not tarry in this moment of chaos. We need not hang onto that which is ready to deconstruct itself.

So I hold in my meditation a question; "What is the next step of our collective Soul Journey?"

I believe that by staying in that place of posing but not answering a question, I allow Spirit to interact with the energies involved in the deeper levels of an issue of which I am unaware. In the moment my personality inflicts a solution, I have closed the doorway through which Spirit was able to move. For this reason I don't look for an answer, but rather practice remaining at the place from which the question originates.

"What is the next step of our collective Soul Journey?"

-Norma Gentile
(with Mary, Aug 10, 2016)

Category:blog -- posted at: 8:00am EDT

It's happening again - a Super NewMoon is coming our way.  Here are some insights and ideas on what to expect and how to navigate the experience in an advantageous manner.

Utilizing SuperNewMoon Energies

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





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read online
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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.



Utilizing SuperNewMoon Energies
a quick note on this week's opportunities for change

Dear Friends,

I awoke this morning and realized that the intensity of energies I was feeling was being arosed by this week's SuperNewMoon. It occurred to me that my guides shared during my meditation might also be of use to you, and so I share their insight with you now.

The energies of this week's SuperNewMoon bring up issues that we are usually able to hide, even from ourselves. For those seeking healing and change in their lives, these New Moon currents can reveal the deeper insights you have been seeking in order to more easily move through to new ways of living.

If you sense 'something' getting in your way of thinking new thoughts and imagining new ideas, this particular series of SuperNewMoons will help (actually they said 'insist') that you release these blocks.

If you have been debating a healing session, this is a great time to do it! I have 2 sessions open this week. If one of them is yours, please be in touch. Oh, and yes, this is the first of three SuperNewMoons, all happening in a row. Hence my guides suggesting that the SuperNewMoon energies will insist on us releasing what we can no longer carry into our new lives.

May love, compassion and charity light your way,



The candle within a Himalayan salt lamp reflects off of Rose quartz crystals in a glass bowl. I see this as a reminder that external events always illuminate parts of our inner world.

We can't control which parts of our inner landscape are illuminated.

But we can choose how we respond.




Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,

And if you are near Ann Arbor, please join me!
Saturday, June 23 at 8pm in ANN ARBOR, MI
Meditation Concert of Sacred Chant in Candlelight
Norma Gentile, sound shaman (and friends)
Atmaram Chaitanya (tambura & harmonium)
Nathan Correll (Tibetan bowls & gong)


Even if you aren't in the area, you can enjoy a video of two songs by Norma and Atmaram from last year's event



two songs:

Inner Reflection
Deepening Your Spiritual Guidance

Healing Breath
Accepting Yourself (and Others)



Norma Gentile, voice
Atmaram Chaitanya tambura & harmonium






Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here


Power vs. Love; identifying and healing patterns of narcissism, victimhood and people-pleasing
Show #4

Laura Knop had me as a guest on her radio show, Let's Get Real! discussing narcissism; how we are too easily blinded by narcissists who block our Third Eye/intuition, and pull the energetic grounding out from underneath our bodies. Healing this pattern is crucial, I believe, in order to truly ground, trust our body's telepathic signals, and clearly receive insights from our guides. This is a commercial radio show, so yes, there are commercials. It is Show #4 You can listen (or download the mp3) at this link:

People who readily behave like narcissists lie hidden within our lives. Usually they hide in plain sight! We don't see them because the principle traits and behaviors of Narcissistic Personality Disorder are acceptable in American society. The list of narcissistic behaviors is simple to find with an Internet search…or while observing our current political leaders.

On an energetic and spiritual level, souls expressing through a narcissistic personality offer those around them the opportunity to see and experience one of the major polarities within our reality. We each have a choice in how we interact with others. We can wield power over them, or aspire to creating a loving relationship with them. Narcissists stand upon our world stage and offer us the gift of watching the results of choosing power over love.

As a psychic energy healer, I have become aware of how narcissists wield power and blind us to their control over us. In this hour I will explain how narcissists block our Third Eye (and intuition), take over our grounding, ( which often begins in early childhood), and gaslight us, convincing us that we are wrong, useless and must rely on them alone. Narcissists ultimately create enmeshed and co-dependent relationships with those around them. They exist because we (unconsciously) feed and encourage them. The reverse of a narcissist is a people-pleaser. We each have the potential to express either aspect.

My intention is to support an awakening to how we have been drawn into co-dependent relationships with narcissists, and begin to unwind the connective psychic cords and energies.


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


June 23​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 5:30am EDT

Dear Friends,

The combination of Full Moon and Solstice energies this coming Monday is squeezing up into our awareness what we need to change. And in order to completely release old habits and behaviors, we are exposing even the out-of-tune guides and out-of-time angels related to old beliefs and habits. If you feel drawn to explore releasing anything leading you into old behavior patterns, this is a great time to do it! Here are some insights from Archangel Michael, a quote from Mary (of the Magdeline energy) dropped into me just now, a healing song, and info on the group
phone/online Meditation this Monday and my own Private Healing Sessions.


What is a choice?
The revaluation of life you make when your soul whispers and your heart listens.


A song for what is happening now
Sacred Passing from the Earth

from Norma's album

Songs of Spirit: live sound healings


These insights are based on my work with many clients and our shared connection to Archangel Michael. As always, I am so grateful for the shared path we walk together.

Choosing Profound Change: Why it is hard and how to do it anyway
Most of us make choices out of habit or based on the (unconscious) desire to escape pain by pleasing another person.  Ultimately our choices define what we are bound by in our life, such as the lack of money or intimacy, or overwhelming thoughts and emotions.  These sorts of situations keep us from fully spreading our energetic wings.

Through many years of offering healing sessions, I can tell you that such situations can and do change. Because there is an underlying energetic matrix from which our beliefs grow, one can shift the quality of energy in the matrix, and therefore change the beliefs and resulting choices we make.

What holds us back from making this change? Sometimes it is the same guides and angels that came to help us when we were younger, or assisted our parents or their ancestors. These well meaning but out-of-tune guides are often attached at points in our aura causing a distortion in our energetic matrix. They can be as far away as 25 feet from our body. For this reason they often go undetected by healers and psychics.

They can cause symptoms on the physical level as well. Most people sense a heaviness on one side or area of the body, and a discomfort or blockage in areas of the body may easily and habitually become painful or diseased. Because these out-of-time and out-of-tune guides influence our emotions and thinking process as well as our body, they can lead us to hold onto beliefs from our past that cause us to make repeated poor choices or fall into a routine of unhealthy habits.  

Some of these guides are from your own past, such as guides and even angels that helped you live as a child within your family.  But almost certainly how you needed to behave as a child no longer serves your soul's adult purpose!  Stepping out from your previously agreed upon behaviors and choices, based on your old societal and familial energetic matrix, is the focus of this point in time.

The combination of Full Moon and Solstice energies this coming Monday (June 20) is squeezing up into our awareness what we need to change. And in order to completely release old habits and behaviors, we are exposing even the guides and angels related to old beliefs and habits. As uncomfortable as it is, we are choosing to become aware of what no longer serves us so that we may change it.  

As a result feelings are swinging quickly between deep fatigue, psychic fog and overwhelm to astonishing moments of a clarity around future potential. All this can cause a dizzying sensation.  Grounding, for many people, is even more tenuous than normal. But grounding is extremely important in order to take advantage of grasping and tuning into the new clarity we are each being offered.

If you feel drawn to explore releasing guides that may be supporting you in repeating old behavior patterns, this is a great time to do it. The energies are already upon us, which means the doorway for this type of release will last into next week easily. .  For those of you interested in a Private Healing Session please email me with a few times and days that are good for you.

I am offering a Meditation on Monday, June 20 at 8pm eastern / 5pm pacific. You can join in by phone or via live online streaming at the Healing Chants Facebook page. Plenty more information is below.

However you choose to spend these days, I wish you each the bountiful blessings of the Solstice.


Norma Gentile, sound shaman, uses both spoken words and music to magnify our innate ability to bring our bodies and lives into balance. Her spoken word meditations for spiritual growth and albums of sacred medieval chant by St. Hildegard of Bingen are available at iTunes and Check her out now at



Category:blog -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Courage Rises through Broken Hearts

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

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Norma's music
is available at






Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.





Archangel Michael's Sword of Truth symbolizes Michael's ability to assist all energies and beings to depart from where they no longer fit and return home.

Dear Friends,
I have been considering Truth. It seems that the external world is unclear about the entire concept of Truth. Is it possible that by being presented with chaos externally, inciting us to follow an external leader, we are being enticed to abandon our internal knowing? For myself, the outer world chaos makes it even clearer that my inner guidance is where Truth is revealed. I know that I see more clearly what is transpiring around me when I am consciously aware of the still quiet space deep within my own body.

Experiencing the chaotic events and emotions of our physical world lately has reminded me that Truth is not an external factor. It does not reside outside or around me. Those who seek agreement about what is true or 'ought to happen' from the people with whom they surround themselves are doomed. When the value we place upon our self depends on the value those around us place on us, we end up desperately searching for those who will feed our own need for acceptance. And vice-versa. Eventually everyone sinks in the quicksand of neediness.

As I write this, I am watching a pattern that each of us probably has, to a greater or lesser extent. Those who surround a central person often bestow their support upon that person, not out of genuine agreement, but rather out of their unresolved and highly activated fears of abandonment and being shut out. A sense of false community is formed, whose brick facade lasts only as long as the fear that binds them together.

And this is the key to change.

Those who know, and follow their inner guidance, do not need the acclamation of others. Their joy and love of expressing themselves allows their own Truth to move from deep within their body outward into their actions. This resonates, and reminds others of that deep inner space where their own Truth resides.

Healing through resonance is a powerful tool. When external chaos resonates uncomfortable memories, emotions and situations up into our awareness, it is an opportunity to address and heal these issues. Take a moment, and if you feel something is stirring within you, and is ready to change, I am offering extra times for
Private Healing Sessions now.


I offer a song, Inner Truth, from this month's live Meditation Concert to assist in finding your place of inner Truth and Knowing.



A Healing Song

to find your place of Inner Truth and Knowing




Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here




Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


June 23​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Courage Rises through Broken Hearts

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at






Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

read online
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Explore Norma's Spiritual Courses





Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.


Let yourself hear and follow the Spiritual Beings working with money, ease and living well.



Courage Rising

Dear Friends,

I I am pondering how being in a constant state of outrage about external events keeps empathic, thoughtful people from regularly reaching their deeper inner knowing. I notice that it is only from the natural stillness of my own being/body and Soul that creative responses, rather than angry reactions, arise. I believe, because I have witnessed it, that creative responses act upon the causal energies of situations, and so remove what is underlying a situation, rather than merely tapping out the visible flames. 


It is a challenge to sit with the deep discomfort being shown to us both in media and on psychic levels. It is only natural to want to 'do something' to alleviate pain. This is human nature. We feel our own inner pain when we look upon someone else's pain. And, we may feel a sense of responsibility for not 'doing something about it.'

The current state of America is being described as a meth lab. One that is ready to blow at any moment. And so, looking at the deeper energies, I wonder what is it that would help those presently engaged within the DC government feel safe enough to express their own inner Truth, rather than falling in line with others out of fear, or swatting at external fires while trying not to get burned.

My healing meditation is this; how does my Soul want to express into the world today? What is mine to do today? Then, turning to others; How does the Soul of person X want to express itself into the world now? Are their actions an accurate reflection of their Soul's journey? Can their Soul offer healing to others in its journey? Keep in mind that oftentimes it is the prodding by a pointy stick that gets us to learn from a situation. And some Soul's have agreed to be that pointy stick.

I have no idea how this will all play out. I do know that over and over I have seen circumstances of meditation and being in deep stillness bring change in remarkable and hidden ways. Actions conceived of within our deep inner silent place contribute to the quiet, nearly invisible motions of Spirit. As Mary reminds me, "Even a rock will be worn down over time by flowing water." 

May your still inner place be the sanctuary of each moment.



The image is by Abigail Gray Swartz, the poem by Emma Lazarus (1849-1887), as it appears on the Statue of Liberty.




This Saturday's Meditation Concert (June 23) is dedicated to Truth.

Courage arises through the broken Heart.
Trust illuminates it.

Please come and join your hearts with ours in meditation, music and silence.



Saturday, June 23 at 8pm in ANN ARBOR, MI
Meditation Concert of Sacred Chant in Candlelight
Norma Gentile, sound shaman (and friends)
Atmaram Chaitanya (tambura & harmonium)
Nathan Correll (Tibetan bowls & gong)

Doors open at 7:30pm.
More Info Here

Even if you aren't in the area, you can enjoy a video of two songs by Norma and Atmaram from last year's event



two songs:

Inner Reflection
Deepening Your Spiritual Guidance

Healing Breath
Accepting Yourself (and Others)



Norma Gentile, voice
Atmaram Chaitanya tambura & harmonium






Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here




Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .



Watch Video


Listen to Audio



This meditation includes:

Losing stuff
in order to save your Life-force

How we value Big
more than Comfort

Maybe striving for more
doesn't serve you

You are Enough
(from Mary)

A healing song to create comfort in your life



This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song..

One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life,

I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others.

May what has been offered assist you in your journey,



Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone world-wide or in person in SE Michigan


June 23​

Meditation Concert - Ann Arbor


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

pecial gathering via live strea 



sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels



New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)




Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

This meditation includes insights from myself and my guides Archangel Michael and Mary, along with healing energies to easily open your body's natural connection to it's own Earth energies (also known as 'grounding'), while clearing old patterns that block your Soul's desire for you to create and manifest easily in your lifetime. I include a meditative song (Creating Comfort) near the meditation's end for use whenever you feel 'off' and the world feels 'off' and it's just too weird to put into words. Because when realities overlap and merge, our logical brains are pretty useless!

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon



Tools for Merging Multiple Realities

Full Meditation Audio
(58 mins long)

Creating Comfort
Song Only Audio


& more information



- How a Narcissist blinds Your Own Intuition

- How much Ease and Comfort does Your Soul want for Your Body?


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 6:59pm EDT

This is one of several extended meditations within Norma's online course, Resetting Your Financial Guides, learning to hear and follow the guides working with you around finances, ease and life-issues.

This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough)

One of the most interesting sections looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what we allow ourselves to receive in life.

You can watch other videos and enroll in the course at:

Resetting Your Financial Guides
an online course by Norma Gentile

Direct download: MoneyEaseComfort_Podcast.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:34am EDT

1 introduction: Communication and Resonance

2 Invoking Sacred Space (Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael)

3 Balance is Our Natural State of Being

4 What is your Legally Incarnating Soul?

5 MEDITATION: The Embrace of Soul, Body and Earth

6 Money, Ease and Comfort - How what you own may be costing you your life-force

7 How a Narcissist Blinds Your Own Intuition, Keeping You from Knowing Your Own Truth

8 MEDITATIVE SONG: Creating Comfort
What quality of ease, flow and comfort do your body and Soul want you to experience right now?

9 Releasing and Clearing Upper Body

10 Releasing Sacred Space (Archangel Michael and Nature)

11 Conclusion

Norma Gentile, sound shaman
similar music available at

Direct download: ToolsForMergingRealities.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:19am EDT

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

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online video course with Norma

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(intro price of $89 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)

Without Mary, there would be no Jesus...
Music and Video - Free Meditation New Year's Day

Dear Friends,

Below is a new healing song and video, celebrating the Divine Feminine. Relax, enjoy and share it with friends. Please also let those living near Chicago know that I am offering a new
Sound Energy Healing Gathering Workshop in Evanston, IL Feb 27 and Private Sessions Feb 28-29 in Evanston..

And don't forget to join me for a FREE MEDITATION on
New Year's Day as we move into yet another Full SuperMoon. You can join me by phone or online at the HealingChants FaceBook Page.



a healing song from one of Norma's Meditation Concerts

Mary, Bearer of the Star


More songs at iTunes and Amazon and CDBaby

Because without Mary there would be no Jesus...or Moses...or Abraham...or Buddha...
The Divine Feminine always gives birth to the Sacred Masculine.



Norma Gentile, voice & Tibetan bowl




Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone or in person in SE Michigan


Jan 1​

Free Phone / Online Meditation


Jan 27​

An Interactive Sound Healing Meditation Gathering in Evanston/Chicago


Jan 28-29​

Private Healing Sessions in Evanston/Chicago



Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

pecial gathering via live strea 


sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)



Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

video this song only
audio this song only

what has not (yet) come to pass
a healing song from Norma's Hathor guide, Atamira
(read full text here)

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

(this particular meditation is available as video above or streaming audio below)


More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunesand at Amazon



Meditation #54 from August 4, 2017


- Sacred Space Invocation
of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- The Earth has only loaned you its atoms
in order for you to create your body
- Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
- Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
- Brain Chatter Release
(clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
- Connecting the two Heart Chakras(knowing what is yours to do


& more information



These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

sound shaman



Music CDs


Video Courses








Press Kit
& Booking




Healing Chants Mobile App
Download Now

Follow Norma on


Norma's music
is available at





Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter

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online video course with Norma

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
(intro price of $89 includes $20 off a private session with Norma)

What are you Here to do Now?
Insights, Free Meditation, Sound Healing

Dear Friends,

A little info on current energies (yes, we are in the midst of a SuperMoon) and events like this weekend's
Candlelight Meditation Concert in Ann Arbor a new workshop in Evanston, IL and a New Year's Day Full Moon Phone / Online Meditation

You are probably noticing an increasingly uncomfortable underlying tension...this coming Sunday's Full Supermoon is drawing past issues out of our psychological closet and into our visible world. Whatever you notice happening this next 7-10 days is part of the shared collective consciousness of humanity looking at itself and asking 'Is this pattern/belief/emotional reaction serving us all now?' Which leads to individuals reflecting and asking 'Is what I am concerned about in my life really where my attention is needful?' 'Is this really MINE to do now?'

Which all leads to the big question: What Am I Here to do Now?



A sound meditation to locate, open and clear your built-in Spiritual compass. 


We are all gradually developing new chakras. The High Heart chakra, related to our thymus gland, (just above the Traditional Heart chakra), helps guide us upon the path that our Soul desires for us to choose in this lifetime. Here, at the High Heart, is where we hear the impulses of "stop" or "proceed" or sometimes even "no". Here is our built-in compass, available to us anytime we choose to use it!

This sound meditation helps you locate, open and clear your newly emerging High Heart chakra. This works with both the easily sensed front of the body as well as the aspect of the chakra where your guides and angels connect behind your back. This assists you to reset the chakra (between your shoulder blades/upper back) and invite in your most potent guides and angels who support you.

Sunday, December 3 at 4pm (on the Full Supermoon)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - See Printable Flyer
Meditation Concert of Sacred Chant in Candlelight
in Ann Arbor


Come celebrate and meditate within the energies of the pre-solstice Supermoon as Norma Gentile leads a unique concert of sacred song and chant by candlelight.

Check out a healing song from the last event (and share it with a friend).


with musical guests

Ann Arbor Interfaith Center, 704 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor


Atmaram Chaitanya
tambora & harmonium

Suggested Donation: $20 at the door (cash/check best)

Nathan Correll
singing bowls & gong


See More at Norma's FaceBook Event Page


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone or in person in SE Michigan


Dec 3​

Candlelight Meditation Concert Ann Arbor, MI at 4pm


Jan 1​

Free Phone / Online Meditation


Jan 27​

An Interactive Sound Healing Meditation Gathering in Evanston/Chicago


Jan 28-29​

Private Healing Sessions in Evanston/Chicago


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

pecial gathering via live strea 


sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course,
Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)



Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.

video this song only
audio this song only

what has not (yet) come to pass
a healing song from Norma's Hathor guide, Atamira
(read full text here)

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

(this particular meditation is available as video above or streaming audio below)


More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunesand at Amazon



Meditation #54 from August 4, 2017


- Sacred Space Invocation
of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- The Earth has only loaned you its atoms
in order for you to create your body
- Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
- Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
- Brain Chatter Release
(clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
- Connecting the two Heart Chakras(knowing what is yours to do


& more information



These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.


Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Patience, Guidance & Acceptance
Insights from Archangel Michael
paired with sound healing videos

Dear Friends,

This information came as a result of my asking the question "What is most useful to know for the near future?" The insights include a reference to three qualities that we would do well to cultivate; Patience, Guidance and Acceptance. Each of these came through in healing songs, and are offered here below and on my sound healing page.

Please note that I will be offering a Meditation Concert of similar songs in Ann Arbor MI on the Full Supermoon (Sunday Dec 3​) and will be in the Chicago area and availble for in-person healing sessions the weekend of Nov 18-19​. If you know of someone who would benefit from an in-person session while I am in the Chicago area please share this.

from Archangel Michael
Patience, Guidance and Acceptance;
the qualities you will most value in the coming year.

; allow the creative cycles to expose what they are meant to expose in your world. Do not force this process to fit within your perception of time.

When you strip away the outer husk of a seed before it is fully developed the seed is unusable. It can neither be consumed for nourishment nor planted for harvest. So too stripping away someone else's reality before they are ready to release it does not allow their soul ample opportunity to fully develop.

Stripping away what appears to be a false reality before what lies at its core is ready to be seen simply means that that which is trying to be born at a precise moment in time will not be born fully empowered. In order to transmute realities, your causal seed must be fully matured. Do not force the time of this revelation.

For this reason your year of 2018 is one of allowing seemingly contradictory realities to create themselves and to have their place within your world. Patience allows you to recognize the discomfort of feeling two different 'truths', but not rush to resolve the discomfort. Wisdom lies within Patience. Wisdom reminds your human self that at some point in time the seed within each contradictory reality will develop fully, and be ready to be revealed. As each seed is viewed, the combined psychic energies of those humans viewing it activate a deeper awakening within your shared consciousness. In this moment of realization, the seed becomes a doorway into a new reality.

In this process Guidance, following your own sense of timing, is crucial. You will be learning, by practicing, how to know when it is proper to simply as you say 'hold your tongue'. This is a great gift of compassion. By following your inner Guidance, you learn to allow another to see the world as they are seeing it in their own context, while knowing you are seeing something different. Thus you may feel and experience two or more realities simultaneously. They need not.

And so comes the virtue of Acceptance. Accepting that the speed of spiritual evolution, or seeming lack there of, may require Patience. Especially in regards to what you want to change, or what you feel is ready to change in your life. Honoring that each creative cycle has its own journey, within which it has its own participants, and its own timing in being revealed to others.

In Patience allow yourself to enter into stillness. From stillness you may welcome your own Guidance from within. We residing in Spirit accept you as you are. Accepting others as they are deepens with your own compassionate self-acceptance. May the blessings of all Beings reach you through this message.

I offer music from the energies of Mary, Archangel Michael and my Hathor guide Atamira to support you in discovering and expressing yourself here below.


Songs for Meditation and Healing


Song for Patience

Songs for Guidance & Acceptance


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on
Facebook - come 'like' my page!

To share via email: copy & paste this URL into your email to them:


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) ​​

Sessions include both information from your guides and angels, as well as healing energies to facilitate changes your Soul desires in your body and your life. This multi-faceted approach is notably deep and most people find that one or two sessions provides them with substantial, lasting and profound change. The kind of change that is so complete that there is little or no going back to the other ways of being.

In these healing sessions the spiritual foundation of who you are (the portion of your soul incarnating right now) engages with your body in a new way. This allows what does not reflect your Soul and body to be revealed, understood, and released. Simply put, the real world version of you catches up with the spiritual foundation of who you truly are. After the healing session your Soul, body and life will reflect each other more accurately.

How Your Healing is Supported
I do not intend or focus healing so that your body looks perfect, or that your aura looks like it does in a book. My guides consult and follow your guides, asking at each organ, each chakra, each issue in your life; what is it that your body and Soul choose? What is your next step? And in this process, allowing whatever no longer serves your Soul's journey to be released.

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


Private Healing Sessions
now available by phone or in person in SE Michigan

Private Healing Sessions in Chicago
Nov 18-19​


Dec 3​

Candlelight Meditation Concert Ann Arbor, MI at 4pm​
(advance tixs here now)


pecial gathering via live strea 


sample video
The Spiral and Linear Paths of Healing
from the online course: Re-Initializing Reiki

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to share with you a video from my new online course, Re-Initializing Reiki. Please have a look, and feel free to share with others.

The world has changed
You have changed
Reiki has changed

Why wait?
Step into your new connection with Reiki and your healing guides and angels now.

New Online Video Courses!

(special early-bird pricing and a coupon for $20 off a Private Session)

Spiritual courses in Healing, Sound and Energy Awareness


created for today's online world

Re-Initializing Reiki
Update your personal connection to Reiki and your healing guides.
$49 (pre-release price)

How Healing Happens
Insights and meditations to help you get out of the way of your own healing process. FREE

Let yourself hear and follow the money guides working with you right now
$49 (pre-release price)


Here are some additional free offerings.
Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.


video this song only
audio this song only

what has not (yet) come to pass
a healing song from Norma's Hathor guide, Atamira
(read full text here)

Norma's Audio Meditations are available as free podcasts at iTunes
Subscribe today!

(this particular meditation is available as video above or streaming audio below)



More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunesand at Amazon



Meditation #54 from August 4, 2017


- Sacred Space Invocation
of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- The Earth has only loaned you its atoms
in order for you to create your body
- Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
- Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
- Brain Chatter Release
(clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
- Connecting the two Heart Chakras(knowing what is yours to do


& more information



These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.
Category:blog -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

January 1, 2018
Norma Gentile, sound shaman

1. Introduction

2 Invoking Sacred Space

3 The Process of Recognizing What We Are Ready to Release

4 MEDITATIONS to Empower Yourself
Releasing other people’s energies, including their guides/angels, especially from behind your navel chakra, and from your lower back. This can help tremendously to relieve chronic pain and kidney issues.

5 SONG: Revealing Your Innate Grounding

6 MEDITATION: Recognizing and Clearing Psychic Energies from Your Parents/Family/Spouse
Projection isn’t just a psychological term. It is an accurate description of what happens when someone sends energy pictures, along with low-level guides to insist you believe their pictures, into your third eye, throat and low back space telling you to be who they ‘think’ you are.


These energy pictures typically accumulate in the front side of the 5th (throat) and 6th (third eye or forehead) chakras. The low-level guides tend to create congestion in the back of the head, throat and lower back. Guides from people who are telling you what to do and how to live your life tend to push into the back side of your navel chakra, often causing sensations of heaviness or immobility, along with discomfort in the low back. This part of the meditation helps you recognize guides and energy pictures you have received from others and release both the guides and pictures, and begin to generate the quality of energies around your throat, head and low back that your soul and body desire to have now.


When we are full of our own energies, it is very difficult for other energies to re-enter, and for other energies, that aren’t us, to find a home within us.


7 SONG The Bearer of the Star

8 Releasing Sacred Space

Norma can be reached through her website


Direct download: NavigatingChaos.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:06am EDT

Category:blog -- posted at: 5:24am EDT

Break entrainment or enthrallment to the louder mundane world; especially as it relates to power, strength and authority. Here are a series of short meditations and songs to do just that.

1 Introduction
2 Sacred Space Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
3 SONG: Om Namo Shivaya (Atmaram Chaitanya voice/harmonium)
4 SONG: Invocation (Norma voice)
5 The Quiet Within
6 SONG: Mourning what has not come to pass (Norma voice and Tibetan bowl)
7 A New Way of Grounding
8 Clearing Our Newly Emerging Chakras in Heart and Solar Plexius from past beliefs, guides and intensities.
9 SONG: Healing Breath (Norma, voice and Atmaram, tambura)
10   Why and How to Release Beliefs and Behaviors (and old guides and angels)
11 MEDITATION: Brain Chatter Release (clearing 6th and 7th chakras)
12 SONG: Healing Home   (Norma, voice and Tibetan bowl)
13 SONG: For Inner Reflection (Norma, voice and Atmaram, harmonium)
14 Release of Sacred Space
15 Final Blessing

Norma Gentile, sound shaman
with musical guest Atmaran Chaitanya 

Direct download: WhenStarsComeOut.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:30pm EDT

Dear Friends,

A quick note about current energies that are rocking and buffeting us around. My friend, astrologer Mark Dodich, posted in FaceBook that "a solar flare the size of Jupiter…has already sent energy out hitting Asia and Australia, so tune in energetically the next several days to see if it rattles your personal energy field."

Well, it did! This was the piece of information I was waiting for, so that I could organize recent insights that my guides, Archangel Michael and Mary, have shared with me. Here they are, presented in the original channeled format.

When Your Inner Child Becomes a King

Insights on Empowering Your Sacred Masculine

Archangel Michael
You, representing the consciousness of humanity, are clearing ancient patterns relating to obedience and authority. To clarify: each human, animal and anything within your world of form contains both male and female essences. All of your visible world is created upon the principle of polarity, thus it is so. Your soul is both masculine and feminine. The spiritual interaction now and through the next several years is between yourselves symbolized right now by Jupiter, the obedient son who is readying to become king, and the Sun, symbolizing the observable and external masculine figures you have created in your culture and lives.

The Sun is an embodiment of your Sacred Masculine qualities. However, at the present time the physical solar sun allows itself to be cloaked by your own consciousness. It is functioning as a mirror for what humanity believes the qualities of masculine ought to be.

But that is changing!

As humanity is readying to embrace the Sacred Masculine rather than its profane brother, the day-to-day 'power over others' masculine, the sun itself, as well as all the planets of your solar system (and regions of solar systems throughout your galaxy) are also changing. These celestial orbs are unburdening themselves of the cloak of the profane and arising into a rebirth that reflects elements of your original 'star-seed' creation. That is to say, the vibrations of Sacredness from which all of your visible world was originally brought into physicality are stepping forward more tangibly. And that which does not vibrate or find resonance with this original Sacred tone is jarring to hear and experience.

Note from Norma
I am being asked to share a memory that just popped into my mind: As a child I often spent hours onboard my parent's sailboat. Not often, but sometimes storms came up suddenly in the afternoon, and I would watch as the waves hit not just the boat but also struck and hit each other. The energy of the forward motion of the waves was nullified when they struck up against each other. However, these were the waves that were the highest, and also created the deepest troughs into which the boat would fall. This sort of sailing upon rough seas is happening to us all right now.

Archangel Michael
Consider this: All that humanity has created, from emotions to beliefs to physical forms, exist as waves. All that humanity has created during a very long game of 'free-will' and 'polarity consciousness' are contained within a vast sea as a multitude of different waves. Likewise, the original tone or tones of Creation exist as a series of organized pulsating waves.

As the energetic waves of the original Sacred Tone increase in volume, they are striking up against the waves created by humanity's prolonged exploration of consciousness. Long ago, in order to achieve this new polarized free-will consciousness, humanity, and all that exists within your galaxy, needed to release its ability to hear Spirit.

And consciousness within this galaxy was successful! Something new happened as a part of the Creative Experiment. The energies that humans know as emotions flourished. Humanity's ability to generate waves of emotion that impact the entire galaxy became the focus of the cosmic experiment. The intensity and density of this emotional energy has created a new type of chaos, and possibility, for All of Creation.

For many millennia those souls incarnating as humans agreed to bath themselves within the energies of emotions, thereby creating more and more emotional energies. And this is precisely what is causing your current difficulties. In this state of separation your ability to access 'free-will' and generate energies relating to emotions has been of service to all of Creation. As we all (even those in other dimensions) move now into a time of reconciliation, humanity is slowly awakening to the falsehood that is your emotion known as fear.

The Three Marys
We who speak as Mary define human fear as the reaction when a human is disconnected from Spirit. In the past, fear was needful in order to function apart from Spirit listening only to your free-will. The cultivation of this emotion kept humanity from accessing its innate connections to Spirit. Now, its usefulness has past.

The nature of human consciousness within a reality that includes fear is to cling to the known patterns of behaviors, beliefs and lifestyles. Clinging to the past ways of functioning generates and enlarges the emotional energy waves pertaining to the sea of polarity. However, before fully departing from the sea of polarized consciousness, it appears to be the choice of those incarnating as humans (and we might add all those in any type of form visible to humanity) to explore the various waves created during your time of existing within polarity, and investigate both the gift and lesson each behavior, belief and related emotions have brought.

Hence the issues relating to power, authority and your concept of what 'masculine' is in your world.

Note from Norma, based on insights from Mary Magdalene
Obeying authority keeps us safe as children, perhaps as employees, but does not feed our inner emotional and spiritual self. We become stagnant, bored and disinterested in life. We have ceded our spiritual inner authority to another, whom we view as an external authority. We deny or limit our ability to access our own spiritual tools; including the innate sense of our inner strength, the knowing of our Higher Self and our soul's purpose. This is the primary pattern we are working on now, and will be working on world-wide for the next several years.

When we step into a new habit or behavior and fully embrace it, the energies relating to the previous version of the behavior or pattern simply have no place to be within us. But, as Archangel Michael states, we also have decided that we will seek to understand the reasons we embraced the old patterns and how they served us. Then our release of these energy patterns arises out of gratitude, not fear.

As a result we become aware of the gifts and lessons within each behavior or habit. This type of release brings a completion to our individual process and offers a resonant healing of the pattern to our larger world. In this moment we have the opportunity to allow the energies of our experiences and emotions related to obedience and authority to move onto their own evolutionary path.

Mary Magdalene
Healing is a term I hear those of you incarnating now frequently use. It is a word that has nearly lost its true meaning. What if healing were redefined not as fixing, but as nurturing the smallest and most vulnerable seedling inside yourself? What if the garden containing this most tender of sprouts was always bathed within the loving sunshine of Spirit? Reflecting upon this, perhaps, allows for a deepening into your own healing. May each be blessed and awakened with this reading.

Here is a song (and spoken meditation) from a recent Gathering that focuses on helping you find your own soul's energy deep within the Earth. To say it will help you ground is overly simplistic, but yes, it will help you feel more grounded. In a larger frame of reference the spoken meditation and song assists you in releasing inhibitions and blocks around accessing the power and psychic intelligence that your body is meant to have. When we are connected to our Earth Soul as much as we are connected to our Heavenly Soul something different happens in our lives. Are you ready?

Grounding into your Earth Soul
- a song and meditation channeled from Archangel Michael

Full Meditation (7:30 mins)
Just the song (2:30 mins)


Category:blog -- posted at: 4:49am EDT

This month's healing song ties directly into the energies of change we are experiencing. Just as we often find comfort in the known, we often project a sense of impending discomfort around the unknown. Certainly we are all traipsing into a new field of consciousness now. Whether it expresses itself as one of politics, health, finances or intimate relationships, our new consciousness is revealing changes in our world.

No matter the area of our life in which issues related to intense change appear, we can make the impending transition smoother and arrive more easily by gracefully relinquishing our conscious (and unconscious) hold on what must now pass away.  Here are some additional insights and a healing song to help you do just that.


A song for dealing with change and making choices
Sacred Passing from the Earth

from Norma's album
Songs of Spirit: live sound healings


For those of you interested in listening to the Meditation I gave on Choices and Change (during the Full Moon/Solstice) it is now online as a free streaming video at the Healing Chants FaceBook page. It includes two spontaneous sound healings and lots of healing energy.


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.


Category:blog -- posted at: 5:28pm EDT

(also published in the Huffington Post and Kindred Spirit (UK)
American politics isn't about American politics. It's about the patterns behind our daily choices, the outdated beliefs we don't realize we still follow, and the shared conscious connections we have with our friends and family. Right now, American politics is putting on display what our culture is ready to look at. It is showing us what Americans need to make a choice about. We may choose to continue certain behaviors, or we may choose to change certain behaviors. But even the choice to continue certain behaviors will be made in a conscious manner because the American candidates and the 'circus of it all' is bringing these choices to our attention. 

We are choosing between two distinct ways of living life. These two choices can be summed up as questions:

     1. Is this what we really want? 

     2. Is this what we are willing to tolerate? 

Our choice may well define American society for the next several decades.  

That old adage of choosing the 'devil you know' rather than the 'devil you don't know' is at play here. What appears to be the 'devil we don't know' only looks devilish because we don't know it. As people living in a quickly changing world, our tendency is to choose the discomfort we know, rather than chance a greater discomfort within the unknown. Of course, this keeps us in a constant state of discomfort!

But with this election we have the ability to make a choice, and to choose something new for ourselves. I think that we keep forgetting that if we choose something new, and it is uncomfortable, we can always make another choice. Restaurants hate it when we send food back, but it happens. We are allowed a do-over in other areas of our lives too.

But we tend to fear trying something new. Our tendency is to assume that if we choose something new, (i.e. the devil we don't know), that it will be worse than our current circumstances (the devil we do know). Our fear of the unknown creates a belief that there will be pain in the unknown. Therefore we will not change. We fear the potential pain that we assume lies within the unknown more than we fear the known pain.

Politics isn't about choosing a candidate. It is about each person making their own internal choice. Do you choose to tolerate the devil you know in your life? Or do you choose to answer the question 'What it is that you really want?' When we each answer that question honestly, I believe that our politicians will have to answer it as well.  


Norma Gentile, sound shaman, uses music to magnify our innate ability to bring our bodies and lives into balance. Her spoken word meditations for spiritual growth and albums of sacred medieval chant by St. Hildegard of Bingen are available at iTunes and Check her out now at

Category:blog -- posted at: 5:04pm EDT

Dear Friends,

When I first began my spiritual journey, I began with the assumption that my Soul was perfect, and therefore lived outside of my body. It lived in Heaven. Heaven was then still defined in my world as some golden city floating in the clouds…more or less…but something that certainly did not exist or have anything to do with living here on Earth.

Maybe it was just my community that focused on the aspect of wealth in its image of Heaven, but I decided as a young child that if the streets of Heaven were paved in gold, then I didn't want to have anything to do with it. No trees? No grass? No dogs to play with? Clearly, I was not yet indoctrinated into the ways of the suburban upper middle class! But my discomfort with my community's definition of Heaven encouraged me to search for my own definition. For me, Heaven is the expression of Life upon the Earth. From plants and trees and lush green moss to wild lions roaming the plains and tabby cats curled up in the afternoon sun…each is an example of Life, expressing itself as Heaven on Earth.

As soon as I realized that Heaven is a quality of living which we each may create, my spiritual questioning gaze fell upon my concept of Earth. If being in Heaven is so desired that (according to my Christian upbringing) we must die in order to arrive there, what does that say about Earth? Clearly (again, according to my Christian upbringing) Earth is second best. Not that great of a place to be, compared to Heaven.

No wonder I could not conceive of my Soul as having any connection to Earth! My Soul was perfect, and therefore would not deign to reside in the Earth, only in Heaven. And so my belief remained that I had a Heavenly Soul, but not an Earthly Soul.

Until I met my prejudiced belief about Earth head-on.

Was it shattered in one moment? Probably not. Or at least I don't recall it that way. There were a series of small moments over a few years. These took the forms of conversations and overheard comments with shaman friends. There were personal experiences during my meditation time, or while teaching and channeling, or singing. I found myself connecting to Nature energies in many different cities and countries as I welcomed their participation in healing endeavors. No matter where I was, I found myself consciously connecting and conversing with Nature Spirits in every workshop space, church, hotel room and even a few airports.

I found the same loving acceptance of my queries to Nature's Intelligence about the relationship between Heaven and Earth as one might feel from a patient (but sometimes weary) teacher. "Earth is Heaven. Heaven is Earth. You (humans) are separating them into two things. They exist together, not apart. One does not choose between them. Your needing to choose is the illusion you have built. Nature does not live in polarity as humans do. Nature reflects polarity only because Nature expresses the consciousness of humanity. As humanity arrives at a point in consciousness that is outside of polarity, so too will Nature express itself in non-polarized physicality."

Simply put, we create our reality. Nature acts as the translator between ourselves and our physical world. For example, are you thinking about painting a room a new color? You are (consciously or unconsciously) consulting the Nature Spirits and Intelligence of the room for their suggestions. Whether or not you follow their suggestion (that odd color that just caught your eye might be fun) is up to you.

Below is a song (and spoken meditation) from a recent Gathering that focuses on helping you find your own soul's energy deep within the Earth. To say it will help you ground is overly simplistic, but yes, it will help you feel more grounded. In a larger frame of reference the spoken meditation and song assists you in releasing inhibitions and blocks around accessing the power and psychic intelligence that your body is meant to have. When we are connected to our Earth Soul as much as we are connected to our Heavenly Soul something different happens in our lives. Are you ready?

Grounding into your Earth Soul
- a song and meditation channeled from Archangel Michael


Now for the related sound healing! This song (and the spoken meditation before and after it) came through me from Archangel Michael. I present it in two versions - the complete healing with the song in the middle, and a version with just the song.

Full Meditation (7:30 mins)

Just the song (2:30 mins)


Category:blog -- posted at: 4:56pm EDT

(Includes 2 healing songs) What are you ready to see within yourself? What, that is now hidden, is ready to be revealed about our external world?


1 Introduction

2 Invoking Sacred Space: Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael

3 Truth lies within Stillness
What is it within each person, within this quiet place of stillness, that wants to be revealed now?

4 SONG: Ubi Caritas
Where there is charity, compassion and love, God abides.

5 Distractions of the outer world

6 Chatting with Cats
(and listening to their stories)

7 Psychic Energy: Is it Communication or Overwhelm?
Narcissists know how to overwhelm our 6th chakra/3rd eye and create ‘alternate truths’ that are difficult to ignore.

8 Psychic Energy Exchanges during Live Performances, Political Rallies, Movies and TV shows. (what is happening right now)

9 Identifying Energy Pictures given to us as Babies

10 Meditation: Releasing psychic pictures received as babies from parents. (your needs are wrong, you are not good enough…your hunger makes me angry)

11 Insights and Meditation: New Ways of Grounding to avoid letting another’s psychic pictures overwhelm you.

12 SONG: Blessing and Nourishing Your Body (solo voice)

13 What does your soul want to share with you now? Receive an insight from your own soul or guide.

14 Releasing Sacred Space
15 For more information

Direct download: RevealingTruth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:32am EDT

FEELING SAFE in a Turbulent World

Our lower chakras are underdeveloped and so not able to convey to us the psychic information that our body naturally receives. We have lost our ability to correctly interpret what our body is actually experiencing. In order to feel safe, we fall into habits that limit our expression out into our world. Fear, distrust, and not being able to make decisions are some ways that this manifests. This meditation offers you an opportunity to clear and reset your lower chakras, allowing your body to more easily connect into the nourishing energies and loving experiences that are possible in your life.

This meditation is about letting go of our brain’s need to control, and learning to trust that what is around us supports us. Even when it feels uncomfortable to us, whatever engages with us in some way serves the journey of our body and soul. Our personality’s insistence that something is wrong (or right) and must (or must not) happen is what moves us into polarity.


When we are functioning in this polarized state, it is very difficult to see options besides doing something, or doing its opposite.


There is an intelligence deep within our lower body’s chakras that does not function in a polarized manner. I see it as a unique quality of psychic perception lying primarily in the navel, 2nd chakra, and enteric nervous system.


When we are able to engage with it, information received by this psychic (or Spiritual) intelligence is able to move out of our lower body and reach our heart and mind. We oftentimes have clarity about deep seated issues when the information that has been received by our lower chakras is able to be transmitted to our heart and mind. For example, we can see options that were hidden from us when our only view was through the polarized lens of our overly busy brain. And because we perceive more options in a situation, we are able to address life issues in a very different manner.

The song included here is AVE GENEROSA, composed in the 12th century by St. Hildegard of Bingen. It is from Norma's album of sacred chants UNFURLING LOVE"S CREATION  

Direct download: FeelingSafe.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:53am EDT

start whever you are now

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Meditation & Teaching CDs

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If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



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Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard




New Mobile App
Download Now


Boundaries, Change and Healing...insights from the Healer's Perspective
Quietly Wondering (a new song)

Dear Friends,

One advantage to working with so many people in healing sessions is that I see the common threads we are all weaving into (and releasing out from) our lives. This week seems to be about BOUNDARIES and our own Healing Journey. I thought it might be useful to share a few insights...and a new song, Wondering Quietly, from a recent Sacred Chant Gathering

The Hero's Spiritual Journey
All of us have areas of our life that we control out of fear. Recognizing when we are in one of these situations allows us to choose not to control the situation, but to welcome a new experience because of the situation. Oftentimes at the end of a healing session I will remind the client (and myself) that all those people in our life, especially people who may have been spoken about in the session, have permission not to change at all. The healing session is for the client, and the client has permission to change as much as their soul chooses to change. No one else needs to change in order for you to receive the healing energies offered during a session (or during meditation, yoga, etc.) and have profound change occur.

Of course, our family and friends do sense when we are changing. And sometimes it seems that they will throw out a lasso, trying to pull us back into old patterns of drama and behavior. When this happens, it is good to remember a few things.



1. It's a spiritual pop quiz - are you really committed to changing?
2. Who do you want to have change with you?
3. Do you have permission to override their soul's choice not to change?


Bottom Line: If you are knowingly or unknowingly pulling anyone else along on your healing journey their energy will stop you from pursuing your own healing journey. That is one reason we often feel like someone else's energies, emotions or issues are in our space. Releasing the need to fix or heal another person is a major aspect of the Healer's Spiritual Journey.


In order to help release the energetic cords of connection between yourself and others I use the Four Questions for Healing that I have developed. Begin with the first question; ask yourself if all that you are feeling or noticing (emotions, thoughts, physical sensations) are really yours. This is a simple method to separate out the emotions, thoughts and even physical body issues that are truly yours, and those same issues that pertain to others.

When you change, others may not feel safe
Whatever shifts you are making are (ideally) offered out to all others as possibilities. The new choices you make are like little gift-wrapped treasures left on their front porch. When their soul decides to open the gift is not up to anyone but them. When there is a conscious or unconscious belief that your family or friends ought to change along with you it is like shoving the gift into their arms, whether they want it or not. Imagine how it feels to have anything, even a treasured gift, forced upon you!

For this reason your change may even be perceived by others as being dangerous to them. Recognizing when you want someone else to change is a key to pursuing your own healing journey. The energy cords that run between us will always update others about the changes you are making. How much someone listens to that information is not up to you. You can send an email, but the other person has to choose to read it and take the time to understand its content.

This is one reason that profound change is so difficult. The mythology of the Hero's Journey illustrates this concept of change and interconnectedness. The protagonist must leave the village and undergo a quest in a far off land. Only after the completion of the quest does the protagonist return to the village as the Hero. Change happens while separated from the village community. And that change can be met with acceptance or fear by those in the village.


Before you continue reading, move into a moment of contemplation. Click to listen to the sound healing below. I promise, there are plenty more insights and 'brain candy' in the next section!


Wondering Quietly
- an improvised song from a Sacred Chant Gathering
(if you are near Ann Arbor please join me for a simlar Gathering on Saturday, May 21)

Body-to-Body and Soul-to-Soul Cords
The spiritual connections we have with each other, soul-to-soul, are perfect. While incarnated, we have energetic cords available to us that reflect our soul-to-soul connections, as well as the energetic cords we share body-to-body with those in this lifetime. The body-to-body cords reflect our personalities and the issues our soul have decided to address in this lifetime. The experiences and resulting choices that you make travel along these energetic body-to-body cords and let others know when you are changing.

The cords carry an informational pulse that lets people in your life know what you are doing. (Yes, like a Facebook status update!) Each person can listen to the information, or choose to ignore it. When someone listens to the information about a shift you have made they may or may not choose to act on it. For this reason none of us can heal or change another person. Only their soul can do that. The changes you make are always offered to others as informational possibilities, nothing more.

Receiving Change more easily in Our Life
When we are grounded into our own body we tend to be able to receive the information that travels along the body-to-body cords from others with ease. We can feel the quality of vibration that is our physical body and the quality of knowing that reflects messages from our own soul. Therefore, we know what is ours to do and what is not ours to do. We can let other people explore and have new relationships to the world, and then bring those new ideas to us. New ideas are not threatening, they are a curiosity to be explored.

When any of us is ungrounded we tend to be fearful, and maintain a high degree of control over our life experience. We don't feel safe and spend much of our attention and life-force in organization and control modes. We define our world by all that is perceived as external to ourselves, i.e. other people. Because we define ourselves by how we believe others see us, we rely on others to define our world. When someone in our world begins to change, our world is threatened.

Separating Yourself Energetically from Others
This is especially true of people in our lives who are narcissists or those who tend to control others. When clients are dealing with such people the body-to-body energy cords can be very active, and attempts at change, or even thinking about change, can bring up much discomfort. Client's report that it feels like the other person is 'reading your mind' and preventing you from moving forward.

I have developed a trick to utilize in this situation. This will prevent others from psychically seeing the changes that you are making, and encourages you to not wander over into their energies as well. Remember, if someone's energy is in your space then your energy is also in their space. Since you can't change them, start with what you can change: yourself!

To begin, sense the body-to-body energy cords that exist between yourself and the other person. You don't need to be super psychic to do this. Allow yourself to sense any area of discomfort, heaviness or even loopy thoughts you are experiencing. These are all symptoms of the body-to-body cords being active between yourself and another person.

As you feel whatever you are feeling, allow yourself to also open into your own heart, and your own compassion. How much pain is the other person trying valiantly to protect themselves from experiencing? When any of us puts effort into protecting ourselves, it is likely because whatever we might otherwise experience is very scary and painful. Compassion for another allows you to find the soul-to-soul cords that exist between yourself and another person, whether they are incarnate in physical form or have passed into spirit..

From this quiet heart space imagine encouraging the other person to remain exactly where they are. Imagine telling them that they have enough strength to follow the journey of their own soul. This is a healing that you can offer, but not impose. You might even imagine that this encouragement is wrapped up in a gift box and placed near them. Do not force them to open it in your imagination. Simply leave it for them to discover, when the time if right.

Now allow that other person to create an image of you out of their own energy. Sort of like a scarecrow or replica version of you. The replica that you see may not at all look like you. Allow that version of you to reflect how the other person may see you.

Remember, we can only see in others what we can see already in ourselves. And we tend to see in others that which we are most needing to love and/or change in ourselves. Many clients find that the scarecrow version of themselves looks very little like how they see themselves! And there are often insights about wounds that you and the other person are working on together, at a soul level. As you allow your imagination to translate spiritual information during this process you are apt to psychically sense what someone else is projecting onto you. And, you might spend a moment or two asking what you are projecting onto them that isn't really what their soul and body are like in this lifetime.

There are many levels to this process, and each time you do it new insights will arise. Ultimately, encouraging another person to build an energetic scarecrow replica of you lets them interact with the replica instead of your personal energies. It is not something that needs to be done for everyone in your life. It is a tool that is available when necessary.

You changed, they don't have to change
In order to maintain boundaries with others we must begin within ourselves. My mentor-teacher John Friedlander used to tell students to 'send a psychic change of address card' to people in our life after a workshop. I believe that this was his way of indicating that we had undergone a change, but no one else needed to move. That is why at the end of a healing session I say you have permission to change, and no one else needs to change. You can keep shifting and changing, and all those with whom you share your life can feel safe in their own worlds, feeling only the change that their souls are ready to receive. You changed, they don't have to change.

My blessings of change and transmutation to each of you,


Yes, please share these newsletters with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!


May 11-20​, 22-31​

Private Healing Sessions


May 21​

Ann Arbor, MI
Sacred Song, Chant and Healing (a participatory gathering on the Full Moon)


June 20​ at 8pm​ Eastern/5pm​ Pacific

FREE WORLDWIDE MEDITATION (by phone and online facebook streaming video)


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone) May 17-20​ & May 22-31​

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here


click to enlarge

ANN ARBOR, Michigan
Saturday May 21​ from 4pm​-6pm​ - - - - - - - Flyer Here
Sacred Songs, Chants and Healing
not a workshop, not a concert, something inbetween...

LISTEN to a Song created in a similar gathering last week

Just as Hildegard created sacredness with daily devotional chanting, we can too. Click on the image to the left, and you will see how the caps of one level of the circle of Angels(and humans) creates the body and face of the next highest row. In this illumination, Hildegard clearly shows the interdependency of all realms, from the highest of the Angelic levels down to those of us here within the Earth.

Come celebrate this season in a circle of sacred chants as Norma Gentile leads a sequence of Sacred Songs and Healing Chants. All are welcome to participate by chanting, singing, toning or meditating.  This is a time of shared co-creation in sound, Spirit and deep silence. A love offering of $10 (or more) is suggested, and no one is turned away.  

LOCATION: Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd​, Ann Arbor​





FREE MEDITATION (by phone and online video)
​Monday​, ​June 20​ at ​8pm​ EDT (New York City time) 5pm​ Pacific Time
(will be recorded and available as a free audio meditation podcast and facebook video)

I offer this time on the Full Moon and Solstice for whatever meditation my guides, usually Mary and Michael, might share with those who feel drawn to join in the meditation.

This hour includes a series of silent and spoken meditations, most likely from my guides Mary and Archangel Michael. Plan on finding a quiet space where you can lie down and be deeply at rest and undisturbed for the duration of the meditation. This will be recorded and posted as a free podcast for download or can be watched online at Healing Chant's Facebook Page.

Previous Meditations are available at iTunes>Podcasts>Norma Gentile or Here

All are welcome to participate. There is no charge. If you are able to make a donation that is most welcome. Donations help me to edit, upload and maintain this meditation freely available to everyone.


To Participate:
ONLINE: will be live streamed (audio and video) at the HealingChants facebook page

PHONE: all callers must enter
Access Code 654222#

United States and Canada (712) 775-7031
View Other International Numbers

Please note:

- Callers may be charged for the cost of the call within your own country.
- Recordings of previous meditations are available to stream or download here

Donations Welcome!

Paypal Email:

Checks to:
Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197


Norma's Meditations (free podcasts)

Healing from within Polarity
THE GIFT OF POLARITY: How and Why we use Polarity in our Lives.


Listen to excerpts now:

1. Our souls choose to explore both sides of Polarity
We created Polarity


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #49 from February 21, 2016

As long as we have physical bodies here on Earth, we are creating within polarity. Our bodies are perfect examples of this polarity; organs that exist on both left and right sides, a brain with two hemispheres, and of course our upper and lower 8th chakras. We are designed to grow in our understanding of polarity while incarnate. Only by entering fully into polarity can we encounter our next step. When we resist this process, we may become disenchanted with our life, feeling sluggish and uninvolved; or we may spiral out of our bodies, feeling euphoric but disconnected from what surrounds us.

This meditation will assist you in becoming aware of the issues that you may be avoiding, and provide you with a nurturing safe environment in which to consider them. Here your guides and angels are present. Notice insights and ideas that may occur to you. These will be how you address your life issues. This is a time for you to choose how you desire to move forward.

This meditation includes two channeled healing songs. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available oniTunes and at Amazon.


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.


Norma's Healing Songs

for all the ages of our worlds


Being - Doing
A healing song for Balance

And of course if you like my music, you can find my recordings
online here and at amazon.comiTunesCDBaby

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up



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Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.




Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


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Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



   Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing ChantsPO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA734-330-3997, www.healingchants.cominfo@healingchants.comYES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.   

Click here to see other Newsletters


Category:blog -- posted at: 7:03pm EDT

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Music CDs


Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard



New Mobile App
Download Now



Polarity - Are You In?
spoken audio meditation and healing channeled songs

Dear Friends,

A short note to start: 
Friday, May 6 is a New Moon and Supermoon. That means the moon is at its closest for the lunar month, and typically at its strongest. We have learned how to energetically approach Full Moons that are also Supermoons. We have had a lot of those in the past few years! But this is happening on a New Moon. And you have probably noticed it in the past few days...It feels disconcerting. People look (to my psychic sight) to be very ungrounded. it is like we are each chess pieces, and we have picked ourselves up off of the board and are debating where to put ourselves down on the board. Of course this means we are choosing to potentially change how we relate to all the people and things in our life! And it is not an understandable linear change that we are making. For this reason many people are feeling stranded and unable to move forward. Clearing out what was (energetically) will help tremendously in seeing the next step. Please keep this in mind as you read (or listen) to the information below. And yes, I have 
Private Sessions available this weekend.


The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth. - Niels Bohr

For the past few months I have been fascinated by the obvious presentation of polarity in the world around us. And, I know the external events that present seemingly opposite extremes are assisting me to recognize Truth when it is wrapped in ways that I enjoy and don't enjoy it! An obvious example is playing out upon the stage of American political theater. As bizarre as American political events are, I know that the souls involved are doing all of us a great service when they model behavior and beliefs that reflect what we may be hiding from our own awareness.

What we judge in others usually relates to an unresolved issue or experience that we feel arising within us. During the time that we are actively giving our attention to judging another, whatever is arising within us is squashed down, safely held under the threshold of our awareness. So with this in mind, I asked my guides what is being revealed to us spiritually in this American political season, and how does this help us to grow and mature, both individually and as a society? Here is what I heard:

from Mary
Compassion allows us to see with Spiritual Eyes the potential evolution of any person or situation. Condemnation stops that process of evolution. It tells the person or situation they are bad/wrong, and encourages entrenchment. In this fashion polarities move more deeply into fixed positions, rather than resolving into something that neither side of the polarity could create on its own. Compassion for another tells them there are options and possibilities yet unseen. Using the quality of "I wonder…" allows life access to create and recreate anew within any situation.

One of my mentor-teachers, 
John Friedlander, shared a concept from Niels Bohr, one of the first physicists to explore quantum mechanics. Niels Bohr was quoted as saying that the opposite of any Great Truth is also true. This, to me, implies that Great Truths, as Niels Bohr called them, express themselves into both sides of polarity. Simple truths, he pointed out, are merely facts, and can't do this. The opposite of a fact, such as 2 + 2 = 4 is merely a falsehood, such as 2 + 2 = 3. For this reason Great Truths demonstrate the very essence of polarity; that one side of a polarity is equally as true and strong as its opposite side.

This idea of both sides of Great Truths being true arose, it seems, during the time that Niels Bohr was researching the nature of the electron, a sub-atomic particle. Or was it a wave? Quantum mechanics was finding that electrons exhibited behaviors associated with both a particle and a wave. From what I can tell all sub-atomic materials are now considered neither particles nor waves, and both particles and waves. A perfect example of the fundamental nature of our reality as being built upon polarity.

Even the 
nature of light is considered to be both a wave and a particle.

So if such basic components of our world exist simultaneously as opposite versions of themselves, why would we, living here in human bodies, exist on only one side of this polarity? After all, we exist here within a physical world built upon atoms whose components exist in both polarities of particle and wave simultaneously.

To me, this is why mystics have always seen the nature of reality as being fluid. Not quite solid, not fully ether…a bit of both, and yet fully neither. Scientists are now coming into agreement with this vantage point. From a spiritual perspective, I interpret this as meaning that it is not about meditating our way to a different reality. It is about both BEING (meditating) and DOING (action) our way to a different reality.

I realize many people believe that they can change their life by thinking. Thinking a lot and thinking often! But we live in polarity, which means creation happens because both poles, Doing and Being, are fully engaged. Thinking is a small aspect of the Doing side. (I know, you probably anticipated that I would classify thinking within the Being side.) But thinking (or avoiding thinking certain thoughts) implies that an end goal has already been decided upon. Being, on the other hand, implies an open awareness of possibility. During times of Being there is observation without judgment. The experience of Being allows for the spiritual energies to flow into Doing.

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.
-Niels Bohr

There is power in meeting opposing viewpoints. When we have to muster our energies and bring our beliefs into coherent thoughts, expressing ourselves through language and actions, then and only then are we impacting the external world. Here is a fundamental paradox; we must be insightful, and yet those insights only exist in the world if we act upon them. BEING and DOING dance together. Here is one of the most important Great Truths of our duality!

I offer several 
healing songs below, as well as a new spoken audio meditation, HEALING FROM WITH POLARITY; The Gift of Polarity, How and Why we use Polarity in Our Lives.

May you each be blessed, and offer that blessing to all in our shared world,


Yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and events with your friends, your email circle and social media.
I am on 
Facebook - come 'like' my page!


You can read more Niels Bohr quotes here


May 6-9, 11-20, 22-31

Private Healing Sessions


May 10 at 7pm

Ann Arbor, MI
St. Clair Episcopal Church Tuesday Evening Service


May 21 4-6pm

Ann Arbor, MI
Sacred Song, Chant and Healing (a participatory gathering)


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $215 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's Meditations (free podcasts)

Healing from within Polarity
THE GIFT OF POLARITY: How and Why we use Polarity in our Lives.

Listen to excerpts now:

1. Our souls choose to explore both sides of Polarity
We created Polarity


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #49 from February 21, 2016

As long as we have physical bodies here on Earth, we are creating within polarity. Our bodies are perfect examples of this polarity; organs that exist on both left and right sides, a brain with two hemispheres, and of course our upper and lower 8th chakras. We are designed to grow in our understanding of polarity while incarnate. Only by entering fully into polarity can we encounter our next step. When we resist this process, we may become disenchanted with our life, feeling sluggish and uninvolved; or we may spiral out of our bodies, feeling euphoric but disconnected from what surrounds us.

This meditation will assist you in becoming aware of the issues that you may be avoiding, and provide you with a nurturing safe environment in which to consider them. Here your guides and angels are present. Notice insights and ideas that may occur to you. These will be how you address your life issues. This is a time for you to choose how you desire to move forward.

This meditation includes two channeled healing songs. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available oniTunes and at Amazon.


These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions here.


Norma's Healing Songs

for all the ages of our worlds



Being - Doing
A healing song for Balance


And of course if you like my music, you can find my recordings
here and at amazon.comiTunesCDBaby

Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.




Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info



Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 6:56pm EDT


THE GIFT OF HEALING; How and Why we use Polarity in our Lives. As long as we have physical bodies here on Earth, we are creating within polarity. Our bodies are perfect examples of this polarity; organs that exist on both left and right sides, a brain with two hemispheres, and of course our upper and lower 8th chakras. We are designed to grow in our understanding of polarity while incarnate. Only by entering fully into polarity can we encounter our next step. When we resist this process, we may become disenchanted with our life, feeling sluggish and uninvolved; or we may spiral out of our bodies, feeling euphoric but disconnected from what surrounds us.

This meditation will assist you in becoming aware of the issues that you may be avoiding, and provide you with a nurturing safe environment in which to consider them. Here your guides and angels are present. Notice insights and ideas that may occur to you. These will be how you address your life issues. This is a time for you to choose how you desire to move forward.

This meditation includes two songs, improvised during healing events. For more of Norma's music see or her website Recordings page.

Direct download: HEALINGwithinPOLARITY.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:57pm EDT


sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking







If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard




New Mobile App
Download Now


How our outer world helps us heal our inner world
with a related healing song/video and 
upcoming Weekend for Healers

Dear Friends,

I have long believed that world events reflect issues that we, within our shared human consciousness, have agreed to address. Healing entails noticing the obvious. We cannot change or heal what is not already seen and understood.  Just as you don’t put a bandage on a wound that you don’t know exists, we cannot emotionally or spiritually heal what we don’t see and understand. For this reason what is brought up into our human consciousness is usually a reflection of what we, individually and as a society, have decided to learn about, change and heal.

Having a publicly visible event (such as the recent weather patterns) or an individual person stand as an example of what is ready to change helps bring the energetic patterns behind the related issue into view. When someone or something stands at the forefront of our shared human attention, the pattern that they represent becomes much easier to see.  In the western world we are healing narcissism and the many related behaviors (such as anger, violence and fear) that our American society has embraced as normal.  Remember, we can only heal what we see and understand.  What better way to do that than by placing people who demonstrate our wounds, and reflect what we need to heal, in public prominence?


Perhaps because of the recent floods my guides were giving me ideas of how we heal issues using the metaphor of rain. In my experience one needs rain in order for a rainbow to become visible.  The water droplets that light moves through in order to create a rainbow are already hanging in the air, but must be intensified in order to be seen clearly by our human eyes.  So too events in the larger world may serve to intensify and bring our personal inner issues more clearly up and into our awareness.  That is what I believe is now happening within the arena of American politics.  Anger, greed, fear and all the other bedfellows of narcissism are creating a huge storm. And this emotional storm is being brought into the physical world as well.  Emotions that are not expressed by humans eventually do affect the physical land. 

What many of us are realizing is that reacting with anger, or even seemingly justifiable indignation, merely feeds the emotional energies of the political storm.  How can each of us let the raindrops fall without covering our heads out of fear or anxiously batting away at the raindrops? By remembering that for each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And we are in charge of our individual reaction! Fear, violence and hatred are only useful to those wielding them if there is someone who will respond. For those on a journey of reflection it is possible to consider what a neutral response might be. I imagine this in two ways. 

First as a tennis game. When I feel a ball of anger coming towards me, I simply don't return the ball. Angry words don't need to be responded to with more angry words. Rather, I imagine the words or action as being a tennis ball that has been hit over the net into my side of the court. In my mind's eye I imagine placing the ball of anger in the center of the tennis court at the net. Whatever of my own thoughts or emotions that have been stirred up by receiving the angry tennis ball are mine to understand, and release. Placing the ball in a neutral position in my mind’s eye helps me remember not to react to the external person and to come to a neutral quiet place within.

A second way I have of deflating anger, violence and the related actions comes from my years of experience as an energy healer. My guides remind me that our soul chooses issues to address in each lifetime, and has already found people (other souls) that have agreed to help those issues arise in us. Sometimes these people are family members, but they can also be public figures like politicians. It is for the benefit of all humans that a soul agrees to publicly reflect a pattern that is ready to be healed in the shared consciousness of humanity. Souls that choose to publicly reflect compassion and love are easily blessed and usually have bountiful lives.  On the other hand, those souls who choose to reflect the uglier aspects that we need to heal, are seldom thanked for their service to humanity.

Public figures reflect the issues that our souls want to address. They are the mirrors of our culture. It is uncomfortable for us to see the wounds they so publicly display because these are also our personal wounds.   The western world is clearly seeing our culturally accepted anger, violence, hatred and fear being reflected back to us in daily news stories.  Rather than turn away or ignore what is pleading to come into view through the political and social media arenas, we can use this opportunity. First, we find our own still quiet place within. Then we can bring compassion to the mirror and forgive both ourselves and those public figures who are so brilliantly displaying the issues that humanity must first see, in order to heal. 

Compassion allows our eyes to see the rainbow that is present, along with the raindrops. 
-Norma Gentile

If you enjoy this newsletter or the songs, I would ask that you consider sharing this newsletter, my free healing songs, and/or the audio meditation with a friend via iTunes or the podcast page of my website. Likewise, you might gift an album of my music to someone through amazon.comiTunesCDBaby or the CD page of my site.


ANNA MARIA ISLAND - Florida (south of Tampa)
January 29 - 31 (Friday 6pm - Sunday 2pm)
Practitioner Training in Sound and Healing (for 2016)
You asked for it, so come and enjoy a warming weekend in an oceanfront Florida cottage with a small group of similarly curious healers, singers, and creatives. We will explore how music, energy and spiritual healing overlap.

Workshop Topics

Lodging, Prices and Registration Here


Monday, Feb 1 - Tuesday Feb 2
Private Healing Sessions
A few openings are available. Please email to schedule an appointment time.






Jan 28-31

Anna Maria Island (near Tampa, Florida)
Sound Healing 2016 Practitioner Training


Feb 1-2

near Sarasota - Tampa, Florida
Private Healing Sessions


March 27

Ann Arbor, MI
Easter Service - Interfaith Center

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

First, Be Still
A meditation to bring you to that point of stillness where you can truly comprehend what your next step might be in a decision making process. 



Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #47 from September 27, 2015

1 Intro
2 How to know when to leave a relationship, be it a marriage, job or yoga class
3 Straddling the Past and Future while in Present Time
4 Meditation: Quieting the Mind by connecting the brain to the body
5 Sacred Space Invocation
6 Our roles as cocreators…Listen, then Speak
7 Our soul's desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
8 Archangel Michael / Michaela &endash; Angels are neutral in gender.
9 Meditation to clear the 2 heart chakras and invite those guides and angels working with you now to be present.
10 SONG: O eterne Deus (O eternal God)
11 Completing the Healing
12 Releasing Sacred Space


This meditation includes O eterne Deus (O eternal God) composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen. This song is from Norma's album Unfurling Love's Creation, available on iTunes and at Amazon as well as her website.More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos,

Hildegard's own representation of her experience when receiving Spiritual guidance.

mp3 listen now

O Eterne Deus
O eternal God
- a medieval chant composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen

Stepping beyond the polarity of 'right and wrong' is often done through the sensation of Gratitude. As you see polarized extremes externally, those that are internal and personal to you are revealed to you. We each have the opportunity to express gratitude, and in return receive the grace of healing those aspects of polarity, which we experience as judgments, that we carry within ourselves. My guides remind me that when we judge ourselves or another, we are in polarity. Only when we can witness something and experience grace and compassion are we free from judgment, and therefore existing outside of polarity.

This song is from Norma's newly released album Unfurling Love's Creation

Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info


Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.






Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up







Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 47 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.



Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 3:17am EDT

Salve (A Sacred Greeting)
an improvised sound healing, drawn through Norma from Spirit. Accompanied by a choir of Tibetan Singing Bowls.


I greet all creatures
I greet the world
Honoring Spirit as
The Divine Mother
The Sacred Father
and God, in All That Is
I greet You.

This is the last of three healing songs meant to be used together.

1. Solace  listen now or watch video
2. Reflection 
listen now  or watch video 
3. Salve  
listen now or watch video

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard



New Mobile App
Download Now



Bridging Two Worlds
Bringing our Inner Sacredness to our Outer World
some thoughts for the Full Moon with 
healing songs/video
and an 
upcoming Weekend for Healers

Dear Friends,
Whenever we undertake a journey, we end in a different place than when we started. Spiritual journeys often mean that our outer self becomes more translucent; allowing our inner sacred self to be what is seen by the world. Of course that also means that our inner sacred self is interacting with the outer, sometimes not-so-sacred world. And it can be a difficult and uncomfortable experience when our heart opens in a sacred manner and feels the non-sacred emotions and doings of the outer world.

Most of us learned as infants to shield ourselves from what we experienced as harsh energies from the outer world. As adults we journey over and over again between our safe sacred inner self and our outer world. With each journey we reclaim our own power to create the roads and bridges that link our inner sacredness with our outer world. It may seem like an endless process, and perhaps like a process that has no effect on the outer world. But every so often we re-create enough connective bridges with the outer world that we notice something changes.

The three healing songs below lead you through this type of journey. The first song is our preparation for a journey; packing what we love, feeling the safety and security of where we are, and yet there is a longing for what is beyond the known, and our inner sacred self calls us to act upon this longing. The second song is the journey itself. Sometimes easy, but also at times unsettling. What we believe to be true may not be true. What was once firm ground may no longer be safe to stand upon. If we do not question ourselves and our world, how are we to ever change? This second song is the journey into the unknown, which is made known in the third song. As we reach the journey's conclusion we build new bridges to the outer world. And we start by noticing that we are not where we were in relationship to the outer world. Did we change, or did the outer world change? Perhaps it is both.

The consciousness of our own inner sacred self is energetically shared with each member of humanity. Not only does our change affect others, but the choices others make affect us. Have you ever felt a soft calming wave of energy come into your heart when you are not engaged in a spiritual endeavor? Or perhaps, suddenly thought of a beloved teacher or mentor, poem, or song? We are all connected. As others in this vast world make choices to honor their inner sacred self we each are blessed with their choice. And of course, as we each honor our sacredness, that reminder is like a quiet bell that sounds within the hearts of others.

Our shared journey continues….

If you enjoy this newsletter or the songs, I would ask that you consider sharing this newsletter, my 
free healing songs, and/or the audio meditations with a friend via iTunes or the podcast page of my website. Likewise, you might gift an album of my music to someone through amazon.comiTunesCDBaby or the CD page of my site. Thank you for sharing in our journey.


Atlar Flowers
listen now or watch video


Rainbow Tree Winter
listen now  or watch video 


Salve (A Sacred Greeting)
listen now or watch video


ANNA MARIA ISLAND - Florida (south of Tampa)
January 29 - 31 (Friday 6pm - Sunday 2pm)

Practitioner Training in Sound and Healing
Come and enjoy a warming weekend in an oceanfront Florida cottage with a small group of similarly curious healers, singers, and creatives. We will explore how music, energy and spiritual healing overlap.


Workshop Content and Topics
Lodging and Registration

NOTE: If you feel drawn to attend a few spaces remain open



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.



Jan 28-31​

Anna Maria Island (near Tampa, Florida)
Sound Healing 2016 Practitioner Training


Feb 1-2​ 

near Sarasota - Tampa, Florida
Private Healing Sessions


March 27​ 

Ann Arbor, MI
Easter Celebration - Interfaith Center

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

First, Be Still
A meditation to bring you to that point of stillness where you can truly comprehend what your next step might be in a decision making process. 


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information




Meditation #47 from September 27, 2015

1 Intro
2 How to know when to leave a relationship, be it a marriage, job or yoga class
3 Straddling the Past and Future while in Present Time
4 Meditation: Quieting the Mind by connecting the brain to the body
5 Sacred Space Invocation
6 Our roles as cocreators…Listen, then Speak
7 Our soul's desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
8 Archangel Michael / Michaela &endash; Angels are neutral in gender.
9 Meditation to clear the 2 heart chakras and invite those guides and angels working with you now to be present.
10 SONG: O eterne Deus (O eternal God)
11 Completing the Healing
12 Releasing Sacred Space


This meditation includes O eterne Deus (O eternal God) composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen. This song is from Norma's album Unfurling Love's Creation, available on iTunes and at Amazon as well as her website. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos,



mp3 listen now
watch video 
Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info



Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 47 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 3:06am EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard



New Mobile App
Download Now



A Quick & Timely Healing Meditation
spoken meditation and healing channeled song
with an 
upcoming Free Phone Meditation

Dear Friends,

Sometimes during a workshop there is a meditation that comes through me which offers an opportunity for deep healing. 
Here is such a meditation. It begins with an invocation of Sacred Space, inviting your connection to Archangel Michael as well as the elements of Nature and the Pure Energy of Nature to be present with you in a conscious magnified manner. This is needed so that there is an energetic container surrounding you into which your body and personality will feel safe to release what is no longer yours. In my experience the energies that make up what is no longer yours each have their own consciousness. We, as humans, tend to say 'there is consciousness in all things', but we seldom apply this to energies that feel disturbing or troubling to us!

After the invocation you hear me talking to each of your chakras, and a few other areas of your body. I go step by step through a release and re-setting process. During this process you are apt to have memories, odd body sensations and emotions arise. Be assured that this indicates energies within your body and aura are on their way out. Sometimes we are tempted to stop the process of release because initially we re-experience the discomfort of our initial wounding (or meeting) with an energy. I encourage you to keep listening…

Remember also, that each issue has been with you for (probably) years, perhaps decades. It might take more than 40 minutes to resolve it! This meditation is meant to loosen up whatever your soul and body are ready to release. Your personality is along for the ride. So your opinion about how fast and how easy healing should be is most likely coming from your personality, right?

After the spoken releasing segment I offer a healing song, improvised in the moment with a Tibetan singing bowl. This is where all the newly empty space that you created by releasing is allowed to recharge and refill. During this time your body and soul generate energies that match the quality of consciousness of where you are now. This is crucial. Here is when your body and aura are filled with energy that reflects your physical body and your soul's journey now.

Without refilling ourselves energetically it is easy to feel a void in our body or in the space around us. We feel lacking of 'something', and misinterpret this as being too empty. We are tempted to simply invite energies similar to the old energies to fill us up again. Now, clearly this is a simplistic metaphor. Psychically we feel our own energies and the energies of our guides and angels as being so perfectly in tune with us that they feel just like us. It's like we are surrounded by still clearness. Most of us are used to being weighted down by energies that are not us. We take for granted that there is always discomfort, motion and movement pressing in around us. So when we release what is not really our energies it can feel like we are too empty. But in reality we are simply feeling what it feels like to feel only our own energies in our own body and aura.

Trust that as you listen whatever your body needs it is receiving. And whatever your chakras and aura reflect of your new consciousness allows this generation to take place.

Finally I close with a blessing of gratitude, releasing all those guides, angels and energies that were present in the healing. If you follow my writings and audio meditations (they are on iTunes under Podcasts) you know that I am insistent on releasing everyone that we invite to help us. So just as we invoked a magnified connection to Archangel Michael we release this connection. The same applies to the elements of Nature holding the Nature Sphere around the room. If you called in other guides or angels be sure to release them now. That allows them to step back into their rightful relationship to your body and soul, where you can hear them but it is your soul that is 'driving the bus'. 

We all worked hard within the realms of Spirit to create a human body to inhabit during this human lifetime. Let yourself be in charge. That is how our soul truly learns what it is wanting to learn in this lifetime.

For more of these kinds of meditations see Podcasts or download them at iTunes under Podcasts (search for Norma Gentile).

These meditations are very similar to what I offer in my Private Healing Sessions. If you are drawn to this idea, read more about my healing sessions 

And of course if you like my music, you can find my recordings online 
here and at amazon.comiTunesCDBaby

My gratitude to all of you who are connected into the process of healing that we are sharing. Because yes, without you listening there would be no reason for me to connect into Spirit and receive this for myself as well as for all of you.

My blessing to each of you in your journey,
(with Archangel Michael and the Hathor Atamira)


Feb 21

Free Phone Meditation


March 4-5

Downtown Chicago
Private Healing Sessions


March 13

Framington Hills, MI 
Sound Shamanism: a brief exploration and live demonstration


March 20

Ann Arbor, MI
Sacred Songs, Chants and Healing 


March 27

Ann Arbor, MI
Spring Celebration - Interfaith Center

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

A Quick & Timely Healing
a song and spoken meditation from Archangel Michael and the Hathor guide Atamira.


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information




Meditation #48 from January 31, 2016

1 Invoking Sacred Space
Co-creating a Nature Sphere around the room with the Nature Spirits, the Intelligence of Nature and the Pure Energy of Nature. All vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Then welcoming a magnified conscious connection to Archangel Michael.

2 Clearing and Releasing energies from your body, chakras and larger aura.

3 SONG: Recharging your body and energy field

4 Releasing Sacred Space

Excerpted from the Practitioner Training Workshop 2016.

This meditation includes a channeled healing song. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon.





Atlar Flowers
listen now or watch video


Rainbow Tree Winter
listen now  or watch video 


Salve (A Sacred Greeting)
listen now or watch video


Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter Here




Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


Very Important:
Please be sure to add to your approved senders list or address book.  This will ensure that you receive the newsletter.



Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info



Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 47 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 2:57am EDT

1 Invoking Sacred Space
Co-creating a Nature Sphere around the room with the Nature Spirits, the Intelligence of Nature and the Pure Energy of Nature. All vibrating at their level of unconditional love. Then welcoming a magnified conscious connection to Archangel Michael.

2 Clearing and Releasing energies from your body, chakras and larger aura.

3 SONG: Recharing your body and energy field

4 Releasing Sacred Space

Excerpted from the Practitioner Training Workshop 2016.

This meditation includes a channeled healing song. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings. Her albums are available on iTunes and at Amazon or Norma's website,

Direct download: QuickTimelyHealing.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:09am EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard



New Mobile App
Download Now



First, Be Still
How to clarify your decision making process
with a related audio meditation and upcoming Healing Chants in Candlelight Concert

Dear Friends,
Are you finding yourself putting off making decisions or not making changes that you know need to be made? It is easy to say 'in order to change your life you have to change.' Actually knowing what that first step of change might be is hard. Sometimes we don't even know which way we want to change! Just that what we are doing now isn't what we sense we need to be doing in the future.

This sense of 'not being who we are meant to be' is intensified by the last of three SuperMoons (October 26) along with our entering into the window of (this year's very potent) Winter Solstice. My sense is that whatever quiet times we have this autumn means we simply aren't able to see the movements that Spirit is making in our lives and within the Earth.

Not surprisingly one of my guides, Mary, helped create a new audio meditation FIRST, BE STILL which assists in the decision making process. This meditation brings you to a point of stillness where you can comprehend what the next step might be in your life. This meditation can be used simply to find a deep stillness within yourself, or to assist you in making small (or large) decisions about changes in your life.

Healing Chants Concert in Candlelight

Sat, Nov 14

Ann Arbor


Featuring medieval music of St. Hildegard of Bingen, improvised songs from Spirit, and meditative chants from eastern contemplative traditions.

I am thrilled to be returning to sing in the sanctuary in the round at 
Temple Beth Emeth/St. Clare's Episcopal for a Candlelight Meditation Concert on Saturday, November 14 at 8pm. I am of course bringing my set of Tibetan singing bowls, inviting the audience to add their voices with harmonic toning, and adding a small women's choir to some of Hildegard's chants for a deeper experience of the healing power of chant. 

I am joined by 
Atmaram Chaitanya playing tambura and harmonium, traditional Indian instruments for accompanying Eastern chant. Doors open for tickets and seating at 7:30. The church/temple is located at 2309 Packard, at the light on the corner of Jewett. Plenty of parking is available behind the Eastover Professional Building.

Purchase Tickets ($15) online now

print & share 
postcards / flyer
more info 

Listen Now


There were a few bits of information from the audio meditation (First, Be Still) that I received deeper insights about out as I was re-listening to it, and I think they are timely, and worth sharing with you.

Links to the meditation are 
here and below, and I have posted the complete transcript online as well.


 Our Soul's Desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
When we experience many events we do not always have sufficient time to process them, either in meditation or in Dream State. The energetic patterns of the events, and of the personal issues that the events relate to, become entangled in our energy field, especially the upper heart chakra. This high heart or thymus gland chakra is where we feel both drawn to things as well as repelled from things. This chakra naturally leads us to our soul's desire, by making choices about what we do in daily life. When there is inadequate time to process the day's events, this chakra becomes clogged, and the voice of our soul becomes difficult to hear. As a result we may choose to spend time and energy on tasks or engaging in other people's dramas that are not ours to engage with.

The unconditional like of the thymus gland or high heart chakra is how our soul guides us in daily life. You might say that the thymus gland reflects our soul's to do list in the present moment, not the past nor the probable future. Just right now. When our thymus chakra is well tuned to our body in present time then our entire body is tuned to our soul's journey, and that makes it easier for those energies not in tune with us to recognize that they belong elsewhere.

Why is healing the body sometimes so slow?
Remember that our physical body straddles the past and the future while existing in present time.

When we decide to make changes in our life, our body is the last to change. During a life shift, the body is subjected to energies from the past (that it is physically built upon) as well as psychic energies from one or more potential futures that we project upon it. No wonder our present time bodies are under stress! Accepting and caring for our physical bodies exactly as they are now provides them with a clear connection to the life-force that our physical bodies need to change. The more we project onto the body how we want it to be, the harder it is for the body to heal. It is the body's intuition that must be unearthed and listened to in order for healing to manifest on the physical level. 

My best to each of you,

If you enjoy this newsletter or the meditation, I would ask that you consider sharing this newsletter and/or the 
audio meditation with a friend via iTunes or the podcast page of my website. Likewise, you might gift an album of my music to someone through amazon.comiTunesCDBaby or the CD page of my site,



Nov 14
at 8pm

Ann Arbor, MI
Candlelight Meditation Concert
Tickets $15 online now 


Jan 28-31

Anna Maria Island (near Tampa, Florida)
Sound Healing 2016 Practitioner Training


Feb 1-2

near Sarasota - Tampa, Florida
Private Healing Sessions

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

First, Be Still
A meditation to bring you to that point of stillness where you can truly comprehend what your next step might be in a decision making process. 


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information




Meditation #47 from September 27, 2015

1 Intro
2 How to know when to leave a relationship, be it a marriage, job or yoga class
3 Straddling the Past and Future while in Present Time
4 Meditation: Quieting the Mind by connecting the brain to the body
5 Sacred Space Invocation
6 Our roles as cocreators…Listen, then Speak
7 Our soul's desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
8 Archangel Michael / Michaela &endash; Angels are neutral in gender.
9 Meditation to clear the 2 heart chakras and invite those guides and angels working with you now to be present.
10 SONG: O eterne Deus (O eternal God)
11 Completing the Healing
12 Releasing Sacred Space


This meditation includes O eterne Deus (O eternal God) composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen. This song is from Norma's album Unfurling Love's Creation, available on iTunes and at Amazon as well as her website. More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos,


Hildegard's own representation of her experience when receiving Spiritual guidance.

mp3 listen now

O Eterne Deus
O eternal God
- a medieval chant composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen

Stepping beyond the polarity of 'right and wrong' is often done through the sensation of Gratitude. As you see polarized extremes externally, those that are internal and personal to you are revealed to you. We each have the opportunity to express gratitude, and in return receive the grace of healing those aspects of polarity, which we experience as judgments, that we carry within ourselves. My guides remind me that when we judge ourselves or another, we are in polarity. Only when we can witness something and experience grace and compassion are we free from judgment, and therefore existing outside of polarity.

This song is from Norma's newly released album 
Unfurling Love's Creation

Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info



Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 47 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 10:57pm EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to purchase a CD for yourself or as a gift



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard




New Mobile App
Download Now


Three Great Freedoms
Insights from Norma and Mary on today's world
and a related song by Hildegard and upcoming free phone meditation

Dear Friends,

I'm noticing a pattern of going backwards and reconnecting with what I thought I had left behind and re-engaging with it in order to move forward. Things and people that I stopped interacting with months, years and even decades ago have returned to my life.

As I look out at friends and even world events, it is as if concepts that we engaged with months, years and even decades ago have returned. We have collectively hit a giant 'reset' button.

Hitting the reset button: Restarting cycles with people and situations that you thought you had left behind

A Note from Norma:
As many of you know I often use a method of 'blended channeling' when receiving ideas and information from spiritual beings. This means that in order for what they are sharing to apply to our world, I need to provide the human side of the equation. From time to time they want to express ideas with which I don't have enough familiarity. Such is the case with this section of text, and so my friend, Stephen Rassi, (PhD, LMSW) offered me a bit of informal history, which I include here for those interested.

Let me illustrate this with one of the many issues that are now returning as visible current events. The various socio-political equality movements (such as race, gender, sexual orientation) from the 1920's arose again in the 1960's and are clearly visible today. This time the transgender community is at the forefront. In the 1960's the African American community led the movement for equal rights, which in turn fueled the movement known as Women's Lib, and also led to a raising awareness of (what was then) the gay male and lesbian rights movement for those falling outside of the traditional binary system of sexual orientation and gender. However, the gay and lesbian movement of the 1970's that I encountered at college was rarely inclusive of people who lived as transgender.

"In the 1970's the movement encompassed "gay male and lesbian", then they added bisexual and started to call it GLB, then moved the L to the front to reflect the additional oppression that lesbians faced so it became LGB, then added the T in the 90s (LGBT). Now some people call it TBLG because of the additional oppression and invisibility that the T and B groups face."

For me this perfectly illustrates the motion of waves working repeatedly in small motions upon the grains of our understanding of this area of our cultural sand.

The current movement now more fully includes a call to honor equal rights for all regardless of one's gender identity and sexual orientation (LGBTQ). I have to admit, at some point this 'alphabet of equality' will reach a point of needing a single phrase…as I do anticipate our exploration and subsequent re-defining of sexuality and gender identity or expression will continue to deepen.

According to Stephen: "There appears to be a single phrase emerging that encompasses all of the alphabet letters, MOGAI; meaning "marginalized orientations, gender alignments, and intersex"."

Our culture is opening to understand that both gender and sexuality are not absolutes, but lie along at the very least a continuum. My guides suggest that as we loosen the reigns of our polarized reality, we will come to understand our physical bodies as having loving expressions that fall primarily between the poles of feminine/masculine. In this scenario we might better say that the expression of gender and sexuality both exist as spheres, intersecting within our bodies in as many variations as each of our soul's vary.

But this is in the far future…At this point in time, I am seeing swift changes in attitudes in the mainstream culture around gender and sexuality that are based upon changes made in the past. Each time our culture holds up an issue to reevaluate, waves of energy from our attention interact with the issue. It reminds me of watching ocean waves interact with a sandy beach.

With every wave that strikes the sands of a shore-line, some sand moves. It may be imperceptible to the view of the human eye watching. Only when we compare the shore-line day after day, week after week, can we appreciate the action of the waves upon the sand. Those who live along shorelines know that it isn't just one wave, or one week of waves that changes the beach. Despite the dramatic changes that appear after a major storm these changes do not happen solely because of the storm. Years of waves create the beach upon which the larger storm waves act.

This same scenario is true for our collective human consciousness. In the 1920's and 1970's (and in previous centuries) waves acted upon our perception of civil rights. At this moment our attention is drawn to the grains of sand representing the movements within civil rights and other freedoms that I believe are innate to all of us as humans. The freedom to express ourselves sexually in whatever gender body we define ourselves in is just one freedom. Freedom to live safely, to worship safely, to love safely…we are experiencing the waves of Spirit acting upon all of these grains of sand as well. And as the waves move the sands here and there upon the shore, the freedoms that are most important for humanity to address come into our daily awareness.

The freedom to live safely…It is not a coincidence that waves of Middle-Eastern refugees are making their way into Europe, particularly Northern Europe at this time. Nor that individuals are publically choosing to assist them. Most corporations and governments reflect the old qualities of the profane masculine in their principles of organization. Social groups of individuals (and some businesses) that honor the principles of the newly emerging Sacred Masculine are in the forefront of offering assistance. Not because they must, but because they believe that it is what is right to do. Governments are now being shamed into following the lead of their citizens. We are all redefining the freedom to live safely. Again remember, each new story to appear in the media is the equivalent of the action of one wave. Years must pass before there will be a significant change in how government's political structures cede to the rising migrant tides. And there will be many more tides of migrants.

The freedom to worship safely…Does it not follow that the trappings of religion are now being exposed when they serve merely to hinder an individual's spiritual journey? Our polarized world view has created a belief (in most Abrahamic religions of the Middle East and Western countries) of a superior God, made in the image of the male gender. Religions that embrace this male God naturally embrace the dominance of the male gender. And so we have cultures that worship the profane masculine, and all that keeps this quality of non-sacred masculine in its seat of power.

Slowly, as we re-embrace the role that the Earth and Nature have in our lives even the Western world will experience deity in its feminine form. The feminine Trinity of the Bible (the three Marys) will rise again into prominence as the Divine Feminine is already awakening. The Sacred Masculine, not profane masculine, is her dance partner. And once these two sacred examples of our polarized reality are understood, our own comprehension of reality will no longer need to be limited to male/female or right/wrong. But the only way to reach this point beyond polarity is to dive headlong into the dual expression of our sacredness here, in this world. As I often hear, 'the only way out is through'.

The freedom to love safely…This is the last of the freedoms to fully emerge. Based on the time it takes for our world's cultures to achieve significant shifts in the other freedoms, this freedom will unfold. As religions release rules (a symptom of the profane masculine) in favor of compassion there will also be a recognition of the role that all faith traditions have. Wisdom arising from indigenous cultures will be especially honored.

Mary has provided me with the inspiration and ideas for what you just read, and has asked to share something directly in closing:

It is not that I, nor any spirit need speak to you of what is to come. Your journeys are not written upon the stones of time, nor are your thoughts always observable to those of us within Spirit. We merely seek to offer guidance, as guidance can in some instances assist you in seeing that which is hidden from your view. Our vantage point merely allows us to see around the corner, never to see better than you what your choices might be.

It is always with deep compassion and loving kindness that we in Spirit reach out to those of you who have undertaken the great journey within physical form. Our presence, our love is always with you, and upon the Earth.

Many, many blessings to you and to all who read this,



Sunday September 27
1pm EDT (New York City time) / 10am Pacific Time
(will be recorded and available as a free audio meditation podcast)

This coming weekend is the second of three Full Supermoons, this one with a total Lunar Eclipse, called a Blood Moon, because those of us able to see it will watch the moon turn red as it is eclipsed. Adding to this is the annual influx of Sacred Masculine energies from our celestial Father, Sirius, which began in late July and just finished this past week.

This time of year also brings observances in most religious calendars, and the obvious seasonal shifts as well. All of these events together remind us of the external change to which our physical world (and we) are subject. These events are juxtaposed with the energies of the autumnal equinox, reminding us to also be aware of that deep stillness within.

I offer this time on the Lunar Eclipse - Supermoon for whatever meditation my guides, usually Mary and Michael, might share with those who feel drawn to join in the meditation.

This hour includes a series of silent and spoken meditations, most likely from my guides Mary and Archangel Michael. Plan on finding a quiet space where you can lie down and be deeply at rest and undisturbed for the duration of the meditation. This will be recorded and posted as a free podcast for download or can be listened to online.

Previous Meditations are available at iTunes>Podcasts>Norma Gentile or Here

All are welcome to participate. There is no charge. If you are able to make a donation that is most welcome. Donations help me to edit, upload and maintain this meditation freely available to everyone.


To Participate all callers must enter
Access Code 654222#

United States and Canada (712) 775-7031
View Other International Numbers

Please note:

- Callers may be charged for the cost of the call within your own country.
- Recordings of previous meditations are available to stream or download here

Donations Welcome!

Paypal Email:

Checks to:
Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197




Sept 27
1pm EDT / 10am Pacific

World Wide Telephone Meditation 
(Lunar Eclipse/Supermoon)


Oct 4

Ann Arbor, MI
Singing the Chants of St. Hildegard 


Nov 14
at 8pm

Ann Arbor, MI
Meditation Concert of Chants by Hildegard


Jan 28-31

Anna Maria Island (near Tampa, Florida)
Sound Healing Practitioner Training


Feb 1-2

near Sarasota - Tampa, Florida
Private Healing Sessions


My purpose is to provide a forum where the experience of sacred music can be felt, heard,
and participated in by all, regardless of the ability to read music


Singing the Songs

an experiential workshop
open to all

led by
Norma Gentile

Flyer Here for Sharing
more info here

Listen to a chant by
Hildegard here
(#6 Kyrie-Creator of Life)


St. Hildegard of Bingen

Sunday, October 4
from 4-6pm

Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth, 704 Airport Blvd,
Ann Arbor

Suggested Donation $25 or $30
cash/check at door
or online now

$25 Donation
$30 Donation






During this time of relaxed music-making everyone will have the opportunity to learn two sacred songs by the 12th century abbess Hildegard von Bingen.


Music is taught by 'call and response' method, repeating phrases until they are learned. Musical scores in the 'Gregorian style' of chant notation will also be provided. Music reading skills are helpful but not necessary.


This is an experiential time in which everyone can participate. Even those who believe they have limited range or ability can join in on 'drone' tones to provide harmonic accompaniment.


No previous musical skills are necessary. Those present will learn about the historical background of Hildgard's music and have a familiarity with chant notation by the end of the workshop.



All of Creation
is a symphony..
which is joy and
All of Creation
is a song of praise
to God

-St. Hildegard of Bingen


Norma Gentile is a professional singer and choral conductor who has recorded four CD's of chant by Hildegard von Bingen: Meditation Chants,Healing ChantsSongs of Spirit, and Unfurling Love's Creation



SAVE THE DATE! Nov 14 ANN ARBOR Meditation Concert of Chants in Candlelight
St Clare Episcopal / Temple Beth Emeth at 8pm

Hildegard's own representation of her experience when receiving Spiritual guidance.

mp3 listen now

O Eterne Deus
O eternal God
- a medieval chant composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen

Stepping beyond the polarity of 'right and wrong' is often done through the sensation of Gratitude. As you see polarized extremes externally, those that are internal and personal to you are revealed to you. We each have the opportunity to express gratitude, and in return receive the grace of healing those aspects of polarity, which we experience as judgments, that we carry within ourselves. My guides remind me that when we judge ourselves or another, we are in polarity. Only when we can witness something and experience grace and compassion are we free from judgment, and therefore existing outside of polarity.

This song is from Norma's newly released album Unfurling Love's Creation

Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Listen to a Song Now

Order CD


other countries

more info



Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.






Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up




Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

Revealing Spirit
Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #46 from June 21, 2015

Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires knowing ourselves first. Trust requires knowing who we are first. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know that what surrounds us can either be in tune with us or not in tune with us.

When we do not focus upon that which is not in tune with us, we do not feed it. It will seek its nourishment elsewhere. This is true of people, patterns and behaviors.

Listen to a sample: Trust

I included the short toning passage that occurred spontaneously during the meditation

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 46 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




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Category:blog -- posted at: 10:53pm EDT


1 Intro
2 How to know when to leave a relationship
be it a marriage, job or yoga class
3 Straddling the Past and Future while in Present Time
4 Meditation Quieting the Mind by connecting the brain to the body
5 Sacred Space Invocation
6 Our roles as co creators…Listen, then Speak
7 Our soul’s desire resides in our High Heart Chakra
8 Archangel Michael / Michaela – Angels are neutral in gender.
9 Meditation to clear the 2 heart chakras and invite those guides and angels working with you now to be present.
10 SONG: O eterne Deus (O eternal God)
11 Completing the Healing
12 Releasing Sacred Space

Music at iTunes and Amazon and CDBaby

A meditation to connect you to all the aspects of who you are and bring you to that point of stillness where you can truly comprehend what your next step might be in a decision making process.  The song you hear in the midst of the meditation, O eterne Deus (O eternal God) was composed by St. Hildegard of Bingen, and I sang it on my album Unfurling Love’s Creation, available on amazon, iTunes and my website.

Direct download: FIRST_BE_STILL.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:49am EDT

Inviting the Sacred Masculine to enter our presence
A Call to the Sacred Masculine
with chanters from the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order

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Meditation & Teaching CDs

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Unfurling Love's Creation
Chants of St. Hildegard



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Revealing Spirit
Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition
with a related Audio Meditation and Healing Songs


Dear Friends,

We are now within the annual opening of the Sirian Portal, which bathes us in that quality of Sacred Masculine energy from which our planet, and our own bodies, were born. During this time (the last week of July through mid-September) our physical bodies as well as all that surrounds us feels a magnification of our Divine Father's presence. Each year this presence offers a process of remembrance of our own ability to reflect our personal aspect of the Sacred Masculine. As a result, the Sacred Masculine within ourselves and our world is slowly re-awakening.

Our honoring of the Divine Feminine, referred to as the Grail Chalice, makes it possible for our world to receive this annual influx of Sacred Masculine energy. During this time of the portal it is important to remember that stillness, reflection, self-nourishment and compassion serve as means of generating a stronger Divine Feminine chalice into which we receive these Sacred Masculine energies. 

From my audio meditation 
Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition

Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires first knowing ourselves. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know when what surrounds us is either in tune with us or not in tune with us.

As my guides remind me often; "When you do not focus upon that which is not in tune with you, you do not feed it. It will seek its nourishment elsewhere." This is true of people, patterns and behaviors.

In past years I have noticed that this flow of Sacred Masculine energy intensified the chaos of non-sacred actions. Especially actions taken out of fear. This year I expect world events will make this very clear. This is a time to identify and address behaviors and underlying energies in our lives that are no longer comfortable.

Here are a few thoughts from myself and Archangel Michael:

When we seek to maintain something in our lives that is no longer part of the journey that our soul desires for us, we hold ourselves back from embarking on the next step of our journey. I think the hardest things to let go of are unrealized dreams or ideas that we never had the chance to fully develop.

Releasing old to-do lists is vital to being able to follow our soul's journey now.

In order to do this, we need to spend a few moments recognizing and releasing all those potential new idea that we considered, but are not going to pursue right now…that's why they were potential ideas. All too often we confuse a potential idea with a firm urging from our soul, and move the potential idea onto our to-do list. It is not a failure to release a potential idea or project whose completion alludes us. It is only a failure to hang onto it when our soul is presenting us with something we need to be engaged with fully now.

How many of you like to sew or knit, and if so, I'm betting you have bags of patterns, fabrics, yarns, and projects started but not completed? Or perhaps you have a pile of partially read books? Or many bookmarked websites to read? Rather than feel guilty about not finishing something, try looking at it in terms of your soul choosing to reprioritize what is most useful for you to engage in now.

Why would that happen? Perhaps other people made choices that suddenly allowed for you to have a new experience with them. Your soul saw their choices create a change their life trajectory, and this opened up a possibility for you to interact with them. Your soul then said to your personality "Don't worry about that project, it's not that important. Put it away for now and follow this new idea. Follow where your joy, your inner 'yes' is coming from."

Where is your 'yes' right now in life? That is the potential your soul is seeing that is opening for you. Again, releasing your previously self-imposed to-do lists is vital to being able to follow your soul's journey.

Until recently we did not have such quick energetic shifts in the Earth, and therefore, our to-do list stayed pretty firm throughout our entire lifetime. Before incarnating our soul would chose to explore a few things over the course of our entire lifetime and that was that. The to-do list was followed and seldom deviated from.

But in the middle of the last century, around 1935-50, things began to change in the vibrational field of the planet. Our souls are constantly responding to these changes. Now our soul picks a few things to work on before we incarnate, but with each shift in the vibrational frequency of the planet even the portion of our soul incarnating into our body has the possibility of changing. Other people change. Circumstances change. And our soul recognizes that this is a perfect opportunity to experience something that it has not yet been able to experience in this or other lifetimes.

Suddenly we find ourselves developing a new skill, a new set of friends, and even new life challenges. In order to fully embrace each of these new choices made by our soul, it is essential to release all of the guides and angels that helped us with the previous projects and tasks that are no longer ours to do. Whether we have called angels and guides in consciously or unconsciously, at this point in our evolution of spiritual mastery, it is up to us to consciously release them.

As you read this, let yourself feel a sense of general gratitude towards all those spiritual helpers that have been with you during your lifetime. You are releasing these spiritual beings from the past so that you might have more receptivity to hear and comprehend the gentle urgings of those guides and angels that work with you right in this moment. You are also completing an agreement you have with them. By releasing them now you allow them to be about the other work they need to be doing.

And as they depart, you create space for those guides and angels that reflect this moment of your soul's journey to be present with you. This often releases tension from the body, reduces 'chatter' from the mind, and allows for a deeper experience of spiritual connection.

If this is making sense to you and you wish to continue, please see meditation #46 
Revealing Spirit; Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition.

What I have shared in this essay is based on a portion of this meditation. You will find both the original audio recording you can listen to (best option) as well as a transcript to read. Listening to the meditation will allow you and your guides to more fully access the energies offered and connect into your own new potential next steps.

My blessings to each of you,




Sept 27
1pm EDT / 10am Pacific

World Wide Telephone Meditation 
(Lunar Eclipse/Supermoon)


Oct 4

Ann Arbor, MI
Singing the Chants of St. Hildegard 


Nov 14
at 8pm

Ann Arbor, MI
Meditation Concert of Chants by Hildegard


Jan 28-31

Anna Maria Island (near Tampa, Florida)
Sound Healing Practitioner Training


Feb 1-2

near Sarasota - Tampa, Florida
Private Healing Sessions

mp3 listen

watch video

So much has been written and shared by others about the chaos in the external world, and I thought I would share something about healing. For me healing is not fixing or making something better. Healing is the process of being present and creating a sacred container into which grief, fear, anger and all those uncomfortable but transformative human emotions might flow. 


Click Here for more sound healings, available as mp3 and video


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Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up




Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations

Revealing Spirit
Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #46 from June 21, 2015

Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires knowing ourselves first. Trust requires knowing who we are first. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know that what surrounds us can either be in tune with us or not in tune with us.

When we do not focus upon that which is not in tune with us, we do not feed it. It will seek its nourishment elsewhere. This is true of people, patterns and behaviors.

Listen to a sample: Trust

I included the short toning passage that occurred spontaneously during the meditation

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings.






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 46 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 7:52am EDT


Deepening Your Trust in Spirit and Revealing Your Natural Intuition. 

Relaxing and truly opening to spirit, whether it be Heavenly spirit or Earthly spirit, requires trust. This is not a quality that we have learned much about in our daily lives. Trust requires knowing ourselves first. Trust requires knowing who we are first. Trust requires knowing our bodies, the vibration of our bodies, and our emotions. When we trust in our own competence to know ourselves, it becomes easy to feel and to know that what surrounds us can either be in tune with us or not in tune with us. 

1 Introduction
2. Invoking the Nature Sphere to feel how Nature supports you.
  An explanation of The Pure Energy of Nature.
  Connecting to the Energies within the Earth from which Your Body Came.

3  Invoking the Angels: Welcoming Archangel Michael
  Updating your connection to your guides and angels
  Angels reflect Polarity and Unity simultaneously by containing both Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine vibrations.

  How do you allow yourself to be nourished by Spirit?
  Cultivate Trust in yourself and in Spirit
  Let Your Soul Lead You to the Next Step
  Finding Your YES!
  How does your soul direct your body and say yes, that’s it?
5 Releasing what is no longer ours to do
  Releasing old to-do lists is vital to being able to follow our soul’s journey.
6 Healing Tones
7 MEDITATION: Releasing Old Guides Related to Old Life Tasks
8 Balance, Stillness and Healing
  Balance and stillness go together. These qualities are what allow us to access our own innate knowing of Spirit.

9 Releasing Sacred Space
  Releasing our conscious magnified connections to the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael.

Direct download: RevealingSpirit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

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Meditation & Teaching CDs

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If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



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When Things Change
But you don't want them to
with a related Phone Meditation and Sound Healing

Dear Friends,

This essay came through a few days ago, and it seems timely to share a related Phone Meditation on the solstice, Sunday June 21. More info on that follows the essay, along with new healing songs. You may also want to check out the re-release of my album of healing chants by Hildegard of Bingen. This album, 
Unfurling Love's Creation, is on sale at my website until June 30, with free shipping in the US / Canada, and $10 flat-rate shipping world-wide. Listen to a song now, and see the link in the banner above to order.

When Things Change (but you don't want them to)
Change is inevitable. One Mystery School taught me that change is life. Whatever is alive lives because it is infused with its own Spirit. As that Spirit moves, there is naturally change and growth. Therefore change is a symptom of being alive.

Certainly I understand that when Spirit moves through me, or the plants in my garden, or my frolicking cats, things happen. Some of those things are simple; plants grow, cats play and I sing. Other results of the movement of Spirit may be more complicated.

We feel, know and respond intuitively to the movement of Spirit through us. Yet, when this movement brings about discomfort, we often attempt to block that change from flowing into our lives. Our emotions, thoughts and physical body become rigid, much like a concrete dam that we erect energetically to stop the flowing water of Spirit. But as Spirit moves ever more strongly in the people and circumstances that surround us, we must focus more and more of our own strength to stand firmly against what we perceive as being 'wrong' for us.

It can be difficult to remember that this change we perceive as threatening or uncomfortable has arrived as a result of the flow of Spirit. Anything that arises of out the movement of Spirit has certain qualities. One quality is that it will continue to change and be transmuted so that it reflects our soul's journey.

Therefore the form we find uncomfortable now will continue to be acted upon by Spirit.

But in order for this to occur we must understand our resistance to change. Why are we thinking the thoughts we are thinking about this particular change? It is one thing to comprehend that resistance only makes the change more difficult. But it is a gift of Grace when we understand why we are choosing to resist, rather embrace, that which is changing.

As conscious Beings we say that we desire to give the flow of Spirit greater and greater permission to work through us and out into our world. When we become aware of areas of our life where we are resisting change, we have the opportunity to open ourselves even more deeply to Spirit. Then, we allow Spirit to act upon what has already changed, whether we are enjoying the changes or not. In other words, that which our personality resists is something that in all likelihood will not last. The more quickly we cease resisting the change, the quicker additional changes will come.

I can think of so many times in my life where I was resisting a change that my soul clearly wanted me to make. At some point in my thirties I heard someone say that they knew Spirit was telling them something because it came three times from different people, in three different ways. Looking at my life, I realized I had a similar pattern. And when Spirit expressed a desire for change to me that third time, it was usually with a sledgehammer! At that moment I vowed to listen more carefully, and if I heard twice from two different people the same thing, then I would consider it to be a message from Spirit that I was blocking from my own guides and angels.

A few months ago, I believe it was early April, I noticed (and I bet you did too) the Earth suddenly felt different. The shift happened quickly, within a couple of days. I believe that the principle electro-magnetic field generated deep within the planet changed. That meant our own body's related electro-magnetic field changed. It affected us immediately at a physical level. Within a few days, I noticed an upsurge in clients reporting migraines, headaches and tender cranial sutures. Now, two months later and after numerous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, people have found their cranial issues subsiding. With every volcanic release and tectonic shift, Earth released her own physical stress. Does it not make sense that our human bodies did the same? Our bodies reflect and responded to the tension patterns within the Earth as well as the patterns of relief that the Earth devised for herself.

This is merely the physical aspect of a much-anticipated spiritual change. The year 2012 was not the end, but the mid-point in the vibrational shift that we, as incarnate spiritual beings, are making in tandem with the physical world in which we reside.


from Archangel Michael and Mary:

Watch next for the emotions to open. Choices made by a few humans will deeply impact large numbers of other humans. This will lead to a great drawing out of compassion from within the hearts of those capable of witnessing death without experiencing malice. Here is your (humanity's) greatest challenge. More even than physical change, humans, especially Westerners, fear emotions. The chaos and seemingly uncontrollable flow of emotional energies is at the heart (pun intended) of Western society's imbalances. Welcoming the Divine Feminine is a first sign of changing how emotions are experienced. This has only just begun.

You who are following a spiritual practice have started to embrace the sensation of energetic currents passing through your heart. We would like to support you in this exploration. Consider this: What you define as unconditional love is always limited by your own perception. Therefore, expanding your perception of unconditional love occurs when you are open to experiencing what another perceives as unconditional love.

How might you be able to shed your own definition of unconditional love? Perhaps there are moments in your spiritual practice that you might want to rest into more deeply, but have not yet given yourself permission to do so. As we allow all Beings and Nature to support us according to their level of unconditional love, something new happens to us.

Humanity is just now setting out upon its journey to explore emotional energies. This road will continue to be traveled for many millennia to come. Your concept and definition of unconditional love is the greatest thing that will change in your life. The more you embrace change, the more quickly that which is changing will transmute itself. Unconditional love is always embedded within the flow of Spirit. Life is change. Spirit is Love.

During some moment of quiet reflection, you may want to invite a guide or angel or Nature Spirit to step forward into your awareness. Then ask them to show you what they consider to be their level of unconditional love. Notice if you insist that their level of unconditional love has a particular quality to it. As you do this regularly, you may find that you allow them to show you more and more accurately their level of unconditional love. Here is a simple example of our ability to release resistance to change, and embrace something new.


with Mary Magdalene and Archangel Michael

Please join me for a related Meditation, offered freely by phone on Sunday, June 21. See below or my 
Calendar for details.

To Participate all callers must enter
Access Code 299660#

United States 1-760-569-7100
Canada 1-559-546-1300
View Other International Numbers

Sunday June 21 at 1pm EDT (New York City time) 10am Pacific Time

A series of Full Supermoons is coming our way this summer and fall, with one even landing on the September Equinox. Adding to this is the annual influx of Sacred Masculine energies from our celestial Father, Siruis, starting in late July and ending in mid-September.

These events, especially combined together, are worth noting and considering. 

My guides reminded me of how easy it is to be wading into the ocean from the beach and suddenly find yourself being pushed and pulled by waves that are much stronger under the water than what they seem above the water. Even sitting onshore, once a large wave came upon me and drenched me completely! Just because most of the waves are a certain size, doesn't mean there isn't a bigger one on its way….

I offer this time on the June Solstice for whatever meditation my guides, usually Mary and Michael, might share with those who feel drawn to join in the meditation.


more info

$17 and free shipping for US/Canada or $10 shipping to most other countries.

UNTIL JUNE 30 special
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Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

Listen to a Song Now


Click Here for more Sound Healings

mp3 listen now

a spontaneous improvisation with crickets, toads, frogs, human voices and waterfall

All Creatures Sing

The concept of rhythm that we have as humans comes from Nature. The beating of our hearts, the cricket's song filling the evening air, and the Earth breathing from one season into another…all are natural rhythms. The atoms that make up our bodies comes from the Earth. These atoms move with the rhythm of the atoms that make up the Earth. As the consciousness within the atoms of the Earth changes, so does the consciousness within the atoms that make up our bodies change.

As the poles of the sun have finished shifting, the magnetic poles of the Earth are nearing the midway point of their long awaited shift. Sometimes it does feel like the Earth and our world is suddenly not what it was or where it was yesterday. Because it isn't. And we are not the same either. It is only our minds and personalities that insist that change cannot happen this fast. But it can…and it is. The vibration of our bodies is the same as the vibration of the Earth. We are composed of the same atoms. And these atoms all move and dance and sing the same song…all of Creation is a Song, and we humans are just a few of the singers.


Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up





April 4

Phone Meditation 1pm EDT / 10am Pacific


Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Your Choice Point
A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information


Meditation #45 from April 4, 2015

Inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences. The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

I included an improvised song of mine, 
Transition, inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.

Listen to a sample: Redefining Sin

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found underSound Healings and Recordings.





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 2:01pm EDT

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Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



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Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shippingmore info



New Mobile App
Download Now


new healing song Transmutation & audio meditation

Tips for Driving Your Race Car (or VW Bug) 
How to more easily engage with the energies of this moment

Dear Friends,
Here is a little essay that may help in your understanding and navigating the energies currently surrounding us, along with links to a new song and audio mediation. The guide who inspired this essay (and the song) makes the point that all beings, both humans and angels, are affected by and witnessing this unfolding of events.




from Norma's Hathor guide Atamira

Even if you don't know why, it is perfectly normal to feel a sense of gratitude, and perhaps even tears of relief during the healing process. All that you are as a soul and who you are as an incarnate being drew to yourself patterns to explore and learn from in this lifetime. And many of these patterns are no longer needful. Likewise, the guides and angels that assisted you to follow those promptings of your soul have completed their task. You have learned so much in this lifetime and your soul knows best what the next explorations will be.

Certainly at this time in the planet, there is a unique opportunity for those of you in form to explore things that simply will not be available to you again. And despite how you look upon the chaos and the violence that results from your current explorations, your soul looks upon all these things as opportunities.

This point in time has a metaphor in your reality. It is somewhat like the type of car you decide to drive. You can choose to drive a powerful racecar that uses the high energies of this time frame as high-octane fuel. Or your soul may decide that a VW Beetle is just fine. It's maximum speed may be only 60 mph (the ones Norma grew up with), no matter the power potentially available in the high-octane gas, and that's just fine. But some souls say, "wow, look at the possibilities!" and they simply must go for that 300 mph potential of the racecar. "Let's get something that can really move on a straightaway!"

This soul sees possibilities. This soul says, " I haven't explored this yet. I haven't a sense of what happens when I drive so fast." And so the soul looks out and begins to create a lifetime with (from the soul's vantage point) spectacular possibilities of new experiences. These souls decide that they want to drive that 300 mph racecar in life. Other souls say, "We'll be in the grand stand. We'll be the observers. We'll be the ones standing still." This is equivalent to holding a sacred space in healing.




from Norma

For those of us* who are standing still and holding space, for those who are feeling that sense of deep stillness, know that we are simply the observers; the witnesses to those souls that are taking advantage of the incredible power that is available on the planet right now. It seems counter-intuitive to say that as we simply hold space with neutrality, without judging how souls are using the power available to them, we actually support a smoother ride for all of us. But this is what I sense to be true. When we try to help other souls adjust their course, that's when their car speeding at 300 mph hits a bump and turns over. Our interference is causing more bumps on the road. We cannot know the choices that their souls are making. We cannot adjust their course. Being able to stand in our own neutrality and simply witness means less bumps for those that are choosing to drive their car very fast.



In this context *us* refers to both humans as well as guides and angels. All beings are witnessing this unfolding of events.

This is, of course, a very simple metaphor for all that is passing on the Earth right now.

Let's return back to our individual lives. Whatever our own issues are, they are the equivalent of driving our car at 300 mph. They create chaos and disturbance within our lives. Many of us share similar issues, and there is a natural resonance among these. Therefore, as any one of us resolves our version of the issue, others resonating with that similar issue comprehend in some way that there is indeed a resolution. A message travels out on the spiritual ethers like a bell ringing at dawn: someone changed this pattern, and you can do it too. In this way we understand that what we do might also be gently offered as a gift to all in the world who are facing the same issue.

I offer below many free resources for your own exploration and journey. There is a 
song inspired by Atamira, the Hathor guide, along with the audio meditation from which the essay above was excerpted. See below for those, and the opportunityto purchase Unfurling Love's Creation, my musical album at a special pre-release price with free shipping.


My blessings to all,

Transmutation (Water - the first element)
an improvisation for voice and piano from the Hathors

From time to time, due to astrological alignments, we have the opportunity to move difficult, intractable underlying life patterns into a cosmic stream not unlike the flow of water from a faucet. This song was recorded during one of those astrological portal times.

Each eclipse has a purpose. That purpose is brought into our awareness in the days and weeks before an eclipse. It may be something uncomfortable. The discomfort is present to draw our attention to what needs to change. And it is uncomfortable precisely because it does not fit us.

The presence or lack of water is the issue I am most aware of right now. As I was recording, a gentle rain began to fall. That is what you hear in the background

Your Choice Point
A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues


more info

Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shipping for US/Canada or $10 shipping to most other countries. 

pre-release special
Order CD now


other countries

Order yours now and receive an autographed copy in your mailbox


Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls


Past Sound Healings

a spontaneous song from Spirit-----
mp3 or video

What if sound could act as a carrier wave for Spirit?

Never imposing healing or change.

Bathing you in possibilities,
and allowing whatever your Soul and Body desired,
to manifest


Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up




Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #45 from April 4, 2015

Your Choice Point
A meditation for the Transmutation of painful or difficult life issues




Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences. The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

I included an improvised song of mine, 
Transition, inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.

Listen to a sample: Redefining Sin

More of Norma's healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 3:51pm EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter




Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shipping more info



New Mobile App
Download Now



Melting the Boulders (of your beliefs)
Transforming painful life patterns

Dear Friends,

There seemed to be much hoopla and fanfare around the solar eclipse that occurred near the March 20, 2015 equinox. But there is a lunar eclipse sneaking up on us on April 4, and I believe it is the more important of the two. While most people are not paying much attention to it, this next eclipse is surrounded by potent astrological alignments that open a three-week portal of time which can help us change direction in our lives.

Simultaneously, I am re-releasing my CD 
Unfurling Love's Creation. This music creates sacred space based on the Divine Feminine within Nature, and supports deep stillness. See below for special pre-release pricing and free shipping of autographed copies.



Total Lunar Eclipse of "Blood Moon", is on Saturday April 4, 2015
more info here
Join me for a 
phone meditation that same day at 1pm EDT (10am Pacific)

From time to time, due to astrological alignments, we have the opportunity to move difficult, intractable underlying life patterns into a cosmic stream not unlike the flow of water from a faucet. These next few weeks are one of those times.

My guides say it is like when you put your hand under a faucet with the water running; you can easily re-direct the stream of water with very little effort. The water is already in motion, and you are simply encouraging this motion to move forward or back, to the right, or left.

This is from Archangel Michael: Imagine a habit, lifelong issue, or experience that you have had over and over. It feels like an immovable boulder. Now imagine what might happen if that boulder were to begin to melt? You might say 'Oh yes, now I can shrink it, or let it melt away completely, or reshape it'. But will you? While our personality will promise to take advantage of the potential for such fundamental change, other factors can limit or undo that promise.

We may limit how much we take advantage of moments of change in our life, not only by our personality's beliefs, but also because of spiritual contracts we have made with our soul. Very often there are energetic patterns available to our soul only here and in this moment on Earth. Until the soul has learned all that it needs to learn about this pattern, we are unable to escape from it or alter it. The saying 'the only way out is through' aptly applies to these patterns.

But there is hope for changing even these patterns!

As anyone looks deeply into their experience of a long-held pattern, they see the pain and discomfort as well as the blessing that it has brought them. Most often, we feel the pain, and assume that is all it has to offer us.

But our soul only draws into our lives patterns that have aspects we experience as both positive and negative. Because we have experienced the painful aspect of a pattern over and over again we assume that the pattern is 'bad' and must be cut out of our life. That is the way of polarity: destroy the bad and keep the good. But what if the very pattern that creates pain can also nurture something we perceive as good, such as strength? We see this in physical healing all the time. The pain of an injury safeguards that area of the body from further injury while it is healing. Once properly healed, the body is often stronger in this area than it was originally.

In these next few weeks, we have a special 'cosmically designed' opportunity to create deeply still moments of time. Within these moments we will see the painful patterns within our life. If we can gaze upon these patterns and honor that there are valuable lessons within them, we open ourselves to melting away the boulders each pattern is rooted within. Seeing beyond 'good' and 'bad', 'right' or 'wrong' is an indication that we are stepping into that space of spiritual union with All That Is / God.

From this space, we honor both pain and joy as ways the soul learns what it desires to learn. And so we honor our own soul's journey. In the moment we can truly recognize a painful pattern in our life as emanating from our soul, we realize that there is nothing wrong with it. When we cease to judge the pattern, we cease to proclaim the pain as being 'bad'. In fact, insights arise around the pattern that allow us to see it as a gift, not a curse.

That is what these next few weeks are about. Worldwide patterns that cause great pain can change to the extent that we each notice and address painful patterns in our own lives. The energetic boulders from which these patterns have grown can melt. Our role is to allow this to happen.

May your heart be still and open to new possibilities,


-Norma, with Archangel Michael



more info

Pre-release special pricing $17 and free shipping for US/Canada or $10 shipping to most other countries. 

pre-release special
Order CD now

other countries
Order yours now and receive an autographed copy in your mailbox


Unfurling Love's Creation
Based on compassion as an aspect of Love, these chants illuminate the finer energies of the Divine Feminine. This recording is especially suitable for those seeking deeper stillness.

Chants by Hildegard of Bingen
Sung by Norma Gentile

with Harmonic Drone Chorus and
Tibetan Singing Bowls

a spontaneous song from Spirit-----
mp3 or video

What if sound could act as a carrier wave for Spirit?

Never imposing healing or change.

Bathing you in possibilities,
and allowing whatever your Soul and Body desired,
to manifest


Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up




April 4

Phone Meditation 1pm EDT / 10am Pacific



Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #44 from October 19, 2014

Embracing the New by Releasing the Old
Nourishing Yourself for What is Coming


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



In responsibly releasing energetic patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now - not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul's journey now.

- Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
- Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
- Your Brain and Healing (don't always mix well)
- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
- Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
- What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
- Some Results of this Meditation
- Why Release Angels and Guides?

There are two sound healing songs in this meditation. More of these healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.






Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 3:43pm EDT

Blessing All Beings Homeward

Listen Here (mp3)
Watch Video Here

These digital photos captured energies in the room during my recent concert. They have not been altered.

 More pictures from the same concert, taken during other songs
Here are a few ways to learn more about this process of healing:

Escorting Energies Homeward
More reading on this subject

Songs of Spirit: Live Sound Healings
Music to invite Archangel Michael and Nature to be present and release heaviness, including grief, from people and spaces.

Meditation Chants
Music to clear chakras and help with deeper sleep, including children and babies

Workshops where I teach this technique 

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter



New Mobile App
Download Now




Your New Aura:
Healing through the Dimensions of Heaven and Earth



When All-That-Is decided to learn more about itself, it divided its single unified consciousness into millions and billions of fragments.  One of these fragments became you.  And you represent a unique quality of All-That-Is.  No one and nothing else represents this quality. You alone express this unique quality of All-That-Is into our shared creation.  This is your soul.  And you bring the vibration of your soul into the dimensions above as well as below the 3rd dimensional reality in which your human body resides.


- from Heaven & Earth Meet in You: How Your Soul is Loved 
a meditation from Archangel Michael, Mary and Thoth given by Norma Gentile


In the decade approaching 2012, new qualities of healing were revealed as part of an emerging new paradigm. One insight I experienced and incorporated into my practice is that we connect with spiritual energies not just in the upper dimensions, but also in the lower dimensions. In Western cultures, we exalt and respect the heavenly realms, but honoring the spiritual energies contained in the lower dimensions is something new. In doing so, I believe that we honor the "other half" of the healing process. My guides have shown me that when a soul decides to incarnate into this world, it clearly invokes aspects of itself from both the upper and lower dimensions. In other words, our soul is actively multidimensional. Deep healing occurs when we align with the energies and aspects of our soul that are present within all of the dimensions. 




Since we are here in the third dimension, our bodies act as conduits for energies to pass from the upper dimensions downward and the lower dimensions upward.

I have spoken about the personal aura as being about 6 feet across. If you stretch your arms out, your personal aura extends a few inches beyond your fingertips. What is newly emerging is our access to a much larger portion of our aura, the Unity Sphere. This sphere is about ten times larger than our personal aura.




The Personal Auric Sphere contains the first seven layers of the aura. It relates to our life here and now; this incarnation and physical body. The Unity Sphere includes all of our lives, and all of our connections with life and consciousness, including healing guides and angels from other lifetimes. As we expand our awareness beyond the Personal Sphere, we have access to alternative realities, potentialities, and possibilities.

This larger Unity Sphere is a result of our energies re-engaging in a conscious manner with other dimensions. It is generated by a type of directional energy flowing in the shape of a tube Taurus, which is as large in size as our Unity Sphere. The very center of both the Unity Sphere and the tube Taurus is our physical body.

We are opening into a period of time where we have access to all of the energies within the Unity Sphere by accessing the natural flow of energies from all dimensions through our physical body. This is new. And this is what I am sharing now.

Any healing modality that honors our soul's journey functions on holographic and multidimensional levels.

The circle in the center represents you and your personal aura

The torus field illustrates humanity's connection to energies in dimensions both above and below


If you feel drawn to experience this I am offering 
an intimate workshop with ample healing space, meditations and music in my home Jan 30 - Feb1. I also offer many audio meditations where I tap into these energies for healing and share specific ideas to help you in your spiritual journey. Many people enjoy these, and they are examples of what a Private Healing Session might be for you. And of course my music is always available as well.


Jan 30 - Feb 1

Practitioner Workshop - 3 day Training (Ann Arbor)


Feb 20-23

Sound Healing Workshop and Private Sessions (Florida)


Energies present themselves before each song, and the song that I channel is an improvisation meant to help them move to wherever they need to go now. These energies can be from the audience, the physical space or world events.


Larger Version

Larger Version

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up





Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video


Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #44 from October 19, 2014

Embracing the New by Releasing the Old
Nourishing Yourself for What is Coming


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



In responsibly releasing energetic patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now - not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul's journey now.

- Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
- Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
- Your Brain and Healing (don't always mix well)
- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
- Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
- What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
- Some Results of this Meditation
- Why Release Angels and Guides?

There are two sound healing songs in this meditation. More of these healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings: As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---
 Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.   

Click here to see other Newsletters


Category:blog -- posted at: 3:40pm EDT


Inviting the energies of our shared human consciousness, along with the presence of Archangel Michael and Nature, we open a portal in this meditation for transmuting painful issues into learning experiences.  The moment we recognize the gift of wisdom that an issue has brought us, we stand in a place of compassionate honoring of the people, beings and energies that helped us create the issue. This honoring, along with gratitude, allows us to truly release ourselves from continuing to recreate the same painful lessons over and over again in our life.

I included an improvised song of mine, Transition, from my Hathor guide Atamira, who also provides a portion of spoken meditation after the song.  For more information on my music, as well as what else I offer, please see the Sound Healings or Recordings pages of my website   


Direct download: YourChoicePoint.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:14am EDT


sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit
& Booking









If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.




Subscribeto Norma's Newsletter



Dear Friends,
I want to share a song with you. You can listen or watch the video below. The video includes still pictures taken as I was singing that captured energies in the room responding to the music. I am offering an indepth workshop on Sound, Energy and Healing in Michigan at my home (Jan 30-Feb1) and an introductory workshop near Tampa, Florida on Feb 21. Please do share this with others who might be interested. May your own voice of Spirit be ever with you.

Energies present themselves before each song, and the song that I channel is an improvisation meant to help them move to wherever they need to go now. These energies can be from the audience, the physical space or world events.


Blessing All Beings Homeward

Listen Here (mp3)
Watch Video Here

These digital photos captured energies in the room during my recent concert. They have not been altered.

Blessing All Beings Homeward
During a recent concert a friend offered to take 'energy photos'. As I sang, the camera captured brilliant white as well as somber, brown-black swaths of energies. Multiple white and green orbs also appeared, especially in the midst of a healing song. My sense is that the orbs represent new qualities of consciousness; they are the result of dark energies moving on, wherever they needed to be. The brilliant white streamers are those guides and angels who were helping to escort other energies homeward.

More pictures from the same concert, taken during other songs

Larger Version

Larger Version

For those of you new to my work, I am both a professional singer (with bachelor and master's degrees in music) and a channel (having studied with the Seth channel John Friedlander and worked for many years with Drunvalo Melchizedek, from whom I recognized both Thoth and Archangel Michael's presence in my life). Combining my ability to see spiritual energies with my musical expertise has been a lifelong journey. For this reason I call myself a sound shaman.

In most of my Meditation Concerts I prepare some songs and expect to channel or improvise others. Those who attend bring with them various life issues and concerns. We are more alike than different, as I find that frustration and anger, longing for deeper intimacy and a feeling that something is 'not right' are feelings everyone seems to have at one time or another. During a concert, these feelings and their related energies arise from within those in attendance and create a tangible pattern within the room. These are the darker swaths of energy visible in the photos. These darker energies are not bad. We simply interpret them as looking dark or feeling heavy or scary because they are no longer vibrating in tune with our body's and soul's journey.

Each time we come to a realization of a belief or behavior no longer fits us, these energies are released from our aura or body. In the days, weeks, months and sometimes even years before we get an insight that leads to major change, these energies are active within us. They draw to us events, people and emotions that help us replay the pattern or belief that we need to change.

Too often, we do not understand that the reason we are repeating a pattern is because we have a deeper insight to be gained from it. Until that insight comes, we will not completely release the energies causing the pattern. Repeating the same pattern in life isn't bad. It is our soul saying, 'I really want to understand how this pattern works from the vantage point of being in human form. I want to take this insight back into my spiritual being existing in other dimensions.'

As humans we live in a world whose basis is polarity &endash; everything is judged and sorted as 'good/bad, right/wrong, dark/light.' As spiritual beings we exist in other dimensions, mostly outside of polarity. Our role, while in form, has been to provide our soul with the experience of what it is like to exist within the rules of polarity. But as we are well aware, this world of polarity is slowly giving way to a new world, less 'solid,' and often spoken of as a different dimension where polarity does not naturally exist.

An example of how we already live within this less physically-bound, less-polarized world can be seen here, within this video. You can clearly see the dark-colored energies that have accumulated from the audience in the photo near the start of the song. At the completion of the song, the energies are no longer present. Instead there is simply clarity, a clear light, in that same space.

My sense is that energies (or beings or ghosts) appear dark or scary to us because they are out of tune with our physical body. The prickles on our skin, the heaviness, or even fear we sense are all signals telling us that they cannot nourish and support our bodies. When we smell or see food that is spoiled, we know not to eat it. In the same way our intuition tells us when energies are not supportive to us. If we are unsure, it is only because we are just now learning to discern what is and isn't useful. This is a learning process we each go through. As we gather more life skills and tools, fear tends to drop away. Instead, we experience a sense of neutrality or non-reaction toward what is not useful for us. This is an inner stillness, from which compassion may arise.

When I see or sense energies that look psychically dark to me, I understand that these energies are not healthy for me to engage with directly. For this reason I invite them to utilize the consciousness of Archangel Michael or Nature to move onto wherever they need to go to now. When I am in a non-reactive state of inner calm, I am able to gaze upon energies that are dark and converse with them. They 'hear' my true intention is to help them move on. The consciousness within them knows where they need to go. And they realize I will honor their journey.

Using this process, I have never seen a dark energy return to a person once that person's body and soul releases it. I have seen energies move slowly when they are not fully released by the person they are related to. Very rarely, I have seen energies not fully release when the person is not quite complete with the lesson that needs to be learned. In these few cases, the release was completed as the lesson was learned within a few days.

We have an increasing ability to behold the entire spectrum of energies, both those colors and sensations that are pleasing to us, as well as those that are out-of-tune with us and therefore feel or look uncomfortable. Nonjudgment is a necessary response to out-of-tune energies. We have all had the experience of a well-meaning friend trying to help us by giving us advice or telling us what to do. In most cases we ultimately have to figure it out ourselves. In this same manner, we are called to provide support, without inflicting change upon energies we perceive as dark or uncomfortable. Honoring them in this fashion allows them to hear our invitation for them to move on.

I am so grateful to be able to stand in this space of quiet compassion that allows all energies and beings to see that they might return home. As you have read these words and listened to the song, perhaps you are sensing something within or around you changing. What is healing, really? In this context, it can be seen as the act of offering energetic patterns (that might be emotions, thought forms, ghosts, or other beings) a way to shift back into resonance with their own journey. This is a journey we are each engaging with now.


Here are a few ways to learn more about this process of healing:

Escorting Energies Homeward
More reading on this subject

Songs of Spirit: Live Sound Healings
Music to invite Archangel Michael and Nature to be present and release heaviness, including grief, from people and spaces.

Meditation Chants
Music to clear chakras and help with deeper sleep, including children and babies

Workshops where I teach this technique

NORMA'S NEWSLETTER has timely links to monthly healing chants, meditations via phone, audio podcasts, essays and upcoming events (Concert, Workshops, Private Sessions) in a city near you.





Norma's Newsletter Sign-Up


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Jan 18

Meditation Concert (New Baltimore, East Harbor Sanctuary)


Jan 30 - Feb 1

Practitioner Workshop - 3 day Training (Ann Arbor)


Feb 20-23

Sound Healing Workshop and Private Sessions (Florida)

Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #44 from October 19, 2014

Embracing the New by Releasing the Old
Nourishing Yourself for What is Coming


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



In responsibly releasing energetic patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now - not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul's journey now.

- Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
- Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
- Your Brain and Healing (don't always mix well)
- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
- Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
- What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
- Some Results of this Meditation
- Why Release Angels and Guides?

There are two sound healing songs in this meditation. More of these healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.





Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 44 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Norma's other offerings

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

Sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, CDs or download

Meditations and information, available as podcasts)

Stream Norma's music




Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters













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Category:blog -- posted at: 3:28am EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

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Press Kit 
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If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



Subscribe to Norma's Newsletter


The Greatest Healer is Within You
The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth
(and a new healing song)

Dear Friends,

Taking a moment for ourselves now, before entering into the Season of Many Sales, is a gift that may yield personal riches. The time of the Winter Solstice and the turning of the seasons naturally draws us into our inner world. Here, if we allow ourselves to enter, our life issues are calling to us for some reflection. I find there is a growing stillness within my own body and the Earth that allows my own insights to deepen during this time of year. I find my body wants to sink deeply into meditation, and receive the natural energetic nourishment available to it from the Earth.

Over many years of living I have found that meaningful healing and personal growth entails both releasing the old and embracing something new. The change of seasons invites us to recall this simple truth. A recent meditation that I led focused upon this very theme, and I offer a part it in this newsletter. 

This is from the audio meditation, Embrace the New by Releasing the Old. To listen to the complete meditation (which includes healing songs) click here.

The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
Over the past several decades, certain Earth energies have been arising in my awareness. These Earth energies reflect the essence of the soul incarnating within each of us. Each soul present today entered into the process of creation on this planet millions and millions of years ago, when our reality began to take physical form. At that point in time, the essence of your soul said "Yes, I want to create with other souls. I want to create something that does not yet exist." And your soul continued to say "Yes", at other crossroads. "Yes, I will enter into this project now as a being that lives, moves and has consciousness within this creation. Yes, I shall walk upon the Earth as a soul among other souls, knowing both Spirit and physical form."


from Mary
What makes those incarnating upon the Earth unique is that a drop of your soul's essence lives within the Earth herself. That essence became charged and enlivened to the point where It became the basis for your physical form here on Earth. That essence of your soul, deep within the Earth, is what says 'yes' when your heavenly soul wants to incarnate. That essence of you within the Earth helps to balance your physical body, and brings your soul and physical body together in their unique embrace.

What is it that keeps the soul in the body? It is this. This drop of your own soul's essence within the Earth generates a specific frequency that binds your soul into your body. As the quality of this frequency is more tangible, then those nourishments that your soul would love for your body to experience are easily present in your life.

Who you are now, right in this moment, is reflected by how well your soul and body are meeting each other within your body. This drop of your essence, coming alive deep within the Earth, reflects your experience of life. Your soul's essence reminds your body and legally incarnating soul of their unique and perfect embrace. 

Let yourself breathe as if your inhalation begins in your hips. Even better, imagine your breath beginning at your feet. What if your breath were to enter through the feet, coming from that essence of your soul deep within the Earth? Allow that breath to arise and fill your feet, legs, hips and lower back. 
Continue this breath as you listen to the 
healing song.

Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
Those qualities of Earth energy that truly nourish you enter through all of the cells, energy meridians and chakras of your body. Those qualities of energy reflect not just what you know you will do today, tomorrow, and this week, but also what you don't know is going to happen, and what you will be drawn to do as a result. 

Receiving those energies that your body wants to be nourished by means opening to energies that your brain doesn't know you are going to need yet. And how wonderful it is, when we allow ourselves to release into the healing nourishment that our soul, body and Spirit desire. Then, when the unexpected happens, we are ready. It's just like walking out the door and suddenly thinking to bring something more with us. You were not quite sure why in that moment, but a few hours later you run into a friend that needs that item. 

The most powerful systems of healing speak directly to the body and invite it to decide what energies it wants. In the same manner, you can give your body permission to receive all the nourishment it desires right now, not just what you think it should have. As you listen to the body, you open to Earthly nourishment from the very essence of your soul, which has been present within Creation and within the Earth for millions of years. As your body receives the nourishment it desires, old patterns that no longer serve are released. The bonds between your soul and your body strengthen. 

This allows, particularly, your navel chakra to open and engage more deeply in this lifetime, helping you to be present in each day, right here, right now. Your navel chakra synthesizes energies from the external physical world as well as the spiritual world that surrounds you - not just the spiritual world of Heaven, but also the invisible spiritual energy of Earth. Deep within the navel chakra, you access your ability to move easily and gracefully upon the Earth. Deep within the navel chakra, you access your ability to sculpt the external world as your soul intends in this lifetime. 


Want more? Listen to the complete audio meditation or read the transcript that this comes from here
My best to each of you as we embrace this new season,


For those in SE Michigan, I am pleased to announce a special MEDITATION CONCERT in CANDLELIGHT on the Full Moon just ahead of the Winter Solstice. Join me on Sunday, December 7 at 4pm for a reflective time of sacred music and chant. Atmaram Chaitanya, whom many of you know from kirtan and past concerts joins me. He will play tambura and harmonium, both instruments of India. I will have my choir of Tibetan singing bowls, schruti box and I expect some of you will add your harmonic tones. This concert features a few medieval healing chants written by Hildegard of Bingen and many spontaneous songs drawn through me from spirit to address whatever is present in the world and amongst those listening in the room. More info and advance tickets here. 


Sat Dec 7

Meditation Concert in Candlelight (Ann Arbor)


Jan 30 - Feb 1

Practitioner Workshop - 3 day Training (Ann Arbor)


Feb 20-23

Sound Healing Workshop and Private Sessions (Florida)

Sweet Chariot
Listen Here (mp3)

There are moments when we need to leave behind the hustle and bustle of daily living in order to let ourselves gaze into the eyes of Spirit. Here is a healing song from many voices, improvised spontaneously from our hearts.

The photo is cropped, but otherwise not edited. It was taken while lying on the ground and looking straight up with an iPad. It seems as if the energy sphere is moving from the overhanging tree branches up into the sky.


Journey into Grace

a channeled healing song from the Hathors
with voice and Tibetan Singing Bowl

Listen Here (mp3)

Click Here for a list of Norma's monthly sound healings, available as mp3 and video

Get the healing power of a Private Session with Norma's Meditations
(also available from iTunes)

Meditation #44 from October 19, 2014

Embracing the New by Releasing the Old
Nourishing Yourself for What is Coming


Listen to mp3 directly

& more information



In responsibly releasing energetic patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now - not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul's journey now.

- Invocation of Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael
- Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
- Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
- Your Brain and Healing (don't always mix well)
- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer
- Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
- What is Your Next Step? How will You Know It?
- Some Results of this Meditation
- Why Release Angels and Guides?

There are two sound healing songs in this meditation. More of these healing songs, along with videos, can be found under Sound Healings and Recordings.


NOTE: Below are links that you just have to click on and let the internet do the work. Please do share this and let friends (who may believe they don't know enough to take advantage of the free sound healings, meditations and videos) know about these easy links:

All of my 100 or so sound healings are being uploaded to my website and can be found under Sound Healings

The 44 audio meditations are available to download and listen to free on your iPod, iPhone, or computer at iTunes. This link opens to the full list. Most computers can play the meditations right from this page click herewithout using iTunes

Some Meditations can still be purcased as CDs and are also available to listen to through my website under Podcasts

My musical albums 
are all 
HERE in iTunes or HERE on and HERE on my website

Stream my music 
at my 
SoundCloud channel

Personal page:
Professional page:


FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK

Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook. If you want to increase that possibility SUBSCRIBE on my 
official Healing Chants Page.

This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes Amazon CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here




Designs based on Hildegard's own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag






A Note on Phone Meditations and Recordings of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 43 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically. 

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer a few times each year. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or a few are availble as CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 90,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)



Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 5:47am EDT

Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming Next. 






In responsibly releasing patterns out of our space, letting them move to wherever they need to go to now, we are also stating to all the energies interacting with us that we are ready for an update and upgrade. We are ready for something that nourishes us now—not something from ten or more years ago, but that which reflects our soul’s journey now.


- Your Role in Stewarding Energetic Patterns Homeward
- Your Awareness can affect Weather Patterns
- Your Ability (and Responsibility) to Release what no longer Serves
- Invocation of Sacred Space
- Your Questions Heal Yourself and Your World
- Your Brain and Healing (don’t always mix well)
- Nourishing Yourself for what is Coming
- The Essence of Your Soul within the Earth is Your Greatest Healer


- Unlimiting How much Energy We Receive
- What is Your Next Step?  How will You Know It?
- Some Results of this Meditation
- Releasing from Sacred Space

- Why Release Angels and Guides?

From a telephone meditation offered on Oct 19, 2014 by Norma Gentile. For more information, including the written transcript, see

Direct download: EmbraceNewReleaseOld.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:01pm EDT

Find your new relationship with your body, your soul and the Earth

1 Introduction
2 Essay: Earthquakes, Emotional Intensity, EM Fields & Gaia
3 Invoking the Nature Spirit Sphere
4 Exploring the 2nd dimensional self
5 Gaia is releasing ancient energies from deep within the core of the Earth to the Consciousness Grids surrounding the planet
6 Step out of the way and allow the Creative process to take over
7 Tuning into the lower dimensions of your soul
8 Innocence - a Sound Healing from Spirit
9 Releasing the magnified connection to your soul in the lower dimensions, as well as to the Nature Spirit Sphere
10 Q & A: Stability and Shifting within the Earth
11 For more Information

Direct download: HealingOurselvesEarth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:59pm EDT

(essay) Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies.    


Dear Friends,

Each year during the month of August our planet is bathed in Sacred Masculine energies emanating from the Sirian Sun. Each year this process intensifies, as the alignment during this new Aquarian Age allows more and more of this masculine energy to be available to us. While it enters at a sacred vibration, we as humans can translate it’s quality into profane or sacred actions here on Earth.  As my guides point out, we have Free Will.  Whether we choose to express this masculine energy as profane power or sacred creation is our choice.

Thus it seems very timely to share this particular healing meditation now, as external world events are bringing up equivalent chaotic emotions within each of us. I believe this can be seen as a process of finding within ourselves those beliefs, emotions and behaviors that we have outgrown, but perhaps not fully acknowledged and released.  As always, it is easier to see this process external to ourselves in our friends, family or world events.  But healing only happens when we each reveal and address those same aspects within ourselves that are ready to change.

Below is a written essay, based on an excerpt from this new audio meditation. You can listen to the meditation by clicking the link below in this newsletter, online at my website (Podcast Page) and at iTunes (under Podcasts, then enter my name, Norma Gentile).  The full edited transcript can be read here

Listen Now to a Sample:   All Energies evolve, change and move according to their own innate consciousness

Included in the meditation are two songs, from my collection of sound healings for the energies of each upcoming month. You can stream these and a larger collection of my music through the new Healing Chants app ( and at the links below.


Sound Healing Page  
iTunes Music page
Sound Cloud page

Two New Sound Healings
Und Gott Sprach channeled healing song for Tibetan Singing Bowl and voice
Tranquility(after the Storm)

 Listen Here (mp3)

 Turning Chaos into Creation:
Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies

If you are alive in a physical body, you are already somewhat grounded. Grounding is actually allowing your physical body and soul to re-access and reestablish the connection into the Earth energies that you already have. At birth our body has its full grounding into our soul’s energies within the Earth. We see that as the brightness in a child’s eye. It’s not just Heavenly spirit; it’s Earthly spirit that nourishes that brilliance and unconditional love within our eyes. While within the womb, each of us creates some amount of energetic tether into Earth, and that is what draws our heavenly spirit into our gestating body.

I’ve spoken before about the Earthly soul. That is simply a way of saying, if we exist in the upper dimensions and in third dimension, we are not just a drop dripping downward from Heaven. We are also a geyser, a fountain, moving up from the Earth. And, in that moment of conception, our Heavenly soul and Earthly soul have met. Does it not make sense then that throughout life, our journey is to continue to access our Heavenly soul, as well as Earthly soul? Both of these flows of energies meet, equally, within our physical form, and both of these flows of energies nourish who we are now.

The more at ease we are, the less likely we are to have, literally, a knee-jerk reaction to something. Within the energetic matrix of both knee joints are qualities of ease and gentleness. I feel it as a slippery, easy flow of energy around the knee itself. This quality of ease is what your soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime. We are not usually, according to our soul, supposed to have an experience of life as being like pushing through a too narrow hallway that’s wallpapered with sandpaper. We’re not meant to have to scrape and squeeze through life.

And my having said that probably just tagged and brought up all those patterns within your knees and body that believe life is difficult, that you have to work very hard, and that every day has to be like rolling that proverbial boulder up the mountain. So now, just ask all the tension you’re feeling if it’s really in tune with you. Is it really in tune with your soul? Is it really in tune with your body? Is it really in tune with your body, right now?  Notice the response.  You might sigh as patterns of tension release. You may feel more spaciousness around your body. The space around you could feel larger, more expansive, and yet quieter all around you.

How, right in this moment, can your body receive the quantities of ease and gentleness, compassion and support that your soul wants to offer your body? How can your body receive all that compassion and ease and support from that Earth aspect of who you are? The connection that you have always had in your feet (and your entire body) to your Earth Soul can be re-awakened and alivened by your consideration of this connection.

Honoring how your soul wants your body’s innate connection to Earth to be available to your body creates a sense of stability. And when you are aware of this sense of stability, you can find that quality of patience that lets you take that extra breath when you need to, before you respond to something. Here is that sense of stability and inner support that allows you to know your own spiritual being is never in danger from the chaos of the outside world. Here is that sense within your body that your soul’s journey is doing just fine. Here is that sense within your body that all truly is well within your soul’s journey. With each choice you can now feel what expands your heart and body. You know that with each choice, if there isn’t a sense of expansion, ease and comfort, then it is time to choose again.

Often, particularly in the low body, we have stored experiences of trauma. Trauma, particularly as a young child, can be as simple as our parents or care-givers having an argument. The energy of that to us as infants can create a traumatic experience, and that traumatic experience is then stored in the muscles of our bodies. Throughout life, we learn that if we can’t control the chaos external to ourselves, then we must internalize it. We must put it away some place. And only as mature adults do we recognize that the chaos external to ourselves is actually external to ourselves, and it impacts us only to the degree that we have a similar trauma stashed inside our bodies already. This is the law of resonance.

Watching the newscasts and seeing the chaos of the outer world will tend to tag or stimulate the equivalent trauma that we have within our bodies. When we see or hear about external chaos, we are more apt to be upset by it because there is a resonant remembrance to a chaotic moment we experienced when we were much younger that we put inside of our body. That memory has been saved in the tissues of our body. Within the womb, as infants and then as young children, we don’t have the ability to speak clearly about what our emotional experience might be. We see things that don’t make sense to us. For example, we might observe our parents saying one thing and doing another. As children, particularly before we begin to have language, when we experience our parents lying or fighting, or when we experience loud, sudden sounds, our body’s way of processing all of this is extremely limited.

In order to continue to have space within our aura to receive new information, we’ll take the energetic patterns of drama and chaos we experience and move them from the mental or the emotional levels of our aura and bring them into the etheric level and then into the physical body itself. In this way, we create what later can be released as somatic memories, especially from the pelvis and solar plexus.

Too often we have believed that feeling uncomfortable feelings always indicated that something was wrong. This is, of course, not always true.  Similarly, we assume that if we don’t feel something that is uncomfortable, then the situation we are in is just fine, perhaps even a sacred one.  Especially in New Age settings there is a very clear rule that ‘everything is good’.  Discord that arises must therefore be bad.  Living, or attempting to live in a world where there is no chaos external to oneself, merely allows our internal chaos to slumber.  Left too long, it can fester into physical disease.

External chaos gives our internal patterns an opportunity to awaken, as they resonate and begin to move within us. As they resonate, we become aware of images, emotions and memories from previous occasions in our lives when we felt overwhelmed and overcome by similar situations. This is usually quite uncomfortable!  And in this moment we most often choose to suppress the unpleasant sensations, by turning our attention away from what we are experiencing, or stopping ourselves from being exposed to the external chaos.

Sadly, and again particularly in New Age and religious settings, we have been trained that chaos is bad and ‘getting along’ is good. When emotional discomfort arises, especially in groups of people, during times of external chaos, the external chaos is usually shut down in order to avoid feeling inner tumult. Conformity reigns.  ‘It’s all good’ is the rule to be obeyed. This is part of what I call the ‘pink fairy syndrome’. Drawing to ourselves a certain amount of external chaos helps us awaken similar patterns that are asleep deep within our bodies.  In this way chaos can serve to clarify and process our soul’s journey of exploring this human experience.

By asking whatever body sensations you’re noticing as not quite as engaged or moving or warm or comfortable in your body, ‘is it really in tune with my body now?’ you give it permission to go to wherever it needs to go to. It can move through Archangel Michael to continue to grow, learn, and unfold. In many cases by addressing what you are noticing, you tag a small piece of a fundamental belief or behavioral pattern your soul is ready to change. All the other times that pattern has occurred in your life now are free to also change and evolve. As this happens, you are apt to have memories, emotional surges, perhaps even a reoccurrence of whatever this was in your life arise. This occurs briefly, as it is moving out of your body and aura. Let this memory just remind you that this is no longer you. The pattern of behavior around this issue is no longer in tune with your soul’s journey. Your body does not need to tense or contract in any way. You and the energies that are truly in tune with you can remain in that expanded space that is truly natural for you to be contained within.

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(audio meditation) Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies

Life issues, physical pain or discomfort are simply reflections of the fact that who you are and who you aren’t cannot take up the same energetic space inside of you. 

How do we maintain our own inner peace when the world around us is spinning more and more into a state of ongoing, seemingly non-stop chaos?. Each of us has our own tools and we are developing new ways to reach and maintain that quiet space within ourselves. This is essential, especially when surrounded by turbulent events.  Here is one of those new ways; utilize the stability of your soul’s unique and ongoing communion with Earth and the Pure Energy of Nature to awaken from deep within your body it’s own remembrance of stability and your innate inner peace.  



 - Maintaining inner Peace amidst Chaos

 - Nature and Archangel Michael

 - Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of love that we associate with divine beings has to do largely with the state of our own energy field or aura.

 - Our bodies have come from Earth and been potentized by Spirit.

 - All Energies evolve, change and move according to their own innate consciousness

 - Revealing the preexisting condition of grounding within each of our bodies. Clearing deep trauma from your root chakra and pelvis

 - Navel Chakra; Your Pranic Sphere of Brilliant Clear light

 - Reconnecting Your Heart into Your Own Energies within the Earth

 - A newly emerging chakra – the lower 5th chakra

For more info see the Podcast Page at
For more of the music you here in this meditation, see Recordings and Sound Healings


1. Introduction: Maintaining inner Peace amidst Chaos

How do we maintain our own inner peace when the world around us is spinning more and more into a state of ongoing, seemingly non-stop chaos?. Each of us has our own tools and we are developing new ways to reach and maintain that quiet space within ourselves. This is essential, especially when surrounded by turbulent events.  Here is one of those new ways; utilize the stability of your soul’s unique and ongoing communion with Earth and the Pure Energy of Nature to awaken from deep within your body it’s own remembrance of stability and your innate inner peace.  


2 Sacred Space Invocation: Nature and Archangel Michael

The energies of Nature have been part of the planet for a very long time, much longer than humanity. Responding to the desire of the soul we know as Gaia, the Pure Energy of Nature and the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences assisted in forming the planet Earth herself. They can reflect to us their level of unconditional love. Our physical form, of course, resonates to them, as each cell of our human body is created out of the Earth’s physical elements. And in this resonance, we remember the stability that we know is also within our own physical bodies. Here is one way to find stability in chaos.


When this truth is understood many people recognize their body’s resonance to Nature and Earth deep within their naval. Other people experience an expansion within their heart. Some people feel an awakening throughout their whole body.


The second part of this invocation asks those in Spirit to help us magnify our awareness of Archangel Michael’s presence in all dimensions.

Because Archangel Michael and all the Archangels exist not just within our 3rd dimension but in all dimensions, they exist both inside our polarized reality as well as outside of it.  For this reason Michael’s elevator shaft anchors in the dimension just beyond our dualistic reality.  Central Sun is often the point that I refer to.  This is thought to be a point of Sacred Masculine energy, existing on the other side of the black hole which lies in the center of our galaxy. The alignment of this Central Sun, through the center of our galaxy with our sun on December 21, 2012 marked the beginning of the new Aquarian Age.  I use Central Sun as a symbol both for the point into which the upper aspect of Archangel Michael’s elevator shaft anchors as well as the place from which our newly emerging energies related to the Sacred Masculine emerge.  


3 Song: Tranquility (after the Storm)
4 Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of love that we associate with divine beings has to do largely with the state of our own energy field or aura.


Each person, no matter what gender body, has a unique aspect of the Divine Feminine expressing through them. The Divine Feminine has an unique ability to cope with chaos. The Divine, not the day-to-day feminine, but the Divine Feminine has an ability to create space, and that space, often spoken of as a grail or chalice, can both receive chaos, as well as form a serene sense of safety in the midst of chaos.


Our ability to sense the unconditional quality of love that we associate with divine beings has to do largely with our own ability to expand or contract our energy field, or aura. It is this expansion that allows us to feel, more fully, the divine. It is this expansion that allows us to feel safe to enter into meditation, and thus more fully, more deeply into every cell of our bodies.


Our bodies have come from Earth and been potentized by Spirit.


There are many chakras along the bottom of our feet. The nourishment that our physical form desires from the Earth aspect of ourselves passes through these many chakras of our feet into our body. How can we, after all, be the hands, the heart, and the reflection of Spirit on Earth without this wonderful physical form? Does it not make sense that this form, in its initial creation, contained connections into both Earth and Heaven? Ideally our body continues to utilize these connections throughout our lifetime.


We were designed by that magnificence of Spirit to be the intermediaries between Earth and Heaven, to commune and communicate with both.


By posing the questions, ‘Is it really in tune with me now?’, ‘Is it really in tune with my body now?’, you actually give an energetic pattern permission to look and see if it is indeed in tune with your body. And, you give that energy permission to move onto wherever else it might need to go. Seldom do we consider that energies we experience as physical pain or blockages, reoccurring thoughts, or overwhelming emotions…that all these might actually be the result in current time of an energy that at some point in the past was actually working with us and in tune with us. In fact, we might have called this energy in to help us with something. In this new Aquarian age of co-creation with Spirit, we have the responsibility to release all that we have invited in,  whether we did it in a conscious invocation or whether it was a thought or emotional urge we had for a brief moment.


All Energies evolve, change and move according to their own innate consciousness

All energies are constantly learning and growing, even energies that we deem as bad or difficult or painful. These energies are merely in transition, just as we are in transition. If they are not a good dance partner for us, then it is okay for them to continue on their own soul’s journey or their own evolution of consciousness, just as we continue on our own soul’s journey, our own journey of consciousness.


Through the Divine Feminine comes our ability to heal by assisting each being or energetic pattern that has come into contact with us to continue on their own journey. We desire for them to move from our bodies and auras, so that they are not stuck within a place where they cannot continue to grow and change. Simply by asking our emotions, repetitive thoughts and physical sensations, ‘Is this really in tune with my body?’, ‘Are you in tune now with my soul?’, you give energies permission to go to wherever they need to go to now.

6 Clearing deep trauma from your root chakra and pelvis;
Revealing the preexisting condition of grounding within each of our bodies.


If you are alive in a physical body, you are already somewhat grounded. In this particular meditation, we are pointing out and allowing your physical body and soul to re-access and reestablish the connection into the Earth energies that you already have. At birth our body has its full grounding into our soul’s energies within the Earth. We see that as the brightness in a child’s eye. It’s not just Heavenly spirit; it’s Earthly spirit that nourishes that brilliance and unconditional love within our eyes. While within the womb, each of us creates some amount of energetic tether into Earth, and that is what draws our heavenly spirit into our gestating body.


I’ve spoken before about the Earthly soul. That is simply a way of saying, if we exist in the upper dimensions and in third dimension, we are not just a drop dripping downward from Heaven. We are also a geyser, a fountain, moving up from the Earth. And, in that moment of conception, our Heavenly soul and Earthly soul have met. Does it not make sense then that throughout life, our journey is to continue to access our Heavenly soul, as well as Earthly soul? Both of these flows of energies meet, equally, within our physical form, and both of these flows of energies nourish who we are now.


The more at ease we are, the less likely we are to have, literally, a knee-jerk reaction to something. Within the energetic matrix of both knee joints are qualities of ease and gentleness. I feel it as a slippery, easy flow of energy around the knee itself. This quality of ease is what your soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime. We are not usually, according to our soul, supposed to have an experience of life as being like pushing through a too narrow hallway that’s wallpapered with sandpaper. We’re not meant to have to scrape and squeeze through life.


And my having said that probably just tagged and brought up all those patterns within your knees and body that believe life is difficult, that you have to work very hard, and that every day has to be like rolling that proverbial boulder up the mountain. So now, just ask all the tension you’re feeling if it’s really in tune with you. Is it really in tune with your soul? Is it really in tune with your body? Is it really in tune with your body, right now?  Notice the response.  You might sigh as patterns of tension release. You may feel more spaciousness around your body. The space around you could feel larger, more expansive, and yet quieter all around you.


How, right in this moment, can your body receive the quantities of ease and gentleness, compassion and support that your soul wants to offer your body? How can your body receive all that compassion and ease and support from that Earth aspect of who you are? The connection that you have always had in your feet (and your entire body) to your Earth Soul can be re-awakened and alivened by your consideration of this connection. 


Honoring how your soul wants your body’s innate connection to Earth to be available to your body creates a sense of stability. And when you are aware of this sense of stability, you can find that quality of patience that lets you take that extra breath when you need to, before you respond to something. Here is that sense of stability and inner support that allows you to know your own spiritual being is never in danger from the chaos of the outside world. Here is that sense within your body that your soul’s journey is doing just fine. Here is that sense within your body that all truly is well within your soul’s journey. With each choice you can now feel what expands your heart and body. You know that with each choice, if there isn’t a sense of expansion, ease and comfort, then it is time to choose again.


Often, particularly in the low body, we have stored experiences of trauma. Trauma, particularly as a young child, can be as simple as our parents or care-givers having an argument. The energy of that to us as infants can create a traumatic experience, and that traumatic experience is then stored in the muscles of our bodies. Throughout life, we learn that if we can’t control the chaos external to ourselves, then we must internalize it. We must put it away some place. And only as mature adults do we recognize that the chaos external to ourselves is actually external to ourselves, and it impacts us only to the degree that we have a similar trauma stashed inside our bodies already. This is the law of resonance.

Watching the newscasts and seeing the chaos of the outer world will tend to tag or stimulate the equivalent trauma that we have within our bodies. When we see or hear about external chaos, we are more apt to be upset by it because there is a resonant remembrance to a chaotic moment we experienced when we were much younger that we put inside of our body. That memory has been saved in the tissues of our body. Within the womb, as infants and then as young children, we don’t have the ability to speak clearly about what our emotional experience might be. We see things that don’t make sense to us. For example, we might observe our parents saying one thing and doing another. As children, particularly before we begin to have language, when we experience our parents lying or fighting, or when we experience loud, sudden sounds, our body’s way of processing all of this is extremely limited.


In order to continue to have space within our aura to receive new information, we’ll take the energetic patterns of drama and chaos we experience and move them from the mental or the emotional levels of our aura and bring them into the etheric level and then into the physical body itself. In this way, we create what later can be released as somatic memories, especially from the pelvis and solar plexus.

Too often we have believed that feeling uncomfortable feelings always indicated that something was wrong. This is, of course, not always true.  Similarly, we assume that if we don’t feel something that is uncomfortable, then the situation we are in is just fine, perhaps even a sacred one.  Especially in New Age settings there is a very clear rule that ‘everything is good’.  Discord that arises must therefore be bad.  Living, or attempting to live in a world where there is no chaos external to oneself, merely allows our internal chaos to slumber.  Left too long, it can fester into physical disease.


 External chaos gives our internal patterns an opportunity to awaken, as they resonate and begin to move within us. As they resonate, we become aware of images, emotions and memories from previous occasions in our lives when we felt overwhelmed and overcome by similar situations. This is usually quite uncomfortable!  And in this moment we most often choose to suppress the unpleasant sensations, by turning our attention away from what we are experiencing, or stopping ourselves from being exposed to the external chaos.

Sadly, and again particularly in New Age and religious settings, we have been trained that chaos is bad and ‘getting along’ is good. When emotional discomfort arises, especially in groups of people, during times of external chaos, the external chaos is usually shut down in order to avoid feeling inner tumult. Conformity reigns.  ‘It’s all good’ is the rule to be obeyed. This is part of what I call the ‘pink fairy syndrome’. Drawing to ourselves a certain amount of external chaos helps us awaken similar patterns that are asleep deep within our bodies.  In this way chaos can serve to clarify and process our soul’s journey of exploring this human experience.


By asking whatever body sensations you’re noticing as not quite as engaged or moving or warm or comfortable in your body, ‘is it really in tune with my body now?’ you give it permission to go to wherever it needs to go to. It can move through Archangel Michael to continue to grow, learn, and unfold. In many cases by addressing what you are noticing, you tag a small piece of a fundamental belief or behavioral pattern your soul is ready to change. All the other times that pattern has occurred in your life now are free to also change and evolve. As this happens, you are apt to have memories, emotional surges, perhaps even a reoccurrence of whatever this was in your life arise. This occurs briefly, as it is moving out of your body and aura. Let this memory just remind you that this is no longer you. The pattern of behavior around this issue is no longer in tune with your soul’s journey. Your body does not need to tense or contract in any way. You and the energies that are truly in tune with you can remain in that expanded space that is truly natural for you to be contained within.


7    Navel Chakra Pranic Sphere of Brilliant Clear light


Who you are is the result of many energies that meet each other in the naval chakra. It is convenient, looking at the adult human adult body, to say that Heavenly soul and Earthly soul must meet in the naval, and they do. But the flow of your soul’s energetic presence within the lower dimensions and Earth continues to flow all the way up and meets your Heavenly soul in heaven, or the upper dimensions. Likewise, your Heavenly soul comes all the way down, past your navel, and meets your Earthly soul within Earth and the lower dimensions.


Within the naval chakra and the pranic sphere that sits just underneath it, there is a point of deep engagement between both Earthly and Heavenly aspects of your soul and your physical body. When this engagement is clear and clean, our experience of living in a physical body shifts from squeezing through a narrow hallway lined with sandpaper to slipping out into an expansive ballroom. Our soul’s journey opens up into an easier flow of energies, which feels like an expansion of how much our soul enters into and expresses through our body.


This expanded state of the soul and body embracing each other allows the aura to maintain itself in an expansive manner. This allows the decisions that are made to lead to those things that the soul truly wants to investigate in this lifetime, rather than an imposed decision made by our personality.



Reconnecting Your Heart into Your Own Energies within the Earth

We have spent so much time in the last few decades looking at the heart as a spiritual vessel. Especially within the New Age, it seems that this spirit is a Heavenly spirit. For just a moment, what would it feel like to let your heart receive the love and compassion of your own Earthly soul? This aspect your soul is spiritually present within Earth. How is this aspect of who you are within the Earth present itself around your heart?  How does your traditional heart chakra want to be supported and nourished by all those energies within the Earth that are truly supporting and nourishing your body?


As your heart chakra allows and welcomes those energies that are truly your own Earthly soul to step forward and support it, you may notice a deep sense of relaxation. Your heart no longer has to function solely through the support of the upper dimensions. It can function now through an equal amount of support from the lower dimensions within the Earth.


The heart chakras (traditional and thymus gland chakras) and physical heart reflect both our Heavenly soul and our Earthly soul. Doesn’t it make sense in meditation to allow that Earthly soul some time to connect into the heart, and for the heart to receive the connection that it most desires from that Earthly soul and all of its potential energies?

Any time we bring a new quality of who we are into our body, we are very apt to awaken energies that have been long asleep. They can manifest as blocks, heaviness, heat, cold, or something just feeling off or odd. By asking anything that you’re noticing if it is truly in tune right now with your body you give it permission to release and continue on its own evolutionary path.


Allowing your Earth soul to continue to reconnect through the thymus gland, seat of the upper heart chakra, brings the tasks your soul has planned for you now at this time into focus.


 A newly emerging chakra – the lower 5th chakra

In the front side of our upper chest, where the neck meets our shoulders, there’s a little soft space. It feels like a notch in the top of our breastbone. This is the sternal notch, and it is the front side of a chakra that is just now developing. This chakra allows you to connect into the Pure Energy of Nature. As you are able to discern the overall quality of the Pure Energy of Nature, this chakra will bring your body into balance with that essence, that drop of who you are that exists within the Pure Energy of Nature. 


From the very beginning of Creation, your essence has existed within this very foundation, the first dimension of our reality. This chakra lying between (approximately T3) the third rib down from your neck in back and the sternal notch in front, at the base of the neck, is merely the smallest version of itself in this moment. It is just beginning to bloom.


I touch on that to let you know something’s starting to move in this part of your body, and something is starting to move because more and more people are recognizing there is an inherent connection between our physical bodies and the physical body of Earth. Even in the upper body, we each have an inherent grounding into that foundation of who we are  within the Pure Energy of Nature.


if there are issues, pain or discomfort, it is simply a reflection of the fact that who you are and who you aren’t cannot take up the same energetic space. Allowing thyroid (throat chakra), pituitary(third eye or sixth chakra) and pineal(crown chakra) to reflect you now, releasing what no longer serves you. Then allowing those energies from the Earthly soul to support pineal gland within the center of the head however the pineal gland wants to be supported now. 


Let’s not leave the meditation without returning into the physical form that allows us to express who we are and who Spirit is here upon the Earth.


   Releasing Sacred Space

Each time these energies are invoked, it’s up to us to release them, so please give the same attention to the release that you gave to the invocation. When we ask or pray for guidance we have the responsibility to release that guidance through the same manner of prayer or feeling gratitude in our heart. The guides and angels need to feel something from us so they know that we are bringing the process to completion.  Only then will they depart. 



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Consider how you are asking for guides, angels and energies to assist you. The back side of each chakra draws to you guides and angels that support you, according the quality of the chakra itself. Ideally the back side of each chakra perfectly reflects your soul’s journey now. But like all of our energies, the webbing of the chakra’s vortices can be out of tune or not fully and accurately reflect our soul’s journey. Here is a meditation to help you re-weave the chakras, and call to yourself guides and angels that more fully support you in your life, here and now.


1. Opening Thoughts on Healing
2. Create Sacred Space
3 Multitasking leads to doing what is not yours to do
4 Thymus (High Heart Chakra) keeps us on our soul’s journey. 
5 Releasing Past Heart-based Guides/Angels
6. Discerning what are truly Healing Energies for you
7. Resetting Pituitary Pineal Glands
8. Reignite Soul-Earth Connection (healing songs)
9. Releasing Sacred Space
10. For more information

2. Creating Sacred Space
There are many emotions and energies within the land that Nature holds on behalf of humanity. For right now, we’re going to leave those asleep. Welcome those Nature Spirits and Intelligences to step forward at what they would consider to be their level of unconditional love. Let them show you something new.

Welcome The Pure Energy of Nature, an aspect of creation that we all belong to. The Pure Energy of Nature is made up of a drop of each of our essences. All that is in physical form has a drop of its essence within this pure energy of nature. It feels like a warm, usually somewhat thick, watery quality. Sensation. 

All of these together create a sphere around the space that you are in. We ask that the sphere reflect what Nature considers to be unconditional love. In this way, they demonstrate to us as humans something new. The sphere may tune beyond our limited human understanding and experience of unconditional love. This supports us even further in our own exploration of what unconditional love might be while we are here in human form.

We also welcome that aspect of Archangel Michael that sits with each to be present. Michael is known to many people in many cultures by other names. It is an energy that helps other energies go home. For this reason, I invoke Archangel Michael. You probably already know this energy.

You can even ask the Nature Spirits and Intelligences of the room and land beneath that are holding the sphere to cleanse and clear the room and land beneath. Let all those energetic patterns and beings not related to your meditation step outside the sphere for a moment. Anybody that needs to return to continue to work with you will do so. For now, thank everyone who is helping you make your grocery list or your to-do list, and just let them sit outside the sphere for a moment so you have quiet space to welcome in that guide or angel that is truly in tune with you for this moment of time, for what you’re about to do now.

3 Multitasking leads to doing what is not yours to do 
Throughout our daily lives we are multi-tasking. There almost seems to be something wrong with us if we can’t focus on three things simultaneously. And yet, the more things that demand our attention, the less of our attention any single one of them will receive.

Isn’t it interesting that our culture has come to value doing things at a very superficial level? I should say, doing multiple things at superficial levels. When our mental attention is so divided, so is our psychic and spiritual attention divided. The ability to create and hold focus on a single task means that we are also becoming resonant to that task. As our body, our psyche, even our psychic powers come into resonance with a task, we can feel whether or not it’s appropriate for us. We can feel whether or not we truly want to do it. If we are only superficially engaged with a task, then we will not feel as strongly whether or not it is truly ours to do.  I wonder how many things we end up doing because of this?

Too often in our culture I hear praises about someone who ‘pushed through’ pushing or exhortations to ‘just do it’.  From the Spiritual energetic perspective ‘pushing through’ something merely means that you are injecting your energy where it probably doesn’t need to be or want to be. Being in resonance to a task, to an idea, to any sort of project you might be considering, means feeling into the quality of energies that pertain to that particular task.   How does this feel to my body? How does this feel to my heart?

Sometimes things can be challenging or difficult to complete and still be in resonance to you. Often you get a sense that this task is actually a long-term project and is going to take a while to complete.  You may even ‘hear’ or have an inner understanding that this task is going to include times of intensity.

So what is a tangible difference between a challenging task that is yours to do and something you are doing but is not yours to do? A task that is yours to do is resonant with your soul. When you clear away the other tasks you are multi-tasking and let yourself consider just one task, an engagement and desire to dive into the task arises from within you. 

We have all had the experience of sitting down to do something and then suddenly looking up at the clock 2 hours later and realizing it felt like 10 minutes. That is engagement. That is when we are resonating to a task. It may be a phenomenally spiritual task like meditating or chanting or it could simply be doing some sort of programming at the computer. It could be considering something and beginning to write it out. Anything at all can draw passion through us. At this point in our reality it is incredibly important to begin to distinguish what we are doing, simply because it’s in front of us and we can do it in a superficial manner, and what we are doing because our soul’s journey is to do it.

4 Thymus (High Heart Chakra) keeps us on our soul’s journey. 
Consider how you are asking for guides, angels and energies to assist you. The back side of each chakra draws to you guides and angels that support you, according the quality of the chakra itself. The back side of the Thymus Gland Chakra draws to you guides and angels that are perfectly in tune with your soul’s journey now. Just like all chakras, the webbing of the chakra’s vortices can be out of tune or not fully and accurately reflect your soul’s journey.

5 Releasing Past Heart-based Guides/Angels
A meditation to clear the vortex and webbing of both Heart Chakras of any energies or patterns that simply don’t reflect you now.  Then welcome spiritual helpers that are naturally drawn by your Heart Chakras to support you in your soul’s journey now.

By starting any healing with releasing guides and angels, you give permission for all the guides and angels that have helped you thus far to determine for themselves where they need to be in relation to you now.  And you allow those who have completed their task with you to be about their other tasks. There is never anything wrong. It is simply that when their task has come to completion with you it is appropriate to thank and release them.

As always, it is the emotion of gratitude that sends the message to the guides and angels that you are releasing them. Thankfulness for their service to you allows them to feel whether or not their task is completed. As you experience stillness, they are able to leave gracefully, or update to your current soul’s journey.

We have moved from kindergarten to first grade in our Earth-based spiritual elementary school. Now we have more responsibility for how we communicate with the guides and angels that support us. Our role, as increasingly more adept students, is to recognize that when we consciously call upon any Beings or energies, we must also consciously thank and release them. Even if we unconsciously (ie habitually) call guides or angels in, we are still responsible to consciously release them. In doing so, we also allow the spaces they inhabit around us, especially behind us, to reflect the journey of our soul right now.

Guides and angels that have been with us for a very, very long time, for example since childhood, may not even feel like what we would think of as a guide or angel. It’s simply because they are so out of tune with who we are now. We have changed so much that they are no longer easily vibrating along with our soul’s journey.  We experience them as not being at east with our body. For this reason I suggest releasing that which might feel heavy or stuck or awkward or odd to you. With the recognition that it is not evil or bad.  Rather, it must have been in tune with some part of you and it’s simply no longer in tune with you.

Just like you have to continually tune a lute or a violin or a guitar in order to keep the strings vibrating accurately with each other, it’s important to take time now to consciously tune ourselves. We do that by letting ourselves feel physical sensations, experience emotions, and notice thoughts that no longer fit. By releasing, we create space for the guides and angels that work now with each one of us to be present.

When you identify and release energies that are no longer in tune with your body or soul, you complete a promise that you made to the energies when they came into your life. That promise was to help them get home. It was to help them move onto their own evolutionary path.

We think so often that guides and angels are here to support us and the reality is that it goes both ways. As the guide, the angel, the energetic being completes its task with us, we release it on to its next evolutionary step. Even guides and angels are learning and growing. Even guides and angels have places to be and things to do.

Isn’t it odd that the more in tune with us an energy is, the less we notice it? Clear water, when you add more clear water simply looks like clear water. As we become more accurate in welcoming a guide, angel or energy to sit with us, it simply feels like a little bit more of ourselves is present. With practice, the distinction between that which is and is not in tune with us becomes easy to feel.

6. Discerning what are truly Healing Energies for You
How can we develop our ability to distinguish an energy that is in tune with us from an energy that we simply can feel? In a very common metaphor we talk about using a sledge hammer instead of a feather to accomplish something. In energy work and in healing, I have often heard people way ‘I can really feel that energy. It must be strong. It must be good for me because I can feel it.’   After decades of offering energy healings, my response is this; maybe you can feel it because it’s not appropriate and  not really in tune with you or your body.

Perhaps those energies that you do not feel as strongly are so in tune with you that your psychic ability doesn’t pick them up nearly as quickly as what is not in tune with you.  One sign of being in the presence of energies that are healing for you is that your body relaxes deeply, and you find yourself more aware of your body (i.e. you know where your toes are).

If an energy is truly in tune with us, it helps our aura expand. It helps our sense of self become stronger. It helps us feel our entire body as a unit. We feel our feet as well as the top of our heads. Energies that are truly in tune with us support our soul’s journey to integrate into our physical form more deeply. You can discern what supports the journey of your soul by noticing what helps your body relax, your mind become quiet, and your heart gently open.

In an ideal world, every healing modality holds space so that your soul and your body can connect and integrate with each other. That integration leads to a sense of wholeness, as well as, sometimes, a recognition that there are deeper issues within your life that need to be addressed.

Too often, we turn to healing modalities that reflect our desire to continue to function as we have been functioning, but without reaping the detrimental results of how we are functioning.  I call these functional modalities of healing. The symptom is relieved but the underlying cause is not addressed. This mode of healing, and I say this in a joking manner, is like using healing sessions as if they were coffee: after each healing session we are full of temporary energy that allows us to push through our life. As long as we continue to receive functional modality healings, we can continue to behave in whatever manner got us into needing the healing.

These sorts of functional healing modalities don’t help us feel the true need of the body or soul. They simply help us continue to do whatever got us into the situation in the first place.  Oftentimes we choose to remain doing what we are doing in order to make our own personality as well as the personalities of people around us happy. But this keeps us doing what we really don’t need to be doing, and it pulls us off the trajectory of our true soul’s journey.

I emphasize the back side of chakras because so many of us don’t have an awareness behind us, and the space behind each chakra is where we draw to ourselves guides and angels that support us. For example, the guides and angels in the space behind the naval chakra influence how much of our life-force energy we give to each choice in life

Think of it as the dealer in a poker game. The dealer is the naval chakra and how the cards go is determined by the space behind the naval chakra, each card being, say, a unit of our life force. So owning our naval, having it in tune with us, means that all of our energy goes towards things that our soul wants to explore in this lifetime.

7 Resetting your Pituitary and Pineal Glands
In our Western culture we’ve been taught to sit in the middle of our head and think.  However, our head is often the last part of us that comprehends an idea from Spirit! Spirit usually speaks to us first in our lower body as our gut instinct. That impulse moves from the naval to the heart to the head, and only at that point does that little light bulb go off.


We thank, with great gratitude, all of those guides and angels that have supported us. We recognize that as we change and evolve guides and angels become less in tune with us. We may feel an increasing heaviness when we call upon them directly. This heaviness is a way to remind us to thank and release them. And as we do so, they may continue their journey to wherever they need to be now.

8 Reingnite Body’s Connection to Soul Essence within Earth
Each physical form has the ability to reignite the connection that it had in the womb and at birth with its own soul’s essence within 1st dimension. Therefore, we thank and release the guides and angels that have tethered us into the Earth, in favor of our natural connection to the very essence of who we are, our soul, and how our soul’s energies naturally nourish our body through our feet, our legs, our lower chakra.
A Healing Song: Blessing

9 Releasing Guides, Angels and Sacred Space
We thank each guide and angel that has been present, working and supporting you through this meditation. We release the conscious magnified connection to this guide or angel that was invited in, in the beginning of the meditation. Letting your guide or angel step back and relate to you in whatever way is appropriate in your waking or dream state.

I honor that as humans we live in an imperfect world.  We came here as Spiritual Beings to engage with this imperfection. We came here in order to have issues to work on so that we could each have ingredients with which our soul could create something unique and special. Without ingredients, you can’t bake a cake. Our souls have each decided to create something here within our shared Earth and each of us is baking our own cake. Whatever our ingredients need to be, they are. I honor that the soul’s journey of creation continues with each one of us to reflect who we are now. And proceeds in the manner that our soul incarnating into our body best desires.

For additional music, essays and events see Norma's website: 




Direct download: QUALITIESofHEALING.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:32pm EDT




Connecting to the Essence from which You Came for Deep Healing and Spiritual Intimacy.
Changing our reality isn’t about thinking the change. It’s about going to the foundation of our reality, reconnecting into that point from which we have all come, and feeling our ability to now sense all the consciousness’ with whom we have incarnated.

1 The Pure Energy of Nature (what it is, how to connect with it)
Within our first dimension lies a Divine Feminine energy that creates all form and simultaneously contains the consciousness within all form, including water.

2 Co-Creating Sacred Space
Question: Why ask for other beings, such as Nature Spirits, to show us their level of love?  Shouldn’t they reflect my level of unconditional love?

Response: Recognizing that we do not want to limit other beings in their expression of unconditional love is what makes us co-creators, rather than dictators.  I invite those Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the room and land to step forward into my awareness at what they would consider to be their level of unconditional love. Freeing them up to show me something new, something different, something unique frees my own body from limiting beliefs of what unconditional love should be that I may have imposed upon it.  

3 Earth listens to Our Body
There is a resonant pattern between the water and minerals contained within our body’s cells, and the equivalent minerals and water within the planet. 
Our cells vibrate with the emotions and thoughts that we experience throughout our daily life. When we go walking in a forest we feel ourselves relax because the Earth reminds our body of its potential for greater ease. So too, the Earth senses, feels, and responds to our bodies when we experience levels of stress.

4 Reintegration after Choosing Polarity
We Chose Separation as part of our Divine Plan. Polarity is what has let us find our unique power as creators. We emerge now as one of the many – not one of unification, but one of seeing each as unique. Different Consciousness’ exist simultaneously.  Which one dominates is our choice.

5 The Foundation of Our Reality
The foundational energy of our reality exists within the First Dimension. It is within this Divine Feminine Matrix, what I refer to as The Pure Energy of Nature, that a drop of our essence resides. In fact, The Pure Energy of Nature is composed of a drop of essence from every spiritual being and everything that has physical form. All that is within our reality exists within The Pure Energy of Nature. Changing our reality isn’t about thinking the change. It’s about going to the foundation of our reality, reconnecting into that point from which we have all come, and feeling our ability to now sense all the consciousness’ with which (or with whom) we have incarnated.

6 MEDITATION on The Pure Energy of Nature
How does that Pure Energy of Nature remind each cell of your body of your own unique expression of unconditional love?

7 Sound Healing:  The Gift

8 Releasing guides that helped us stay in Polarity and inviting in new ones.
Often times, when there is a portion of ourselves that we have finally honed into the experience of polarity, there will be much resistance to receiving gentle and loving support from new guides and angels. This experience of resistance is very common at the naval chakra, for it is here that the incarnating soul initially engages into the physical body.

The game of polarity is complete. We can now release guides that helped us stay in polarity. Only as we recognize that our portion of playing the game is complete will those guides and angels that helped us remain in polarity be free to move on.  We can help by thanking them, and coming to a point of appreciating all that we have experienced, both comfortable and uncomfortable in our lives.

When we do this, who we are and our natural connection to Spirit is reinstated. Not just in this lifetime but in all lifetimes. The experiences we’ve had in all of the lifetimes of our soul are gathered into the collective consciousness of All That Is. 

9 SONG: Wandering

10 A new Level of Consciousness
We welcome those new guides and angels that help us sustain a new level of consciousness, a level of consciousness that reflects all that is, and our reunion, our reopening to experiencing ourselves as both us and them, the continuum that unites one end of polarity with the other end of polarity. 
The complete and full expression of who you are is the fulfillment of your contract in this lifetime.

11 SONG  Omnia Harmony

12 Making Decisions Easily
To Make a Decision, think the thought in your body, not in your head. There is a space behind your navel that has allows you to know what is true for you without consulting anyone else.


14 Remembering and Releasing Sacred Space
This is simply a remembrance of where you came from, of how your soul accurately engages your physical male or female body. It’s nothing new. It’s nothing unusual. It’s simply a remembering.


15 inquiry vs Judgment
Labeling something as bad or wrong simply steps us back into the old way of being. Asking something if it’s truly ours now, in this present moment,  steps us forward. Inquiry is one of the great hallmarks of the new level of consciousness into which we are moving. So rather than place a statement upon something, ask a question of it. Is it truly yours? Does it truly reflect your male or female body? Is the experience you’re having, the emotion you’re feeling, the thoughts you’re thinking truly reflect you, right here, right now? Inquiry lets things be released, lets patterns change, lets beings of all sorts evolve, and allows your experience to change and evolve.

Direct download: CreatingLife.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:56pm EDT

Your full potential is a promise made by your soul to All of Creation. According to this promise, your only task is to bring the unique vibration resulting from the union of your body and soul into the Earth now.  As your soul embraces through the body, not just the mind and heart, those qualities of energies that you agreed to create for all of us are more palpable, more available, and more generously offered to All of Creation.

When your soul is fully engaged into your body, there is a palpable frequency of energy that is generated. Your soul emanating through your body and generating this energy is what you agreed to bring to this lifetime. It is your soul’s  promise to Spirit. Each one of us has this responsibility.

Fulfilling this promise usually begins with a longing to simply be still.  Here are a series of mediations and songs to help you do that now.


1. Intro
2. We can only hear Spirit when we are listening.
3 Meditation: Cultivate Stillness Within
4 Invoking Sacred Space
5 Just DON’T do it
6  Meditation: Body and Earth
7 Song: Blessing for the Earth
8 We are each Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine
9 Song: O Creation of God
10 Your promise to All of Creation
11 Song: Joy (a healing song from Nature)
12 Remembrance
13 Releasing Sacred Space, Guides and Angels


Just as our guides and angels inspire us and bring to us moments of clarity, warmth and joy, this only happens when our inner being is available to listen to and see the signs that Spirit sends to us.  It is often we who must remember to make available the resources within us that desire to respond to Spirit.


Beginning any meditation with just a simple tuning into the quality of your breathing is an easy way to begin to cultivate an inner state of quiet.  As you combine the thought of awareness (of any area of your body) and the physicality of breathing, you generate more energy within your body, tuned to your body and soul. You do this effortlessly because it’s simply you opening those spiritual connections that are already available to your body.  Your mind simply needs to move out of the way!


Welcoming Nature to create a sphere around you that reflects what Nature perceives as unconditional love.  Inviting that aspect of Archangel Michael that is uniquely connected to you now.

So often in life we’ve been exhorted to ‘just do it’ and ‘get on with it’ and’ get up and get moving’. More and more, I’m recognizing that our ability to choose what change fits us and implement it in a lasting manner has so much more to do with not getting up and getting out and just doing it. Transformative change starts with sitting very still and very quietly, reaching a point a point in meditation where there is no motion and no breath. Here is where your soul and Spirit commune with your body.  And if you listen, you might also hear their conversation.

As we enter into meditation, we feel the journey that our soul has in mind for us now. The resistance that our personalities and egos bring to the process drops away more and more as we let ourselves be carried into the stillness of Spirit.


When I talk about the Divine Feminine matrix and 1st dimension, the masculine aspect of that is us. It is our consciousness that brings the equivalent of the Sacred Masculine to the Divine Feminine.

9 SONG  O CREATION OF GOD Improvisation

Your full potential is a promise made by your soul to All of Creation. According to this promise, your only task is to bring the unique vibration resulting from the full union of your body and soul into the Earth now.

11 SONG: JOY (a healing song from Nature)

There is a sense of deep joy and satisfaction that comes from the remembrance of the connection that always has existed and always will exist between your physical body and that aspect of your soul within The Pure Energy of Nature. This is a remembrance of who you truly are. Slowly, we are returning to this state of knowing ourselves both as spirit and as beings rooted within the Earth.  

Releasing any connection that is no longer serving the journey of your soul now. Letting whatever connections remain reflect the new you, the new journey and this new day. Releasing both elements of Nature and Archangel Michael, so that you can move easily out of meditation and back into the world of form. 

 Norma's website:






Direct download: FULFILLING_YOUR_PROMISE.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:40pm EDT

How to connect with those guides and Angels within the Earth and lower dimensions that support you.

A flow of spoken insights and healing songs from Spirit. Archangel Michael and the Hathors worked through me to create this experience of healing in words and songs. It includes many healing songs, improvised through me from Spirit.

1 As Above, So Below
   What if all of the Angels existed not just in heaven but also within the Earth below us?

2 Three Healing Songs from Spirit

3 A new consideration of Grounding

  What if we could connect into our Earthly Soul, just like we connect into our Heavenly Soul?  How would this feel in our body?
4 Healing Song with two Tibetan singing bowls
  (thanks to Amy Koch for playing with me)

5 Where is that aspect of Archangel Michael from within the Earth that is already connected to you? 

    An open Q&A brought some new insights on:

6 The Pure Energy of Nature and the First Dimension
An explanation of the terms and a demonstration meditation of their energies and uses in our capacity as Creator Beings

7 Notes on the arrival of the Sacred Masculine

8 Healing with Sound and Spiritual Energies

9 Closing Healing Song
What one thing does your Angel or Higher Self wish to communicate to you now?  Then thanking and releasing the conscious magnified connection to them.

10 Release out of Sacred Space

 - Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences is a term and awareness from the work of Michaelle Wright.
- Recorded on July 21, 2013 at Corinthians Spiritual Center

All Meditations
All Music

Please do share and let friends know about these easy links for those who are not into technology:

can be purchased as CDs

All of my 100 or so Healing Songs can be played on a computer with a simple click (or mobile device)

The nearly 40 meditations are available to download and listen to free on your iPod, iPhone, or computer at iTunes.  This link opens to the full list.  Most computers can play the meditations right from this link.







Direct download: GROUNDINGintoSPIRIT.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:23pm EDT

Finding the Power of Who You Are

Between the atoms of our bodies and the seconds of each minute lies the stillness of Creation.  What we most desire is to follow our soul’s journey.  Here is a meditation to take you on that journey. 


After linking the physical body to your support staff of spiritual beings we begin by recognizing that the quality of ease your soul plans for you to experience in this lifetime.  The amount of ease is almost always much greater than the quality of ease we are actually experiencing.  Stepping away from the mind and our insistence on using what our ego (or personality) wants to do as the basis for the goals in our life is the first step in relaxing into the quality of ease that our soul truly wants for us to feel in our bodies and in our lives.

As we become aware of a greater depth of stillness, especially in and around our Navel Chakra, we can begin to experience Time, and Creation, combining into a space within our being. Neither is an external linear action.  Inexplicable but tangible, a sensation of fullness arises from within our body that is satisfying and powerfully expansive.  Entering into this stillness we are able to also enter into Time itself.

As we consciously recognize our soul within the lower dimensions we build bridges between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions.  Our body, especially at the Navel Chakra, brings us information from these other dimensions.  What is it that your soul wants to create in your life? 

1. Introduction
2. Invoking Sacred Space
3. Creation happens within the moments of Time
4. How Dimensions Create Together
5. Finding Your Unique Vibration and the Power of Who You Are
6. Creating New Possibilities in life
7. Opening the Psychic Potential of Your Body
8. Healing Song: Quantas Sabedes Amar (Those who know Love)
9. Conclusion
10. Releasing Sacred Space

You may want to read the related essay on Norma's website, Opening the Psychic Potential of Your Body (

More of Norma's music can be found on iTunes



Direct download: WeavingCreationTime.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:57pm EDT


The Dreamtime Council – see you there?

-Norma Gentile

I can’t help but recognize the glamorization in American (and Western) culture of not sleeping.  As a result our kidneys and adrenal glands are extremely overworked when they respond to the copious amounts of caffeine we ingest. We have built a societal belief pattern that it is a sign of weakness to want to rest, sleep or have nourishment for our bodies. 


And yet the truth is that rejuvenation through nourishment (food for the body; music, playfulness and art for our emotions) and rest (sleep and times of meditation and deep relaxation while awake) are natural portions of our rest-work cycle in daily living. 


During sleep we know that we enter into different types of rest. I believe that Dreamtime, or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) allows us to process the events of our waking day into patterns that our unconscious mind organizes.  My guides suggest that it is here, within this deepest time of dreams, that our soul is able to commune with all the other beings of consciousness with whom we share this reality. 


Science is reaching the conclusion that shamans have always known: much of the healing of our physical body takes place in Dreamtime.  This is also where I believe that we choose to make major changes in our lives. These major changes are possible only when, during Dreamtime, we are connected into the shared field of consciousness amongst all humans and other beings acting within our reality.  It is only with the support of all beings of consciousness that any one of us can fundamentally change.  And it is because of the support of all beings of consciousness that this depth of change is possible.

The shared field of consciousness we enter into during Dreamtime is like a council meeting.  Our unconscious mind energetically attends it each night during this deepest point of sleep we call Dreamtime. During other portions of our sleep cycle the energetic field of our unconscious mind reports back to our body, emotions and personality on the proceedings of this council of all beings. 


When we are not available to attend this great council during Dreamtime our life experience is not actively participating in the decisions reached by all the other beings in attendance.  So not only are we not represented, but we also don’t know what decisions were reached and what changes were agreed upon. Our unconscious mind is not able to hear the proceedings and pass those proceedings onto us in some fashion such as intuition, personal dreams or insights.

On a physical level, our adrenals and kidneys as well as the webbing on many of our chakras, especially the navel chakra, are impacted by a lack of quality sleep and participation in Dreamtime. When we prioritize the time that we spend with all of the consciousness of humanity and other beings in Dreamtime, that message passes onto all other humans.


Now we just have to be present in the Dreamtime council long enough to share it or hear it!


I am reminded by my guides that the great shifts in consciousness may appear to happen suddenly within our culture, but those shifts in consciousness begin at the great council table in Dreamtime.  It is only there that fundamental changes in consciousness can be agreed upon by all beings.


My blessings to all beings, in waking and Dreamtime,


Category:blog -- posted at: 12:22am EDT

Breathing Stillness / Generating Peace

A series of Meditations to naturally generate Power and Ease by Connecting your Physical Body to your Soul’s Journey


1 Introduction

2 Creating Sacred Space

3 Balancing Body, Soul and Spiritual Helpers

4 Good Brain!    

5 Releasing Emotional Tumult in the Heart

Completion A Sound Healing to release High Heart tumult
  with Gordon Johnston, harp and Jeremy Sills, singing bowls
6 Rededicating your personal High Heart; Sound Healing Ode to Day 

7 Solar Plexus, Kidneys and Adrenals: Your True Power 

8 Breathing Stillness  / Generating Peace
9 Ovaries, Testicles and 2nd chakra; Deep Patience and Ease: 

  How much ease does your soul want your body to experience now? 

10 Summary
11 Releasing Sacred Space


From our heart down to our pelvis lie energy centers that are seldom spoken about, let alone cleared and consciously utilized by those of us in modern Western society.  Here is a meditation that may assist in addressing issues commonly associated with mistunings of these lower energy centers, such as unfulfilling sleep, workaholic tendencies and the inability to breath deeply.  


Your soul embraces your body in both the upper and lower chakras. The 2nd chakra, just below your physical navel, reflects the natural ease that your soul desires for your body to have in this physical world. When tuned accurately, this allows the depth of stillness that you naturally tap into to be available to you through your first chakra. With each breath you generate prana within your Navel Chakra which nourishes all of your chakras and brings this natural tuning of inner peace from you first or root chakra into all of your physical body.


Two songs, recorded during mediation concerts are included.  For more information on the music or this meditation please see the podcast page of my website,  

Direct download: BreathStillGeneratePeace.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:09am EDT

The New Age: Welcoming the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine


This meditation, given on the eve of the Great Shift of the Ages, is applicable for the many years to come in which humanity will be incorporating a new understanding of sacredness in the polarity of male and female. At one point you will hear my vocal quality and vocabulary change a bit – this is where Thoth, an Ascended Master, leaned in and shared his insights through me about our kundalini changing now, and it’s role in transmuting the physical body into a Pillar of Light. 

This recorded version also includes a Song from Spirit, Claritas Inspiravit (Clarity Inspires) sung by Norma accompanied by harpist Gordon Johnston from a live Meditation Concert. This was improvised in the moment, and seems to fit perfectly within the context of this meditation.

After invoking a Sacred Space using Nature, we invoke your unique aspect of the Sacred Masculine from your soul’s essence within the Earth.  Uniting this with the already present Divine Feminine, a meditation then supports you to embody these within you, and emboldens you to act upon your soul’s journey.

We aren’t the only ones changing consciousness.  In fact, of all those beings of consciousness upon the Earth and with whom we share our reality, we lag far behind! Many of us are standing at the doorway with our arms flung wide, grasping onto past wounds or beliefs, and we cannot pass through the narrow door into the new age with these still by our side. Here is a chance to feel the depth of who you are now, and what you truly are here to do.



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:32am EDT

The soul that we know as Gaia clothed herself long ago as the Earth. Those beings helping to weave her clothing, Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences, and the principle tailor, Pan, are portions of the many souls journeying with us now. Gaia's journey is our journey.

As we become more fluent to listening to the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of our space and the land beneath our homes, we also become available to steward and give permission for the Nature Spirits and Nature Intelligences of the Earth to release what they need to release now.

1 Introduction
2 Co-creating Sacredness
3 Practicing (and Proving) your ability to clear Yourself and Your Home
4 We get Stuck in Healing (because we are trying to do too much)
5 Grids of Nature's Consciousness
6 Meditation: Releasing Emotional Energies from Your Home and Land
7 Pan
8 Releasing Co-Creative Connections
9 Your New Clarity
10 Conclusion

You may notice a few seconds of missing sound happening a few times in the middle section of the meditation. Be assured the meditation picks up again within a few moments. An essay based on this meditation can be found as theDecember 2012 newsletter, and may help you more fully understand the concepts and meditations offered here. 

Direct download: PanNatureEarth.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:51am EDT



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Perfect Storm / Perfect Prayer
Linking Prayer and Meditation
to the Consciousness within Weather Patterns, Politics and Earth.

Dear Friends,

I offer these ideas as ways to deepen your own meditation and process of prayer. Our hearts are in resonance to the greater consciousness of Gaia, the Earth. She is evolving with us. For many ages emotions experienced by humans have been incorporated into the physical Earth as energetic patterns. As Gaia's consciousness is shifting along with our own consciousness, these patterns need to be slowly and gently released by the Earth so that the energies contained within them might also be transformed.

For many years I have been aware of our potential to influence weather patterns. Throughout history we have gathered and prayed in words, song and dance for the balance of sun and rain, warmth and cold, breezes and cleansing winds and would bring us the most abundant harvest.

As our technology is moving into areas previously inhabited by spiritual and mystical teachers and teachings, we face the question: Just because we can, do we have the right to impose our 'good' or 'bad' desires upon the Earth?

I firmly believe that a group of people in meditation can magnify events that are already in progress. These events can be political, social or even weather occurrences. I also firmly believe that these same events can be de-escalated.

Those of you who have followed me for a while will understand me when I state this: It is not about wanting or praying or meditating or wishing weather (or anything) to be a certain way. It isn't even about praying to de-escalate a storm. It is about asking the consciousness already contained within the storm what it wants.

Storms contain consciousness. Political and social uprisings contain a sort of consciousness as well. Right now our planet is full of consciousness' much larger than our own, but intimately linked to us, who are massaging emotional energies long held by the physical Earth. As this massage continues the emotions are slowly released. If you think the chaos in the Middle East is difficult or the financial situation in the US and EU is hard, just imagine if instead of a controlled release over 35-40 years these same energies had been released over the course of 1-2 years.

Right now there is a potential for a large release of Earth energies to happen early next week. I have heard that solar flares are up, and expected to reach us about then. NPR just posted a story about Hurricane Sandy meeting up with the first winter storm over the US east coast which could grow to impact the northeast and even eastern Midwest.

It is easy to point fingers and say it's because of HAARP, global warming, psychic weather control…and I don't rule out that these and more are contributing factors. But we have reached that point in our own spiritual evolution where we each have the ability to support whatever release needs to occur.

We do that by coming into a meditation space of deep stillness. In this space there is no right or wrong. From this quality of consciousness 'see' in your mind's eye the storm, or whatever is directly impacting you. Feel your personal heart connection to the consciousness within the storm or event. Let yourself commune with that consciousness in neutrality. Ask it from your heart, "What do you want?" "How do you want to be?", "How do you fulfill your purpose?"

The more local and personal the issue, the harder it is to maintain your neutrality, and yet doing so will bring the greatest results.

I created an audio meditation specifically for this process. You can listen to it on your computer, order it as a CD or download it through iTunes and put it on your iPod/iPhone.
Click Here.


NPR Hurricane Sandy (as of Oct 25, 2012)
Solar Flares

Behaving as if the God in All Things Mattered by Machaelle Wright
The Three Beauties; How the Unconditional Love of Nature, Nature Spirits and Humanity Create New Realities by Norma Gentile

Three Beauties Create Sacred Space
(this is the song that is currently playing when you open my website

 UPCOMING EVENTS - - - (complete list and more info here)

early Dec


Richmond VA area Workshop and Private Sessions (Myra, local contact)

Get the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod / CD player with Norma's free Meditations
available as CD or mp3 - -

Meditation #1 from September 2007

Emotions and Weather Patterns
How human emotions, conscious intention and other factors contribute to weather patterns

Purchase as standard CD

Subscribe at iTunes
under Podcasts > Norma Gentile


A related Sound Healing,"Three Beauties", plays as you open Norma's website, It is from Norma's album Songs of Spirit

1 Introduction
2 Article Weather and Emotions
3 Teleconference Start
4 Nature Energy Invocation
5 Gaia Invocation
6 Thoth and Ascended Masters on Weather
7 Shesat Speaks on how we create
8 Thoth on Hara Creation Energy
9 Meditation Prelude
10 Meditation Connection to Gaia and Your body
11 Helping those who Manipulate Weather

New! - Free Songs, Chants, Sound Healings, Meditations and Videos
Receive a Sound Healing from Norma without leaving your home!

O vos flores - You who are Rose Blossoms(voice and harp)
Medieval Chant by St. Hildegard of Bingen, accompanied by harpist Gordon Johnston of Ottawa


Renewal A sound healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Voice
(with multiple photos capturing Spiritual Energies in the room as I sang)


What are You here to do Now?Two sacred geometry mandala videos

FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK

Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook. If you want to increase that possibility SUBSCRIBE on my
official Healing Chants Page.

This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes / Amazon/ CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here

( - 2012 isn't just about that old Mayan Calendar running out - )

Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





FREE SOUND HEALINGS (moving to Norma's Sound Healing Page)



Renewal (video)




What are You here to do Now?(sacred geometry mandala videos here andhere)


Mother of Eternity




Loving Tenderness Abounds (Caritas abundat) from Norma's newly re-released album Healing Chants


Tibetan Bowls to clear the backside of your Body and Aura


Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box


Caught by Spirit with schruti box


Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)



Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat



A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 33 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


(hosted by

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United States



When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) HealingChants will send you up to 2% of your purchase from Amazon.
Start Now

Earn up to 2% CashBack for yourself and support HealingChants too!

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.



Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 12:51pm EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

Free Songs and Videos

YouTube Videos








Press Kit
& Booking








If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



The New Road Taken
Turning down an unexpected Street and Coping with a New Unexpected Reality

Dear Friends,

This essay grew out of the phone meditation held on the September Equinox. You can listen to that meditation
now and also explore the new sound healings page. I will be in Niles, MI Oct 14 and then Ottawa, Canada Oct 20-23. In Ottawa I am joined by wonderful musician friends Jeremy Sills(Tibetan Bowls) and Gordon Johnston(harp) for a Candlelight Concert, followed by a workshop on Sacred Song and Healing, then a day of Private Sessions. Plans are still percolating for an early December workshop and sessions near Richmond, VA. Stay tuned for more on that, and some west coast winter events.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost from his poem "The Road Not Taken"

Since June, it is as if our planet has entered a cosmic roundabout. You know what that is - a traffic circle with all those different streets that you can turn onto. Sometimes they come with lanes that are marked, but more often than not it's up to you to navigate your way around it until you reach the street you want to turn onto.

We had meant, I think, to exit out a particular street. Instead we kept going around and around for most of the summer months. In early September we suddenly turned onto a street. But it is not the one we all had agreed upon exploring. We are not where we expected ourselves, as a planet, to be.

This is not what the GPS told us to do. But it is what the GPS of the shared subconscious of humanity decided upon. As we are traveling this new area we ourselves are becoming different from whom we thought ourselves to be. All the choices that we have made need to be remade. What tools do we need now for this new journey our souls have chosen?

If you are going camping in the mountains you take very different clothing than if you are going for a vacation in a luxurious hotel. A walk in a cold northern rain forest requires different planning from a walk in the warm desert. What tools do we need to pick up now, for this part of our journey? What choices do we need to let go of, or remake, simply because we aren't where we thought we were going to be. There is nothing wrong with where we are. The planet as a whole, changed. The group consciousness reset the GPS. We are in a different place than where we thought we would be.

Allowing ourselves to realize this helps us to also validate that we did nothing wrong. Choices that we thought would be available to us now are not showing up in our lives. This is because the planet chose to exit the roundabout on a different street. And it is taking our personalities some times to recognize that we are now traveling in a direction that is not the one we anticipated traveling in.

As a result the tools we use may change. Our decisions may change. Things that we thought we were going to do we might not choose to do now. There are other options in our lives on this new street that were not present before. And some of our previous choices are too far away energetically to easily access and bring into form now, on this new street.

As we release what we thought would happen, we can begin to ask; "What is it that we can do now, on this street, that we could not do as easily before?" One of the things that happens on this particular street is a deeper integration of the polarities expressed as male and female on our planet than what we might have achieved had we exited on the anticipated street.

This integration comes not as a blending of male and female into some homogenous whole, but rather an honest assessment of the strengths (and weaknesses) of the qualities our various societies have assigned to each role. My guides suggest that over the next two decades our perception of the sacred version of both male and female will slowly emerge and be valued by the many societies that make up our human world.

Now What?

Since we exited the cosmic roundabout onto a street in early September, you may have noticed a shift within yourself. Perhaps a bit like that sensation of landing, not too gracefully, in the water at the end of a long waterslide. For me it has been a sense of feeling my feet beneath me in a new way.

Letting your body feel the shift and experience the question mark that all of humanity is going through allows you to reassess what you need now, and what you need to let go of now. The soul changes its journey very quickly. It reassesses and releases those explorations of life that are no longer possible, while embracing the new options before it. It is our personality that has the more difficult task of adjusting to changes in the journey of our soul within a lifetime.

The soul accommodates shifts and changes easily. Our personalities…not so much!

You may have noticed that I frequently use the phrase 'legally incarnating portion of your soul' when defining the soul that is related to a physical body. It is because during times of great changes in personal and planetary consciousness, different portions of your soul may want to take advantage of exploring a situation that is suddenly become available within your lifetime.

As a result of our planet exiting onto an unexpected street from the cosmic roundabout, there is a portion of your soul that is sizing up its potential to experience what it had planned to experience. This portion of your soul is deciding whether or not to stay. Likewise, other portions of your soul are recognizing the potential for new experiences, and are considering coming into a closer relationship to your body. The possibilities that this new street offers may encourage new portions of your soul to enter your body, and other portions to exit.

As new portions of your soul come into relationship with your body there can be certain symptoms that arise. One is an increasing intensity in the dream state. Portions of your soul that are exiting often need to finish up their business, and so the energetic patterns they are engaged with will rise to the surface of your awareness in both dreams and in waking, everyday life circumstances.

As the new portions of your soul enter, you may experience the sensation of doing something that is very routine as if you were doing it for the very first time. Something as simple as turning on a faucet, putting your card into an ATM or logging into Facebook might suddenly seem like new experiences but at the same time familiar experiences. I once stared for the longest time at the standard stick figure symbol for the women's restroom as if I had never seen it before. Fortunately the rest of my soul, and more importantly my body, had a muscle memory of where my feet had walked to multiple times each day in that building!

Most portions of our soul shift in and out during sleep or deep meditations. My sense is that small portions are constantly shifting in and out, and we do not notice these little adjustments. It is only when a large portion of our soul leaves and an equally large portion replaces it that we recognize something has happened and we feel somehow different. There are always aspects of our soul that remain constantly connected to our body and to this lifetime. These aspects help ease in the new portion of our much larger soul. In most cases all of us is integrated once again within a few hours or days, and we have readjusted our focus to accommodate the life journey that the new portion of our soul has brought into our life.

And for those of you who might be wondering, yes, the guides and angels also shift. Those spiritual helpers associated with portions of the soul that have left also leave, and make room for new guides and angels. When this shift in the soul does not happen easily into a new reality it is most often because we ourselves are holding onto the old guides and angels.

This is one of the principle issues that I find myself helping people with in private sessions. At this point I don't know a way of doing it completely by oneself, but I have provided meditations (click here) that address this issue. I equate this type of energy work to getting a haircut: you can cut your own hair, but someone else can do it much quicker and easier because they can see the bigger picture.

No one of us is healing and changing outside of the context of our shared connections to the subconscious of all humanity. Whatever small step each one of us takes makes it that much easier for another to make a similar step.

My blessings to all who read this,
(with Archangel Michael)

UPCOMING EVENTS - - - (complete list and more info here)

Oct 14


Niles, MI An informal Gathering w/Shepherd Hoodwin and Friends

Oct 20 -23


Ottawa (Canada) Concert (Voice, Harp, Tibetan Bowls), Workshop, Private Sessions
WATCH or LISTEN NOW to a song from our last concert together!
O vos flores rosarum (a medieval chant by Hildegard of Bingen, with harp improvization by Gordon Johnston and voice)

early Dec


Richmond VA area Workshop and Private Sessions


Get the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod / CD player with Norma's free Meditations
available as CD or mp3 - -

Meditation #34 from September 23, 2012

The New Road Taken:

Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine Essences of Your Soul within Your Body

Meditations to heal and empower the Ovaries, Testicles and Root Chakra

Purchase as standard CD
download or stream mp3

Subscribe at iTunes
under Podcasts > Norma Gentile


Our soul's essence resides within our root or first chakra. Just as foundational energies of our reality present themselves as polarized (good/bad or dark/light), our own souls divided themselves into male and female in order to incarnate. Here is a meditation to help you access both aspects of your own soul: Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Regardless of the gender of your physical body both essences are 2123qnow available and both actively support your body. In this meditation the focus is upon your root or first chakra. This is the foundation of your body, and how you engage with this physical world.

New! - Free Songs, Chants, Sound Healings, Meditations and Videos
Receive a Sound Healing from Norma without leaving your home!

O vos flores - You who are Rose Blossoms(voice and harp)
Medieval Chant by St. Hildegard of Bingen, accompanied by harpist Gordon Johnston of Ottawa


Renewal A sound healing with Tibetan Singing Bowl and Voice
(with multiple photos capturing Spiritual Energies in the room as I sang)


What are You here to do Now?Two sacred geometry mandala videos

FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK --------- FACEBOOK

Only about 10% of you see my free videos, online sound healings, essays etc that I post on Facebook. If you want to increase that possibility SUBSCRIBE on my
official Healing Chants Page.

This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes / Amazon/ CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here


( - 2012 isn't just about that old Mayan Calendar running out - )

Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

iPhone & iPad goodies / organic T-shirts / cotton / plus-sizes
children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag





FREE SOUND HEALINGS (moving to Norma's Sound Healing Page)



Renewal (video)




What are You here to do Now?(sacred geometry mandala videos here andhere)


Mother of Eternity




Loving Tenderness Abounds (Caritas abundat) from Norma's newly re-released album Healing Chants


Tibetan Bowls to clear the backside of your Body and Aura


Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box


Caught by Spirit with schruti box


Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)



Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat




A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 33 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


Get Norma's free videos, sound healings and essays regularly.

Watch Healing Chants online

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


(hosted by

Do you buy stuff from or



United States



When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) HealingChants will send you up to 2% of your purchase from Amazon.
Start Now

Earn up to 2% CashBack for yourself and support HealingChants too!

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters












Category:blog -- posted at: 4:32am EDT


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost*
*from his poem “The Road Not Taken”

Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine essences of your soul within your Body: 
Ovaries, Testicles and Root Chakra.

Our soul’s essence resides within our root or first chakra. Just as foundational energies of our reality present themselves as polarized (good/bad or dark/light), our own souls divided themselves into male and female in order to incarnate.  Here is a meditation to help you access both aspects of your own soul: Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Regardless of the gender of your physical body both essences are 2123qnow available and both actively support your body.  In this meditation the focus is upon your root or first chakra. This is the foundation of your body, and how you engage with this physical world.

1. Introduction
2. Invocation of Nature’s Unconditional Love
3. Archangel Michael: Invoking the Sacred Masculine
4. The Heart of the Sacred Masculine
5. Meditation:  How do You relate to the Heart of the Sacred Masculine?
6. Souls, Gender, Polarity and your Sacred Masculine
7. Turning down an unexpected Street! Coping with a New Unexpected Reality
8a Meditation on the Divine Feminine for Men
8b Meditation on the Divine Feminine for Women
9 Uniting Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine in Your Body
10  Understanding Your Soul’s Choices Now
11 Releasing Spiritual Helpers, the Nature Sphere, and Archangel Michael
12 Final Thoughts and Spiritual Homework   

A Note on Language:
The First Dimension is where The Pure Energy of Nature resides. The Pure Energy of Nature is also known as the Divine Feminine matrix, and it forms the chalice into which the Sacred Masculine is received and safeguarded.  In this manner both the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies of our world reside within the First Dimension and the foundation of our reality. 


1. Introduction
We do happen to live in a dualistic world, a world that has its foundation in polarity. We still speak in terms of male and female, inside or outside, good or bad.  During this meditation we are looking at how we nourish ourselves in order to creatively engage with our external world.  That which we naturally receive allows us an equivalent quality of creating out into our world.

2. Invocation of Nature’s Unconditional Love
This invocation is a way of honoring that the physical forms around us are just as spiritual as we are.  We don’t think of a table, a bookcase, the floor or the walls around us as being particularly spiritual.  But they have the capacity to vibrate at their own levels of unconditional love.  And this serves to remind our own bodies of the potential we have to receive and offer love unconditionally.

I honor that everything in our third dimension, whether we think of it as being ‘good’ or ‘bad’, emanates from the world of Spirit.  This world of Spirit exists both above us in the heavenly or upper dimensions, as well as below us, in the lower or supportive dimensions.

For healing purposes, I always ask the room and its contents to show me what their level of unconditional love is.  In the moment that I feel myself able to perceive this energy as they show it to me, my body feels uplifted and supported. In my psychic sight, the energetic chaos that permeates space, even healing spaces, becomes organized. 

Another advantage of taking time to setup Sacred Space is that it is much easier to move into a gentle trance state.  A state where your personality can step back, allowing your body, heart and soul to decide what will happen.  Your brain becomes the great observer, rather than the great decider of it all.

3. Archangel Michael: Invoking the Sacred Masculine
The Pure Energy of Nature contains a drop of the essence of each and everything in form.  Those spiritual beings that support us and work with us have the ability to touch form because they work with and through us.  They exist in all the dimensions.  Including the lower dimensions.  There is, within the first dimensional vibration, which I call The Pure Energy of Nature, a drop of Archangel Michael’s essence that relates to you.  As you acknowledge these lower aspects of our reality, the first and second dimensions, you can engage more fully into the higher dimensions.

Central Sun (aligning with our solar sun) is that point at which that which created our reality becomes accessible to us.

Each and every one of us has a unique way of experiencing energies.  Our brains are wired differently. Don’t force yourself to feel, see or sense what another is experiencing.  Notice what your body is feeling, or what memories or thoughts are coming up for you.

 4. The Heart of the Sacred Masculine
Most of us grew up in a world where the masculine qualities that we experienced were not Sacred. Our planet’s spiritual development has now reached the point where there is enough of the Divine Feminine to create and maintain a chalice to receive Sacred Masculine energies into our world.  Each year starting at the end of July and proceeding until the middle of September our world aligns itself with Sirius in a way that allows us to receive strong Sacred Masculine energies.

As we receive these energies our Divine Feminine chalice becomes so full that it begins to overflow.  When the chalice, built by the consciousness of humanity, is no longer able to contain the incoming Sacred Masculine energies from Sirius, they spill over, exposing violence and anger within humanity.  They expose all those things that non-sacred masculine energies have built in our world.

Ideally each of us is building our own Divine Feminine chalice so that in upcoming years there will be a safe space into which all of the Sacred Masculine energies entering our solar system may come to rest. This allows humanity to quietly hold the Sacred Masculine energies within a safe space, and utilize them when appropriate.

5. Meditation:  How do you relate to the Heart of the Sacred Masculine?
The lower area of our torso is the most common region in which we experience a battle between the Sacred and the habitual.  Our endocrine system expresses itself here as ovaries or testicles. These are always the foundation of our physical body.  Even if we no longer have them within our physical form, their expression still lies in the etheric and other subtle energy bodies that surround and interpenetrate our physical body.

6. Souls, Gender, Polarity and your Sacred Masculine
Each of our souls is created outside of polarity. But we are beings incarnating into a dualistic reality. Therefore our soul has divided itself into Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine qualities of energy.  We can access both the feminine and masculine aspects of our sacredness no matter what gender body was chosen for this lifetime.  Over the years to come we will slowly weave these polarities of gender together.  For now, we each have a unique expression of gender that moves from our soul, through our body and out into the world. How does the Sacred Masculine move through your body, male or female, out into the world?

7. Turning down an unexpected Street! Coping with a New Unexpected Reality
Our planet has entered a cosmic round-about. Suddenly we turned onto a street.  But it is not the one we all had agreed upon exploring. As we are traveling this new area we ourselves are becoming different from whom we thought ourselves to be.  All the choices that we have made need to be remade.  What tools do we need now for this new journey our souls have chosen?

8a Meditation for Men: Divine Feminine
8b Meditation for Women: Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine provides a surround for the Sacred Masculine energetically in the testicles, while embracing the ovaries of women.  This is an opportunity to release your old stories into the past, and let the male and female qualities of energies express through the male and female bodies in a new, sacred manner.

After a lifetime of non-sacred feminine energies imposing themselves upon men and women, there are many patterns that our bodies are ready to release.  This is the starting point for the Divine Feminine to support both men and women’s bodies in a fitting manner.

9 Uniting Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine in Your Body
Your unique drop of Divine Feminine essence exists within The Pure Energy of Nature.  So too your unique Sacred Masculine essence exists within The Pure Energy of Nature.  And your physical body wants to be nourished by both essences. When the ovaries and testicles reflect both your Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine they inform your root chakra of your new tuning.  And this new tuning moves through every cell of your physical body.

10  Understanding Your Soul’s Choices Now
New aspects of Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies are available to us. What does that mean?  How do we each want to bring our masculine and feminine aspects out into the world in a sacred manner?  What is it that your soul can do now, in this new reality, that it could not do before?  What possibility does your soul see now for the expression of your body into your life here on Earth?
Allow yourself to lay the image, symbol or word you sense into the rich warm energies of the Divine Feminine presence of The Pure Energy of Nature.  You have just consciously used your ability to create in a sacred manner. 

11 Releasing Spiritual Helpers, the Nature Sphere, and Archangel Michael
With gratitude we release the conscious magnified awareness to our Spiritual helpers.  In this way we also release the energetic cords, built by our own subtle energies, to them.  Leaving these cords in place brings fatigue to our physical body.  We have a natural connection to all of our Spiritual helpers and to Nature.  We are only releasing that consciousness connection that our energy has been magnifying for us during meditation.

Unconditional love can be expressed by all things in form. After this meditation you will never again look at a chair and think ‘it is only a chair’. 

12 Final Thoughts and Spiritual Homework  
Changes have been seeded within you. Now, take your body for a walk out into the world! Trust your perception and intuition.  None of us see the same thing in the same way.  Bring your unique view of the situation to others.

You may also want to read Norma's essay "The New Road Taken" from her October Newsletter based on this podcast meditation.
You can check out Norma's free sound healings, sacred songs and YouTube videos on her website,
Donations are always welcome, and can be made to













Direct download: TCsept232012.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:35am EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking








If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



A Lot of Sacred Masculine Energy 
arriving a little early this year

Dear Friends,

You may have noticed that in the past couple of weeks there has been a tremendous surge of 'doing' in the world. Even before our Sacred Masculine Father (the Sirian Sun) aligns with our own Sun (July 23-September 17) other elements that carry with them a heightened Sacred Masculine quality are impacting our Earth, and our lives. Solar Flares are one example of this. Faced with so much Sacred Masculine energy available to us, we sometimes run amok of our divine nature and utilize the 'doing' quality of the Sacred Masculine without the equivalent context that the Divine Feminine (reflection) provides.

There is a reason that the Divine Feminine has awoken first upon the Earth. She provides the context, reflection and container (Grail) into which the Sacred Masculine energies might safely fall. Without this container, the Sacred Masculine energies are apt to be utilitzed in a linear 'get it done' manner. With the container provided by the Divine Feminine we are more apt to reflect and patiently contain the energies available to us. When we add a sprinkling of patience to the mix of these energies, we are much more likely to find ourselves moving easily with the larger creative cycles.

If this has been your experience, you may want to take some extra time in the coming weeks to nourish yourself in ways that feel feminine and soothing. As you deepen your own Divine Feminine, your own chalice can hold more of the incoming Sacred Masculine.

A photo representation of my invitation to Archangel Michael for a conscious, magnified connection. I share this technique with others.

Archangel Michael is already and always present. It is a quality of energy that can be both masculine and feminine. This energy helps other beings and energies find their own way home. What I have discovered is a simple method that lets us share more profoundly in our innate connection to Archangel Michael's quality of consciousness. This is part of what I teach during the Practitioner's Workshop (July 20-22).

Photos taken as I invited Archangel Michael into a room

Before, I am setting up instruments for the event

After, I have asked for Archangel Michael to be present in a specific manner in the room

A Sound Healing: the Beginning
a YouTube video from a recent concert with digital photos taken simultaneously of energies in the room
(you can also see this by going to > uploaded videos)

Michigan, near Ann Arbor
Friday - Sunday, July 20-22----

Sound Shamanism Training Workshop
Sound, Energy and Healing

This is a weekend workshop for Practitioners, Performers, and Advanced Students.  If you honor that the power to heal is within each of us, you are the type of person who will benefit from the weekend.
The workshop is an interactive experiential training, limited to a dozen participants, with plenty of time for personal focus and questions. I want you to learn how to use and integrate what I am sharing into your own life, meditation, and practice. Please do share this with others whom you think might be interested.

The weekend includes
- Applying sound to Energy Healing
- Singing, chanting and toning using breath power
- Creating sacred grids for easy clearing
- Using Archangel Michael, Mary, and others for healing
- New Nature energy provides physical regeneration
- Grounding using Nature & Earth Energies for support

Norma Gentile, sound shaman, incorporates both sound and energy healing into her private sessions, workshops and concerts. Holding a masters in Voice Performance and years of study with esoteric teachers, Norma is a natural intuitive and channel who receives information from Spirit both in written words and through music. She has recorded four albums of healing music, writes for Sedona Journal, and provides monthly sound healings for Drunvalo Melchizedek's online ezine

For those of you who want to know more about Norma's own experiences with this technique, which uses sound to magnify other healing modalities, please 
read here (Honoring Spirit in the Healing Process)


COST: $375 before July 1, $425 after (includes live food lunch)
Limited to 14 participants

To Register:
Please email first and then send a check to:

Norma Gentile
PO Box 971020
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Private Home near Ann Arbor Michigan
Friday, July 20 - - - - - 10am - 6pm
Saturday, July 21 - - - 10am - 6pm
Sunday, July 22 - - - - -10am - 2pm

This workshop is suitable for practitioners and advanced students.
The workshop is limited to 14 participants, so there is plenty of time for individual questions and inquiry.


UPCOMING EVENTS - - - (complete list and more info here)

July 20-22


3 Day Workshop on Sound / Healing in my home in Michigan

Oct 20 -23
Oct 24-25


Ottawa (Canada) Concert, Workshop, Private Sessions
Toronto Private Sessions


The original Energy Pictures:


A friend who has a 'ghost busters' type app on her camera took pictures that show how my CD, Songs of Spirit interacts with dark energies. She then took a picture showing how Archangel Michael's energy looks. (She uses the invocation that I shared with her during my Practitioner's workshop) Click Here to see the other pictures for yourself.


Get the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod / CD player with Norma's free Meditations
available as CD or mp3 -

Meditation #33 from May 20, 2012

What are You Here to do Now?
Accessing the High Heart to lead and empower your life now

Purchase as standard CD
download or stream mp3\

Subscribe at iTunes
Podcasts > Norma Gentile

1 Using Sacred Space
2 Entering into Sacred Space
3 Your Two Heart Chakras (and what they do)
4 Meditation on Your High Heart
5 Updating Your Spiritual Support Staff
6 Sound Healing: How does Your Body want to be supported by Your Soul now? (Mother of Eternity)
7 Sound Healing: What are you meant to do now?
8 Let your Soul Lead You
9 Re-Claiming Your Right to Say "No"
10 Your Traditional Heart Chakra
11 Experience Your Unique Quality of Unconditional Love
12 Exiting from Sacred Space

NOTE: Includes 2 sound healings, recorded during a live concert.

We are gradually developing new chakras. One, related to our thymus gland, helps guide us upon the path that our Soul desires for us to choose in this lifetime. Here, at the High Heart, is where we hear the impulses of "stop" or "proceed" or sometimes even "no". Here is our built-in compass, available to us anytime we choose to use it.

These meditations help you find this High Heart within yourself, open and clear the related chakra, both in front and behind yourself, then reset the chakra and invite in your most potent guides and angels who support you now.

This meditation includes two live sound healings from a recent concert, similar to those on my album Songs of Spirit.

In times of great change there seems to be a large psychic cloud of dust that inhibits us from easily seeing our next steps. At these times the only way of knowing our true direction in life is by trusting that our Soul is intimately connected to our body, and learning to feel what our Soul, through our body, is telling us. Here is an opportunity to settle into a quiet state where those answers might arise from within yourself.

more information

download or stream mp3\


This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes Amazon CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here


Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

-------- NEW - iPhone & iPad goodies /T-shirts
organic / cotton / plus-sizes / children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



Attend a Meditation Concert without leaving your home!

You can now experience a Live Meditation Concert online.  It was edited into four parts, and subtitles were added to offer additional insights.  See Norma's youtube page or click below.
Part 1 Opening to Spirit: talk and sound healing
Part 2  The Sacred Masculine Within
Part 3  Ubi Caritas Improvisation (Where there is Love) 
Part 4  Improvisation and Kyrie by Hildegard of Bingen 



FREE SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the website)



Mother of Eternity




Loving Tenderness Abounds (Caritas abundat) from Norma's newly re-released album Healing Chants


Tibetan Bowls to clear the backside of your Body and Aura


Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box


Caught by Spirit with schruti box


Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)



Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat




A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 32 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


sponsored by 
Spirit of Maat

My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (
subscribe here)

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United States



When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) HealingChants will send you up to 2% of your purchase from Amazon.
Start Now

Earn up to 2% CashBack for yourself and support HealingChants too!

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters











Category:blog -- posted at: 10:55am EDT

1 Using Sacred Space
2 Entering into Sacred Space
3 Your Two Heart Chakras (and what they do)
4   Meditation on Your High Heart
5 Updating Your Spiritual Support Staff
6 Sound Healing: How does Your Body want to be supported by Your Soul now? (Mother of Eternity)
7 Sound Healing: What are you meant to do now?
8 Let your Soul Lead You
9 Re-Claiming Your Right to Say “No”
10 Your Traditional Heart Chakra
11 Experience Your Unique Quality of Unconditional Love
12 Exiting from Sacred Space

Podcast Meditation #33 from Norma Gentile,

1 Using Sacred Space

The invocation and benediction are ways of bookending Sacred Space.  What happens within Sacred Space is very understandable, as long as you are within Sacred Space and the quality of consciousness that your mind has access to during this time. When we share something that has happened to us inside of Sacred Space during a time of being in normal space, outside of the vibration of Sacred Space, it often sounds ludicrous or fantastical and ungrounded to those listening. For this reason it is important to share sacred experiences within sacredness
whether it is a time created by invoking sacred energies, or a time defined by intimate heart connections to others

2 Entering into Sacred Space 
Welcoming Nature Spirits at THEIR level of Unconditional Love and your innate connection to Archangel Michael.

3 The Two Heart Chakras (and what they do)
We try to engage where we do not need to engage.  The High Heart chakra tells us where to engage, who to engage with, even how to engage with those meant to be in our life now.  The Traditional or Lower Heart Chakra supplies the power of unconditional love to do this.

4  Meditation on Your High Heart
Learn to physically locate the High Heart / Thymus Gland Chakra

Release guides and angels that no longer serve your journey

Make space for guides and angels that support you right now

Sometimes when we are uncertain and feel unable to make a decision, it is because those guides and angels that are working with us are no longer in tune with us.  This is particularly true when those guides and angels attached to us through the backside of our High Heart
chakra are older and dont reflect changes that have happened in the world around us or choices we have made ourselves.

5 Updating Your Spiritual Support Staff  
The support staff of Spirit, your guides and angels, usually appear to stand behind you.  From this point they support you and connect into your energy field from the backside of your chakras.  You can usually feel them in the space a few inches or up to a foot behind you.

I am always amazed at how quickly we are all shifting, and how many energies we seem to be either releasing or updating on a daily basis.  The guides and angels you woke up with this morning are probably not the same ones you are going to go to sleep with tonight.

6 Sound Meditation: How does your body want to be supported by your soul now? (Mother of Eternity)

7 Sound Healing: Create Your Life

8 Let your Soul Lead You 

What is it that you want to attain?  Is it possible that just your brain or personality wants to attain it?  Perhaps it is only the experience of walking towards that goal that your soul desires.  And as you walk through the experiences of life that take you towards the goal, the goal itself may change.

9  Re-Claiming Your Right to Say
As that space behind the thymus gland is clarified, it frees up the webbing within the backside of the chakra to be more in tune with how your body and soul want to journey together now.  As the backside of the High Heart chakra (or any chakra) is perfectly tuned to you, it will draw to you those guides and angels that are in tune with you.

Naturally those guides and angels that work with all of us are drawn to us by the principle of resonance. So when something isn
t quite in tune within our chakra system, we draw to ourselves guides and angels that are not quite in tune with us. The most common symptom of this phenomenon is our inability to discern what is ours to do.  We end up saying yes when our soul means no. Here is an easy way to release those guides and angels that no longer serve us, and welcome in those that do. 

10  Your Traditional Heart Chakra

When the High heart chakra is not fully functioning in its capacity as gatekeeper, then the Traditional Heart Chakra must play that role in addition to its normal function.  For this reason the traditional heart chakra turns itself down, or even off at some points, in order to protect us from being engaged with those people or circumstances that our soul knows we are not meant to engage with in this lifetime.

In order to heighten the experience of unconditional love that wants to pour through the Traditional Heart Chakra, we must open the High Heart chakra, and allow it to be the place where our unconditional love can be transmuted into love for our soul
s journey right here and now.

11 What is your unique quality of unconditional love?

Our brains constantly want to make judgments and tell us something is better than something else.  Unconditional love has a multitude of expressions.  None are better than another.  They are just different.  There are many qualities of healing energy in this universe.  Which will remind you of who you truly are, right now?

12 Exiting from Sacred Space

It is important to let our bodies vibrate at our human, physical level for our own wellbeing.  As wonderful as it feels to be consciously connected to our guides and angels, their vibration is too high for our physical bodies to sustain for long periods of time.  It is appropriate to let them go so that we can engage our own consciousness fully into our body.



Direct download: WhatHereDoNow.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:34pm EDT

(essay) I was mulling over how, during intense circumstances, we process and release the emotional energies or physical stress and discomfort we feel related to the intensity.  Sometimes we use healthy methods, like yoga, exercise, talking with trusted mentors or chanting.  Sometimes we indulge in less healthy forms of release. Lately I was looking at blame and similar emotions that tend to throw out of our own space those uncomfortable personal emotional energies that build up within us during difficult times.

I think the hardest part of going through something difficult is thinking that it is just you alone going through it. I don't tend to believe that "misery loves company". But I would say that when you know you are experiencing something, and that there are others who are experiencing something similar, it gives you access to the larger context of your experience. With this sense of ‘you are not alone’ it is easier to step out of self-blame (it's all my fault and I am ashamed) and be open to seeing how you contributed to the situation (without assigning blame).  When any of us understands how we helped create our quandary, we have the potential to make choices that get us out of the situation.

As I see it, blame throws emotional energy out of your space (when you blame others) or overwhelms your ability to process and move forward (when you blame yourself, and feel ashamed). But we each need access to emotional energy in order to change ourselves and our lives. So if any of us is constantly throwing emotional energy away (or inward), we may never accumulate enough energy for true transformational change. 

Emotional energies are some of the most potent energies we have easy access to, as humans.  But only those energies that are actively flowing and in motion are available for us to use.  This is true for all types of energy.  Anything that is moving and flowing we can engage with to create change.  We have a much harder time engaging with hose energies that are stuck or frozen, and so they are prone to remaining unchanged.  

A simplistic model of this is how water moves quickly when it is in its gaseous state as humidity in the air, or its fluid state as a flowing river.  If you have walked on a beach or alongside a stream, you may have noticed that the motion of the water erodes the sharp edges on whatever it has come into contact with.  Pebbles, shells, broken glass and even stones are worn down over time to have silky smooth surfaces and rounded edges. Water in its frozen state, such as ice, cannot interact with these objects in the same way nearly as quickly! 

It is only to the extent that the potential energy within the water is released that it can act to change what it is interacting with.  Ice will smooth the edges of objects, but it takes much longer because there is so much less motion.  The energy potential within water in its liquid state is not bound up, and therefore it acts much more quickly on those things that are in its environment; the stones, pebbles, or pieces of broken glass.

Blame (or shame) is like putting water into ice cube trays and freezing it. When we blame another or shame ourselves we are putting our emotional energy into a sort of storage container.  When we blame another, the energy goes outside of our personal aura.  Psychically it looks like it hangs in the space between the blamer and the blamee. On the other hand, when we blame ourselves the emotional energy of shame is embedded into our physical body. 

Obviously no one wants to hang onto emotional energies of shame, or imagine themselves walking around surrounded by hunks of blame-energy!  But we are all human, and as humans we have developed certain coping behaviors.  Blame is one coping behavior that we probably saw used by our parents and learned to duplicate at a very young age.  How many times have you seen a young child blame another child for something?  Or accuse the family dog of eating his vegetables?

In our power to think about something differently lies our greatest power to make it different.
~ Marianne Williamson

As we are maturing in self-awareness our spiritual abilities are also maturing.  Those patterns of blame which served us before are now ready to change.  Be aware of the flashes of emotion that seem over-the-top.  Here is your experience of your own stored emotional energies flashing up.  Like a little volcano they spurt up and out.  This means they are in motion, nearing the surface, and ready to be released and transformed.  

You may also notice odd body sensations.  Again, this can be a symptom of self-blame energies stirring and rising to the surface.  When you notice something, it means you are just a step away from having conscious access to the energies that are causing whatever you are noticing.  Once you have access to the energies causing a pattern, then you have the ability to change that pattern.  As one of my teachers, John Friedlander used to say, “Whatever you notice you can heal.”

While it is not always comfortable, this a time period of self-exploration and growing self-awareness.  Noticing what fits and doesn’t fit is a daily, probably hourly or even minute-to-minute tool that helps us redefine who we are and how we relate to our world.  Whatever you feel is not comfortable in your life, your body, your thoughts and your emotions is ready to change. 

May each of you be well blessed, as you move into the next step of your soul’s journey.

(with Archangel Michael)

Category:blog -- posted at: 3:09pm EDT

(essay) In the western world we are taught to think and psychically perceive Spirit with our brains.  But it is through the Body Center, the Navel Chakra, that Spirit speaks most strongly to us while we are in physical form.


sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

YouTube Videos








Press Kit
& Booking








If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



Heart to Navel Chakras
Where we are going is Where we have been

Dear Friends,

A couple of notes and then onto the essay -



- My album, Healing Chants (vol 1) is now remastered and re-released. Click Hereto listen to a song for free. This is a particularly good album for invoking your own personal connection to Archangel Michael, which allows a unique healing to take place each time you listen to it.

- Hildegard von Bingen is to be made a Doctor of the Catholic Church this coming October. She is not yet a saint (although there have been two attempts to canonize her). Look for her sainthood to be announced this coming summer. If you are interested, you can
GET A JUMP START ON CELEBRATING HILDEGARD'S SAINTHOOD with a line of T-shirts and Home Goods based on her artwork and poetry. These were designed using Hildegard's own artwork and my translations of her poetry by two professional graphic artists, Karen Harkness and Angela Michielutti. My thanks to both of them for helping me co-create items that are both functional and inspirational.

- Below are an essay and link to this month's sound healing. I'm happily at home gardening and writing this Spring. I expect to host the annual Practitioner Training Sound Healing here in Michigan at my home this coming late July/ early August. If you are interested, see
Here and email me.


end July or early Aug


3 Day Workshop on Sound / Healing in my home in Michigan


As some of you know, I offer a free sound healing each month for the online magazine There is a link to it
Here so that you may listen directly. I also include links to the sound healing and other free offerings after the essay (see below). You can forward this to friends using the link at the very bottom of this email. (Yes, very bottom, tiny type, usually on the left)

This month's sound healing comes from my recent meditation concert in Portland Oregon. 'Creatus', meaning 'having been created' is the opening phrase. Mixing in the word 'Sanctus' (Sacred) and one of the names for the Divine Feminine, 'Maria', was what felt right to me as I sang.

Like most inspired songs, Spirit suggested the words and notes. I suspect that many of you reading this have had similar experiences. Perhaps with music, or while writing or journaling or knowing just what to say to someone during a time of exquisite conversation.

As I reflect on the meaning of Latin word Creatus, (having been created) I am reminded that no matter the choices I might make, the results of any choice are neither good nor bad. Each choice yields results that are part of a larger divine plan that our soul has in mind to travel within. The journey of our souls is more complex than we might imagine with our little physical brain.

It is my brain that looks backward in time at what I have created, and judges it as good or bad, right or wrong. My heart is more apt to sense the past as an ongoing part of my present. Hence the ongoing nature of creation, Creatus, is more apt to be expressed in the Heart.

A friend recently asked me about the heart-centered world into which many believe we are moving. The comment that one of my guides made was to notice that people from the developed or Western world are moving down from their heads into their hearts. They have yet to reach anywhere near their navel or body center. For this reason the journey into the heart that many in the New Age movement anticipate will bring something to completion may actually be the final step. After the Heart, we Westerners will need to begin the journey into the Body.

Many people joke about the practice of sitting in meditation as being something akin to 'navel gazing'. My own sense is that rather than looking down from our heads at our navels, we need to know how to go down into the navel center itself, and look out from there at our world.

I have come to this conclusion based on my own experience. After moving more and more into my own heart, I began to move further down, passing through my heart and into a space that I feel is my navel chakra or body center. It is a place of great stillness, where I can feel the slightest motions of my body's natural functions as well as motions from all that is around me. Yet at the same time I feel an intense and utter stillness. From this place of deep stillness all else seems a bit silly &endash; it's like relaxing in the warm sunshine watching fruit flies swarm a piece of fruit. You can enjoy your relaxation while the incessant motions of the fruit flies remind you of how still you are. What they are doing is harmless to you. While it may be a lot of activity, they are simply doing what it is that is within their nature to do. And you are choosing to do something different.

That is not to imply that all I or you do outside of meditation is equivalent to being a buzzing fruit fly! Day to day life, represented by the fruit flies in my little metaphor, is necessary to my continued physical body being in form. I believe that when I access my body center or navel in meditation it gives my personality a perspective around the true balance of priorities that my soul has. I do find that I can better choose and organize my activities after a little navel meditation.

I realize for most people the idea that our soul or spirit would speak to us through our body rather than our brain is very odd. Our western culture has taught us to live in the uppermost region of our body, basically the upper three inches of our head, not in the remaining 60 or so inches that tend to carry our head around.

Our western culture has also taught us to fear what we do not know. And since few of us had parents who could set an example of being fully embodied, it is not surprising that we have an innate fear of delving into the unknown regions beneath the level of our eyes and brain. In order to identify where our navel is, most of us have to move our hands down and touch it. Few of us simply feel and know its location in our torso. This means that there is a great learning curve ahead of us around how to connect our soul or spirit into our own bodies.

Awareness of any body part by 'feeling' it from the inside is an indicator of how strongly connected we are to the consciousness that is related to that body part. Each and every toe, finger, muscle, bone, tendon, organ, etc. processes energetic patterns for us. Illness is merely a sign that the spiritual, mental and emotional levels of our aura were unsuccessful in processing a pattern. In order to bring it more fully to our attention the pattern naturally moved into the etheric level of our aura, which is the blue print for our physical body.

Healing the physical issue then becomes a matter of addressing the issue at all the levels through which the pattern has come. For this reason when issues have reached the physical level I often suggest that people consult physical doctors such as Naturopaths, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists. These modalities understand that health is a result of balance, and illness is a result of imbalance. Once balance is restored, the body's own systems will restore the physical body.

In my own energetic healing work, I find that the information I get for people is usually right on the edge of what they already know or suspect. In some cases their guides simply point out to me certain moments in their lives that are inter-related and magnifying a current emotional or physical symptom of illness. Sometimes it is also about what I call "upgrading" a belief.

I find that we are all pretty good at healing ourselves. But it is hard to find that deep place of stillness where you can feel all that is in motion around you when you are overwhelmed by fatigue, anxiety, physical pain or chatter in the mind. It just helps to have someone outside of yourself point out what they are able to see, so you can see it more clearly.

There are certainly different styles of healing, and for me I prefer to help people see for themselves what it is that they are ready to change, and hold space for that change to occur. As I spend more and more time within the deep stillness of my own body, I feel the great potential each of us has to access this same space of spiritual connection inside of our own bodies.

Ultimately, I might say that I have less interest in trying to organize how the fruit flies buzz around the fruit and more curiosity about why I left the fruit out for them to buzz around. An odd metaphor, but the closest I can get to my experience of this moment.

So, back to the sound healing. When my guides gave me the idea of using the word "Creatus" I was wondering why not use the more common word "Creator". As I have sat with this question, a small but important difference has become clear to me. Creatus implies that we have already created that which is perfect for us. There is an indication of a creative process from the past that we are standing upon in the present. This sense of continuality reminds us of our inner sense of stability. And this brings me back to the motionless depth of spirit I find within my own body. This, to me, is a point of creation that each person will learn about in their own time.

My best to each of you.

This album invokes your personal connection to Archangel Michael and provides a unique healing for you each time you listen to it.

This is a live recording of a healing concert. The focus is the opening of the heart to Sacred Masculine energies held within the Earth. These sacred energies provide a surround and suppport for the feminine, especially as it relates to the women living in the Middle East, and their emerging Divine Feminine power.

Healing Chants
a live concert recording

Featuring Harmonic Tones, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and a small woman's choir  

- chants of the mystic Hildegard von Bingen
- new chants by Norma Gentile
- spoken poetry of Hildegard
- healing energies from Archangel Michael

iTunes / Amazon/ CDBaby

LISTEN for free TO A SONG from Norma's album HEALING CHANTS now: Click Here

Get the healing power of a Private Session on your iPod / CD player with Norma's free Meditations
available as CD or mp3 - -

Meditation #32 from February 5, 2012

Your Unique Frequency
How your Soul and Body create your Life's Journey.

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Why some Energies look Dark to us

When we see something on a psychic or energy level as being the color brown or black or simply dark, it is a way that most of us have of knowing that an energy is not in tune with our body and is not healthy for us to engage with. As it leaves, it need not change color, because it is still not good for you. We perceive it as a dark color only because our own instincts know that it is not healthy for us. Allow it then to be whatever color that it is. You do not need to change it. Let it be on its own evolutionary journey. Let it choose any changes for itself.

And that frees you up even more, because those energies all around you that aren't in tune with you anymore recognize that they don't have to change before they can leave. And you recognize that you don't have to change them before they can leave. It is not up to you to do anything with them except recognize what is no longer in tune with you and release it onto its own journey.

Includes the sound healing "Loving Tenderness abounds for All (Caritas abundat", from Norma's newly re-released albumHealing Chants (vol 1) Hildegard of Bingen,

1. Introduction
2 Invocation of Sacred Space &endash; Why I do this
3 Why we Resist Releasing Thoughts, Emotions,Behaviors
4 Defining Your Soul, here and now
5 Meditation: Releasing energies no longer active in your life.
6 Why some Energies look Dark to us
7 You are a Radio Station (and a transmitting tower)
8 Meditation &endash; Your Unique Frequency of Compassion
9 Caritas Abundat in Omnia
(Loving Tenderness Abounds for All) from Norma's album Healing Chants (vol 1) Hildegard of Bingen,
10 Final Clearing and Release of Your Angels and Sacred Space

more information

download or stream mp3\




Attend a Meditation Concert without leaving your home!

You can now experience a Live Meditation Concert online.  It was edited into four parts, and subtitles were added to offer additional insights.  Click on the links below, or see Norma's entire youtube page at
Videos thanks to Craig Harvey caharvey2007

Part 1 Opening to Spirit: talk and sound healing
Norma shares thoughts and a related sound healing from Spirit (her Hathor guide Atamira).

Part 2  The Sacred Masculine Within
Spoken information from Norma followed by an improvisatory song from Spirit invoking the Sacred Masculine from within each of us.

Part 3  Ubi Caritas Improvisation (Where there is Love)
Improvisation has long been a way to allow Spirit to move effortlessly through us into the world. Whether it is in words (Marianne Williamson) or acting (Meryl Streep) we each have ways of opening ourselves to be channels for Spirit. Here is a song, drawn through me in the moment during a live Meditation Concert while I play schruti box.

Part 4  Improvisation and Kyrie by Hildegard of Bingen
Norma sings an improvisation from Spirit accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, followed by the setting of Kyrie Eleison (Creator, Draw Compassion from Us) composed by the abbess and mystic Hildegard of Bingen in the 12th century

FREE SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the website)




Loving Tenderness Abounds (Caritas abundat) from Norma's newly re-released album Healing Chants


Tibetan Bowls to clear the backside of your Body and Aura


Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box


Caught by Spirit with schruti box


Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)

Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat


A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 32 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

If you have to wear clothes...
why not wear something that reflects your inner attitude as well as your outer need?


Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

--------NEW - iPhone & iPad goodies /T-shirts
organic / cotton / plus-sizes / children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs
Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S    E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)

Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997.
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


sponsored by
Spirit of Maat

My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (
subscribe here)

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United States


When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) through this site 5% of your purchase price goes to support my newsletter.. To ensure that your purchases are properly credited, be sure to click on the or logo to the left. All purchases made when you enter amazon.through this page are credited. So go ahead, do some gift-shopping while you are here. Thank you!


Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.



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Category:blog -- posted at: 5:37pm EDT

How Your Soul and Body create your Life's Journey

Invocation of Sacred Space – Why I do this
My goal is that my guides and your guides work together.  When I take the time to invoke the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael, it is much more likely that your own guides will share with you an additional story and complimentary ideas as I speak. If the words I’m using aren’t quit what you need to hear, your guides can give you a memory, an image, a symbol or an idea that is more suitable for your life and what is going on with you right now.


Inviting that aspect of Archangel Michael that is always and already supporting you in your journey and the elements of Nature to create Sacred Space will magnify your healing process. 


Why we Resist Releasing Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors  

Sometimes we resist releasing energies that surround us, largely out of habit.  We have become accustomed to feeling the equivalent of pillows all around us, or many winter overcoats layered upon us.  It can feel scary to let go of the Angels, guides or energies that have been with us for so long.  And yet as we release them we are able to stand up straighter, and are more apt to hear the guides and Angels that are truly a part of our life’s journey right now.


Defining Your Soul, here and now

That portion of your soul incarnating into your body now has a different vibration than the portion of your soul that looked down and decided to incarnate within your mother’s womb. Who you were when you were born is not who we are now.  Everything is changing, even the planet.  Would your soul not want to take advantage of these new opportunities?


Meditation: Releasing energies no longer active in your life. 

When a portion of our soul completes a task, or decides that the task cannot be completed in this lifetime, that portion of our soul leaves.


Here is a meditation to allow the guides and angels whose tasks have come to completion with us to ease out of our space.  This applies to any being or energy who has helped us in the past.  We need to especially consider those time in our lives when the cycle did not have the outcome we wanted, or if the situation seems to have not quite completed itself.  In these instances we are most apt to override the natural flow, and try to hold onto those guides and angels who supported us during this time.  We do this believing that the situation needs to resolve differently.


By releasing from all around our body those guides and angels that supported us through difficult situations, we are also releasing our mental constructs that say “this is wrong” or “the outcome was wrong”.


As long as we label something as “wrong”, we also keep the energies related to it such as ourselves, our guides and our angels from continuing their own cycles of evolution.



Why some Energies look Dark to us

When we see something on a psychic or energy level as being the color brown or black or simply dark, it is a way that most of us have of knowing that an energy is not in tune with our body and is not healthy for us to engage with.  As it leaves, it need not change color, because it is still not good for you.  We perceive it as a dark color only because our own instincts know that it is not healthy for us.  Allow it then to be whatever color that it is. You do not need to change it.  Let it be on its own evolutionary journey.  Let it choose any changes for itself.

And that frees you up even more, because those energies all around you that aren’t in tune with you anymore recognize that they don’t have to change before they can leave.  And you recognize that you don’t have to change them before they can leave.  It is not up to you to do anything with them except recognize what is no longer in tune with you and release it onto its own journey.


You are a Radio Station (and a transmitting tower)

Each of us has a unique vibration.  As our consciousness shifts, the vibration that our body holds shifts as well.  The quality of consciousness that we hold is like a little radio tower emitting our frequency. And, we can hear the frequencies broadcast by others as well. Spiritual Emotions of love, gratitude or compassion move into the collective consciousness of humanity and become available to each person incarnating now. We can also learn to “tune away” from some frequencies that broadcast other emotions.


Even if we do not interact with our external physical world, by meditation and feeling compassion, stillness, and gratitude within our bodies, we generate these same qualities.  And they become more available, louder, within our shared consciousness of humanity.


Meditation – Your Unique Frequency of Compassion 

As you allow your body to vibrate with your unique frequency of compassion this vibration moves out into the space physically around you, and then out into that shared collective consciousness.  Now it becomes available for others to listen to, in those moments when they may have forgotten that they too have the ability to express compassion.  Your frequency of compassion is close enough to their own that their body begins to tingle and resonate a reminder from inside.  Or perhaps you may forget, and it is someone else, sitting in meditation, who helps you remember your own unique frequency of compassion. 


Caritas Abundat in Omnia
(Loving Tenderness Abounds for All)
 excerpted from the album HEALING CHANTS vol.1

available at iTunes, or Norma's website
(and continued Compassion Meditation)



10 Final Clearing and Release of Your Angels and Sacred Space
Thanking and releasing your conscious magnified connection with Nature and your personal support system of guides and angels.  


When we release guides and angels from the past we free up the space around us for those guides and angels that are working with us right now.  They have more elbowroom for themselves and don’t have to yell at us from several rows back.  


Oftentimes when we feel like we have lost connection it is because we have too many guides and angels around us that we have called in.  Our current time guides and angels are at the back of the pack, waving and yelling at us, trying to get our attention over the heads and voices of years and years of old guides and angels, most of whom have completed their tasks with us already.




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Direct download: TC_feb52012.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:55pm EDT


As we draw ever closer to the date of December 21, 2012, more and more people’s attention, and therefore the energies of their life-force, are being drawn to what this might mean.  I find myself noticing the buildup of energies around 12/21/12, and wonder if much of what we are experiencing in the world is actually a consequence of our own attention upon the instant, magical change that many expect on this date.


Here is a bit of what my principle guide, Archangel Michael is sharing with me today:


You (humanity) have a built-in predisposition to assign power and prestige to objects and people outside of yourself.  Initially in your development as a race, this assisted you with understanding the potential of your true nature. 


Now, however, is the time for you to grasp whatever you see before you as powerful, all-knowing or omnipotent, and find that same quality deep within your own physical form. There is a veil between your body and yourself (your personality) that has been lifted. Most humans believe that veil still exists, and they behave accordingly, worshiping those in whom they have placed their confidence – or their fear.


For remember, within the dynamic of Earth’s evolutionary process, you are bound to duality.  As you bow before another, you are calling others to bow before you.  And what you worship externally is merely someone, or something, that in turn is worshiping another.


This chain of worship does not end in the God that you believe you know.  It ends back where it began, within another human or an object. In essence, it is one large circle, with no end and no beginning.  But unlike the Biblical reference from which I draw this statement, there is no true God involved.


Worship is reserved for yourself.  Consider this statement.  What if the only thing or person you worshiped were you?  How would that change your belief system and daily routine?  


Truly there are aspects of your life in which you are still learning from another.  You may decide that having a worshipful relationship to some people and some objects is accurate for you, here and now.  These are relationships where you feel you are exploring and finding new strengths within yourself each time you interact with this person or object.  


There are also, no doubt, some relationships of worship that no longer serve your journey.  The lessons have been learned and the tasks are completed.  In these cases the relationships feel uncomfortable, heavy and even painful.  Your life-force is engaged in a way that does not reveal and nourish your inner vitality.  


This is a most difficult relationship to change.  As humans you have a habit of linear thinking.  In this pattern, whatever once felt good should continue to feel good to you.  But it does not.  Honor this sensation and knowing within you.  The act of honoring your own knowing will lead you out of the valley within which the relationship dwells.


As humans, both individually and in your shared collective consciousness, you have the ability to give great energy to whatever you focus upon.  It can be a shared date such as December 21, 2012, or a more personal event, such as an anniversary or birthday.  As humanity moves ever closer to a potentized moment of time such as December 21, 2012, the related energies of human consciousness build before the date. If one could see these energies, they would appear as hills and valleys.  Each cycle of hills becomes ever steeper, and the deepening valleys bring greater possibilities for inner revelations.


Perhaps there is an assumption that this process of valleys and hills will cease after December 21, 2012.  From the vantage-point of Spirit, this is not an assumption we share.


You (humanity) are in a series of learning processes which will last throughout your own ability to comprehend time. Those souls who choose to continue to incarnate into human form will continue to experience ever new aspects of the reality shared by both incarnate and Spiritual Beings. This is a gift from incarnate humans to All of Creation. 


While there are moments, days, and even weeks where you may question your ability to look inward and see that which is worthy of being worshiped, such valleys will also lead to the next mountaintop.  Your journey is our journey.  We are with you.  Look within, and there we will meet you.


Archangel Michael

through Norma Gentile


Category:blog -- posted at: 6:39pm EDT

The Year of Stillness – A Time of Dreams

Mary, through Norma Gentile.


As of Oct 28, 2011, the Mayan Calendar ceased to track the movements of our planet in the cosmos.  While hype and media spin continue around the date December 21, 2012, most astrologers now believe that the calendar’s end point has been reached. For myself, I feel December 21, 2012 (give or take a few months) is the date upon which the longest cycle tracked by the Mayan Calendar resets itself and begins again.  From now until then, we are in a “time of no time”.


In considering what this means to me, and how my life is impacted, I heard the phrase “Still Point” from one of my guides, Mary.  And thoughts began to flow.  Here is a summary of what she shared with me.

  from Mary
Just like in meditation or cranial-sacral or energy healing, there is a point of stillness where there is no breath, no sense of the body and no sense of self or surroundings. This is a point of transformation. In this moment, which feels as if it could last forever but in all likelihood is but a fraction of a moment, there is no thought and no sense of time passing.  Life suspends itself, and (I believe) because we are in a state of actual suspended animation, all around us can change. 


Or perhaps it is because we are deeply and exquisitely aware of ourselves and all that is around us that we choose differently, not with our minds, but with our soul and being.  In any case, within these moments, which both the practitioner and client enters into, our life changes.  We do not come out of this stillness with the same sensation of ourselves and our world.  


Regardless of whether I am in the receiving mode when I enter into Still Point, or am functioning as the healer, the sense of my self and my world changes each time I pass through this process of deep stillness.


I wonder then, what will happen to our planet as we all pass through an entire year of Still Point?  Together…


In order to take advantage of this incredible opportunity, we each have to be willing to let go of the amount of external doing and busy-ness that accompanies most of our lives.  Being available to enter into Still Point means surrendering to the support that Spirit and Nature and all that surrounds us is already providing. Within this surrender is the opportunity to witness ourselves floating within the cosmic year of “time of no time”.  


The experience of Still Point is ever deepening during this year.  It is becoming and will continue to become more and more accessible to all of us in human form.  And it is also more prominent within the consciousness of animals (who are supporting the human transitions in consciousness).  Leave them be. Their meditations, even while sunbathing, serve all living consciousness.


With each entrance into our own vibration of Still Point, we may take advantage of the larger cosmic availability of this vibrational quality.  And as we choose to enter into this deep stillness we also assist the quality of consciousness within this stillness to be more tangible to other people.


My love and blessings to all,

 -Mary Magdalene

through Norma



Attend a Meditation Concert without leaving your home!

You can now experience a Live Meditation Concert online. It was edited into four parts, and subtitles were added to offer additional insights. Click on the links below, or see Norma's entire youtube page at
Videos thanks to Craig Harvey caharvey2007

Part 1 Opening to Spirit: talk and sound healing
Norma shares thoughts and a related sound healing from Spirit (her Hathor guide Atamira).

Part 2 The Sacred Masculine Within
Spoken information from Norma followed by an improvisatory song from Spirit invoking the Sacred Masculine from within each of us.

Part 3 Ubi Caritas Improvisation (Where there is Love)
Improvisation has long been a way to allow Spirit to move effortlessly through us into the world. Whether it is in words (Marianne Williamson) or acting (Meryl Streep) we each have ways of opening ourselves to be channels for Spirit. Here is a song, drawn through me in the moment during a live Meditation Concert while I play schruti box.

Part 4 Improvisation and Kyrie by Hildegard of Bingen
Norma sings an improvisation from Spirit accompanied by Tibetan Singing Bowls, followed by the setting of Kyrie Eleison (Creator, Draw Compassion from Us) composed by the abbess and mystic Hildegard of Bingen in the 12th century.


The new audio meditation, Healing Meditations for Notable Days (such as Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses, Full and New Moons) is now available as a free mp3 or at cost CD. This is from the 11/11/11 meditation, and it applies to current energies nicely.

Meditation CD #31 from November 11,,2011

*includes the sound healing "Caught by Spirit", similar to those on Norma's CD Songs of Spirit

Purchase as standard CD download or stream FREE mp3

On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading away. Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over old patterns departing lets there truly be space to receive the new patterns.

This meditation includes:

- releasing cords to processes that no longer serve your body
- a sound healing "Caught by Spirit"

and spoken meditations releasing energies corresponding to:
- cycles that you have already completed
- tasks that you have already done

- lessons that you have already learned

All of these energetic connections can be released out of your body. Your release of these connections will be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity. This one way we take advantage of the heightened energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.

LINKS to people mentioned in meditation:

Astrologer Author Caroline Casey Recording Artist Constance Demby


Healing Meditations for

Notable Days

Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses and December 21, 2011.

1 Introduction

2 Invoking Sacred Space

Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature Spirits and Intelligences join you.

3 Inviting Your Angel/Guide into Your Awareness

Most of us have a sphere or portal of energy into our hearts that lies behind our physical bodies. This is where our Guardian Angel, Higher Self and connections to other healing energies most often occurs. Here is a meditation to open this portal, cleanse it, and then invite in the Angel or Guide most suitable to support you now.

4 Understanding what you are already sensing in your body
Besides picking up on other people's physical body issues, the telepathic ability of our lower chakras can also pick up disturbances and changes in the electro- magnetic field of the planet. These are the sorts of changes that many people anticipate will be happening over the next few years. For this reason it is particularly useful to be able to distinguish when the signals your body is sending to you relates to your own body, someone else's body or the planet.

5 Spiritually Significant Days

Many people are already directing their attention, and so therefore their energy, into the date of December 21, 2011. I wonder if the various days preceding this that have interesting numerical combinations serve as practice days for us. How do we energize days that are defined by someone as spiritually significant? How well do we create sacredness afterward the hoopla of a spiritually significant day has passed? Especially when we are receiving the energetic results of what was done? These practice days give us the opportunity to work with the larger energetic patterns that arise in ceremony and return to humanity when many people focus on one thing.

6 Collective Consciousness and Polarity

Outside of our reality there is no polarity. When the energies that we are creating in ceremony move out to the other realms or dimensions, the other realms perceive the energies in their entirety. They do not perceive someone wanting good. They simply perceive someone as wanting.

It is we who divide an energy into its good and bad aspects. The other realms do not perceive just the good, the calming or the joyful aspects of our ceremonies. They perceive the entire consciousness within ourselves, which includes those unconscious elements of fear, shame and all that we may not yet be aware of within our own selves. For this reason we often feel "out of sorts" in the days following a sacred ceremony.

7 Meditation: What is the will of your Soul?

OTHER SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the website)

Ubi Caritas (4 part harmony) with schruti box

Caught by Spirit with schruti box

Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)


A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 30 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred

Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

Private Healing Sessions

(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---


(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)


(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)



sponsored by Spirit of Maat

My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (subscribe here)

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If so, please consider clicking through from the BOOKSTORE page of my website,  Your purchases made in this fashion help support my offerings in sound and healing.

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA 734-330-3997,

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.

Category:blog -- posted at: 3:48am EDT

sound shaman


Music CDs

Meditation & Teaching CDs

YouTube Videos








Press Kit 
& Booking








If you feel touched by this newsletter or my music and want to share something back, feel free to make a donation.



Grieving the Past
in order to
Nourish Your Future

Dear Friends,

Below is the article, and this month I offer highlights of my recent concert on the Eclipse for the Solstice as YouTube videos.( The free monthly sound healing for the solstice (and related to the essay) is from this same concert.


Dec 25


Ann Arbor - I will be singing as part of the Sunday morning Christmas service at the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth

Jan 15


A very special hands-on event with myself and my Tibetan Bowls for children accompanied by adults as part of Harry Potter's World at the Cromaine Library in Hartland, MI This is aimed at kids, so bring them along. (rent a few if needed).

March 30 -
Apr 2


Portland OR (tickets for Old Church Concert online Jan 1st, New Renaissance workshop and booking now for private sessions)



Santa Cruz-ish in California, workshop and private session,

There is an issue that is right in front of each of us and it is demanding attention. This is an issue that is so ingrained into you that you don't even see it as something that could change. It is an issue that is so close to your life, so pervasive and so intimately connected to your daily habits and assumptions about who you are that you have been working around it your entire life. And that is precisely what is changing now.

If you are like most people, you learned to avoid looking at this central life issue. You probably planted bushes in front of the issue, or hung decorations on it to make it look like it belonged in your life. But it doesn't. And we can't look away from it or be distracted by other events in our lives anymore.

The shrubs we planted in front of our issue died. The decorations are falling off. We watered the shrubs. We tried to rehang the decorations. Nothing worked. Because part of letting go of something is addressing it. In order to address it, we must be able to see it clearly.

Often times when this happens there is a sense of inner grief. Sometimes we grieve the bush that we planted that have died. We think we are grieving the issue. But because we are merely grieving what we placed in front of the issue we never really get to cry the tears that we need to cry about the actual issue.

Sometimes we grieve the fact that the issue has been there for so long and we haven't yet addressed it. So we cry for ourselves not addressing the issue. Our tears may never reach deeply enough so that we are grieving the actual issue.

Grief is part of our process of releasing energetic cords or connections (such as contracts / agreements / karma) to what was present in our lives. Feeling the emotion of grief, or even sadness, is how we do this. Emotional energy moves through us when we grieve. This energy helps to both release old cords and reveal new cords. All the bushes and shrubs we planted, all the decorations we have hung are fading from our lives. It is less and less possible to look away from what we need to change.

As a human, I notice that as people grieve, the cords of connection that we have to whatever we are grieving dissolve to reveal a new luminescent cord. The luminescent cord already exists within the old cord. It is our ability to grieve that allows them to be revealed. Most often we experience grief in waves, as the old cords dissolve slowly, at a rate that matches our body's ability to integrate these energetic changes. With each wave of grieving another portion of the luminescent cord is revealed. This new cord reflects how our soul wants to be in a relationship now to whatever is changing in our lives.

These changes apply to all aspects of our life. A job that has been lost, a way of being in the world that is no longer possible, moving to a new home, a person who has died, a relationship that has ended...we form energetic cords in all aspects of our lives. Therefore we need to take time to grieve and close those aspects that have changed. The energies related to the Winter Solstice and the coming months are particularly good for this introspective work.

As we release by grieving the cycles that are indeed of the past, we allow ourselves more pleasure and support for those new cycles now entering. This is how we nourish with all of our being what is coming forth now in our lives.

What is that central life issue that you have been decorating, in order to hide it? If you can let yourself touch the grief within it, you will change.


Here is a sound healing to help you do just that.

-Norma with Archangel Michael


The new audio meditation, Healing Meditations for Notable Days (such as Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses, Full and New Moons) is now available as a free mp3 or at cost CD. This is from the 11/11/11 meditation, and it applies to current energies nicely.

MEDITATION CD / mp3 - - Norma Gentile - - Nov 11, 2011 meditation

Meditation CD #31 from November 11,,2011

Healing Meditations for Notable Days
Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses and December 21, 2011.

  *includes the sound healing "Caught by Spirit", similar to those on Norma's CD Songs of Spirit


Purchase as standard CD
download or stream FREE mp3

On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading away. Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over old patterns departing lets there truly be space to receive the new patterns.

This meditation includes:

- releasing cords to processes that no longer serve your body
- a sound healing "Caught by Spirit"

and spoken meditations releasing energies corresponding to:
- cycles that you have already completed
- tasks that you have already done
- lessons that you have already learned

All of these energetic connections can be released out of your body. Your release of these connections will be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity. This one way we take advantage of the heightened energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.

LINKS to people mentioned in meditation:

Astrologer Author Caroline Casey
Recording Artist Constance Demby

1 Introduction 

2 Invoking Sacred Space
Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature Spirits and Intelligences join you.

3 Inviting Your Angel/Guide into Your Awareness
Most of us have a sphere or portal of energy into our hearts that lies behind our physical bodies. This is where our Guardian Angel, Higher Self and connections to other healing energies most often occurs. Here is a meditation to open this portal, cleanse it, and then invite in the Angel or Guide most suitable to support you now.

4 Understanding what you are already sensing in your body
Besides picking up on other people's physical body issues, the telepathic ability of our lower chakras can also pick up disturbances and changes in the electro-magnetic field of the planet. These are the sorts of changes that many people anticipate will be happening over the next few years. For this reason it is particularly useful to be able to distinguish when the signals your body is sending to you relates to your own body, someone else's body or the planet.

5 Spiritually Significant Days
Many people are already directing their attention, and so therefore their energy, into the date of December 21, 2011. I wonder if the various days preceding this that have interesting numerical combinations serve as practice days for us. How do we energize days that are defined by someone as spiritually significant? How well do we create sacredness afterward the hoopla of a spiritually significant day has passed? Especially when we are receiving the energetic results of what was done? These practice days give us the opportunity to work with the larger energetic patterns that arise in ceremony and return to humanity when many people focus on one thing.

6 Collective Consciousness and Polarity
Outside of our reality there is no polarity. When the energies that we are creating in ceremony move out to the other realms or dimensions, the other realms perceive the energies in their entirety. They do not perceive someone wanting good. They simply perceive someone as wanting.
It is we who divide an energy into its good and bad aspects. The other realms do not perceive just the good, the calming or the joyful aspects of our ceremonies. They perceive the entire consciousness within ourselves, which includes those unconscious elements of fear, shame and all that we may not yet be aware of within our own selves. For this reason we often feel "out of sorts" in the days following a sacred ceremony.

7 Meditation: What is the will of your Soul?
Our soul has its journey upon the earth within our physical form. It comes through our entire body, not just our head. In fact, our soul wants to embrace our entire physical body, every cell and every atom, from our toes through our navel and into our hearts. Here is a meditation to do just this.

8 Sound Healing: Caught by Spirit
Norma sings a Song from Spirit accompanying herself with a schruti box.

9 Cycles of Change
The connection explored in this meditation between your soul and body simply helps you understand that no matter what happens external to yourself that there is always a still quiet center. There is always a place where Spirit and form meet within you. This place can never be changed, altered, or taken away from you.

10 Meditation: Releasing cords, processes, tasks and old lessons
Your release of these connections can be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity. As you release, this serves as the slightest reminder to others that they too can release. As you change, the message of change expands out to everyone in your life. It is up to their soul and their body to determine what, if any, of this change they may want to consider. You need not wait for them. You can make changes now.

11 Releasing Sacred Space


OTHER SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the website)


Caught by Spirit with schruti box


Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)

Click Here for more of my Sound Healings and Articles on SpiritofMaat




A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:


As of today, I have 30 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you energetically.

Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes > Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than 40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated. Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and others.

If you have to wear clothes...
why not wear something that reflects your inner attitude as well as your outer need?

Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art
-------- NEW - iPhone & iPad goodies / outerwear jackets / organic / cotton / plus-sizes / children / notecards / tote bags / hoodies / mugs


long sleeve

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable tote bag



~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S    E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)


Private Healing Sessions
(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body, emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue. Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment time. or 734-330-3997. 
Read more about private healing sessions here

Norma's other offerings ---

(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors, available as a CD or download)

(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)


sponsored by 
Spirit of Maat

My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish online through This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading now.
This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (
subscribe here)

Do you buy stuff from or


United States


When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) through this site 5% of your purchase price goes to support my newsletter.. To ensure that your purchases are properly credited, be sure to click on the or logo to the left. All purchases made when you enter amazon.through this page are credited. So go ahead, do some gift-shopping while you are here. Thank you!


Norma Gentile, Healing Chants
PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include my contact info.




Click here to see other Newsletters











Category:blog -- posted at: 1:31am EDT

Updating Your Soul's Journey



Updating Your Soul's Journey

What you came here to do has probably chnaged


Dear Friends,

Below is an essay and a note to let you know that the new audio meditation, Healing Meditations

for Notable Days (such as Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses, Full and New Moons) is now available as

a free mp3 or at cost CD. This is from the 11/11/11 meditation, and it applies to current energies



In case you didn't know, we are on the verge of a set of eclipses. The first begins late Thursday

eve into Friday morning (US time). These are drawing out of us emotions that we usually can put

away, or at least hide from others. These emotions provide the impetus we need for yielding

ourselves to new opportunities.


The magnification of energies during the window between these eclipses (Nov 24-25 and Dec 10)

lets us not hide what we otherwise hide, even from ourselves. Astrologer Mark Dodich says

"Those dreams and ideals that come from your soul mission want to come to the surface now."

If you feel so drawn, there is more information on the new Healing Meditations for Notable Days

below. Please also consider joining me for an event, and letting others know about the

concerts/workshops I offer in various locations.



Dec 12 Ann Arbor MI Meditation Concert in Candlelight


Updating Your Soul's Journey

What you came here to do has probably chnaged


First, A Note On Psychic Learning

For most people psychic gifts need to be relearned in each lifetime. The world is vibrationally

distinct in each lifetime and so is your physical body. It is only natural that you would have to

relearn how to be energetically in relationship to yourself and to the world. This is particularly true

about how we relate to our soul's journey and foreknowing future aspects of it.

Whatever your soul planned to do here before you incarnated on Earth has probably changed.

Especially if you incarnated before 1972. Humanity changed. The planet changed. Whatever your

soul decided to do here on Earth before you incarnated has probably changed.


During the past fifty or so hears there have been multiple shifts in our reality that our souls did not

anticipate. Depending on when in our linear time line your soul decided upon this lifetime's goals

and challenges, you may be experiencing yourself as disconnected from your own life. Isolation is

one symptom I commonly hear from clients, as well as the sensation of floating away from the

physical life you are living. From my experience, this simply means that what your mind may think

is your soul's journey is no longer your soul's journey.


Most of us have been told by someone at some point either what our soul's journey is, or have

figured it out for ourselves. For me, I feel that no one can fully understand or know the journey of

anyone's soul. Not even our own. But we can have senses about what we are drawn to do in this

lifetime, and how we are to do it.


Because of the dramatic changes that have already taken place and the increasing pace of future

changes, I find it useful to revisit the trajectory of the journey of one's soul on a regular basis.

The soul's journey is more apt, at this point in time, to be revealed first to your body, then to your

heart, and finally to your brain. Once entered into, your new soul's journey will continue to weave

and shift throughout your lifetime. Learning how to monitor and adapt to changes in your soul's

journey is most useful.


As you explore your journey, it is your mind that is able to look backwards and tell you where you

have been. It is the heart and body that can look into the present moment and tell you where you

are. Together, the mind, heart and body can chart a potential path for your future. But this is

usually the near future, as your external world continues to shift and change.


I am emphasizing here that the brain can only look back at what has already happened. Most of

us use our minds as the determiner of what to do. This leads us to repeat old patterns and repeat

the same unwanted results. When this happens it is easy to assume that we are not in touch with

our inner spiritual life or outer world.


But perhaps there is another reason. We experience the present moment most strongly not as

thoughts but as kinesthetic sensations in our body. Simply put, the body lives only in the present

moment. The mind remembers the past and can anticipate the future. Our minds therefore live

without being anchored in the present moment. This can be very helpful, but not if you are trying

to understand your soul's journey right here and right now.


Big Picture Information from Thoth:

About 1997 our system of creating linear time changed. Because of this our psychic ability no

longer sees the future with the ease it once did. This is because we are no longer creating our

future probabilities in the same way as we were before.


Our new system of psychic perception of the future looks more like this:

Our body sees where we are in the present moment. That information rises to our heart center.

The heart feels our relationship to this present moment. Do we like it and want to extend our

experience or are we ready to move onto some other experience? Our heart answers this

question and sends the information onto our brain. Our brain collects the information from our

body and heart, adds its own ability to see the past and comes up with the most likely potential



Remember that our brains do have the ability to live in the past, present and future. We as

humans are stepping into an exploration of creating outside of linear time. The first step in this

exploration is comprehending how linear time functions. We must first understand time in order to

understand how not to be subject to time.


In geometry (and I promise this will be easy, so please keep reading) there is a basic concept that

if you have one point and then decide on a second point, you can draw a line between them. That

line can extend beyond those two points into infinity in both directions. So you only need two

points in space to define linear time. Where you have been and where you are.


What we are now able to do is change the point that exists in our past. By looking back and

clearing past patterns the point behind us changes its location. That means the line drawn

between our past and our present naturally changes. Our potential future changes every time we

address, clear and release issues from our past.


I'm not talking past lives here. My guides are clearly stating that by addressing this life's issues

we change this life's future. When we make changes in this lifetime those changes echo out to all

of our other lifetimes and offer healing changes into those lifetimes. Since our bodies exist in the

here and now, making changes in the here and now will get you the biggest results.


The head has to have the other partners, the body and heart, in order to see where it is going. If it

is just looking backwards all that it can tell you is where you have been, which means you are

going to create more of the past rather than utilize the new elements that are available to you now

to create a different future.


How to get in touch with your body &endash; a simple meditation

Lie down on your back. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor or surface you are lying

on. This naturally pressed your lower back against the surface you are on, and opens up the

pelvic region to increased energy flow.


Feel the breath in your body. Feel the breath in your lower body. Breath as if you could breathe

from your feet up through your knees and into your belly. Your hips move and your lower back

expands every time you breathe. Take normal size breaths. How easy can that quality of breath

be in your body? Follow that quality of breath as you imagine the breath entering from your lower

body. Let it exit wherever it wants to exit. At some point you may fall asleep, go into a light trance

or meditation state. You might also notice that the direction of the breath seems to change. Just

notice whatever you notice. Let your body's wisdom tell your mind something that your mind

cannot know on its own. This is a time of exploration. What has your body been wanting to tell



SOUND HEALINGS (hosted on the website)

Caught by Spirit with schruti box

Weaving Compassion (a choir of Tibetan Bowls accompanies my improvised

chant inspired by my Hathor guide Atamira)



MEDITATION CD / mp3 - - Norma Gentile - - Nov 11, 2011 meditation

Meditation CD #31 from November 11,,2011

Healing Meditations for

Notable Days

Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox,

Eclipses and December 21, 2011.

*includes the sound healing "Caught by Spirit",

similar to those on Norma's CD Songs of Spirit

Purchase as standard CD

download or stream FREE mp3

On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful

to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading

away. Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over

old patterns departing lets there truly be space to

receive the new patterns.

This meditation includes:

- releasing cords to processes that no longer serve

your body

- a sound healing "Caught by Spirit"

and spoken meditations releasing energies

corresponding to:

- cycles that you have already completed

- tasks that you have already done

- lessons that you have already learned

All of these energetic connections can be released out

of your body. Your release of these connections will be

reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.

This one way we take advantage of the heightened

energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses,

Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.

LINKS to people mentioned in meditation:

Caroline Casey

Constance Demby

1 Introduction

2 Invoking Sacred Space

Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature

Spirits and Intelligences join you.

3 Inviting Your Angel/Guide into Your Awareness

Most of us have a sphere or portal of energy into our

hearts that lies behind our physical bodies. This is

where our Guardian Angel, Higher Self and

connections to other healing energies most often

occurs. Here is a meditation to open this portal,

cleanse it, and then invite in the Angel or Guide most

suitable to support you now.

4 Understanding what you are already sensing in

your body

Besides picking up on other people's physical body

issues, the telepathic ability of our lower chakras can

also pick up disturbances and changes in the electromagnetic

field of the planet. These are the sorts of

changes that many people anticipate will be

happening over the next few years. For this reason it

is particularly useful to be able to distinguish when the

signals your body is sending to you relates to your

own body, someone else's body or the planet.

5 Spiritually Significant Days

Many people are already directing their attention, and

so therefore their energy, into the date of December

21, 2011. I wonder if the various days preceding this

that have interesting numerical combinations serve as

practice days for us. How do we energize days that

are defined by someone as spiritually significant? How

well do we create sacredness afterward the hoopla of

a spiritually significant day has passed? Especially

when we are receiving the energetic results of what

was done? These practice days give us the

opportunity to work with the larger energetic patterns

that arise in ceremony and return to humanity when

many people focus on one thing.

6 Collective Consciousness and Polarity

Outside of our reality there is no polarity. When the

energies that we are creating in ceremony move out to

the other realms or dimensions, the other realms

perceive the energies in their entirety. They do not

perceive someone wanting good. They simply

perceive someone as wanting.

It is we who divide an energy into its good and bad

aspects. The other realms do not perceive just the

good, the calming or the joyful aspects of our

ceremonies. They perceive the entire consciousness

within ourselves, which includes those unconscious

elements of fear, shame and all that we may not yet

be aware of within our own selves. For this reason we

often feel "out of sorts" in the days following a sacred


7 Meditation: What is the will of your Soul?

Our soul has its journey upon the earth within our

physical form. It comes through our entire body, not

just our head. In fact, our soul wants to embrace our

entire physical body, every cell and every atom, from

our toes through our navel and into our hearts. Here is

a meditation to do just this.

8 Sound Healing: Caught by Spirit

Norma sings a Song from Spirit accompanying herself

with a schruti box.

9 Cycles of Change

The connection explored in this meditation between

Our soul has its journey upon the earth within our

physical form. It comes through our entire body, not

just our head. In fact, our soul wants to embrace our

entire physical body, every cell and every atom, from

our toes through our navel and into our hearts. Here is

a meditation to do just this.

8 Sound Healing: Caught by Spirit

Norma sings a Song from Spirit accompanying herself

with a schruti box.

9 Cycles of Change

The connection explored in this meditation between

your soul and body simply helps you understand that

no matter what happens external to yourself that there

is always a still quiet center. There is always a place

where Spirit and form meet within you. This place can

never be changed, altered, or taken away from you.

10 Meditation: Releasing cords, processes, tasks

and old lessons

Your release of these connections can be reflected in

the collective consciousness of humanity. As you

release, this serves as the slightest reminder to others

that they too can release. As you change, the

message of change expands out to everyone in your

life. It is up to their soul and their body to determine

what, if any, of this change they may want to consider.

You need not wait for them. You can make changes


11 Releasing Sacred Space

A Note on Phone Meditations and CDs of Meditations and Teachings:

As of today, I have 30 Meditations and Teachings recordings available. They cover all on different

subjects, some are direct channelings from my guides, most often Archangel Michael, Mary, the

Hathor Atamira, Thoth, Shesat or a group of Ascended Masters. Most of them invoke Sacred

Space and then focus on an issue and provide time for your guides and angels to work with you


Many are drawn from the live Phone Meditations that I offer each month. About half contain

healing songs or chants. All are offered freely as podcasts (you can subscribe directly on iTunes

> Podcasts > Norma Gentile) or at cost CDs. At this time donations provide the funding for the

free monthly (or so) Phone Meditations, the recording and editing process, posting them online

and paying the monthly fee to maintain them online for free download. As of today, more than

40,000 downloads of these meditations has occurred. And chances are you have participated.

Thank you! I know it is your energy that shapes each meditation and newsletter, and helps pull

the information and insights that I share through me from Spirit.

I look forward to many more meditations, and many more downloads! And yes, please share

these newsletters, podcasts and phone meditations with your friends, your email circle and


If you have to wear clothes...

why not wear something that reflects your inner attitude as well as your outer need?

Wearable & Usable Sacred Art - bring your Inner Attitude to the Outer World.

Designs based on Hildegards own poetry and art

-------- NEW - iPhone & iPad goodies / outerwear jackets / organic / cotton / plus-sizes / children / notecards / tote bags mugs

iPhone cover

ceramic travel mug

raglan hoodie

reusable ~ ~ ~ N O R M A' S E V E N T S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~(complete list here)

PLEASE JOIN ME (and let your friends know too!) AT AN EVENT

November, TBA


local phone numbers for many countries. More info Here

FLORIDA (near Tampa)

Fri Oct 21 Meditation Concert (Sun City)

Sat Oct 22 Magnifying Healing with Intentional Use of Sound Workshop

Sat-Sun Oct 22-23 Private Healing Sessions

Ann Arbor, MI

Sunday, Dec 12 at 4pm Meditation Concert

Private Healing Sessions

(offered in person or by phone)

I am very good at helping to lift off heavy energies and get chronic issues to begin to move. Any

energy released goes home, to follow its own growth and evolution. This means that what is

released does not return. And it means that those energies with awareness know that I mean to

help them. In this way your agreement to "keep them safe" is brought to completion, because

they are released with honor and respect onto their next step. This is true of all energies, big or

small, that your soul and body are ready to release.

Remember that any energy in your body or aura that is not in time or in tune with you will cause a

slow, steady draining of your vitality. This leads to larger issues arising in the physical body,

emotional overwhelm, and psychic cloudiness. A complete "deep cleaning" regularly can help you

find, address, and release what is no longer yours to carry. This frees you up to engage fully with

your own life's issues. (and yes, we can address life issues as well in the session).

A recording is made of the session. When you listen to the recording your guides and the healing

angels will return to continue to help your personal inner understanding and release continue.

Sessions are $185 and last about an hour. Please be in touch with me to secure an appointment

time. or 734-330-3997. Read more about private healing sessions


Norma's other offerings ---


(sacred chants from Hildegard, improvisations from Spirit and healing songs from the Hathors,

available as a CD or download)


(meditations and information, available as a CD or download)



sponsored by Spirit of Maat

My monthly articles and free sound healings are now available in English, German and Spanish

online through This is different from the newsletter, which you are reading


This newsletter is available in Spanish and English (subscribe here)

Do you buy stuff from or




When you order anything from amazon (my music, someone else's

books or music, suppliments or even a new kitchen sink) through

this site 5% of your purchase price goes to support my newsletter..

To ensure that your purchases are properly credited, be sure to

click on the or logo to the left. All

purchases made when you enter amazon.through this page are

credited. So go ahead, do some gift-shopping while you are here.

Thank you!

Norma Gentile, Healing Chants

PO Box 971020, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA


YES please pass this email onto anyone you think would be interested. Just be sure to include

my contact info.

Click here to see other Newsletters

Category:blog -- posted at: 3:12am EDT


 (Full and New Moons, Solstice, Equinox, Eclipses and 12.21.2012)


On days which are considered to be sacred it is useful to take a moment to feel the old cycle which is fading away.  Letting ourselves feel the grief and sorrow over old patterns departing lets there truly be space to receive the new patterns.


This meditation includes 

 - releasing cords to processes that no longer serve your body
 - a sound healing “Caught by Spirit”

and spoken meditations releasing energies corresponding to:

 - cycles that you have already completed

 - tasks that you have already done

 - lessons that you have already learned


All of these energetic connections can be released out of your body. Your release of these connections will be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.  This one way we take advantage of the heightened energies present during Full and New Moons, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox and other notable days.




1 Introduction

2  Invoking Sacred Space 

Archangel Michael, the Pure Energy of Nature, Nature Spirits and Intelligences join us.


3 Inviting Your Angel/Guide into Your Awareness
Most of us have a sphere or portal of energy into our hearts that lies behind our physical bodies.  This is where our Guardian Angel, Higher Self and connections to other healing energies most often occurs.  Here is a meditation to open this portal, cleanse it, and then invite in the Angel or Guide most suitable to support you now.  


4 Understanding what you are already sensing in your body

Besides picking up on other people’s physical body issues, the telepathic ability of our lower chakras can also pick up disturbances and changes in the electro-magnetic field of the planet. These are the sorts of changes that many people anticipate will be happening over the next few years.  For this reason it is particularly useful to be able to distinguish when the signals your body is sending to you relates to your own body, someone else’s body or the planet.


5 Spiritually Significant Days

Many people are already directing their attention, and so therefore their energy, into the date of December 21, 2011.  I wonder if the various days preceding this that have interesting numerical combinations serve as practice days for us.  How do we energize days that are defined by someone as spiritually significant? How well do we create sacredness afterward the hoopla of a spiritually significant day has passed?  Especially when we are receiving the energetic results of what was done?  These practice days give us the opportunity to work with the larger energetic patterns that arise in ceremony and return to humanity when many people focus on one thing.


6 Collective Consciousness and Polarity

Outside of our reality there is no polarity.  When the energies that we are creating in ceremony move out to the other realms or dimensions, the other realms perceive the energies in their entirety.  They do not perceive someone wanting good.  They simply perceive someone as wanting. It is we who divide an energy into its good and bad aspects. The other realms do not perceive just the good, the calming or the joyful aspects of our ceremonies.  They perceive the entire consciousness within ourselves, which includes those unconscious elements of fear, shame and all that we may not yet be aware of within our own selves.  For this reason we often feel “out of sorts” in the days following a sacred ceremony.


7 Meditation:  What is the will of your Soul?

Our soul has its journey upon the earth within our physical form.  It comes through our entire body, not just our head.  In fact, our soul wants to embrace our entire physical body, every cell and every atom, from our toes through our navel and into our hearts.  Here is a meditation to do just this.


8 Sound Healing: Caught by Spirit

Norma sings a Song from Spirit accompanying herself with a schruti box. 


9 Cycles of Change

The connection explored in this meditation between your soul and body simply helps you understand that no matter what happens external to yourself that there is always a still quiet center.  There is always a place where Spirit and form meet within you. This place can never be changed, altered, or taken away from you.


10 Meditation: Releasing cords, processes, tasks and old lessons

Your release of these connections can be reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.  As you release, this serves as the slightest reminder to others that they too can release. As you change, the message of change expands out to everyone in your life. It is up to their soul and their body to determine what, if any, of this change they may want to consider.  You need not wait for them.  You can make changes now.


11 Releasing Sacred Space


Caroline Casey:

Constance Demby:

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:08pm EDT

Time and Creation
Norma Gentile


Below is an article inspired by Mary and Archangel Michael. I can’t say I totally understand it myself, but I feel my mind being ‘re-wired’ and my body come alive in a new way each time that I have read it.  And so I share it with you. 


I did not know as I was channeling this essay that we are entering in to a phase described by the Mayans as "The Time of No Time”. This, according to astrologer and author Cal Garrison, is a period where future, past and present times collapse into each other. I experience this as a brief moment that feels like a timeless eternity opening inside of my own body. And it is happening in the oddest of places and seemingly random moments - a parking lot, standing in line in a store, on hold during a phone call, waiting for my computer to update a file or just sitting in the sunshine.  Time stands still while gazing into the face of eternity. 


I sat down to write and asked what one message would be most useful to share.  I had asked this after inviting Archangel Michael into the room.  To my surprise it was Mary Magdalene who identified herself to me and who then began to help me form thoughts.  Below is a transcript of what was shared.

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What if time were not just linear or non-linear, but capable of existing in different forms within each dimension? Time is not unique to your third dimension, but its expression within your dimension is unique.  What if time were an expression of the consciousness of each Being?


You have been told that Time is an illusion. Some of you have had the experience of stepping beyond humanity’s agreed upon definition of time as linear.  If you consider that time may bend itself, much as you can turn your face to one side and allow your body to remain stationary, facing forward, so too can time be at once both linear and non-linear. 

Your hearts are not linear.  Your soul is not linear. Your bodies are not made to function solely within a linear timeline.  Only one of many types of thought processes within your minds can conceive of things in a linear manner.  To use a metaphor from your current computerized lifestyle:  the linear timeline that you refer to is a result of one program among a multitude of software programs that your brains agreed to have installed within it.


Why is this important?


Because at this point in time your ability to utilize many other ways of reasoning that include other aspects of who you are (your heart, your soul, your spiritual network of helpers and your physical body) are being called upon.  They are being called by the changes of the cosmic winds to step into your awareness and offer their own unique counsel.


You are not alone. But for thousands of years you have let your brain function as if it were all alone. You have believed that your very consciousness resided in that lovely round globe which rests upon the upper portion of your torso.  But what of the remainder of your body?  If indeed it were only your brain that held your consciousness, then there would be no need to animate your body.  However, it is the loving presence of your consciousness that brings life-force into your entire body.


The bucket is empty without water. So too your body is a vessel waiting to be filled by you.  Thinking merely identifies that the bucket exists.  Actively engaging in your body fills it with water.


Let us address the issue of linear and non-linear time.


Consider this metaphor: Time is the action of moving the bucket to fill it with water.  In order to fill a bucket with water one usually must turn the bucket to dip it into water. Turning the bucket on its side and filling it with water means allowing the bucket to enter the water.  Here the water is linear time, and the bucket represents your ability to bend time and let the bending of time enter into and pass through linear time. 


This metaphor represents how linear and non-linear time interpenetrate each other and co-exist within your reality.  In this moment those of us who are Spiritual Teachers place a great importance upon your understanding of time as a result of where your thoughts originate from.  Not just the thoughts of your head, but the reasoning process and resulting thoughts that travel through your entire physical body create your experience of time.


Thinking with aspects of yourself that include your body, your soul, your spiritual support network and your heart allow you to access the multitude of software programs within you that create non-linear time.  Thinking as you have been taught to think, with your head, limits you to experiencing time only in its linear form.


When you exist in linear time you are limited to creating within linear time and in a linear fashion.  When you think using all of who you are, you access the possibilities of creating outside of linear creation.  This means engaging the thought process with your heart, your soul, your spiritual network of helpers and your physical body.


And it is not we of the Spiritual Realms who hold the key to how you experience time.  You alone are the guardians of your own time.  When you choose to follow the principles of time in its linear form, you continue to think within the limitations of the physical brain.  The bucket is defined but empty of water.


As you explore your entire body, and how thought moves through your body as well as your soul and those Beings of Consciousness who comprise your spiritual support team, you open yourself to experiencing the other manners in which time expresses itself in your dimension.


For now, notice when time seems to stand still.  And when it passes quickly.  Notice how your body feels and how you experience yourself in relationship to your Spiritual support team and your soul.  All these give subtle clues about what you are doing and what you are not doing


Why is learning to experience non-linear time important? 

When you experience non-linear time you are in a position to create your reality in a non-linear fashion.  Have you ever wondered why your world has seemingly developed so much maturity (in some ways) in the past 500 years?  It is because various humans have, for a moment here and there, stumbled into experiencing themselves as comprising wholly their soul, heart, body and spiritual team members.


And these moments of non-linear time and creation, like the bucket, have been dipped into the water of your ongoing linear creation.  Those things which were created in a non-linear fashion were brought into your linear reality and filled with your linear reality.  Much like the bucket was filled with water.


We said at the start that your thought identifies the bucket.  And your active engagement in the world fills it with water. Now we would add that the quality of your thought is now able to  change the water in the bucket from reflecting linear creation principles to reflecting non-linear creation possibilities. You are now a participant in the generation of non-linear reality and hence creation.  


-Mary and Michael

through Norma Gentile


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Category:blog -- posted at: 10:41pm EDT

How your body receives grounding within the changing electromagnetic field of Earth

As we have changed in consciousness, so too Gaia’s consciousness and therefore the Earth has changed.  The electromagnetic field of the Earth is constantly shifting and changing.  More so now.  This meditation is one way of helping our own electromagnetic field (our aura) listen and respond to the changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the consciousness of Gaia.

Here is a meditation inviting your body to remember its innate connection to your soul. Deeply relaxing, this meditation includes segments of releasing energies within your body and your aura. By inviting those energies that match your soul from within the lower dimensions to reestablish their natural connection to you, a fluid and ongoing energetic dialogue is created between your soul, your body, and the Earth. This is a new style of grounding which serves us well as we move into a new era of consciousness.

Our Western culture has cultivated such a dependence on our heads and our ability to think that it has also cultivated a disconnection with our bodies.  We have ended up with lovely bodies that walk our heads around.  Fear has become an intrinsic way of life. It has become our daily companion.  This is because we as humans can not access our own body’s knowing and telepathic experience of the world which lies within our navel chakra and within our enteric nervous system.

As we recover this lost skill, we will get better at feeling what is and isn’t actually a danger to our body.  As this happens, our level of fear decreases.

My guides during this meditation included Thoth, Shesat, Mary and Archangel Michael.

Includes a sound healing with Native American Flute player Lenore Wiand and myself singing.  Lenore’s album Ancient Spirits is available at iTunes or  Lenore uses the recording name of Aluna on this album.


1 Introduction
2 Confusion and Fear signal lack of grounding into body

3 Invoking Sacred Space
4 Polarity: we are both sides of the same coin
We are both Individuals existing within the skin of our body, as well as Beings capable of connecting into All That Is.

5 Meditation: What our energies feel like to us
What other energies feel like to us
6 How do your ovaries / testicles want to relate to your soul and the Earth?
7 Sound Healing: Gentle Remembrance
with Lenore Wiand, Native American Flute
8 Navel Chakra Empowerment

9 Releasing Sacred Space

10  Gaia and Earth and Us
We are all changing, and so we must remember to listen to each other in order to dance together easily

11 For more information

This meditation is offered free of charge, but donations are always welcome.
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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:23am EDT

Meditations exploring where “home” is within your body, how to get there and how to remain there.

1. Introduction
2 Invocation of Sacred Space

3 How Energies that are not ours show themselves to us
Creating clearer and stronger communication with your Guides and Angels.   The quality of connection we have with our guides depends largely on our ability to understand when energetic consciousnesses, such as guides and angles, are telling us to let them go, or let them change and update their connection to us.

4. Home is in your Navel
As we learn that there is a quiet still-point which already resides within us, the quality of spirit which imbues this silence moves out to our external world. 

5.  Meditation for Ease in 2nd Chakra
It isn’t just about sex.  Our 2nd chakra helps to determine the quality of our life.  The ease we have interacting with the world might be simple and uneventful, or each day might feel like we are bracing ourselves against the torments of daily life.  In most cases our soul wants our body to have an easy and joyous experience of daily living. 

The polarities of this reality are more deeply held in the lower chakras then in the upper chakras. Early non-verbal cues that often teach us racism and sexism lie in the 2nd chakra.  So too the belief that we are not ‘good enough’ or that we don’t have the right to exist, or permission to be happy have their roots within the 2nd chakra.

Early non-verbal cues that often teach us racism and sexism lie in the 2nd chakra.  So too the belief that we are not ‘good enough’ or that we don’t have the right to exist, or permission to be happy have their roots within the 2nd chakra.

6 Meditation for Soul/Body Gender Expression in 2nd Chakra
Beginning to explore how your soul expresses both its male and female gender through your physical body.

7 Revealing the Grounding that is Natural for Your Body
Through your feet, your 1st chakra and every cell of your body there are innate connections to those energies that your body knows how to use to nourish itself. Judging our body keeps our body from grounding itself because it keeps us contracted away from these nourishing energies.

8 Replenish – from Norma’s album “Songs of Spirit”

9  Deeply Resting into Home
Home is the expression of the soul through the body in an unfettered manner.

10 Releasing Sacred Space
11 Questions / Responses from Phone Meditation
  Total Time: 1:18

Donations Welcome  
Norma's Meditation Music

Direct download: ComingHome.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:51am EDT


How Acts and Actions of Chaos Lead Us to Our Spiritual Purpose

I have never thought of springtime as a time of inner or outer death.  But this year, at least for me, it has been a journey through chaos into an ever deepening stillness within.

I suspect that I am not the only one who has been called, over and over again, to be present with extremes of grief and joy in these past weeks and months. Or to hold in loving compassion those who are undergoing severe and drastic life changes.  Each time I think to myself “this has to be the last change, the last huge political uprising, the last death, the last flood or earthquake or tornado.”  But it hasn’t been.

World events have had no rest.  Ever vigilant, news channels report uprising after uprising in the Middle East and elsewhere.  The Earth seems to heave her crust beneath modern cities while unending torrents of water flow into towns and farmland.  If there is no inner personal crisis to attend to there is always an external one.

Celebrating life is associated with springtime. Especially here in the northern climate of the US it is clear that the land is verdant once again.  What was hidden, in terms of the life force of Nature, is now clearly visible as lush green fields (and lawns) host brilliantly colorful flowers.

As I look out into my wonderful blooming garden, I wonder, does this obvious beauty mean it is over?  Has the repeated cycle of being called to be present for death and illness and the world’s political changes ended now that spring has past and summer is nearly upon us?  Or perhaps, because I am human, that very human part of me asks Spirit if there can be an intermission, a pause, between the incessant acts of human violence and Nature’s ever increasingly dramatic storms?

Probably not.  Because with each external change, we are called to reassess who we are, and how we want to express ourselves as Spiritual Beings into our ever shifting world. Living in a constant state of overwhelm is becoming an acceptable permanent condition for many people that I see in healing sessions nowadays. Consider, even a few years ago, would you be doing all that you are doing now in a normal day? 

With each act of external change we are being called into a state of being that exists only when we are silently and firmly living from that place of “home” within our body.  Within this place there is usually no sense of rushing urgency, and no sense of being pushed or pulled by outer events.  This is the spiritual and energetic antidote to overwhelm.

As the cycles of change move, they create an opportunistic chaos.  Within this chaos are all the parts and pieces we need to create an entirely new world. I wonder if our ability to be present deep within our bodies isn’t a part of creating a deepening sense of “home” for ourselves that over time might resonate to others in our world.   

I know from deep within my own “home” in my body that the continuing cycles of violence, whether from Nature or Humanity, are opportunities to let go of what we cannot carry through our personal spiritual and physical storms.  Deciding what we treasure helps us recognize who we are now.  We are then free to release into the chaos of the storms that encircle us those things, including relationships with others, that are no longer a part of our soul’s journey.

Trying to do it all, or carry it all, or care for everything that is moving into a chaotic state leads to overwhelm.  Find that still center point within yourself that is home.  Here you already are.
If you would like to explore this further, please join me on Wednesday,                   June 15 at 9pm EDT (New York City time) for a free Phone Meditation. The focus of this meditation is an exploration of where “home” is within your physical body, how to get there and how to remain there.  
This hour will includes a series of silent and spoken meditations from my guides Atamira (a Hathor), Mary and Archangel Michael. Plan on finding a quiet space where you can lie down and be deeply at rest and undisturbed for the                   duration of the meditation. This will be recorded and posted as a free                   podcast or at-cost CD.  at and on iTunes under podasts.

Some Additional Thoughts

Of the many observations I and others have made about the past few months, here are three ideas that my guides shared with me which may be useful to consider.  I do not believe that any one person, no matter how spiritually or psychically gifted, knows all and sees all.  I offer these ideas merely as possible ways of framing for our human minds what is happening in dimensional realms that is far beyond the comprehension of our human minds. Even though we like to think we can know it all!


Shredding Yourself into Multiple Realities

As you read this don’t try to make it make sense immediately.  This metaphor for what is happening to us comes from Thoth.  He suggests that you simply let the energies behind the words “play” with you as you go through your day and they will integrate into your subconscious during dreamstate.  In a few days you may notice that somehow you experience what is happening in our world differently.  And so your choices and behaviors also change.

If it was possible to put all of what you define yourself as being and doing (a mother, a teacher, a healer…) into a container, mix it well, and then shred each role and definition of yourself into the tiniest fragment, you would see all of who you are accumulated into one big pile. But the pieces that make up each of your roles in life would no longer be connected, one to another. 

We are pulling apart each aspect of who we are.  Each role that we play, (mother, daughter, good friend) or thing that we do (teach, heal, work, drive a carpool) is being shredded into its tiniest portion.  And these portions are being mixed together.  Their relationship to other portions of what we do in that same job or role in our life is not clear. Sort of like finely shredded cabbage in cole slaw before you add the dressing. All the parts of who we are still exist, but they are not connected.  There is no spiritual equivalent of mayonnaise or vinegar to bind the various pieces together.

This began last winter. In late January of 2011 up until early May we began experiencing ourselves in multiple realities.  That is a fancy way of saying that decisions we make in one moment are remade in the next moment due to quickly changing external circumstances.  Many people are experiencing a type of “sea-sickness” when their physical body is not fully engaged with and stable in one reality.  In the western culture we have seldom focused on feeling our navel chakra.  And yet it is within this chakra that our unique tone or energy signature lies that tells our soul where its home is. 

Again, this feeling of “home” being within the body.


Choosing One Reality (and living in it)

For years I and others have mentioned that the changes we make here in the third dimension move out to other dimensions.  Naturally, changes that are made in other dimensions affect us here as well.  Not all the changes or choices we make in our lives are reflected in the other dimensions.  Some choices are, and some are not, at least not in this one single reality in which our physical body lives right now. 

My guides suggest that our physical bodies are designed to exist in only one reality at a time. We shift realities as we change our minds and make new choices.  When we do not commit entirely to a new choice we straddle realities, becoming ungrounded, fuzzy, and unable to function well.  The solution is to commit to a choice, following through with whatever that would mean in daily life, and allow your body to ground into that choice and the resulting reality.  Later on if you decide to choose differently, you can.  But first you must feel in your body the results of your choice.

Our Galactic Tennis Game

Recently the consciousness of our planet as arisen to the point where we are now receiving back from other dimensions the equivalent of energetic “tennis balls” that we launched out hundreds of years ago.  When our planet began to awaken, hundreds or perhaps thousands of years ago, our actions began to quietly be whispered to the dimensions above and below us.  As our awakening increased, so did the volume of our actions increase within the other dimensions.  Our actions became more and more audible to all the other dimensions.

And as those beings of consciousness that reside in other dimensions listened, they began to respond to our activity.  It is their response to our choices that is now being felt by us.  Each of Humanity’s choices moved not just through our own lives, but also out into other dimensions.  Those beings of consciousness in other dimensions are now sending back to us tides of energies that reflect the changes they have made, based on our initial choices.  

Think of it as a huge Galatic tennis game between friends.  No winners will be announced.  As anyone of us chooses to do something differently, the energy of our choice is broadcast to beings in other dimensions ,who may then also choose to do something differently.  And they let us know the changes they have made, so that we can respond to their choices with additional changes on our part.

Does that mean that every choice any human has ever made is being echoed back to us now?  No.

As with an overly chatty friend, much of our energetic activity was ignored by the other dimensions.  Or perhaps we have moved so quickly through various realities that we are no longer aware of the repercussions of our actions upon realities we left long ago.

Starting in the fall of 2010 and intensifying into the Spring of 2011 more and more of our choices and activities are being heard and responded to by beings of consciousness in other dimensions.  Which means that the changes they make as a result of our choices echo back to us in our lives and in our larger world.  It is a tennis game across dimensions and time.

Which brings me to the topic of time speeding up and events happening in a non-stop mode.  This is one result of our new inter-dimensional energetic tennis game.  It is also a reflection of how quickly we are moving through realities.  With each choice a new reality emerges, and we step into it. And while my human self longs for a summer break from all of the change, I know that will not happen. 

As we head into June with three eclipses and a number of notable astrological events, I can’t help but think that we are all headed for a “new normal”.  Slow days used to mean a day of reflection and meditation with a few small items to do on my agenda.  Now, at least for me, those times of quiet are less frequent and more cherished.  And yet I find that deepening sense of home is carried within me at all times.

My blessings to each of you,


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