NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Norma is a professional singer (music at iTunes, or who is also a natural intuitive healer and channel for Archangel Michael, Mary and Hathors. This is a series of Meditations and Teachings from Norma and her guides, Mary, Archangel Michael, and the Hathor Atamira. They speak and sing through her on Sound, Healing, Energy Awareness and our ability as humans to be channels for Spirit. Blog-Newsletter - podcasts of spoken teachings - healing music CDs – Concerts – Workshops

Meditations exploring where “home” is within your body, how to get there and how to remain there.

1. Introduction
2 Invocation of Sacred Space

3 How Energies that are not ours show themselves to us
Creating clearer and stronger communication with your Guides and Angels.   The quality of connection we have with our guides depends largely on our ability to understand when energetic consciousnesses, such as guides and angles, are telling us to let them go, or let them change and update their connection to us.

4. Home is in your Navel
As we learn that there is a quiet still-point which already resides within us, the quality of spirit which imbues this silence moves out to our external world. 

5.  Meditation for Ease in 2nd Chakra
It isn’t just about sex.  Our 2nd chakra helps to determine the quality of our life.  The ease we have interacting with the world might be simple and uneventful, or each day might feel like we are bracing ourselves against the torments of daily life.  In most cases our soul wants our body to have an easy and joyous experience of daily living. 

The polarities of this reality are more deeply held in the lower chakras then in the upper chakras. Early non-verbal cues that often teach us racism and sexism lie in the 2nd chakra.  So too the belief that we are not ‘good enough’ or that we don’t have the right to exist, or permission to be happy have their roots within the 2nd chakra.

Early non-verbal cues that often teach us racism and sexism lie in the 2nd chakra.  So too the belief that we are not ‘good enough’ or that we don’t have the right to exist, or permission to be happy have their roots within the 2nd chakra.

6 Meditation for Soul/Body Gender Expression in 2nd Chakra
Beginning to explore how your soul expresses both its male and female gender through your physical body.

7 Revealing the Grounding that is Natural for Your Body
Through your feet, your 1st chakra and every cell of your body there are innate connections to those energies that your body knows how to use to nourish itself. Judging our body keeps our body from grounding itself because it keeps us contracted away from these nourishing energies.

8 Replenish – from Norma’s album “Songs of Spirit”

9  Deeply Resting into Home
Home is the expression of the soul through the body in an unfettered manner.

10 Releasing Sacred Space
11 Questions / Responses from Phone Meditation
  Total Time: 1:18

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Norma's Meditation Music

Direct download: ComingHome.mp3
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